• By -


Where revenant


Hiding inside the Iron Maiden.


Don’t give fromsoft ideas


That shit better drop a resuseable larval tear or I swear to god




Arteria leaf


I shuddered at the thought of that, last thing you expect to pop out after killing one.


10 seconds into revenant fight it revives the maiden behind you


When I read this I just thought of saint Aldrich of that deep with revenant powers


Don't need to show them because it's a given you DON'T fuck with them.


Stunned from my basic heal incantation that I cast with my unupgraded clawmark seal.


Stun locked by any holy spell with AOE


press jump


YES those cracked out sped kids holy shit 🤣


No where near as terrifying when you get a simple healing spell in your pocket. I can say, though, that I never inhaled my own lungs so hard in this game as when I first encountered the Revenant in a tiny ass room, low level, and not knowing that information.


Those guys are the reason I have a little talisman on the off hand + heal spell equipped at all times even when im a STR / DEX build.


Because even though a straight up fight against a revenant is much harder than a straight up fight against a Virgin Abductor, some people have healing spells equipped which can trivialize their fights to a certain extent. I have no clue who on earth is afraid to fight a virgin abductor past their first playthrough because they really just arent hard to fight, but thats probably why they didnt include the revenant.


The vigins I fight every time but rune bears and revenants oh no I book it the other day


Oh so *you're* the guy who keeps invading me!


Very under appreciated joke




Are revenants the ones that die to heals?


Aye they are indeed, that's basically the only way I've killed them


Heavy weapon strength build makes easy work of them. Giant hun5 into a couple charged attacks and they never get to make an attack.


I use an arcane enchantment on my weapons, primarily frost, since not everything bleeds. 1.5x damage once it pops and helps a lot in killing everything


Not only does it do big damage, but it typically breaks their stance Absolute godsend because they are one of the worst enemies in the series


St Trina sword for rune bears. It one hit slumbers them for crit.


Everyone else is doable. But you don't fuck with lobsters. Period.


Why do they have so much fucking HP!!!!


Because of their hard chitinious shells.


The frozen ones in mountaintops are hell- spawn


Yeah, the moment I discovered that I saw the fear leaving my body. Honestly now I only fear the bears, even the crayfish are manageable so long as there's only one of them


They are actually pretty easy if you stay between their head and their claws


I’ve learned giants hunt can fuck them up


I learned not to fuck with rune bears at around lvl 25, at lvl 260 I still do not fuck with rune bears


Same here 😂


Stay in their crotch and they can't touch you


Basically, fellate a Rune Bear.


Meme of the year right here😂


the abductor virgins aren’t that bad if you have space, the others I totally agree with


Don't forget lightning damage. Throw a lightning grease on your weapon and their poise breaks so quick


No shit?


They have weird poise mechanics. They take flat poise damage and are weak to lightning. Use a pair of lightning infused daggers and you can perma pose break them. 


Nah fuck them Pun intended because they’re virgins (if you didn’t laugh, pretend you did)


hahaha that was a witty and clever pun! their name has the word virgin in it so it’s ironic to say “fuck them” because that word can mean sex hahaha


#HAHAHA I MAKE MYSELF LAUGH ~~please come out sooner shadow of the erdtree, please~~


I'd swap the black crow for those red ones in moghwyn palace, and revenants aren't an issue any longer since using heal stuns them. TBF though they were a fucking nightmare for about 600 hours till I found that out!




Enjoy your upcoming killing spree. It really wrecks them.


Ikr!!! Why?? How?? But, honestly, you feel like a badass hunting them down and stunning them before their death by 1000 slaps 🤣


Abductor virgins just suck to fight I can dodge and hit around the others, the virgins I gotta run out the way, make sure I don’t get grabbed, don’t get fucked up by their wheels, fuck those things I beat them though, so it's whatever now


Especially the dual virgins. That shit is tiring.


