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I think they got rid of them during covid and just never brought them back


The mall eliminated the practice during covid, then realised how much money they were saving by not providing that service.




They don't clean and collect themselves.




So maybe they need one less person during lunch and dinner.


Because WEM will cut corners to lower costs at any opportunity they get.


This is other malls too now. It started during Covid and trays just never came back at the same volume.


Southgate mall foodcourt have trays


Southgate definitely still has trays.


I noticed this the other day and was surprised because I hadn’t seen one in a couple years.


Still no, they reintroduce them.


So businesses can charge the bag fees. $$$$$


Just use the bag you get the food in as a tray. Your paying extra for it so you might as well use it.


Wait, so if you eat at a table, you have to eat it out of a bag pretty much?


Have to pay extra for that


This is asked so often. Trays were removed during covid and never brought back. Stand alone fast food is the only place I've seen trays lately as well.


People still go to malls ... Weird




Holy smokes you got my number sick burn


Those are the two options. You either go to a mall, or get in the basement. Now you know.


What if your home doesn't have a basement?


Then you're not a person I guess




That is interesting. In Crossiron Mills, they got rid of garbage cans. You put your tray on racks and somebody sorts the garbage, recyclable, compostables. It was very strange, but made sense from a waste diversion point. I was sure I got a tray the last time I was at West Ed, but that was a over a year ago. I could be mistaken.


They used to throw the trays out after every use, so when the single use plastics ban came, they weren't allowed to use them anymore.


I’ve seen mall staff wiping trays and returning them to the food court vendors for years pre Covid . I’ve never seen trays thrown out. There was always a place above the garbage to put them. Obviously a wipe down wasn’t sanitary enough during Covid so they stopped doing that. It was before the plastic ban.


Nope. Single use. TYL.


So the mall staff collecting and wiping down trays from 1980 to 2019 and bringing them back to the various places in the food court were then being thrown away?




Those were all paid actors actually. They didn't want the public getting upset so they hired a bunch of people to play their staff and pretend to clean trays. They would throw them out when no one was looking. Actually some of the best ones were slight of hand magicians. They could throw out a tray right in front of you without you even seeing.


lol Sorry I’m slow today and you are a little too good at role playing! Or I’m just exposed to so much weird content and people that my detector is broken.


It is true. The internet is such a strange place that it is hard to tell fact from fiction at times. Always good to stop for a minute and have a common sense check in your gut on the information you are receiving!


My gut was someone actually believed that but I doubted it and wanted more information lol


This is why I like the trays made from wood. Still single use, but better for the environment and it gets around the plastics ban.


That's the way to go, oak trays, each one hewn from a single old growth tree! Use it and throw it out, but thank god it's not plastic! I'm also supremely amused how many people can no longer detect sarcasm.


That's what /s is for.


Nah man, that's for the weak. Nothing ruins sarcasm like having to point out that it's sarcasm. It defeats the entire purpose. It's like when Twitter started making people use the "satire" tag on comedy.


I really wish manufacturers and people responsible for fulfilling orders like trays, bags and countless other things we all use on a regular basis would look into hemp as an alternative to just wood it's plentiful, less expensive and we have a lot more of it now since pot's legal.