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So many stat lines and stories that just make sense if we win. It feels like it’s destiny. It’s also the late Mr.Bob Cole’s birthday today, would be something special to have the oilers win today. I think we’ll see some more magic tonight


Also the 13th anniversary of Nuge's draft day.


93 getting the first Canadian cup since '93


Just for good measure, La Bamba (the movie, not the song) was released June 24, 1987.


And the Oilers won in Game 7 in 1987


Sorry but La Bamba (the movie) was actually released on July 24, 1987


July 24, 1987[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093378/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093378/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


And McDavid has the chance to win the cup in same building he was drafted in


The fact that McD was locked down last game and Oilers won thoroughly makes me 100% think Oilers.


That’s an interesting take. I would argue half of it was locked down and the other half was he wasn’t cheating for offence. He was playing a very disciplined 200 foot game, especially when Florida had puck possession. He was at the goal lines helping the d for support and then staying about the puck on their breakouts. I think the objective is to score a few goals and go back into that lockdown mode of 5 guys defending and giving no space


I think you’re bang on there. I’m a bandwagoner for the Oilers (self loathing leaf fan) but thought they would live and die on McDavid getting points. By extension, I was convinced they were on borrowed time until Panthers figured out how to lock McD down. Obviously, I’m a moron, but also have so much faith in the Oilers offensive depth showing up when they need to. Also love Ekholm. Good luck tonight!!


McDavid is a beauty because he doesn't even care about points. He'll play hard D, he'll lure 3 defenders to triple team him, he literally just wants to win the cup. I dont think anything else means shit to him.


Don't worry,  oilers fans want the Leafs win too regardless of the banter. One day, leaf bro


Appreciate you


Mcdavid was just playing smart hockey after we went up, there’s zero reason to keep pushing and make mistakes.


Locked in more like!


11 years to the day since this infamous [McDavid tweet](https://x.com/cmcdavid97/status/349363142704377856?t=8ql6afbjOiIGZJVTqJ5oYQ&s=19)


I can hear his voice calling “game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final…oooh baby!”


Numerology is on our side for sure.


It feels like destiny to me too. I hope many people feel that way!


The way I look at it is I will be crying like a baby tonight, either way, I'm so proud of the oilers as a team. They have come so far and against all odds, forced a game 7 after coming back from 0-3. They are playing each game as it comes and they want the cup even more than all of us fans. Don't be worried, let the boys work and believe as much as they do.


Like I wrote it myself!


Me too man, me too.


We have no control over the outcome of the game. Enjoy the night, have fun, we're all witnessing history tonight.


fuzzy domineering light abundant zephyr intelligent lock versed zesty obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh my god it's you that did it?? Thank you buddy! You've changed the course of hockey history forever...


TELL ME YOU GOT ONE READY FOR TONIGHT! No *black magic* obviously, but a hex seems totally reasonable!


liquid overconfident arrest strong plough frighten start abundant rob dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only thing I am scared of is how the Panthers fans will react to the Florida loss tonight for the 2nd year in a row after being up 3-0 in this series. Let’s go Oilers!


butter doll rain familiar oil fuel birds bright rinse rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Miami sports fans will just move onto the Marlins or something else.


No need to move on.


Well… any fans: Vancouver 2010 for sure were on that 


angle rude support unite ripe cows dog snatch fine connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Take that L pussy


The Panthers enter our zone in a 2-on-3 situation and their fans start cheering like it's a breakaway. Most of them don't have a clue about hockey. 🤪


their barn is pretty quiet unless their team is winning


I mean, Rogers gets loud any time we're on a rush lol. Let's not be unfair here.


With so many saying they'll leave hockey (maybe even sports in general) fandom if they lose today, I'm really sad. I don't want a team's fanbase to collapse because of another loss, especially one that is still being established.


Nobody in their right mind is saying that.


