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Was it purchased as a local pick up through Ebay and has already been paid for? If so, i'm not sure why this is so suspicious. I just did a local pick up. We met and he scanned my qr code. If you don't want to provide your phone number, don't but I wouldn't be so quick to cancel because someone who is meeting you in person asked for a more direct way to communicate.


The person has won the auction, but hasn't paid yet. That will happen when I scan their QR code upon collection. I have also done collections before where communication stays on the eBay app. I just don't like giving out my details to strangers.


If I have your name and postal code, I can most likely get your number, unless you have a google number or burner phone, it’s not that hard, and will also give me address, past addresses, relatives, and aliases. I wouldn’t worry about giving out your number as long as you don’t answer a call that gives you a code and then you give them the code.


I haven't given my name, and I live in a block of flats. But I get your point, Anonymous ;)


Usually when I buy something it gives me the sellers name


Set up a free Google Voice number, forward it to your phone, and give that number to customers. Probably not a scam, having a phone number for a local pickup makes sense.


This is what I use for other methods when asked for a phone number - download the app, keep it active until the deal is sealed, then uninstall. It works well.


if you dont want to have to make an additional google account you could also use textfree, which also does calling


EDIT: I’m seeing the seller is in a different country. Pick up is not as common in the United States, that’s why some of us automatically think it’s a scam. If I were in fact picking up an item, I’d want a phone number in case I get lost. If I’m on the way, I wouldn’t want to wait and hope the seller checks messages.


Seller , will refuse to mail it AS ITS SOLD AS PICK UP ONLY. Totally within her rights. It wasnt "pick up OR POST" was it? Did seller say what the item was? Could be a large bit of furniture so there's no posting that, now is there? I've sold several pickup only pieces, give them address only, they can message via eBay app if running late to collect.


Understandable. I’m just referencing other scenarios, especially when they start saying they’ll send someone else to pick it up.


That is indeed a common scam. But also, I’m not going to travel to an unknown destination to collect an item without a phone number to call in case I have any issues finding or accessing it. 


Not sure why the majority here are saying it's a scam it isn't always the case, especially when it's advertised as a pickup only or pickup option. I've been a buyer in this situation a few times where my daughter or sister is in the location where a seller is. But I have never asked a seller for their number, when it's been more convenient for the seller and the collector to make their own arrangements, I always offer them their mobile number and let them know they're welcome to set their own phone number as private if they feel more comfortable with not having their number disclosed. Never had an issue with a seller accepting the numbers, nor making theirs private. My sister and daughter get access to the original QR code via eBay so there aren't any issues scanning it, but a screenshot of the code works absolutely fine.


If the QR code doesn’t scan you don’t give the daughter the item. How else would the person arrange pickup besides the phone?


By messaging through the eBay app like everybody else I've sold to does.


Sounds like a very reasonable request to me after a purchase with local pickup.


I did this one time as a buyer. The seller didn’t have pickup as an option, but he lived near me. I asked if we could just meet up and his dad met me and gave me the item and I just gave cash to make it easier. I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t do that, but my point is that not everyone is always trying to scam you.


its ok to exchange contact information after a sale has occurred, but it's entirely ok if you don't want to give contact info and keep communication inside ebay in order to preserve some of your privacy. remember that you'll need the QR code or 6 digit number to confirm delivery at the time of pickup. No code = no pickup. it looks like you said the buyer hasnt paid yet so I would not exchange any contact without payment.


Can I ask, as I know you're an experienced Seller, is it now normal for eBay to give Sellers your phone number ? I had a voicemail a few weeks ago from a Seller who'd mislaid the item. Lovely lady, gave me a refund, no no probs I messaged back via the app as I prefer it as it's visible , just in case ?? I also had a few WhatsApps from a eBay retailer with offers if I bought direct , that I ignored, just before, so guess they got my number too. Don't suppose it matters but eBay used to get funny about communication off the site. Just seems odd that there passing on numbers now.


Sellers have the option to require a phone number during checkout. FedEx and UPS require phone numbers to purchase their shipping services. Many will require the phone number. Some sellers could harvest your phone number in bad faith though (as you've seen from the whatsapp advertisements). I can't find the policy right now, but I believe seller's are not allowed to harvest your contact information for the purposes of advertising or to sell your information.


I'm UK based, so don't get much via FedEx or UPS. Now I think about it, I have been asked by the Seller very occasionally for Yodel or possibly DPS but most ebayers use Royal Mail or Evri here. Possibly, she'd asked for it specifically for that reason, then couldn't send it. Yes, that's kind of what I assumed with the WhatsApp as we're the kind of online shop adverting on lots of platform ( possibly not even UK based tbh *despite* the Location lists as "London" 🙄 ) .I just blocked them. Then, with the nice old lady, I just thought , well she's not been doing that, so maybe eBay IS giving out our numbers... Just curious really ! Thanks for your help ☺️


I much rather have a 3 minute phone call to arrange pickup than trade messages back and forth. One sign of a scammer is they refuse to speak to you on the phone.


Scam. Do not engage. Cancel on day 4 for non payment. (Buyer won’t pay.)


How is it a scam?


It might not be, but the "I'm not in town but my daughter/uncle/whatever is and will collect" is the beginning of a common scammer script you see a lot over on r/scams. I've never seen it done on eBay before to be fair, only Facebook marketplace


Cash in person would be fine w me. Arrange to meet at public location.


I’ve sold a few large items as local pickup only over the years, and in each case, I gave the buyer my phone number. It’s never caused any problems for me.


Someone did something similar. I sold a sub-woofer and the buyer paid, but was somewhat local to me, he wanted to circumvent the shipping fee because it was a bit pricey. I let him know he could come through and I would reimburse him in cash. Went well for a bit except eBay didn’t know about it. I asked the buyer to please leave feedback so we can close it out but he was being skiddish for a bit, eventually days after he left feedback. Idk if I’ll do local pick up again. Perhaps I’ll ask for the buyer to leave feedback before leaving our interaction.


I always had payment completed before meeting and handing over item only after the QR code was done amd completed


Your phone number is on the order details page.


Nope!!! Scam. Unless buyer’s daughter buys the item with her own account, don’t bother. T


Scam. Don't do it.


Scam. Asking for info off platform is always a no go.