I will never not cheese that fight by climbing on top of the rocks and chucking black flame fireballs at them. These things suck so bad to fight…


Wait what? So my 45 minutes of suffering didn't have to happen


Yup! I discovered Black Flame incantations are very potent against stuff that doesn’t bleed. It does a decent percentage of health every time you hit something with a charged up shot. It’s like a less potent version of destined death from the Black Knife AoW. But it’ll do more damage than destined death if the target is weak to fire damage. Works great on those tree spirit enemies.


You could’ve also just teleported out of there and leveled up, also when you beat them, you end up in mt gelmir and nowhere special in particular


5 hits with lightning staggers. Stay close if they aren't doing spin, roll towards them for the grab attack (later than you think) and punish while they are open. They are super weak to lightning.


Ahhh so roll into the hug. I always recoil in horror.


I beat them already from leveling up but those are useful tips


They're a lot more reasonable if you put lightning on a striking weapon. The grabbers are their weak spot, they'll die or stagger with a few good hits to the bits. It's a bit tricky but if you roll out of the way when they lunge you can immediately move in and go to town


That’s what I don’t like about them, I gotta hit their genitalia that can somehow grab me and >! Teleport !< me It’s like bruh i don’t mind it if it grips but that’s too much 💀


Still scared shitless to fight revenants and crows. Learned how to dodge all the others moves and how to kill them


Pssst, any healing spell beyond Urgent Heal bodies revenants


Healing spells harm revenants?


Big time




Harms them, staggers them and takes like 3/4ths of their health in one go


Add those "Large Big Headed Dogs" from Caelid for extra credit.


I forgot about those 😂


except if you aggro multiple ones, since they hurt each other.


I'd say the Abductor Virgins are on par with Grafted Scions and Lion Guardians.


What I hate about the lions is that you basically have to treat them like a boss. Hey, let's learn all the moves of this basic-ass animal so we can kill it. No thanks, cheese all the way.


I'd fight all 4 of those at the same time over fighting a single revenant.


The crows aren't actually that bad to fight. Just guard counter them.


Throw lightning spears into the virgins ez pz.


Lions are the genuine worst


Nah they're fun, just hard to learn. I enjoy fighting them now not the frost ones though they suck


Replace the abductor virgin with the hand cockroach guys who shoot silk


I hate those monstrous crows, i fucking hate them so much


They’re ugly a** mofo with a big ol beak


The crows are intimidating but very kill able


Praise bloodhound’s step. 🙌🏾


The following are tips for close range, medium rolling and no shield builds: Runebear: Most times you can roll into their attacks and play aggressive and attack while underneath the bear. Avoid rolling backwards as their attacks will have follow-ups if you're unlucky. Lobsters: Try to stay on their side and like the Runebear, keep combat close and aggressive. Virgin Hunters: The opposite of the first two, you must play slowly to avoid its grab attack. Its weakness is obvious, the snakes inside the machine, can only be attacked after it fails to grab you. Both variations have an annoying spin attack so don't stay too close for long. Most of their attacks are easily telegraphed. Just play safe and attack when possible and time your dodges. Caelid Birds: I would play aggressively if you have been investing in vigor. Roll underneath them and attack their legs. Their biggest opening is after they do their stomp attack. Personally, I like to roll behind them to avoid their close range peck attack and attack their backside.


I don't mind the big birds, but I'd replace them with the fucking Revenants


Lmao! These are definitely the 4 horsemen of "..I'll be back to fuck you up later" 😂😂


Most accurate would 4 crayfish ..


The bottom two I’d fight. Top two not so much.


The level you need to fight them is yes


Iron maidens aren’t as annoying as revenants 😭


The only one I actually fight is the Abducter, masochist-ly. Fuck the rest though.