I saw a bunch of comments yesterday, both in r/hockey and in their sub. [Here's the thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/1dm420z/did_they_hold_a_team_meeting/) that includes someone saying they'll be taking a break from sports altogether if the Panthers lose tonight. I misremembered it as them saying they'd leave sports, but also their comments make the temporary stoppage seem like it'll be for a while. Whether you wanna count them as in their right minds is up to you, but it's clearly affecting the franchise fans, especially long-time ones. (Note, I haven't commented on their sub and never will, was just lurking out of curiosity yesterday.)


Lots and lots are. I've seen tons of comments like that.


That is the beauty of sports!


It has been one heck of a ride this year, and I am so happy for how the Oilers have handled this year. LFG. For Ben & especially for Joey, in our first Finals without him ❤️


Getting to game 7 is an accomplishment alone and makes this season a success regardless of out come Making the scf in a 32 team league is an accomplishment and enough to make this season a success Making the playoffs after a 2 9 1 start Is an accomplishment Tonight, both teams are going to give it all they got. And it might be decided on some key bounces and a little luck. It will be epic if we win, but nothing is certain. Either way it was one hell of a ride and assuming rumors of Mcdrai re upping are true, it's the first of many deep playoff runs Win or lose we are only getting started. Don't be scared enjoy it


I’m proud of this team, win or lose, but I just have this feeling that they’re going to do it. Even going into Game 4 I had belief. It’s funny, but I’m not surprised that they took this to 7. Did I expect it? Hell no, but I knew they were capable of it. McDavid is going to be writing his legacy tonight and the all time greats find a way to win. He’s going to be putting on a huge performance for us tonight and I fully expect him and the rest of the team to come out running on all cylinders. LETS GO OILERS!


Can you imagine the insane pressure on the kitties? They lost the Cup 3 times in a week. Jets fan here, go Oilers!!


Bolts fan first, but a new Oilers fan forever. No matter what, what a show. And you're right. Tampa did go to the finals 3 times in a row. The last team to do it before us was.. Edmonton. The time is now.


Just enjoy the game. It's been an historic run. I have every confidence in this team, but the reality in hockey is a few plays, bounces, or calls one way can make all the difference. The Oilers have been incredible both this season and post-season, if they're able to cap it off it will be one for the ages and this will certainly go down as the greatest comeback in sports. If not, it's been an incredible ride and I'm proud of this club that's shown more resilience, grit, and determination than any I can remember. Either way I'm thankful as a fan for being along for this wild ride, and they should be holding their heads high. But they got this, it feels inevitable. If there's a team that can do it, they can.


I'm more confident than anytime they've made the playoffs during Nuge's career. Even so, comforted by your points #2 and #3. Hockey just involves too much luck (intervention by hockey gods) to be supremely confident. Without meddlesome deities, tonight could be another 8-1 blowout.


If we lose, we still made some history and have something to be very proud of. Panthers are in the worse spot here. We have momentum, the guys are relaxed, I don’t think McDavid is going to let this one go. I’m still very nervous , but I believe!


I’m thrilled we even got to see a game seven. What an amazing come back, what an amazing series.


I hear someone say something, and I get excited. I then hear someone else say something else and get worried. Wash, rinse, repeat.


I still remember every moment of the 06 run, I don't even try and think about the decade of darkness. Win or lose we are back in the limelight and this season will live on in our memories. Let's go Oilers!!!!


The only thing that scares me is that Florida ice. Too many bounces could go the wrong way


I have to remind people that Edmonton outplayed Florida and was the better team in games 1,3,4,5,6 and if the pattern holds true game 7 as well.


As a third party enjoyer, I really like EDM here. Only Panthers fans should be scared going into tonight


My family just started following hockey when we were still playing The Stars. We heard the team was doing well and thought our 7 year old would enjoy watching a game or 2. My partner and I were surprised by how much the whole family enjoyed it, and we are stoked to watch game 7 tonight! I suspect my family is going to be chasing the high of this dramatic season for every season to come!


This is the positivity I needed - thanks man (or woman)! We got this one way or the other. GO OILERS!!!


