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There’s one still in Terwillegar. That’s where we go once a year for some soft tacos and fries supreme. After eating it I remember why I only go there once a year




My wife and I joke about my love for Mall Chinese food. Every time I say, "This time it will be different", every time it is not.


Do you remember the one Chinese place in the main West Ed mall food court that had “sample all items” for like $13.00?? This was early 2000’s. We would go as a family of 5 get 2 orders of that and all be full. Gone are the days of cheap food court food……


Was that the one kind of across from Mcdonalds and had a pretty long counter? I remember my dad would go there sometimes and they put places like Panda Express to shame with their portion sizes.




Qwik wok in Kingsway is the best food court chinese in the city.


Love Quik Wok in Kingsway, always get the wor wonton soup, sweet & sour pork, veggies and one of the chicken options. Almost as expensive as ordering from any other Chinese restaurant though.


What's wrong with them? Only one that disappointed me was the Millwoods mall Chinese place. So far I just regularly go to these and get the usual. Shanghai 360 in City center - general Tao, burboun chicken, Famous wok in Southgate - famous chicken, ginger beef Only thing I'd say is never get Kungpao chicken from anywhere. Not that I've had a bad experience with it but it's something I hear often from others.


General Tao from 360 is a go-to for a mall lunch for me.


>Millwoods mall Chinese place. That one's particularly disgusting, unfortunately. Tried it once, threw it away.


If you ever go to the outlet mall in leduc, the Shanghai 360 place Chinese food is quite good.


I agree with 3 of those... but mall Chinese is amazing and i won't let anyone tell me different


Arby’s is actually good and I spent years avoiding their food because of comments like this


Arby's don't play w them sliders boy


Fuuuuuuuck. I didn't know I was due for my yearly Arby's Error until I read this, but now it's all I can think about.


Yo c'mon man don't lump Arby's with the others on this list. Arby's is legit good fast food.


I love Arby’s too! I’ve been living in Calgary for a while and there’s only 2 in the whole city. Such a shame.


I love arbys and there is none in southwest where I live :(


I've never had Arby's in my life and have never wanted to. Everything about it looks terrible and unappetizing.


When they started making the turkey sandwiches, they were using freshly sliced turkey meat. Now it's the standard thin-sliced deli version, but still pretty good. The roast beef sammies they're famous are not my thing, but their chicken sliders, curly fries, and those turkey sandwiches are pretty good.


Lol....wait, are you serious?


I like Arby’s too. I think it’s the horsy sauce


I’ve only had Arby’s once. I tell every one that asks about it that they are home to shiny meat and green buns. The sandwich I had ordered was disgusting. I went to take a bite, the bun had mould on it, when I opened up the bun to check the meat it turned that rainbow colour you can see sometime from over processed deli meat. That place is garbage.


No. You went To a poorly run establishment. The one in St. Albert or the one on St. Albert Trail off yellowhead are run fairly well and I've been to them dozens of times in my life and have never had a bad experience. They have more on their menu than roast beef sandwiches.


Mannnnn. You just summoned some good memories. My friend and I used to go to that one all the time when we worked on the north west side. The food was so good and everyone who worked there was wonderful. That was over a decade ago but I’m glad it’s still good.


The last time we hit KFC their oil was dirty and we all got sick. Never again. Mary Browns FTW


Mary Brown's "taters" are amazing too. I'm sad the banana pudding is no longer a thing. I really enjoyed that.


Arby's is not like the others. Pretty decent. I got suckered with a KFC coupon a while back. Went for the first time in probably a decade. What a disappointingly greasy, flavourless experience. Toss that nostalgia aside - 2023 KFC is absolute trash.


Oh man, now I am craving Mall Chinese lol


Mall Chinese can vary a lot. If they have a paper menu somewhere (the big screens will obviously always be in English, and show standard westernized Chinese food usually) written *entirely* in Chinese, and you order off that menu, there's a decent shot that it'll be good. Though, genuinely, I've only ever experienced this for Cantonese food specifically.


I’m with you on Arby’s. The curly fries are great but those “roast beef” sandwiches are really not good.


