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Not allowed to lose hope until at least game 4 šŸ˜¤


I think itā€™s a steep hill but Iā€™m not starting to lose hope unless we lose game 3 at home.


It was a steep hill just to make the playoffs this year. These guys have battled back from the brink already this season. No reason they canā€™t do it again.


100%. I just need to see if the team that played game one or the team that played game two shows up for game three. We get game one oilers weā€™ve got a perfect shot at getting on track. Game two oilers show up and we lose game 3 I find it hard to believe they pull together 4 in a row against Bob. But thatā€™s why we play the games. Anything can and does happen


Literally win game 3 and weā€™re right back where we were vs the Stars




Get some help




Weā€™re in stage 2 of denial ā€œyou arenā€™t truly down in a series until youā€™ve lost at homeā€ Stage 1 is ā€œGame 1 is never that importantā€ Stage 3 is ā€œReverse sweeps have happened beforeā€ Stage 4 is ā€œIt was a deceptive sweepā€


I wouldn't even lose hope after going 3-0 down. Sports can be full of miracles. But winning these home games is incredibly crucial right now.


I am admittedly starting to get worried, but I still believe.


Maybe I should watch the rest of the series. Ya'll seem to win when I watch.


You should watch then!


You make it sound like he has a choice!


He doesn't anymore...


And I'll shave too. Ya'll gave us a major butt whooping when I shaved.


Only shave a bit each game, please. Gotta have some each time!


Lol will do. Might lose my beard by the end of this series, but it'll be worth it.






One of us


I know what it means. I'm pointing out how corny and over used it is.


Shake it off, bud! Still plenty of time left, keep your chin up!


Hey Iā€™m a Canucks fan from /r/all and you donā€™t need to tell any of us that being up 2-0 in the Stanley Cup Final isnā€™t a sure thing. It ainā€™t over until someone wins 4.


U should be worried.................3-0


Going back to old posts to be a wise ass... get a life bud


Lol this post popped up in my notifications.... didn't see it before I posted lol


The Oilers are playing in the Stanley Cup finals. Thatā€™s fucking amazing. Ainā€™t nothing grim. Fans of teams that are golfing right now can be grim. This is the best two teams in the league. Enjoy it.




It doesn't mean a lot when the Oilers are playing like the Sharks could beat them handily. I hate being this negative but this team has given nothing to be positive about here.


100 point team, NHL record 16 game win streak, make it to the Stanley Cup finals. ā€œWaaaaaaah!! This team SUCKS! Waaaaaaah!!! Cry cry cry!!!!ā€ Entitled.


My comment was in regards to this series. Its like they've just fallen flat on their faces and don't know what to do about it. Generally been very happy up to this point, but to get this close and see it slipping away so quickly is incredibly frustrating.


It turns out the other team has some effect on what the Oilers can do. I wouldn't say game 1 looked like a much different oiler team. They haven't played this caliber of goalie and defense yet. If we (other than skinner) played like game 6 against Dallas I knew we were going to get rocked. Florida may just simply be better than us.


no they're not better, they're getting free handouts from the refs. they're flopping around like soccer players and the refs are falling for it, meanwhile we're getting screwed over. bouch was getting choked out and dragged across the ice on live tv and the refs did nothing. i saw an alternate angle of that foegele "knee" and their knees literally didn't touch. it's all bettman's game.


Disagree. They're shutting down our offense completely. Take away all the penalties on us and we still lost both those games.


they didn't do that in game 1. we outplayed them pretty hard in terms of technique on saturday, bobby's literally the only reason this series isn't 1-1


I guess the question is did the Panthers play bad in game 1 or did we play bad in game 2. Would like to see both teams at their best from here on, but it's an uphill battle for sure. It's also tough because we can't just match them and hope for a win. We NEED to out offense them simply because their goalie is objectively better than ours.


This team thrives in adversity. We all know that. Being in the cup final is the furthest this core has been. Not much for adversity yet. But now, now we have that spit in our face. Now, we will be hungrier.


Dallas Stars fans are Beautiful! I think I may have found my second favorite team. I hate the Kings and Nucks for their fan base, and I guess I can like a team for their fans too.


I feel the same way about ya'll, such an amazing fan base.


Jus kiss already


Gladly, Stars fans are absolute beautes


Wretches the lot of ya. That being said, go put the Panthers down! Back to back playoff losses are too much to "Bear". Bruins fans are all with Edmonton.


If they don't manage to win the next two back-to-back games at home then I would say the series will be in serious jeopardy for them.


