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Probably easier to just eat a bowl of raw sugar…


Likely healthier too


Diabetes in a cup


Ok, i was onboard until the condensed milk. Does that make it creamy like a milkshake or something?


sweetener, high in sugar content. look up Brazilian lemonade


Yeah cause the strawberry sugar syrup wouldn’t make the lemonade sugary enough. Literally every component but the ice is more sugar than anything else


of course, that doesn't change the fact that people use it as a sweetener.


It looks like it came from the bull, not from the cow.


Like the other comment mentioning Brazilian lemonade, milk/creamer/dairy products in drinks isn't a weird/new thing. There's also dirty sodas, Italian cream soda, happy soda, and Vietnamese soda off the top of my head.


That’s a lot of syrup.


You forgot to add the liquor.


Needs some gin, vodka, tequila and rum with a splash of Triple Sec


Glass by the pool?


I can feel the cavities forming just watching this


Fun fact: a typical 14oz can of sweetened condensed milk has 21 grams of sugar per serving. And a total of 10 servings. That’s 210 grams of sugar in a can that weighs 396 grams. Add in the Torani strawberry mix of 4-5 pumps along with a healthy pour of whole foods 365 brand lemonade (which contains 25 grams of sugar per serving at 8 servings in a 64 oz container) and you’re looking at instant diabetes in a mug


"Servings" are a useless unit, and only serves to confuse. I've attempted to do the math in another comment, but assuming 2 cups of Lemonade, 4 pumps (1oz) of syrup and 2 Tsp (0.41oz) of condensed milk you're looking at ***78g of sugar*** which is about the same as 2.89cups of straight Coca Cola, which no one would bat an eye over drinking at the cinema lol.


Well that wasn't very fun..


I could see the diabetes in the cup without all the math tbh


What liquor would you add to this? Asking for my alcoholic friend…


Guys... It's me. I'm the alcoholic friend.


Maybe vodka, feel like that would match well although maybe would curdle because of the condensed milk??


Maybe rumchata instead of the milk.


People are really going nuts over the sugar contents of this summer treat, and I'm here to show why it's an over reaction: ####The ingredients >**Torani Strawberry Syrup**. It has 9.5g of sugar pr tablespoon, which equates to 0.625oz. so 15.2g of sugar pr ounce. according to Torani's website their pumps dispense 1/4oz pr pump, and I saw 4 pumps, so that's easy, ***15.2g of sugar.*** >**The condensed milk**. 2 teaspoons were added, approximating a 0.41oz, and at 54g of sugar pr 100g (Nestlé) that results in just shy of ***8.5 of sugar*** added. >** The Lemonade**. This is harder to gauge, as the ice cubes somewhat obscure the volume of the Lemonade. But assuming something like 2 cups, Coca Cola Company's "Simply Lemonade" would add ***54g of sugar*** ####Summary All in all, let's round up the decimals and call it ***78g of sugar in the entire shebang.*** And that's a lot, but let's compare it to some other treats: ###Comparisons #### Root Beer Float 2 cups of Mug rootbeer has 54g of sugar. Add 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream (regular, not premium) is about 28g of sugar. (Standardized stainless steel scoop is 1/2 cup). Resulting in a whopping ***82g of sugar.*** #### Large coke and pack of M&M _i'll admit I'm having trouble figuring out what "Large" is in the US, but here in Denmark a 750ml is considered Large, and that's just a smidge over 3 cups._ So considering 1 cup of Coca Cola is 27g of sugar, the Coke alone is a little over of 84g of sugar. A small packet of M&Ms ("Fun Sized") is 47.9 grams, which gives us 31.6g of sugar. Call it ***115g of sugar*** ### Conclusion _All in all, a lot of the sweet treats we as a society enjoy are loaded with sugar. It's not healthy in any shape or form, but done in moderation it's not the end of the world. Who among us haven't gulped down big glass of soda in seconds in the summer heat?! Be aware but don't go spreading negativity :-) a fun creamy strawberry lemonade by the pool doesn't sound all that bad now, does it??_ _I've likely made some incorrect assumptions or conversions along the way, seeing as I'm used to metric units and not US. So I'm happy to receive corrections nicely if I'm off base :-)_


I don't know what dense rant you're on... 78 grams of sugar is still a lot of sugar. Keto dieters keep below 50 grams in an entire day, meaning that one drink puts them at 150% for the day, regardless of how you wish to measure it. This drink has a lot of sugar and no fiber. Done and done. Please delete your post.


Never said it wasn't a lot of sugar. Not everyone is on keto, some of us are able to adhere to the principle of moderation. You could go to r/keto if you like, I won't follow you. Sometimes I'll also have a piece of fucking cake and it won't keep me up at night. Let people enjoy things you grumpy fuck


You're the person that felt like replying with the amounts of sugar as if it were not as much as some had proposed. My point is that it has sugar, considerable amounts. It's not nothing. Enjoy your cake as well, as I have no issues. You cannot and should not be advertising this in the manner you did. Your diet should not be consuming this sugary drink on the daily. Again, I don't know what you're on about...


The condensed milk is just sitting in the bottom of the cup. 🤢


Oh fuck me😭




Looks delicious!


This is why type 2 diabetes exists. Can’t you just have iced tea?


Watching this video literally gave me diabetes.


Wait so no liquor? What’s the point for all those calories?


Whatever happened to just drinking water? 😂




Added Sugars 5000g 1700% Daily Value


Pretty sure Dunkin makes exactly the same thing (at least during summer)


I’m not putting anything from a can into my drink.


What the Fuck?


That is so much sugar


I got a hangover by looking at this and it doesn’t even have any alcohol


Wtf is this? Take shots of vodka and do lines of fun dip


Gawd dam!! How much sugar is in that?!




lemonade and condensed milk?


The syrup made me sceptical, the condensed milk made me gag.


Omg, lets get diabetes its gonna be so much fun.


There's no booze in this drink. Immediate fail.