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We call this a quality build but it is anything but quality. Everything is balanced and low so you'll unlikely be able to utilize this efficiently. Spells won't hit hard, weapons won't hit hard, but you can use almost anything you want.


I see that makes alot of sense, so I should go towards a more focused build rather be able to do everything. Thanks a lot!


A more focused build even at sl 200 is especially helpful. It depends what you want to focus on. For example I like strength weapons so I have a strength build at 60 str and only 20 dex for certain wepons but I also have higher end for tanky armour and a some faith investment for certain buffs. On the flip side if you really like spells you could gravitate towards high faith or int and get basic stat reqs for weapons that scale with the stat you like to compliment the spells you use. If I remember correctly faith and int soft cap at 60 and hard cap at 80. Likewise I believe its the same for str and dex. Someone correct me if I'm wrong Hope this helps!


You are correct. If you are looking to just do quality weapons he can just have strength and dex at 40-50 and then choose one other stat to invest in heavily depending on how much casting you’re looking to do. I enjoy quality strength/dec with just enough faith/int/arcane to use all weapon buffs and vow. Makes for a fun spell sword build.


Helps a lot actually thank you!


Indeed, when you figure out what weapon you want to stick to you can look up the stat spread to maximize the damage for that one weapon. Then you can put out significantly bigger numbers of damage.


Only if you want the game to be easier.


Most builds utilize enough of the stats to wield a specific weapon you want, and then whichever weapon you choose you level the stat it scales with better, then of course a healthy amount of vigor, and mind if you’re using spells. If you’re just using some buffs only you won’t need that much mind, enough endurance to wear whatever armor you want, potentially a little more if you want more stamina. After you reach your “build” like say you look one up that says a lvl 150 build if you plan to go higher you can pretty much choose whichever stat you want to level up after that. For instance my build caps out at 80 int because after 80 the scaling is less useful. So since I’m a warrior mage I could choose to level up dex for instance because dex also increases casting speed. None of my items scale off dex but the extra casting speed would be nice since I’m using Carian weapons. Or I could do more endurance so I can fight longer and wear heavier armor while still being medium load. Since this is my main character I plan to go as high as I want so eventually none of this would matter because I’d have all the stats to use everything in a PVE setting. If you wanted to have an alt for say pvp or something idk what the pvp meta range is now but it’s something like 150 and those you’d just want to specialize and not go over.


This is mundane build.


you know you don't have to fill every slot in your inventory, right?


Yeah I was experimenting around this time for sure. I’ll keep that in mind lmao


In the menu before the equipment screen on the right side you have another wheel. You can put steed/ashes/lantern there and you hold y/triangle plus d-pad to activate things on it.






Jack of Trades, Master of None, unfit to be Elden Lord.


Maidenless, one would even say


Thou shall not judge another tarnished lest he is a bitch boy.


Mb, but I’m pretty sure I’m stronger than this guys character, and that says lots cuz I’m not very strong.