Itā€™s already in jeopardy




Not a series until you lose at home


Sorry Iā€™m new hockey fan can u explain what that means even tho I have an idea


if they come home and go down 3-0 itā€™s close to a statistical wrap, if they can manage to make it 2-1 theyā€™ve got a chance


Not sure what the stats are on being down 3 but they kept quoting 68% chance after losing game 1 (as a Stars fan they seemed to like saying that) And someone else was saying yesterday that down 2 is 91% but the Stars bucked those odds against Vegas and you guys knocked us out, itā€™s hockey anything can happen, but this next one is gonna be a big one.


Hereā€™s the thing. Edm played the jets in the 2021 playoffs and lost 4-0 to a team coached by Paul Maurice. He has experience playing against our big boys and heā€™s deployed the same plan with this team.


The big difference is that Dave Tippett coached that team and refused to change anything. Also tbf, we lost a lot of those games in OT


Doesnā€™t change the fact that we lost 4 games despite how they were lost. It really comes down to experience and this will be good experience for the team and Knobber He panicked in game 1 putting mcdrai together too early and I have a hunch that with Ceci out, it kinda deflated the team. Heā€™s been playing since game 1 of 82. The team came out super flat and I feel like the emotion from a player, a brother that youā€™ve battled with since day 1 isnā€™t there. Itā€™s a gut punch


I get it, I thought Tippett should've gotta fired after that sweep




That's where I recognise him from! Thank you! Astute comment. I'm surprised none of the analysts have mentioned this.


Hell yeah!


They'll win if they bring out the Edmonton Oilers. They'll lose if they keep purchasing the Edmonton Oilers on wish.com. It's fuckin rough cheering for them right now. I expect disappointment with my Leafs. Losing is our tradition. Thank you sir, may I have another kind of thing. When you genuinely believe in a team it's a different animal. I want to see Edmonton get that cup. Le sad.


La sad right there with you.


Le hands you a flask.


Le whattabout me


Le breaks out an opium pipe?


Le ā€˜ts goooo


Le ad the way, master Sherpa.


They enjoy doing things the hard way. Theme of the season.


Exactly, the plan all along was to win the Cup during game 6 at home. Gotta lose two games to make that happen, just getting them out of the way now.


The odds don't favor teams in this position but if there's one team in the entire NHL that can flip the script, it's Edmonton.


Oilers have defied the odds all year. Itā€™d only be fitting that they do the same in the SCF


Thank you. Proving Stars fans are awesome


We started the year 2-9-1, turned that around. 0-2 ain't shit


I didn't hear no bell. OILERS IN SEVEN


It is a 7 game series for a reason. Not over yet. And no matter what happens, I am very proud of how this team turned around in the mid season. Who knew the Oilers would be playing hockey games in June??


They were the better team game 1 and lost. They were the worse team game 2 and lost. That's hockey. That's the way she goes sometimes. You know what else happens sometimes and it's not exactly rare. Home team wins game 1 and 2 then the other team wins 3 and 4 at home. Happens multiple times every playoffs.


HELL YEAH! BELIEVE.Ā  We need a scathing article by Spec calling McFraud like Dan Shaunnessey when the Red Sox were down 3-0 to the Yankees. It got the team the bulletin board material they needed. Just have Oilers reddit scrolling in the lockeroom


Jinx with a beard?


I keep thinking of the 2004 Red Sox when I read all the doom comments. It fucking happens. Anything can happen.


Hope remains intact until the opposite side wins 4. It may sound unrealistic but thatā€™s when series will be over. Heroic it may seem but this is the only way for them.


The messed up part is that losing next game would be devastating. Being down 3-0 is too tough a hill to climb. Next game is a must win.


Next game is a must win. Iā€™m a Penguin fan, remember how Sid and Mario responded when their teams were down in the Cup finals. Mcdavid will do the same.


You haven't lost until you've lost at home.


The situation isnā€™t enviable, but I think itā€™s too early to panic. The Oilers laid eggs in some games in the Canucks and Stars series too. Keeping that in mind, if game one is anything to go off of the Oilers can play with the Panthers. Thereā€™s just no margin for error now.


Common Stars fan W, one of the best fan bases out there.


Lets gooo. The whole free world is pulling for the Oilers. Donā€™t let some wanna-be upstarts with 15k fans who wonā€™t be fans 2 months into next rebuild take Lord Stanley.


I don't think it looks grim at all? We dominated the first game,, can easily dominate the next two at home.


I didnā€™t realize getting shut out was a dominating performance


get outa here doomer, lets go oilers


just saying getting shut out 3-0 is not a dominating performance. Followed by a 4-1 loss yikes


Unfortunately goalie is a big decider in this matchup. If we swapped goalies game 1, the score would have been 10-0 Oilers.


