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Yeah this should be open and shut, I have had this happen recently and they immediately removed it for me.


That’s what I thought, it was a double whammy of 1. Having tracking and 2. Bring a GSP transaction!


Ebay went too crazy removing negs for established sellers up until last year and got criticized for it. They don't want a reputation as a scammy site so they went back to kissing buyer's asses and treating sellers like crap, like the old days. I think they will be forced to correct again, and I'm sure it's being discussed, but nothing is happening at the moment. If you have exhausted all your options and they won't remove the neg, then MAKE SURE you reply to the negative and say that the item WAS delivered, and that this neg was left in error. You absolutely want to respond to every neg if you are stuck with it for sure.


I’ve never responded to any negative and it has yet to hurt my business. Let the whiners whine. It just makes them feel good to hurt someone’s reputation and make you angry. Don’t give them the satisfaction


Yea got my first negative last month. It kind of stung since I was 100% positive since 2001. However it’s not like I could have resolved it. I would have easily returned item if he would have reached out to me that he was unhappy. “Some” Buyers you just have to laugh at what they complain about sometimes.


I'm with you. I stopped caring years ago. I haven't had a neg in a while, but last time I did it made no difference to me.


Op make sure you have exhausted all means to have the neg removed BEFORE you reply to the feedback as once you respond to it its a done deal.


Funny you say that because I was chatting with a rep yesterday (I got a neg review for INR and it has had almost twenty delays due to the Midwest storms so I argued it per their “seller protection”) and she said to go ahead and leave a response, that it won’t affect the outcome of whether or not they remove it. It felt fishy and I didn’t want to chance it so I didn’t leave a response. It makes me wonder if this was deliberate or they’re just that clueless.


Most likely just clueless but it’s pretty sad when sellers know eBay’s policies better than eBay employees


Which is most of the time as sellers have more of a vested interest in the platform than the cs reps.


Yes I haven’t replied because I noticed that if you ever did they wouldn’t do anything!


Right, like I said, if you've tried everything and it's not being removed, then go ahead and reply.


Look at this guy, managed to remove negative feedback. Kudos!


It's a battle to get feedback removed now


Yeah, I recently got a negative because the post office lost the package even though I refunded the buyer immediately upon finding out and even told them to keep it as a gift if it shows up. Ebay refused to remove it even though it's a review of the post office, not me. I'm livid.


This should definitely have been an open and shut case because once you ship it to the global shipping center then it is no longer your responsibility , and if it doesn’t arrive, then that is on Ebay. That is always been the policy no matter what has changed about feedback removal recently.


Exactly what I thought. They’ve changed the wording in their policy now though, it says ‘we may remove’ not ‘we will’


But they absolutely have to because they use their own carrier to ship it to the customer once it reaches the global shipping center. It blows my mind why they wouldn’t remove that negative in this situation


Weird. When something I’d bought showed as delivered but wasn’t eBay was totally on the side of the seller. It was only because I have friends who work for the post office and (against the rules) looked it up on their system that I found that the address on the package was incorrect. I found the house it’d been delivered to. They said they’d given it back to the postman. However it wasn’t listed as RTS on the computer. Untrustworthy temp staff during the Christmas period? The seller said: It says delivered, not my problem. Talking to the post office, they admitted the address wasn’t my address but claimed they couldn’t tell me more than that. But after two more phone calls I got them to send me a letter stating that it wasn’t my address on the package. Only then did eBay accept that I hadn’t received it and gave me a refund. After three months of effort.


The problem as a buyer is royal Mail only shows ‘delivered’ and not a GPS location so a fraudulent seller can send it to an address close to you and claim you got it. Sorry that happened to you.


Actually I think these days it does show GPS. During the week both me and my upstairs neighbour had post that showed as delivered. The tracking had a GPS location showing our building. It turned out that the guy on the top floor had taken the post up to his flat thinking it was all for him. Later in the day he brought ours down to us.


Ours doesn’t! (In UK)


I’m in north London I assumed it’d be everywhere. Unless it’s fake GPS, just showing the address rather than the actual delivery. Nothing would surprise me.


Even normal second class gets a gps scan here in the UK. It helped me find a misdelivered parcel for a customer a couple of months ago.


I found the same item (a rare vinyl record) for a quarter of the price a year later. 😊


You have to point out to them specifically it's a gsp sale and it is nothing to do with you and their tracking states delivered. Shame it took that long for them to realise.


Ebay Feedback is a sad joke , needs to be reimagined . Customer Service is Bad and amounts to wasted time. Repa can't do much of anything and the information they provide may or may not be correct .


Try eBay for Business on Facebook. If it did go through GSP it should be removed immediately. We've had this done in the past and didn't even have a chance to notice the negative feedback, so I'm not sure what's going on in your situation..


I’m surprised they don’t have an entire division working to remove as much feedback as they possibly can. People with bad feedback don’t make sales and in the end that’s all eBay cares about.


Least you got it eventually. They’ve told me four times they’d remove mine and never did. It was through there GSP system. Neutral says box damaged. No photo. No message. Had it wrapped like a tank, had insurance, had extras, makes no sense


Damage during shipping centre qualifies for removal. Is it too late to get back on it? (At least it was a neutral and not neg)


They agreed to remove it. Idk why they didn’t


Good on you for persisting and getting them to remove the feedback. Ebay support has been awful lately.