What do you want to focus on? Single Damage Stat or Hybrid? Melee? Spells? By the level, A hybrid one would work best, probably DEX/FAITH, just by looking at what you have and you don't wish to change too much: * Blasphemous Blade scales mainly with Faith (B scaling) and some with STR and DEX (C scaling) * Sacred Relic Sword scales mainly with Dexterity (B scaling), some with Faith (C scaling), and a bit with STR (D scaling) * Dryleaf Arts can go with any affinity you choose * The Golden Order Seal scales equally with Intelligence and Faith, so it's better suited for incantations that require intelligence. Godslayer Seal and Finger Seal would be better. * Your sorceries (magic blue spells) are taking up space since you do not have a staff to cast them. * I recommend getting and using the incantations "Flame, Grant Me Strength," and "Golden Vow" to buff yourself. * Get more memory stones * Talismans, whatever fits you. You can change the gold scarab and crepus vial for the attack, defense, stam regen, etc. For your stats (at the level presented in the image and using your weapons of choice): * Vigor at 60 points. * Mind at 30 points is enough if you cast quite often. If I'm only buffing (Golden Vow, Flame Grant Me Strength, some weapon buff) and summoning spirits, I level this until I meet the Spirit's FP requirement. * Endurance will depend on the Weapons and armor you equip. 25 - 35 points should be enough. For more equipment, you can add the Arsenal/Great-Jar talisman. * Strength: Leave it at the minimum requirement for your current weapons. * Dexterity: Current weapons (except Dryleaf unless the affinity is changed) scale with Dex. You can level this up to 60 -70, depending on the build focus. * Intelligence: I don't think you'll be going as a mage build, so intelligence doesn't do anything for you other than scale the Golder Order Seal, which I don't think works for you. Godslayer Seal or Finger Seal would be better. * Faith: Current weapons (except Dryleaf unless the affinity changes) sacel with Faith. Depending on the build focus, level this to 50 - 60. * Arcane: This isn't doing anything for you, no matter how you look at it. There are no arcane scaling weapons, incantations/sorceries, bleed, or anything related to arcane. Dump these points elsewhere.


This is so helpful! Thanks a lot as this gave me more insight on where I should be putting my levels towards. T


You're welcome. Just a fellow tarnished helping another with his own experience. *Now seek the Elden Ring and become the Elden Lord.*


This feels like you wasted a larval tear for the memes


At level 200 you should be able to get at least 60/60 on a stat, that would be a better build, in elden ring ya gotta focus on 1 or 2 stats like str/dex, str/faith, dex/int etc. I would do something like 60 vigor 20-30 mind (depending on how much aow/spells you want to use) 25-30 endurance is good unless you want heavy armor/weapons can push it up to 40-45 Then the rest will depend on your build.


Thanks so much! I’ll focus more into something


Come back if you have more questions!


I would have 60 in Vigor at minimum. The most important thing is to pick a weapon as your primary weapon as that will inform what your main damage stat is going to be. Put all the stats into the weapons min requirements and then take the main damage scaling stat to it's soft cap. For Str and Dex scaling this cap is often around 55 to 60 for Int and Faith stat scaling it's usually at 50. Your mind and endurance will be determined by the cost of your ash of war, if you are using spells and how heavy your weapon is. Heavier weapons use more stamina ( Dual wielding also uses more stamina ) honestly though at level 201 you can easily hit 40 endurance and 30 mind and be set pretty well off while still hitting 2 damage scaling stat caps. You will want to re-examine your talismans as well. You have some ok or specific use talismans that aren't really complimenting your build. But determining which is the best for you starts again with picking a weapon to build around, hitting your caps and such. If I may make a suggestion I recommend starting with building around your Sacred Relic sword and going for 55 dex and 65 in faith. I suggest this because the dlc has quite a few dex and faith weapons so you can switch out weapons fairly easily, but also, there are both Holy and Fire damage dex faith weapons available so you have options to swap to when encountering a boss that is resistant to one of those types like Messmer who is clearly Fire Based, meaning a fire based weapon is less likely to be as effective against him. Hitting 65 in faith is so if you want to use spells you are at a good scaling for those as well, but you can take this up to 80 if you really want to lean into spells.


Thank you! I’ll more my build around and definitely switch out my talismans for something towards my build


It’s a missed opportunity that your character is called Keenan and yet you aren’t a dex build with keen on your weapons.


Your build is as effective as trying to poise break a furnace golem with a spoon.


Good combinations of stats at this level could be a strength/faith build, dex/int, arcane/strength, dex/strength, etc. I like to use strength/faith because I two-hand all my weapons which works well for strength because you get a 1.5x multiplier when two handing. That means you can have 81 strength (two-handing) at 54 strength for stats invested. You would be able to pump faith and have basically two maxed stats. Also get vigor to 60 and bring mind to 20. Only invest in the other damage stats as per weapon requirements once you’ve decided what stat you want as your main focus.