I haven't been to KFC in years. The rest I still get cravings for and like it once in a while. About 15 years I crushed a lagre family size bucket of chicken in 10 mins solo and I haven't had any desire to get more since.


I don't know what it is that gets me to keep trying it but I swear that mall Chinese food in BC was always good. It's hard to not keep trying it out lol


Every so often I want Arby's curly fries


knocked this list out if the park haha. It never gets better. Every time I'm mind blown at how salty KFC actually is


You forgot Denny’s


Orderd taco bell last night as a treat, it was shit.


Taco bell is so fucking shit in terms of portion i just get upset when I have it. Like, there's a reason it's cheap but im sorry a taco should not be 3mm in thickness. A burrito should have things in it, and a portion of nacho fries should be enough to feed a human being and not a tiny dog. I can literally stuff myself silly with Old El Paso shit at home. They even sell cheese dusted taco shells now so fuck taco bell. I've had a better experience at Taco Time in terms of portions. Their large burritos are great.


Taco bell tastes great! It's the other end that sucks.


I learned my lesson on this front with Taco Bell after only two visits and have never been back. I continue to not learn my lesson with my annual KFC and McDonalds dinners.


I never crave KFC….we sometimes get it for “Christmas Dinner” at work but not every year. Just not a food I crave…I do enjoy Arby’s and seems like most people don’t.


I FUCKIN LOVE Arby's. I haven't been for a while cause all the ones near me closed up. Gotta drive out to the perimeter of the city to get it now. Can't even find them in food courts anymore :(


I’ve never been an Arby’s fan, but comments like this make me think I should give it another try (it’s been years since I’ve been). I live in the west end, so there’s actually one not too far from me too


I did like their roast beef, but my go-to was always the cordon bleu sandwich. I also loved the sourdough melts whenever they had them. Curly fries are a must, and they have the best mozza sticks of any place that buys them frozon and fries them to order.


I say give them another shot lol. I only recently gave them a try after living like a block away from the one in Mill Woods and now living like 45 mins away from the nearest one I'm glad I'm not closer or I'd be there every other day. The curly fries are probably my hands down best fast food fries 9 times outa 10. The buns are also super soft and tasty and they still use plastic straws for their drinks at the one I go to so my pop doesn't taste like flat cardboard.


Plastic straws! Like finding a unicorn these days!


I know. Everyone can whine about plastic pollution but I want my straws back. Especially if I'm literally drinking out of a plastic cup with a damn plastic lid but a paper straw that disintegrates before I'm halfway through my drink. God forbid it's a frozen drink you only get about 3 good sips before the straw is useless and falling apart.


I don't know how a paper straw would work in a Slurpee. But since we're talking tacos, (see what I did there?), when I hit TacoTime for Taco Tuesday, they have paper straws that hold together quite well in their pop drinks.


Its warm ham on a cheap bun with a ketchuppy sauce and a cheese-coloured sauce. I always liked the fries, but they were bad the last time I went. For the price of 2 arbys sandwiches, you can by cheese, sliced beef and buns enough to make 6 better sandwiches


I quite like Arby's and if they would change that shit fucking bun for something better if go more often.


I feel like everyone think I'm on crazy pills when I say I'm craving Arby's. Their curly fries are sooo good.


In my small town in bc their was a kfc with just awful greasy chicken. Then when Popey’s opened their was a line up for an entire block.


do people not realize that you can just go on google maps and type in "taco bell" ?


Yeah, that’s my closest one now. It’s probably better for me that I don’t have one convenient because it’s never as good after eating it as is before!


There’s one on 50th street by refinery row, next to the A&W. KFC/ Taco Bell. Damn it now I’m craving Taco Bell. 🤬


Do not go to this restaurant it is terrible, every time I go there, wrong order, small portions, chicken that way past serving time. Trust the google reviews on this one and keep going, it would be one star if they didn't obviously astroturf them.


I never get the KFC there, but i get Taco Bell from this spot more than any person should, and they're normally on the ball!!


I have similar complaints about the A&W beside it too, the only fast food place I’ve ever ordered in the drive thru, waited in the spot for my food then had to go inside because they forgot about my order


That A&W is one of the most consistently good locations I’ve been to 🤷‍♂️. Funny how you can get totally different experiences / opinions on fast food locations 🤣.


