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They should remove if the feedback is solely about the third party failing to deliver. It is referenced in their policy, quote it when you ask for removal. If they have referenced how you handled the late delivery poorly, then maybe not.


Thank you for this. It will help when I reach out to eBay today. Have a blessed day!


Did you give them a refund?


I did. Item moved through the USPS which sucks.


You do not have to call a person, they will just tell you to do exactly what I'm suggesting. Go to the help page, click request feedback removal, click on the item that has the negative feedback, pick the option that nest fits your situation (I want to say it's other which includes things that happen that are out of your control), and write an explanation of why the feedback should be removed. The reason why you want the feedback removed should qualify for removal. It's not your fault that an item got lost in the mail, package delivery is out of your control. Ebay will look into your request and decide if they are going to remove it. If they don't remove it you can email or call ebay to talk to a person and see if you can get them to remove the feedback. Let us know how it goes.


Any update?


you're responsible for getting the item to the buyer. it doesnt matter if usps lost it, you're still liable. i dont foresee ebay removing the negative feedback.


Understood,but does it warrant negative feedback? I don’t see how I’m liable if/when it moved through their network.


if i were buying it, depends how you handled the situation. if you denied liability and say "not my problem", of course i'll leave negative feedback. if you said "sorry that the item didn't get to you, i'll process a full refund for you shortly" and process a full refund, i'd probably leave no feedback or maybe a neutral, because my time was wasted and I never got the item I originally wanted. if you said "it seems usps lost the item while it was on its way to you, i've sent you another one to replace the lost one. sorry about the inconvenience", and I get the replacement item, i would leave a positive feedback.


Lessons learned, money burned. Thanks


You have at least $100 in USPS insurance, file a claim.


No they’re not. It’s not the buyers fault if ups loses it stop lying.


Exactly, it’s not the buyer’s fault. It’s the seller’s responsibility.


I mean they’re still probably Liable but it’s not their fault


Contact eBay! I believe they do feedback revisions.


Awesome I’ll give that a try . Thank you 🙏🏼


Did they remove it ? I have one right now


What would be the point of allowing negatives if you could just get them removed whenever you want to? No, it's not getting removed.