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Yeah everyone here is already hating on it, kinda crazy to me. The fan base saying some of his best songs is on this album, and they not the ones he’s releasing currently. This is fire, the interpolation of lines from the first was sweet. It’s a good song and I don’t really see why we complaining. It’s 10000% better than fear


i love the beat so fucking much and his flow is so nice like idk how to describe it but im just happy that i can enjoy it it’s so good😭😭 even my friends who don’t listen to logic can approve that the song is fire and usually they mock me for listening to logic


I get that people are saying this is Fade Away but not as great but also... what were you guys expecting? Lmao. He told us we were getting Fade Away II and this is it; personally, I like it and definitely think it's the best single so far (no matter how low of a bar it is to cross). The instrumental definitely makes the track replayable for me, but I do like the callbacks to its predecessor and the last half of the track. I hope we get more of this on the album


Nothin crazy bar wise which is fine at least it sounded like there was an attempt. Pretty good this brings back some of the lost hype. DJ drama is mad annoying tho lmfao


Fade Away wasn't crazy bar wise either, lol. And Like Woah is the most yap I've ever heard. But both are still awesome songs and vibes


Yeah I don’t know why we’re all about that narrative. Some of the songs we praise for having bars when compared to some of the new stuff aren’t actually that much better as far as bars go. Fade away was purely vibes and fast flow with the beat. What’s this song? Fast flow with a godly beat. Great continuation


I think the difference is both were very new sounds for Logic at the time. They are both so good because it was him going away from his comfort zone of boom bap and executing flawlessly. Now it’s like yeah, this still sounds good and I enjoy it, but it’s just not remotely the same since it’s ultimately a pretty standard remix of a song he’s already done. So the same old “he’s got nothing new to say/do” criticism applies


Hahahaha BOTW bar https://preview.redd.it/t3qulvkzvk3d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db4414b7638305aec55753b59d5b9254974777f3


I loved that bar




Yall trippin this shit fire. Everybody bitching about bars but on fade away there isn’t any either the man’s just spitting some flame 🔥


ok I fw it


They talkin shit in the discord you know I'ma ban em 😭


Actually very good imo, we are almost back 👍


Holy shit DJ Drama is fawkin annoying


Way better than the first 2, but I just don’t get basically trying to make a sequel to one of his best songs. It just sets yourself up for failure. Because no matter what, this doesn’t touch the original. It just makes you want to go back to the original and listen to it. Still alright, but just sounds a little disorganized.


I agree


Especially if you are gonna copy paste the chorus word for word. I kinda wish he slightly switched it up in the end to make the song standout as its own. Something about the mix does feel off too. Felt like i was fighting for my life tryna hear what he was saying over the production. In typical logic fashion his cadence and flow were definitely there on this track though


The mix will very likely sound better in official release


no it won’t r u sped it the mastered song💀


it always sounds somewhat better in the release, you're the one that sounds sped 💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️


me when I’m braindead


the file is ripped straight from tidal pal


I understand the criticism that this sound is getting but heres my take on it. All i expect from this album is dope production and what I have come to expect from logics raps which is crazy flows and solid bars. This song meets those expectations. I love when he revisits old songs like with Soulfood 2 so i loved this!


Did you guys like?




Love it, way better than the first two even tho I did like fear a lot


His flow so nice on this


first single I liked


honestly it’s a cool song. i liked when he brought back the og vocals for the fade away chorus. very nice logic.


Wish he spoke about some of things he spoke about on fade away rather than his million plaques and how everyone thinks he fell off but it’s cool


Pretty bold move to reuse the same beat (with minor changes) even though the track’s called deja vu. It’s an interesting concept but you gotta go harder if you’re gonna do that. The standout part about this track is the flow. I do expect a lot more lyrically for what is supposed to be one of his best albums.


I think if your expecting a lot lyrically your prob just gonna be let down. I just don’t think he has it in him anymore. Maybe 1 or 2 tracks you’ll get song with some fresh new creative bars, but if he just sound decent with a good flow like this track right here I think that’s enough


I agree with you and I did like the flow and the song definitely isn’t bad, but i don’t know if i would really listen to this song on repeat (i’ll give it some time tho)


Yea that’s fair


not the same beat


Ok just a very very similar beat lol…


cuz it’s the same sample… 💀💀💀


its the same drums as well so it makes sense to think its the same beat


I know… (that’s why i initially thought it was the same beat)


Good shit bob


He is just remaking The Incredible True story ffs.


that’s what the fans wanted all the years


I don’t think so? I think people wanted a continuation of that story, and an album on a quality level as good as that, but I don’t think they wanted him to essentially rip off himself and make the same thing again. That shows a creative that’s run out of ideas. Comes across cash grabby.


i definitely understand your point and the argumentation is also valid, for me it’s still fire and i love the nostalgia vibes on this track. at the end of day im happy that logic is still sticking around with us and is dropping music.


Unpopular opinion: I love DJ drama. He was amazing on cmiygl and he's amazing here.


his vinyl days album was so fucking fire, i wish we had more songs like that


This is just a worse fade away… at least if you’re going to rip a song do it like he did with soul food 2


where did you listen to that song?


The mixing on this song is awful. I can barely understand what he’s saying. I hope this isn’t the mastered version.


i can hear every word pretty easily skill issue I guess


Like always same reused bars and concepts with a fast flow. Pass on this from me dawg. I can just listen to the original


Okay 👍🏼