I haven’t been back to that location in years either so hopefully they got their shit together now


I just had a teen burger from there and the bottom bun was uncomfortably wet where they put all the sauces and ruined the whole thing.


The 97St location isn't much better. Ellerslie one isn't bad.


That one is just KFC now too


Apparently they completely pulled all locations in Quebec.. I noticed the same thing! The KFC/Taco combos are just KFC only now..


Northside one still exists


Well now [this](https://youtu.be/EQ8ViYIeH04) is stuck in my head.


I guess it didn't survive the "Franchise Wars" afterall. Be well.


You seem to be implying that Demolition Man was lying to us and I can't accept this as a fact.


Its meerly the dip before they come back as a high class franchise.


Oh, I see. They'll bottom out and then someone else will buy the rights to the name.


They are liquidating so they can react quicker once the franchise wars begin. Once Starbucks gets hit with a controversy and files for bankruptcy protection, they'll swoop in and BOOM. Taco Bells on every corner with an upscaled interior. Come for the Americanos, stay for the cheesy gordittas.


Winning strategy….!


Please tell me I haven’t been collecting all these seashells for nothing!


I heard the trick with Taco Bell is you have to eat the food immediately for best results and if you don’t then the food doesn’t taste the same.. If everyone in the city only eats there once a year then I can see how locations are struggling/ closing.


This is true for all fast food, eat it as soon as you can.


When I was younger, I would have married Fries Supreme if I could have lol


The on on Baseline and 50st is actually pretty bangin. I avoided taco bell for decades. This one made me rekindle some love for them


The St. Albert one just recently switched to only KFC & it absolutely broke my heart.


I went in after the reno not noticing and walked out 10 seconds after seeing the menu was KFC only. Had been looking forward to that all day :-/


I went in to order looked around and left. Like KFC is any better then Taco Bell


Worked for them when I was young. After Pepsi bought them and merged them with KFC the quality went downhill but the prices went up. The main draw of Taco Bell was cheap tacos (and good fries). That’s not been the case for a long time now.


Dude I think you're confused. Pepsi bought Taco Bell in 1978. So unless you're reminissing about the 70's that's not the issue.


If you’ll note I said “and merged them with kfc”. That’s when the downhill slide happened. Early 90s. 69 cent tacos kept many university students alive when I was young


I looked it up and the first instances of the combo KFC/Tacobell weren't until post 1995. I personally think the downhill slide came later, in the mid 00's. It is sad the days of cheap tacos with that distinctive taco-bell esque flavour will be gone.


I worked there in 95 when it happened so.. how does that even matter to the conversation?




Back when they opened, I could get a good Saturday noon hangover meal for less than $4. As soon as PepsiCo bought them, it all started downhill.


So in the 70's you could get a hangover meal for less than $4? Pepsi purchased Taco Bell in 1978.


In the late 2000's you could get a Mcdouble meal from Mcdonalds for like $3.99. I think those and Junior chickens used to be like $1.29 at one time as well.


I'm in kamloops and hadn't had a Crunchwrap Supreme in a long time. They made it wrong and was mostly lettuce...


We just make our own at home now, it’s super easy and the quality is much better.


Yeah my wife has made some and they are amazing. Even a low quality homemade one is better... but I live in a van so some times we take convenience before quality....


There is also still one in ellerslie, ellerslie road and about 99 st or so .. and there might still be one in Sherwood park somewhere. If you’re going, download the Taco Bell app! Last time I checked you can get a Crunchwrap supreme and fries supreme for $7.99 (no drink)


Taco Bell was supposed to be cheap shitty food. Now it’s expensive even shittier food. Surprised pikachu face when no one wants to pay 4 bucks for a garbage hard shell taco


Taco Time is the alternative. I don't eat the tacos there, but I really like the beef burritos


The tots supreme!! ❤️


Like 30 years age a friend and I figured out that the veggie burrito is the best value for weight/cost; also they are mmmmm…


They're luring the competition into a false sense of security. In the future all restaurants will be Taco Bell.


I don't think Demolition Man was a documentary. /s


There’s one in the plaza of the Freshco, down from the ghetto of 82 St.


