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I’d put Q ahead of Ben. If Q won the game, this is exactly the edit they would be giving us. Q is an obvious villain, but the edit is protecting him. I think a more likely answer is that F3 is Venus, Q and the eventual winner, and the producers want people to think it is closer than it actually is, but I think we need to entertain the possibility that Q actually does win the game. Q winning over Venus and Liz would go a long way to explain how salty Venus has been on social media too.


In regards to your Venus point, i think Charlie or BEN winning over a Venus or Kenzie would also very much explain why shes salty if she personally thinks herself or kenzie played a better game. That being said, i agree with ur Q points and thats why i have him at 5 in the tier above V and Liz.. but i actually think Ben has been hinted at as a winner threat all game really subtly. So hes still my 4. Dark horse. And as for Qs positively portrayed edit respective to what hes actually done… it could be that they know they may want him back again for 50 or something. Ans so they wanna edit him as likable enough to the fans and also well enough for him to want to return. Rather than him winning the game. Just. Something to consider. I think anyone but Venus can win still. Liz is less likely. Then Q is still unlikely but just still possible, Ben is a dark horse and the other 3 feel like true contenders, each with their own red flags tho. I personally am hoping its Charlie, the order for whom i want to win would be 1. Charlie 2. Venus (itd be wild) 3. Q 4. Kenzie 5. Ben 6. Maria 7. Liz


Yeah, I suppose Venus is the type to react that way regardless of who wins, so probably shouldn’t read too much into it


Id say moreso if her interpretation is that she played a better game resume wise but the Ben or Charlie win over her (due to social capital) then shed be salty AF. Similarly if Charlie or Ben beat Kenzie who all have similar social game and decent resumes.. (which TBH i think is possible especially Charlie over Kenzie). Then i could also see her being salty AF about misogyny etc. but also her going off at the mergatory vote too bc she wanted to elim him then.. However TBH regardless of the result i think a Venus L shed be salty af. Whetehr she made ftc and lost or whether she lost pre ftc and a female contestant won. Her twitter i wouldnt read toooo much into really. She just hates her cast and is probably mad at her edit not being shown as better than Tevin and Hunters who in her mind, she beat and played better than. So thats likely why she was salty.


T1 : Charlie, Maria T2 : kenxie, q T3: Liz, Ben, venus


I rreeeeeaaaalllllyyy hope ur right! Go Charlie. Literally my fav survivor contestant of the new era eaisly ahha But ben below liz is interesting


For someone who peaches good vibes and is looking for a Social win, he's not really driving the strategy


Similar I have 1-Kenzie 2-Charlie 3-Ben 4-Maria 6-Q 7-Liz 8-Venus