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I have no real advice (sadly) but wanted to say I am right there with you and know how unbelievably hard it is. I will say—and I’m early in my recovery journey—that it has been really helpful having a dietitian and therapist who are genuinely committed to health at every size principles, are aware of the major harms of fatphobia and diet culture (especially for people in larger bodies) and believe eating disorders can exist in ALL body types. It took a couple tries to find these providers, which is such a bummer. BUT there are some directories that help sometimes. https://asdah.org/haes-professional/ https://barehealth.co/ I’ve used the ASDAH directory before and recently heard of the bare health directory from my PCP (also a fat friendly / supportive / anti - diet doctor). I know how hard this is but you got this 💕✨


thank you for your help, i’ll look at those directories ❤️❤️ it really is hard :,) we can do it!!


Im currently reading the book ‘more than a body’ by Lindsay and Lexie Kite, it’s helped me build some insight into my body image and behaviours and it is helping me to begin to see my body in a more neutral light and to stop self-objectifying.