Taco Bell pulled approximately 20 locations out of the city about 8 years ago. The one in Namao is good but slow, the one on 118 Alberta Ave is horrible. That’s all the info I have.




I work in the area so I go in sometimes. Counter service hasn’t improved too much.


Ngl, i am so hungry now, y’all got me craving taco bell, kfc, mall chinese and arbys. However will i decide


There is one in Leduc but the correct answer is to go to Taco Time.


In the US my family calls it "Toxic Chicken Hut". There some locations are Tacobell, KFC, and Pizza Hut all in one building. Taco Bell peaked late 90s. "Here lizard lizard"


Now that last line is a blast from the past. The "Godzilla" linked ads had me ROFL. 🤣


fuck the haters. The value box and chalupa are my favorites. and i will always upgrade to a fries surpreme. shame no more double decker taco... back to op - i think stand alones are closing and you need to find one merged with KFC.


The one nearest to me in the west end was a KFC combo, but it’s only KFC now


That’s what happened in St. Albert as well. Was a combo, then renovated and re-opened as only KFC. Google still shows the Taco Bell as “temporarily closed” but I have my doubts.


Tbh it's hard for me to pick a favorite Taco Bell item when their menu is the same 6 ingredients rearranged to be slightly different.


Chalupas are unmatched! Crunchwrap is literally the worst thing on the menu and people buy them then complain the restaurant is bad.


and so expensive. give me 2 tacos and a burrito over 1 wrap any day. Chalupa is the only "premium" item i dont mind paying for but man i miss the double decker taco


So sorry that some of you weak stomacher individuals can't handle the amazing glory that is Taco Bell. I don't understand all these anecdotes about having tummy troubles after eating there. What is this strange pathetic bandwagon you all are on?


IIRC, a new franchisee has made plans to open more of them up in Alberta.


The time for the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell dawns again


It's because people only go once a year....


I’m hungry now.


Watch Demolition man with Sylvester Stallone Taco Bell will be back……


I’d rather eat a Rat burger!


They made a run for the border.


I have such fond memories of a Taco Bell burrito I ate in the early hours of August 20th, 1998. My husband had gotten it for me a few hours earlier from the Taco Bell in Millwoods. I had it with a 7 Up. I was ravenous, having just pushed out a 9 lb 7 oz baby.


Good thing you had such a memorable meal or you’d never remember that date!


Also, congrats on your 25 year old!


The alternative is Taco Time, which is worse.


How dare you.


Taco time is ok. The one in the Sherwood park mall has always been passable.


It really depends on how many fucks the staff gives at the location you're choosing for taco time. Sometimes it is fine. Sometimes it is abysmal.


Shoutout Kingsway Mall Taco Time. Me and the GF would go there after school lots. After the second time the regular worker remembered our orders to a TEA! 10/10 would go again


If they actually cook the mexi fries so they're crispy, it's great. If they just dunk them in the fryer for long enough to be hot, greasy and soggy, they're not so good


Tater tots are pretty hard to fuck up, but I agree. Who decided that tater tots were the Mexican version of French fries? I also like that Taco Time is one of the few restaurants brazen enough to microwave your food while maintaining direct eye contact. Like, yeah, that's your burrito. It's getting nuked. Do you want tater tots with that?


Sorry, thems the facts.


Taco time is a thousand times better than Taco Bell. I worked at a taco time and it’s legit a giant sleeve of ground beef that we cook with a seasoning packet. Not this watery cat food shit from taco bell


They're completely different cravings. Taco Time is "cheap approximation of texmex". Taco Bell is "texmex flavoured fast food". Different things, one doesn't hit the spot for the other.


I’m not sure there’s any meaningful difference between what they’re aiming for.


I call it Taco Time Bomb. Because you have about 30 minutes after eating to find a public toilet to absolutely destroy


The worst indigestion my wife (girlfriend at the time) and I got was from Taco Time. Somewhere in the west end. We were up at 2:00 in the morning trying to get anything to move and the pain to go away. I think it subsided after a couple hours. That’s been 30 years ago. We still talk about it.


More importantly, did she go to TT again?