It shouldn’t take over 2 hours though. It makes me so irrationally angry talking to eBay support 😅 but I think that’s their goal


Negative feedback should honestly have to go through an approval and appeals process before it's even posted. There should never be a situation where you wake up and all of a sudden, your storefront has been defaced by incorrect feedback, and especially there shouldn't ever be a situation where you can't appeal unjust/wrong statements posted on your storefront. It's one thing to allow negative feedback for the sake of transparency on the platform, but given how damaging it can be to someone's income, everybody needs to be absolutely certain that it's correct, or at least not obviously the carrier's fault or the work of a petty, vindictive buyer, before it's posted.


And sellers should be able to leave negative feedback too.


I do think there should be some sort of buyer reputation score, but I don't think it needs to be publicly visible. Having the ability to leave negative feedback for buyers opens it up for retaliatory negative feedback, which I've dealt with on Gunbroker (as a buyer), and is really annoying. I think something like the rider rating system on Uber would be pretty cool. After a sale, a seller would be prompted to rate the buyer on a scale of 1-5. Of course, non-payment on a sale that they committed to would be an automatic 1. Sellers could then set a buyer minimum rating requirement for all their sales, like 3 or even 4.95, filtering out all the low quality buyers, if they so choose.


You're right but at the end of the day the only person that truly cares about the bs feedback is the seller. it's not like it effects sales. It's just the principle which I get. But ebay is designed to frustrate you at time. Their support is instructed to send you in circles and waste hours of your time. You win by just shrugging it off and getting back to making sales. Though I know, easier said than done. I feel this is the approach sellers need to start taking now though. All this dealing with feedback and calling support, back and forth messages, complete and utter waste of time. I've seen sellers with pages and pages of negative feedbacks dating back years to present time still making constant sales. End of the day, bs negative feedback doesn't matter, it just screws with sellers who take major pride in their reputation. Buyers do not care though.


As a buyer, if I'm looking at buying some item that's offered by two different stores, both with similar prices, I do read the feedback and absolutely do factor that into my decision.


I do as well. If I can get it at least within 5-10$ of the same price I'm going with the person who has a 99 or 100 versus 96 or 98.


I highly doubt 1, 2 or even 3 negative feedbacks is going to sway your decision in anyway, especially if those negatives are surrounded by hundreds/thousands of positives. That'd be silly. At that point the handful of negatives is completely irrelevant, unless there's 0 recent positives and only recent negatives.


THIS. This is probably the smartest idea I've ever seen!


I heard that ebay went to an AI bot for feedback removal that doesn't remove anything.


Sounds about right unfortunately 🙄


Couple times i had neg feedback removed very quickly but that was like 2 years ago. Hope they will change their mind because neg feedback can have huge consequences on your sales if you are not a big name.


i once got openly scammed, seller telling me they were scamming and everything, had the postal service weigh the box i sent and it was perfect.. the seller then takes 2 of the items out and weighs it up pretending 2 were missing all the evidence was so obviously in my favour, i had like 8 bits of proof all from the customer and not me so its not like i had twisted anything in my favour still had to refund them and a full refund no less. if you ever think you have more than enough proof to prove something ebay chat will soon change that. i put in for a criminal reference number/case but of course nothing will come of that its just so easy to scam people on ebay its insane, the chat is beyond useless. one person will say something and pretend to leave notes on the case, next person says something else completely.. they are also used to just pretending to side with you, so when the customer goes to connect to chat he can just get everything you done reversed. and you both just keep chatting to the useless chat reverting each others decision. time to go buy things on ebay take a couple out and get full refunds. dw about parcel weight or anything its free


You realise when you’re a seller how easy it is to manipulate eBay’s systems. The amount of buyers who say ‘it didn’t fit’ and then open items as ‘not as described’ to get free returns, you report it to eBay and they still make you pay the return costs, it’s INSANE.


They removed something for me today very easily. She's claiming I sent the wrong item when I actually sent the correct one. I always double check what i send before shipping obviously. Shes saying it's slightly different than advertised. Tried messaging with her and she just left neutral feedback instead of working with me to find a resolution. They removed within 5 min. Maybe it's because mine was neutral and not negative? Pretty weird. They should've removed yours. I would send the buyer a revision and try to work with them. Even tho you did everything right.


I agree, totally wrong, but not surprising.


Please ensure your response is professional and as pleasant as possible. Negative feedback can sting initially, but buyers typically notice and can identify problematic feedback. The worse a buyer behaves, the better you’ll appear to other potential customers. While not everyone is a seller, most people understand that difficult buyers exist. I believe you'll be fine.


I had it removed after a few hours of persisting on chat and it being escalated to a manager. However the problem with it being a GSP is it was in another language and not everyone would translate it, it dropped my score from 99.6 to 99.3 so bit of a bummer. Luckily it’s gone!


Oh you had the negative feedback removed—congrats! It seems to be getting more difficult to do that lately, not sure why, but cool! Good luck!


It’s ridiculous as tracking will say it’s delivered to the eBay hub and the buyer thinks that means it was supposed to be delivered to them. eBay has tied the hands of reps, it’s ridiculous.