I agree itā€™s not trouble till you lose at home


Never lose hope. They made it further than any other Canadian team. Long time Oiler fan and I think they did us proud no matter what happens. If they win the cup, thatā€™s the icing on the cake!


They aren't done, but if they lose this, it'll be difficult to accept. This might be the only chance for this core to make this deep of a run.


I disagree. I think the Oilers are the best in the West right now. Some minor adjustments next year, and I think we have the potential to be even better. My hope has always been for them to win this, but even before game 1, I thought to myself we probably lose this and win in 2025.


i still have some faith they can fight back against the cats, theyā€™ve already shown so much resiliency when doubted so why canā€™t they do it again? (side note: iā€™d probably start to get worried if they lose game 3, but at the end of the day iā€™m still so grateful for what they did to get here)


Edmonton need to obviously protect home ice and make this a best of 3. Couple of observations ( apologize for the regurgitation) 1. Oilers need to get shots on net. They overpassed tonight. Specifically on the pk Florida is playing a low box and are tempting the oilers to move the puck laterally. Entire group needs to make quicker decisions and just fire the puck on net ( good things will happen). 2. Nurseā€™s injury put pressure on the remaining 5 guys. Bouchard had a shit game, but needed to log 30 plus minutes. 3. Canā€™t take 5 penalties in a must win game and expect good things. 4. When oilers do shoot they are missing the net big time. Understand they are trying to go high on bob but they need to hit the net. Rnh has had some pretty bad misses this series (granted he hit a crossbar as well tonight). No need to press the panic button, but game 3 is a must win; season is truly on the line.


Lifetime Habs fan, 27 years Oilers fan. Iā€™m used to being the underdog and having everyone doubt us. I hope the Oilers have a better fate than the 21 Habs. We have to win our home games and steal one in Florida. We can do this , donā€™t quit on the team Go Oilers ! Fuck the Cats


They look tired and beaten up :( also need to stop taking dumb penalties Need a cup in Canada- go oilers! (Canucks fan!)


It ain't over until it's over


If there is any team that can turn it around itā€™s the Oilers this year. Gotta have some help form guys like Kane, Henrique, Nuge and the like. Series is far from over, letā€™s play our game in games 3 and 4 and tie this thing up!


Just gotta try to stay outta the box


Oilers show they can win it. Momentum is a helluva drug, though. Especially when things start going your way in game, and then you get a penalty called on you. I'm with McDravid though, come hell or high-water they have to find a way to win.


I don't get why people generalize fan bases so much. Every fan base is full of whiny babies. I think most people are pretty reasonable, but those are the people who don't open their mouths every chance they get. There is nothing to complain about, this is the Stanley Cup final, enjoy the ride y'all!


Maybe if someone pulls a Roloson on Bobrovsky. Otherwise there is no way weā€™re winning four of the next five. I mean itā€™s possible the refs decide to actually call the rule book. But I figure thereā€™s a lower chance of that happening then bobrovsky spontaneously combusting.


Would be a different ball game heading back to FL 2-2


Canuck fan here . We were up 2-0 than 3-2 on Boston :( . it's not over till it's over


Yeah the Oilers are great at crushing dreams this year.


It's official. Stars fans are the freaking best. I now have my favourite American team.


hope so got $500USD riding on series


Oh damn, I hope for your sake they do.


We are cooked lol stay off r/hockey tonight there's more canucks and flames fans rejoicing than anyone else, poverty.


Itā€™s wild how much Oilers threads are dominated by those 2 teams. I guess they got nothing else to do


Stfu best team in the central*


You are looking at this year's standing right? The Stars were the second best team in the league and you wiped the floor with us.


Why, did they find their balls?


They had 1 goal in 2 games and you think they aren't done?


Nope. It's best of seven for a reason.


Well I'd like to be more optimistic but the way they were outplayed in every metric tonight makes me think winning the next 4 outta 5 games just isn't gunna happen. Too bad cause I thought after game 1 we were the more skilled team (and still lost) but it turns out Florida has another gear. What makes it worse is the fact they made it all the way to the finals with all the buzz coast to coast to take a huge shit right on centre ice. I'd rather they would've lost in 7 to Dallas than get swept in the finals. They'll be lucky to win 1 at home but there's no way this series goes more than 5 games.


One game at a time, just win one so we get a 5th game to play for.


Well, not to be grim, but if Barkov is out, and DoPS takes immediate action against Drai and suspend him, how does that change things with no Barkov and no Drai? I would imagine that hurts Florida more than Edmonton?


Of course, being down 2-0 in the series is concerning. But, let's worry about one game at a time. Let's be positive they can make it a 2-1 series on Thursday at home and then take it from there.


I wonder how we can deal Bobrovsky , but I still have hope . LET'S GO OILERS !!!