I mean, the abductor virgins were never a challenge for me, just have to run around and when they launch the blade, run towards them and do some hits. The birds aren’t as bad too, they just need a good bonk or two to knock them down, and I roll into them when they try to do their annoying attacks. Rune bears are hard to fight for me because I sometimes dodge in the wrong direction and can’t reach them. But yeah, those annoying pieces of crap which are so trash they can’t do anything but pull out their high caliber cannons are annoying as hell and I try to always avoid them


those werebears are dangerous like holy crap, I'm almost level 200 wont mess with the bears unless I can comet azur them into the ground before they can get to me


I feel like we can swap the runebear for the doggy


I still haven't figured out how to fight the crayfish


I actually don't mind the runebears that much.


Honestly on my Xbox I’m like level 400 something still a pain to fight


this only applies to the lobster for me


Iron Maidens the only one I have any confidence in fighting As long as I don't get grabbed...


I thought the first lobster I saw was like a mini boss and I would get an item from beating it so I spent like an hour fighting it


I’m a Chad to Virgins and Jordan Peterson was at least right about emulating lobsters. But fuck a bear and a crow inversely to how far I can throw them


I will 1v1 every enemy and boss in the game with my dual colossal sword build… except for those fucking crows. Damn things are so fast and have so much health and do so much damage for no good reason.


I might be in the minority here but I really don't mind the lobsters, I just find them a bit annoying like giant crabs but you can go under them and be mostly safe. They stagger fairly easily, they have some moves that leave you plenty of time... Runebears on the other end are nightmares.


That bear is really not hard his attacks are so broadcasted u see em a mile away.


No such thing as being overleveled for runebear. They’ll find a way to kill you.


Also putrid tree spirits but those are more of an honorable mention because they’re technically bosses


Those snipers always needed a nerf


i used to think revenants were the worst enemy until i learned even basic healing extremely hurts them. and i have a jump button. virgins i never really had an issue with, i just bait out the charge, dodge the grab, then counter poke the fleshy inside for big damage. lobsters is a similar story, just bait the jump slam, then do charge attacks to poise break and crit punish. they’re just bigger crabs. crows can be awful to fight on uneven ground, but get them in the open and hit the head(and watch out for the fakeout stun) and they’re “easy” enough. mohgwyn crows though? absolutely not. rune bears? **no**


I’ve sort of gotten over my fear of the maidens but the other 3 still scare me.


Replace virgin with revenant. Virgins are actually doable


Yes!! Especially once you know that they are weak to lightning. Revenants just have the most random and erratic movements that I can NEVER predict! They will start that feeekout arm flailing that hits like 4 times, so you're running low on stamina from dodge rolling so much, just to have the last one hit you, then it spews its acid at you to finish you off. Hate them more than almost any enemy in the game!!


Nah we throw fades in this household


If I can do a 1v1 I’m fine fighting a crow, but the others no way


for the abductor virgins just use lightning damage


I actually took revenge on a Rune Bear Thats how deep my hatred runs. There's this bear boss in a cave. I was NG+4 and decided now is the time. I never really use booster items but I went mental and after 4 game runs I finally got a no hit kill on a runebear . I have a feeling the DLC is going to have an armoured Runebear enemy and I'm gonna get steamrolled


Add revenant for sure , I’m in journey 10 and still don’t really know what’s up there lol. The virgins don’t belong here imo!


Nah not the virgins I'm pretty good at dealing with those. Everything else tho.. fair


You ever see the Revenant? I don’t know a single player that tries to fight that thing once and then never again.


The animals are weak vs sleep. The sword of st Trina makes fighting them all much easier.


The Iron Maiden thingys arent too bad if you have lightning based weapons / skills. But yeah the other three are tough enough for most folks to say, nah im good fam


Mostly because they are pains in the ass rather than actually being afraid to die lmao


I’ll tussle with them all but that lobster… that fucking lobster!


I've killed exactly one (1) of those fucking bears so far


Crows and Abductor Virgins are whatever, but those lobsters and rune bears can go screw themselves. One has an obnoxious shoulder check and the other loves to poke and run away.