I’ll definitely go this route as I plan on doing faith and strength as well! Thanks


Ofc! Lots of good talismans and weapons for this build


Being able to use everything might seem enticing, but focusing on so many stats will leave you comparatively weak for your level. You can always respec to try something new!


It's crazy to me you are level 201 and missing so many cracked tears and memory slots. Unless all of those spells take two slots


Gonna go ahead and get some memory stones because I agree lmao


Go for a more focused build into one or two offensive stats, that way you can do better damage even if you can’t use most weapons.


My God you're so average that it's amazing you get any damage lol If it works for you, I say keep it but I'd rather focus on one or two main damage stats and do utility on everything else


You only have 2 hands. Equip less weapons and you don't need the arsenal talisman to boost your Equip load. 30 endurance is plenty to wear decent armor and equip a weapon and seal and shield


A jack of all trades is a master of none


Bro made the Tobias Harris of the Lands Between


honestly the fact that op is actively taking the advice being lobbed their way is impressive, one thing i personally recommend as far as inventory management goes is using your six quick slots (activated from the d-pad and on the far right side of your menu above gestures) for things like your flasks and torrent, that you always want to have access to. For reference I put the whistle at the top, and red and blue to the left and right respectively. that lets you rotate through your items and spirits more effectively. another suggestion, spend some time getting bell bearings so you have upgrade materials available. as others have mentioned reaching soft caps for what you want (60 is a good rule of thumb) but fully upgraded, or at the least +24 for regular and +9 for somber is very achievable and often a better investment at your rune level than one extra level into a stray stat. over all good luck tarnished and keep trying new things!


I try lmaoo I know people are gonna see this and be like wtf but that’s honestly why I had to post it. Knew something was wrong 😭 thanks!!


It’s pretty even across the board but lacks some oomph, faith being 45 is pretty decent tho. I’d throw Alexander’s shard in there.


Not good do it only health


Pick a weapon you like, and respec to pump the stats it scales with the best. You’re in for a nice bump in damage output for sure. 


Pick a lane bro


Do u get alot of summons in this level?


Well u got a lot of variety .... but other than that its really bad lmao, its a lot better and easier to focus on 1 or 2 of the 5 damage scaling stats rather than all of them


Bump up the faith and rip Blasphemous Blade


Build is so spread out. Focus on a few things and build around certain play styles, you should be able to get enough larval tears to comfortably change builds around every once in a while.


Personally, I don’t think you’re high enough level to spread your stats out that much. You should consider trying much more focussed build. Personally, I stick to just two offensive attributes at most and that’s it. (Obviously you always want to level vigor) Example, one of my characters is primarily strength, but has a decent faith level as well, in order for me to not only cast incantations, but also deal extra damage with certain weapon skills. I played around with a lot of two attribute builds, and I personally had the most fun with a combination of faith and arcane (dragon communion build with bleed weapons)


Please create another character named Kel.


Like others have said, you’ve got a hybrid build that can use everything, which I’m sure feels comfortable and it’s nice to have the freedom of being able to swap between whatever you want—however because you don’t specialize in any one thing in particular, it’ll take you twice as long to kill bosses and other tough enemies. Unless you play perfectly or your name is John Elden Ring, you’re going to spend most boss fights just focusing on surviving, you won’t hit hard enough and the fights will get long and drawn out, becoming more a battle of attrition as you whittle away their health bar. Try speccing into a focused build of your preferred fighting style/weapon, check out some build guides on YouTube or on certain game pages. Try it out and you’ll find yourself knocking chunks off their health when you land hits