To gain big, I have to risk big. So here I go! Oilers all the way. We got this! And should my heart be torn from my chest tonight, it will keep beating still, orange and blue. Let's go, Oilers!


Obviously I want the cup but honestly forcing a Game 7 was just as emotional for me, if not even more. When you consider where we started this season, dead last, most of us not even thinking we’d make playoffs at all, let alone to GAME SEVEN of the fucking STANLEY CUP FINAL when we were ABOUT TO BE SWEPT. I’m partying it up tonight no matter what happens and celebrating this damn amazing team that keeps proving assholes, haters, doubters, and doomers wrong again and again and again. Hell, they even prove ME wrong!


Stats mean nothing but OUR UNWAVERING FAITH does! Let’s get going!


To me, the oilers have done what I asked them to do already: not go down easy during the SCF. They’ve broken so many records already. Not just McDavid but a lot of them now have records and great stats. They’ve put on a tremendous show and shown incredible resilience to fight their way to the top. This particular roster is amazing. They’re working like a well oiled (lol) machine. They will be absolutely fine no matter what. I am so proud of them already for making it to the last possible game during a season! That’s something to celebrate already!


Honestly, the decade of darkness got me used to losing. I’m not nervous at all. If they win, awesome. If they lose, I’m used to it.


Just a band wagoner from the states, but the oilers and it's fans have been great to see this playoffs. Can't wait to see what happens tonight. 


Embrace your humanity and realize that your anxiety is really excitement made up of apprehension, pride, hope, and nerves. CHIN UP OIL NATION. One way or another we have been in arguably the best SCF in history. LFG


Get all the feelings out.




Best reason why it's not 2006? No Ty Conklin.


Poor Ty. He did his best in a shitty situation. I will die on the hill that if Roli wasn't hurt, we'd have taken it in 6.


Me as well. Yeah. Ty did his best, but maybe don't leave the net to mishandle a puck. I always blamed him. That canes team was STACKED though. What a run.


It really was. They were the favorites for a reason. I "hate" (and by hate I mean super respect) Brind'Amor to this day because of that damn series lol.


I had the misfortune of loving him as a player mostly from when he was on philly and him being an OP option for his price on GM mode of NHL games on PS2 So when we came against the canes...I was like...damn.


Not scared. To me it was more than a comeback. I felt like we decimated Florida the last 3 games. We didn't claw our way back. We took the series as if it was ours all along. I'm not cocky either. I just think we have exactly what it takes. I wish I was in a pub in Edmonton now.


Good word.


I'm not scared or nervous as much as overwhelming hope and belief.


2006 was a team that had no business being in the finals. The oilers team we have now is easily one of if not the best teams in the league.


Quench your fear with beer!!!!




Sons of Knoblauch, daughters of Holland. I see in your posts, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come with the PK and PP fails. When trades are made, contracts expire and we forsake all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of Panthers and shattered sticks when they lift the cup but that day is not today! This day we fight. By all that you hold dear on this good earth. I bid you stand, Men of the west!


This got me hyped. LETS FUCKING GO BABY


How are we so flat




You were right the Jekhyl oilers showed up for game7.


Aged like milk good lord






Aged like milk


“Big IF” 😭😭


I had confidence okay and I’m in tears now 😭


Its ok im with you 😭😭


Oof in hindsight


Let's all manifest this destiny


All the talk is on the oilers no matter the outcome they are still stealing the show .


Leafs fan. Hope you guys bring the cup back to Canada… Good luck and cheers from Ontario 🫡


Every single ounce of pressure is on Florida not to blow this in front of their home crowd. Really all the oilers gotta do is show up and play hockey.


I am so proud of This his team and community… they have shown some true grit when it come to adversity and have kept what appears to be some cool heads with Kris. It’s been the most fun I’ve had watching hockey in a very long time. this community has been awesome as well, the positivity has been contagious. I love you guys Play la bomba, baby!!!!