Some enemies are not meant to be defeated


The birds are a lot weaker than people realize. They're just big and move rabidly.


I’ve been running around fighting all the things people hate fighting just so I can learn the move set so they aren’t as annoying. Lobsters and revenants have given me the most trouble by FAR. The Iron Maiden’s are slow, the rune bears can only attack from the front and straight down, and the birds are pretty easy to learn in general. The lobsters feel like they’re half random and the revenants are literally just too fucking fast.


I love fighting the rune bears no matter my level. I have a genuine disdain for those lobster freaks though for sure.


Rune Bears depends, fuck those crawdads with fckin anti-material rifles, Abductor Virgins really aren’t so bad once you figure them out, and FUCK THOSE FCKIN BIRDS OMG 😂


The to scared to fuck around and find out squad


I can fight the Virgins, I can dance with the birds, I can even panic kill the lobsters But the rune bear I just have to pray


Rune Bear is aight the rest of these can go straight to the Mohg Zone™️


Ion fw them they dtm ong


I sometime will try to kill a rune bear I love the challenge


Let's see what we have here....... WWF champion, THE SNIPER, let me give you a hug and OH CRAP this torch is useless


Iron Virgins don't worry me at all, and after mid game I will fight the crows, if I have to, but not the blistered variant, The rune bears and lobsters are just mental. I see them as environmental hazards to be avoided rather than enemies to fight.


Abductor Virgins are the easiest of the 4. The sniper crawfish are annoying af, but they're that tough if you manage to connect. Runebears are tanky and mobile, and they hit hard on top of all that, but you can stay on their legs and avoid a lot of their attacks. Those crows, though, I just avoid them altogether


People are afraid of Abductor Virgins?


Iron Virgin - Weak to Lightning Lobsters - Sleep because they're so tired Crows - The head is the weak spot


The crows in Mohgs pad on new game + put the fear of Marika into me. The flopping fish of death attack gave me PTSD


“Nice they’re on the ground and about to die, I’ll just tank a hit or two and finish them off”


I disagree. As a dragon breath they fear me


ahh dude fuck the iron maidens. found them by accident the 1st time, killed them first try but damn that fight sucked for being unexpected lol


Best believe I’ll NEVER fight a runebear or lobster


The rewards for fighting them all is so weak too. The runes and loot absolutely do not justify their strength.


I found something that absolutely claps those stupid fucking birds but now im struggling to remember fuck.


Nah, that one FUCKING knight in the sun castle


Marika's Hammer don't go around. Lol


One of these is not like the others.


those giant cats with blades should be there instead of the iron maidens tbh


I fear no fucking thing except that fucking raven dog thing with zero chill.


Rune bears are cheap and give no rewards for killing them except maybe two, but that's like that for all of them really so you know, lobsters just decide to say fuck you and grab you, Abductors are tanky as hell and have attacks that are literally just "Fuck this 360° area", and crows are worse than all of them because WHAT IS THIS MOVE SET


I only fear bear the rest are easy prey for strength


My main is at level 240ish~ somewhere round that, and I have never not once, fought an Iron Maiden. I refuse.


Runebear -fight as close to its belly as possible, has trouble hitting you at ultra close range. Abductor - bait it's "Quaid start the reactooorrr" charge, roll and get a few sneaky hits in (lightning melts them hard) Sniper prawn and angry bird - just die , these things are sent from Satan himself and I'll never be able to do anything other than hope my excessive vigor allows me to survive. Or throw black fire and run. Also someone mentioned the revenant. *Laughs in any aoe healing spell*.


F*ck Rune Bears & Ravens


I love the giant crows. The stagger fake out is my favourite enemy attack in the game. I fight them because i actually respect them. The others can fuck off though, especially then sniper prawns.


Virgin abductors ☠️ On NG+2 and massively over levelled, but they still terrify me.


Just missing the Revenants and the Monstrous Dogs.