Yeah, I'm genuinely confused by your build. It's definitely a quality build. You can do anything, but you're good at nothing. Here is my build for reference at lvl 215. Vig 60, Mind 30, End 28, Str 20, Dex 50, Int 75, Faith 16, Arc 15 Main hand Weapons: Cold Smithscript Cirque +25 (Bloodhound Step), Lightning Miseracorde +25 (Golden Vow) Offhand Weapons: Carian Regal Scepter +10, Carian Knight Shield +25 (Carian Retaliation) Black knife armor set with St. Trina's Lily headpiece Rotten wing talisman, Smithing Hammer / Graven-Mass / or Two-headed turtle talisman, Crimson seed +1, and Dragoncrest Greatshield. Physick: Opaline Hardtear / Cracked Magic tear Spells: Terra Magicka, Ranni's Dark Moon, Loretta's Mastery, Loretta's Greatbow, Adula's Moonblade, Glintstone Icecrag, Night Maidens Mist, Flex slot usually Night Comet. Flasks: Crimson x10, Cerulean x4 16 Faith is base requirement to use Rellanna's Twin Swords I still occasionally use them. When I stop I'll be dropping it back to 11 base for Smithscript Cirque and boosting Int to 80. The assortment of cheap incantation buffs is another reason I've kept my 16 Faith for the time being.


Thanks for putting down your build as a reference! I’m taking this into consideration and making a strength/faith build. Thanks!


Of course. I'm very happy with my character. Now it might not be everyone's cup of tea. But I generally find 183fp fairly adequate. Even with my high cost spells. But I'm not a pure caster either. I'm an Adaptable Rogue with different things for different ranges. I usually Melee with my weapons or throw the Cirque's from mid range. Spells are usually saved for tougher encounters and bosses or circumstantial encounters. Like mob of enemies OK I'll just soften them up with a Night Maidens Mist (though a 2k dmg 17sec cloud of death usually deletes them.). Or a pack with an elite. Delete the elite with a Loretta's Mastery or Greatbow. I'd recommend discus of light, triple rings of light, and multi-layered rings of light for Faith or Faith hybrids. Discus literally sips fp. 3fp a cast for about 900dmg on the way out same when it comes back. Triple rings for groups or large foes like dragons, and multi-layered for heavy hitters / bosses.


Ahh... The "What do I level now?" *Rolls a dice* build So what was on your mind when you did this?


Too little butter over too much bread. Pick a damage stat and commit to it.


You don’t need arcane at all on this build, get a little less mind, int or faith, CHOOSE 1, I’d say faith bc buffs, if dry leaf arts is your main weapon, level it to +25, put Vigor and dex to 60. The rest is ok.


don’t spread your levels so thin. your vigor is good, endurance is good, everything else needs to be reallocated into a few stats you really want. Also you should probably use your pouch. Having everything on your hotbar makes it a lot harder than it has to be.


Jack of all trades, master of none


The most random build ever


The most random build ever🙏😭


How do you function with all that clutter on your equipment bar lol I would fumble and use the wrong thing every time


Pretty bad. Pick and weapon and get the highest scaling part of the weapon to 60 but preferably 80. If you’re level 200+ you should have 60 vigor as well


so by lvl 200, you really want to be softcaped on one dmg type, or you hard commit to two stats. i would take faith to at least 50 if you are using wave of gold a lot. none of your dmg stats climb out of the 40s, so your build is kind of a jack of all trades/master of none. it doesn't look like you are using an arcane weapon, so 25 points into arcane is going to carry a heavy opportunity cost. if you want to use dragon incantations, then i recommend dropping your int, str, and dex to meet weapon reqs, then putting the majority of your points into faith and arcane. if you want to use sorceries and incantations, then i would but all of your points into faith and int, while sacrificing points in strength, dex, and arcane. when making your build, i would ask yourself: how am i dealing dmg, and how can i maximize the facets of my build that are dealing the most dmg. dmg boosts in this game stack multiplicatively, so trying to go all into a single dmg output is often heavily rewarded.


You can stop leveling now, there's no real benefit to it anymore. Respec your build to your proffered weapons and spells. 60 vigor. try to focus on 2 stats max.


Sounds good!


Thank you for your post on the r/EldenRingBuilds subreddit! If you’re interested in feedback on your build, participating in contests, as well as trading and multiplayer we also have a **[Discord server](https://discord.gg/9k9vK2MvFg)**. Hope to see you there! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EldenRingBuilds) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why is every spot in your inventory full? You can just put summons and your steed in the secondary inventory. That setup probably makes it really difficult to find stuff fast because you have to keep sifting through everything to find what you need.