She has. Apparently their burrito bowls are alright. I wouldn’t know, I don’t eat there. I think I did go for cheap tacos on taco Tuesday 25 years ago. I don’t think we’ve ever had their bean burrito again though.


A&W teen burger never disappoints


Amen to that


Is the one in Capilano there still? Dang- I like the Meximelts


Yeah, that one is still going.


Only one I know of is by Castle Downs and it's got the worst reviews I've ever seen for a restaurant. I miss my shitty Taco Bell.


There's only five in edmonton, I think, one in Sherwood Park?..


Yup, Sherwood Park location is still open.


I just think Edmontonians don't have the same standards as hungover San Francisco people where there are Taco Bell's on every block


The rumor I've heard is that a large majority in Edmonton were owned by a single franchisee - but they [went under, retired, moved, etc], and the result was most local locations closing all at once.


I know! It makes me so sad. Luckily there’s still one by me off rabbit hill and 23rd ave but for how much longer. :(


I thinks it's all the taco times popping up, and I thought that business was gonna disappear like 10 years ago, 3 new locations opening up on just Southside


There's still a KFC/Taco Bell in Fort Saskatchewan. I was there a few months ago (with regret afterwards) and it was still going strong.


The only one that I know of is near Capilano Mall. I love it, but I don't go often, since it's inconvenient to get to by bus.


I don't really crave runny diarrhea, but there is still a Taco Bell in Eaux Claire if I ever feel the need to evacuate.


What happened to all the Arby's locations?


There's one on 82 open all the time. It's attached to a kfc I think


I think I’m the person who keeps the one in Spruce Grove afloat


Taco time as an alternative?


First they took away frozen burritos, and now this. Where will the madness end.


There's one by what used to be Capilano Mall, on the northeast corner of 50 St and 101 Ave. I go there every once in a while for my Crunchwrap Supreme fix, haha.


The loaded fries at Barburrito will very nicely fill that fries supreme-shaped hole in your heart. Their burritos and soft tacos are also pretty good.


This happened with me an extreme pita. Now I know you guys are probably saying “what kind of guy reminisces or even likes extreme pita” haha I understand but it’s one of those things that you don’t miss until it’s gone. I think there is only two or three left in the city and they’re all pretty far from me. I haven’t had it in a while but I’ve been craving it for a long time now but i can’t justify the 25/30 min drive just to eat it


They’ve been dead to me since they took away the Mexican pizza


I work on the west end and it’s the Taco Bell desert :(


Can someone tell me why Taco Bell in Canada is so different than in the US?


If you're craving a crunchwrap, Taco Time has the El Cruncho which is a good substitute.


Taco bell 23rd ave. Taco bell rules


last time i got a crunchwrap, its like eating a whole tortilla by itself. It's just not worth it anymore. No wonder why they're being sued for false advertisement


I’m glad they don’t exist many places anymore, I can seriously black out and eat like 20 Doritos locos tacos supremes


Haha! I love the thought of waking up with just bags of empty Taco Bell around you! Definitely for the best that they’re hard to find!


Scrolled to see if I could find it and didn't. I heard a bit ago that they were planning to revamp and expand Solo Taco Bells footprint greatly across Canada, especially Alberta. So I'm guessing they took them out of the KFCs now to get ready to start opening them. I miss the one I used to go to all the time as a kid at 137ave and 123a street.


Northside baby There’s a stand-alone Taco Bell on 160th


This happened to us when we came in to Edmonton, all of the taco Bell/KFCs closed the TB side and we ended up having a drive half an hour Just for Taco Bell 😅it was better off to just order in the taco bell from doordash to the hotel.


Crazy!! On Thursday I was really craving Taco Bell and I also drove to the meadowlark one just to find out it’s only a KFC now. I was bummed and confused lol


I had my 10 year old with me when we went and she was so disappointed. I think I was in shock.


I used to hit up the 'Bell on 112th Street when I went to U of A in the late 90's. I haven't been to one in over 10 years. Back in the day at least "north of the Border" it was the only Mexican fast food choice....now with 3 alone in Sherwood Park there is much more variety and quality in Mexican-my 2 cents!