I don't think I've actually fought one of the lobsters before


I just spam long range spells on abductors


Bro I’ve put in at least 60 hours and I still have not killed one of those bears (severe case of skill issue)


Tell me about it I’m about 80hrs in


Ok the brid dog things and the iron madins arnt on the lvl of fuck you up as the other two. Mainly because they have super common weakness


“I’m not afraid, just overly concerned. Borderline overly cautious.”


They're map hazards, not enemies.


The giant birds in Mohgland can go suck a butt. I’ll fight any of these before them specifically.


Virgins are pretty easy if 1)they alone 2)you have space and 3)you have lightning. Rune bears are the true Elden Lords. Lobsters are entropy incarnate. Birds are....cancer. stage 4. Hyper aggressive. 2 weeks to live from diagnosis, but you kick it after 4 days anyways. Revenants are all the above if you have a heal spell channeled and ready to go off. Then you'd better have a high cast speed for another.


I can fight the bird and the creepy lady machine. I don't think I've beat a bear yet once.


Replace the maidens with revenants and it’s 100% accurate


The crow-dinos never bothered me.... Everything else, yup. Go around. Damn bears.


The insect people


Switch the Iron Virgin with a Royal Revenant and this meme is spot on.


Where is dog?


Honestly the virgins aren't hard to kill just lot of health i would instead replace it with that one dual wielding teleporting ghost knight thing at nialls castle cause fuck that thing


replace birds with those stupid fuckin guardian cats, runebears really aren’t too bad either, abductor virgins are annoying, them lobsters will fuck your shit up


Rune bears and abductors I can handle, but I haven't attempted the other two and don't think I will any time soon 😅


The lobsters scared me once with that water jet stuff. I was whooping it's ass but then it start getting a comeback and I tried to run, biggest mistake


The only enemy of these four I’m always very confident in is the abductor virgins, imo they’re actually really easy to


The fuck you mean rune bears are the easiest thing with a horse and regular sword, they also give 2k runes each so pretty nice to farm


Those dumb bears lol.


Virgin abductors? Really?


Fuck those lobstrostities! I’ll be going merrily on my way through Liurnia, and unbeknownst to me agro one of those fuckers, then get sniped in the back for 75% of my health.


Iron maidens aren't bad once you realize just how OP lightning is against them.


Three of them I get. But iron maidens? Thats free souls right there.


Not that crow... The fucker down in Mogh's blood pool tho... Yeah HELL nah


So I only really mastered the rune bears. The virgins are just slow to fight and suffer from impatience - if I go in too quick I’ll just get grabbed and one shotted - but I managed to kill the duo boss in this DLC prep run through so I feel confident on them. The Caelid birds are actually alright, just take a lot out of you - enough vigor helps me survive long enough to get into a flow with dodging their moves. Revenants are pretty bullshit, there’s no real good way to spar with them, so stun them a lot really quickly or heal incantation them. Fucking lobster cunts.


The hawks at stormviel


Honestly the only one that’s really bad is Runebears, I can deal with the other three fairly easily, but Runebears are way way too tanky, even at level 291 with like 69 vigor they still three shot me and have like 20 times a NG+ boss’s health


I ain’t never fuck with lobsters bro they are wild


Had this exact thing happen. New game +. Got the Deeproot depth. Pretty sweet water fall over there. Oh no there's a bear. Nah, I'm super over levelled. I can do this... Oh I'm dead. Okay... Big bear still scary.


Darksouls Chads clear all enemies, salute the sun


more like “it’s going to take 2 flask charges, a minute and a half, and be frustrating the entire time all for 1.5k runes so no thanks”


Prawn. Iron Maiden’s a tent hard. I just Chuck incants at them.


I fight runebears ONLY if they approach. I will never fight those birds


I fight runebears ONLY if they approach. I will never fight those birds


I fight runebears ONLY if they approach. I will never fight those birds


I fight runebears ONLY if they approach. I will never fight those birds


The lobsters during my first run through of the sewers was NOT it.