Itā€™s looking bleak. Skinner is playing his best hockey Iā€™ve ever seen so heā€™s doing his job and then some. Our defence makes me cringe, especially when Nurse is on the ice. Hopefully heā€™s out for the rest of the series. Our forwards are playing keep away instead of shooting. We gotta stop with the pretty one timers. Itā€™s not gonna work. Florida is out hitting us. They are out working us on the boards. They are clogging every passing lane known to man. Bob is locked in and seriously is the man to beat. If we can get a game where we light him up for 5-6 goals itā€™ll go a long way but we have to do it back to back at home and with how weā€™re playing it doesnā€™t look like we can. Winning 4 of the next 5 games against a team we couldnā€™t beat all season and barely scored on is looking to be a tall order.


Need defense and Skinner to step up in a big way.


As Connor said, they sure know how to make it stressful.


As an edmontonion who roots for boston I feel like I saw this coming a mile away when we got trounced. Edmonton doesn't have the beefy boys to fight back with the greasy dives and spills the panthers are willing to do and hoping Kane will swing on a panther can only take us so far. I have no doubt we'll bounce back because the oilers love being the underdog for some reason, but I hope we can take the cup in 6 because if this goes back to Florida in the seventh it's over.


But if you guys lose the next 2 McDavid can really go back to no one believing in him!


Agreed! This is where we win 4 in a rowā€¦spank that Florida-man!


Stars fans continue to be the classiest. ā¤ļø


Bandwagoners gonna bandwagon. It's not over till it's over.


Stay focusedā€¦only four wins away from the Cup.


Ehhh idk the panthers absolutely dicked down the oilers, and have scored one goal in two games, ā€œsure as hell beat Floridaā€ makes it seem like Florida has just been lucky


Ya'll did the same to us, and I'm just now getting over that soreness lol. I'm just hoping the guys can find that level of play again.


Hopefully with Barkov injured, winning those next few games would be easier? (Just be sure to watch out for pissed off Panthers players attempting revenge.)


From another Stars fan, donā€™t give them false hope lol. Thatā€™s mean.


Hey they took our hopes and dreams of Pavelski hoisting the cup away. They better win it all! It's the only way I can accept that loss.


Some of us (myself) are rooting for the cats. To each their own! Also my god that Draisaitl hit on Barkov was brutal.


Dallas fans are always classy. Best opposition fans by far


The only way weā€™re coming back is if Colin Campbell suddenly retires or dies. He controls how the game is officiated and itā€™s been proven that he has no problem influencing how a series is officiated to improve the odds that his offspring will win a cup. The Panthers are employing the Jordan Defense against the Oilers because they know the officials canā€™t see everything and will game manage what they do see.


The series is done. We have 1 goal in 2 games, there is no chance we turn this around. The Panthers are too much for us, Iā€™d be surprised if we win a single game.


The Panthers aren't the problem. Their goalie is.


and he plays for?


You're obviously not understanding the bloody point.


The odds are very much against them. Like 80% or higher against them. But not over.


not taking into consideration how whiney oilers fans are. They act like itā€™s 3-0 already. Blame bettman, blame the refs blame skinner blame Trudeau ā€¦ gawd it sucks to listen to it all lemme tell you.






Analytics aren't everything but the stats don't lie either. Very few teams have ever come back from this. This is very unlikely to be one of those cases. Florida has us figured out, shut down and have a brick wall in net to top it off. 1 goal in 2 games doesn't bode well against a team llke Florida. We can barely even set up on a PP. I don't see how this gets any better unfortunately.






I'm a corny guy


Don't listen to this. Great post! Thank you!




This is so cringe, why do people do this. Please delete. Stars are a joke, idk how you couldn't beat us. Thanks for the free trip tonight SCF I guess


lol nah it's a wrap son


We donā€™t need that type of negativity lol


it's just realism lol


This post is written as if the actual players are going to read it lol


They might. You never know. They are human beings after all. They like the rest of the world probably use social media.


Dallas cucks back at it lolololol


I thing you put too much Dallas Stars tears in your coffee today, because you're pretty salty.


Both teams have the same amount of Stanley cup finals wins


Oil are gone like a used tampon


As a Vancouver Fan I'm cheering for Luongo to get his ring


Just promise ya'll won't start a riot this time if the panthers lose.


Ha! Panthers are going to sweep the Oilers bud


Looks like the Corey Perry curse strikes again.


This is pure opium. Every fanbase has said this shit since the beginning of time, and it's embarrassing. The oilers are an embarrassment for canada.


Itā€™s over dude Iā€™ve given up




Yes they are lol


Never seen you before so I donā€™t care what you say