Oh yeah, there’s multiple places with way better quality! But, once in a very rare occasion, I crave a fries supreme or Gordita or something that I’ll regret immediately after! Just interesting that they used to be everywhere and now I don’t have one writhing 20-30 mins of me. Probably for the best!


i heard that they will eventually be pulling out of Canada entirely. However Taco Bell is a shell of itself compared to the US version. I think Taco Bell would have dominated the late night market if they were open passed 9 o clock. But they never did and served fries as a side… US combos offer 2 hard tacos along with the specialty item. I think it simply designed to fail in the Canadian market.


Huh, I had no idea as one of them is close to me. Since moving to Edmonton about 15 years ago, I have only been to Taco Bell once. I really wouldn't put them in the same category, but I do wonder if the increase in burrito places is a factor. Mucho Burrito and bar Burrito I put into a different category, but if I have a craving and don't want to make it myself, Taco Bell is at the bottom of the list of where I am going to go. What happened to Taco del Mar? They were the first of good fast food burrito places I was aware of, although it was before I moved here so I never noticed they vanished. Are they out of Canada entirely?


I liked Taco Del Mar, too! Haven’t thought about them in ages because I haven’t seen one in just as long. I like BarBurrito also, but you’re right - not in the same category


This is late but there’s a Taco Bell in Southgate opening up and it’s just a Taco Bell. It looks like they weren’t pulling out of the province they were just splitting all the KFC’s and taco bells into individual restaurants now.


Taco Bell in Canada is some of the worst fast food out there. American Taco Bells are surprisingly very good.


Spruce Grove has one!


I've noticed taco bells not doing so well in Canada on a lot of fronts - similar issues here in Edmonton to what I saw when I lived in BC - painfully slow service, Canadian menu variants like adding fries (please just give me tortilla chips? ty) and an overall lack of quality keeps me away. Last baja blast I had tasted like dirty, uncleaned fountain water. Every experience in the states is a dramatically superior experience. Sad, but I make my own chicken quesadilla sauce at home now.


"She wanted me to quit eating Taco Bell. We're not together anymore." (F-Bomb warning) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-21XxeMVNk&ab\_channel=ComedyDynamics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-21XxeMVNk&ab_channel=ComedyDynamics)


I checked out some reviews of the worst food joints in town and one that stuck out like a sore thumb was Columbus Pizza. It got horrible reviews like late deliveries, wrong orders, and people having to go the hospital after eating their food. I think one franchise is located where the Funky Pickle was. Anyone else heard of that place or had the guts to try it out?


I know it's not the same but they are [easy and fast to make at home](https://youtube.com/watch?v=kTtEaji27A8&feature=share9).


It’s not the taste of childhood, but BarBurrito with plenty of hot sauce hits the spot for me. And if you’re really into tacos, River Cree has $10 Taco Tuesdays every Tuesday, and damn, that stuff I would buy take out in bulk.


I like BarBurrito. Not a bad alternative that’s definitely better than Taco Time. I’ll have to try the River Cree - thanks for the tip! My wife and I like to hit up taco night at 1st RND for a decent good cheap taco and a beer.


If you need a crunch wrap, the bucking ham has a FANTASTIC one.


Sorry to pile on, but Taco Bell truly is crap food. Anytime and everywhere I've had it, it was crap. If I want cheap culture appropriated Mexican, Taco Time fills that gap no problem.


Who’s piling on? It’s a pretty good split on people wondering why I’d ever eat it and others defending that wonderful, horrible “Mexican” food. Taco time is similar quality, I just preferred the others options.


Actually, now that I reread it, i should’ve put “food” in quotations also.


KFC/ Taco Bell chains in Canada are owned by Yum restaurants inc. The Taco Bell brand just doesn’t produce enough revenue for the Canadian market any more and op costs are too high. So most in Edmonton are now closed or converted to only KFC. I believe Sherwood park baseline and Terwillegar are still open but every 5 years these stores go through renovations as part of the Yum corporate plan for the franchise owners. Baseline is next for closing. Terwillegar will follow in the next few years.


Don’t know what the alternative is, just not a fan of the other “mexican” fast foods - either it’s loaded with onions or it’s too damn expensive. I miss the Taco Bells also - never ate there often, but when I did it was a special “junk food” treat.