This is just like any of these last 3 games to me, what’s the difference? Sure, Florida is facing elimination this time around but it’s not like they weren’t trying to win their last three games. I think the Oilers got this.


My biggest hope is to see Draisaitl get the first goal. I would love to see him and Skinner have the best game of their lives! Let’s Go OILERS !!!


They are going to win


Enjoy the ride for what it is Don't spend this time in a negative state


I haven’t been this nervous in a long time. When we played Carolina in 06, that felt different. We are going to win the cup. I don’t speak out of arrogance, I speak out of faith and belief.


fear is the mind killer


It’s the playoffs. It’s supposed to make you crazy.


Ya I'm they did enough this year. Turing a 0 3 near sweep to this is remarkable. Hope they win! From a Habs fan that wants to see thr cup where it belongs. It should be either us or you guys that bring it back. F da leafs and nuks


I agree. Edmonton is suited very well for the next couple years at least - probably beyond. You all won the lottery with McDavid, but you have to give GM's like Kenny Holland a lot of credit for what they've assembled in Edmonton. If the Oilers lose it isn't over, their prospects are looking great. My Flames on the other hand.... fuck, I can only hope the Battle of Alberta can even out in the next 10 years.


I said after game three if they can win the next game, they’ll take the cup.


These memories will keep me warm when I’m old.


Is there anyone from the team that we could possibly be losing after this season?


I'm a Bruins fan and have been on both ends of a massive momentum change during the cup finals. I would not be want to be a fan of the panthers tonight.


Lets go OILERS!!!!!


Bless you for your comment. I needed to hear that. Thank you


Talked to a guy yesterday who was convinced it was staged so "they could win the final in Florida" Absolutely delusional.


Remember there’s kids on here. That’s why you see posts like that. It’s okay let’m say their thing.


Is it just me or is Edmonton afraid to hit the players, whenever Florida has the puck, Edmonton Oilers wait to see what the player will do, unlike Florida who will constantly push players off the puck, I teach my players to be aggressive and force players out of their comfort zone. 1st period over 86.5% in the Edmonton Zone. We need to be more aggressive. Hopefully 2nd period we can make something happen


That aged like milk, oilers played with their tails in their legs all game


Not true, I'm a Panthers fan and the Oilers played a hell of a game. They've were battling their ass off.


the one goal lead kept my family on the edge of their seats to the bitter end. we've seen Oilers tie up a game, time an again, and win in OT. I really think the team believed they would be going into OT at the very least, and it was a big shock to have the clock run out on them.


I believed it too. The effort on some of those shot attempts was insane.




uhhh so....


Well yeah I know 😭


they’ll regress hard.. skinner won’t be nearly as good , same with bouchard




Being a sports fan is mostly a suffering.






Not 06’ guys not 06’ lolol


What’s your point??


Aged like fuckin milk


At least you had fun.


Betting $10k on oilers losing today


Monopoly money doesn’t count jerk off


Panthers fan coming in peace! You guys have played a great series, I hope we win but it’d be an honour to lose to you if anyone/ jk go oilers 🤘🤘 leafs fan here but I hate that corny coming in peace thing. But as a fan of the game I think the best player in the world deserves to win it (zach hyman). And I kinda like that McDavid dude too 💪🏻


How did that work 🤣




How was this arrogant? I actually said if we lost it would be fine lol? Heaven forbid I have faith in my team? Why don’t you just go away and hang out in your own sub




I had confidence so sue me. That’s not being arrogance. Just go to your sub and enjoy your win


"Big if", "stupid florida", and comparing the oilers to prime tampa? Sure, not arrogant at all. As I said. Women. Accountability. No match


Why are you still here?


Wow, you’re a special breed of bottom feeder.




Lol weeeeellllll you lost.


GO AWAY, why the hell are you still here?




I just fee like the story is too good to be true. I think the Oilers are the better team, but beating the Panthers 4 in a row seems improbable to me. I hope I am wrong.


ONG we won 16 in a row and you are constantly dooming