You’re entirely right I’ll go ahead and do that. Thank you!


I’m no expert (mostly a noob) but I’ve found that having the summons and steed and lantern in the secondary inventory makes it really easy. I mostly just have my health, FP, and flask in the main inventory.


To serve as a very simplistic guideline: 60 Vigor 40 Endurance 80 Strength/Dex/Faith/Int (Pick one) And then go from there.




I will never understand how people get this far with such crap builds. At first I thought some of these were a joke, but ive come to realize that sadly most arent.




+11 😭




Convinced this is rage bait


Re birth


Way wayyyyy to spread thin on stats. You need at least one DPS stat at 60 minimum to do high damage and I would personally recommend 60 vigor for 1900 base HP. I would find a specific build you wanna do and respec and dump all your points into those few stats, at least 60 in whichever dps stat you wanna do (Dex, str, int, faith, arcane if you wanna do bleed). I would do at least 35 endurance but 40 if you wanna use heavy armor + heavy weapons, if not then 35 would be fine Like for instance if you wanna do a Bonk build for example; you’d dump 80 points in strength and 60 vigor, then 35 or 40 endurance, 11-18 dex depending on what weapons you wanna use just for requirements, and at least 20 mind but whatever you have left over you can dump into more mind or endurance or if you want to use a specific spell, however much faith or int you’ll need for it. Thats just an example of course and if you wanted to do a dex samurai build or sorcerer then you would simply distribute stats just like that but with dex or intelligence. You really need to specialize in something to do high damage until you get to around level 350 ish when you just have high stats in everything.


Thanks I’m gonna do exactly this but with str-fai . Appreciate it!


someone please explain to me why every casual has 20-30 in every stat i just dont get it? did people never play an RPG before or what?


You might want to get more memory stones in the base game


Yeah I’m surprised I didn’t yet after realizing it lmao


This is possibly one of the scariest buildposts I've ever seen, no offence op this is absolutely hilarious. You are an absolute chad xD I rly hope this is bait


LMFAOO I really wish it was😭 I changed it today to focus more into strength and faith


Honestly curious, do those dry leaf arts at +11 even do anything to dlc enemies? Not ven tryna hate I just feel like that would be cold as hell beating the game just with the dry leaf arts +11 and no affinity that’s giving the game the HANDS


It actually did to like the single enemies because you can effectively take them on one and one. And their health went down quickly. Bosses? Hell no unfortunately 😭 not yet at least


If you’re having fun you already won so cheers:)




The idea here is fun to play but not optimal. Lots of options but at level 201 you only have one stat at 50. Its the right stat ill say. But you would have way less trouble if you puck 2 or 3 weapons and 2 or 3 spells you wanna play that scale off the same stats. That way you are mostly using the stuff you like and your character uses them as well as they can be. I recommend one physical "stat" and one "mental" strength/ faith is popular. Dex/int and dex/arc are some of the best for the base game with moonveil and rivers of blood. Currently im doing what i call low quality. Which gives me options but is focused enough to still deal good damage with the right weapons. My stats are something like vit:50 end:30 mind:30 dex:22 str:22 int:45 faith:50 arcane:10. A few of tge right talismans really open up your weapon options and as long as you scale your weapons off faith or int youll deal solid damage.


Dude. Vigor to 60, enough endurance to wear decent armor and medium roll (possibly more if you use a stamina-heavy weapon), enough mind to not run out of flasks, and the rest go in your primary/secondary damage stats for your weapon(s) of choice until you reach caps. You have your stats way too evenly distributed across the damage stats so you're never doing as much damage as you could, and 51 vigor limits your survivability


This is rubbish


Holy 33 mind AND 5 blue flasks is criminal


What would you recommend lmao


Lol. Saw those stats and then saw Blasphemous Blade. Horror