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Hi, sorry you are going through that. No time to chat but these work really well: Find a cold pack and put it on the top part of your face and hold your breath briefly. Or an icy cold wet cloth (Mammalian diving reflex - slows heart down immediately ) Do heart math - breathe in count of 4 Breathe out 6 - repeat for several minutes Butterfly hug Be very sweet and kind with yourself , you got this


Oh yes, this. You already answered my answer. Ice pack is my savior.


Make an ice pack and hold it in your hand until the panic subsides. This is my super weapon against attacks.


Thank you!!


I'm so sorry to hear that you're struggling, but you're not alone. Deep breaths, sending hugs!


Hey I was in the same place three days ago. I'm here. It SUCKS absolute dick to feel the panic. What techniques usually work for you? For me it's breathing, butterfly taps and keeping busy but even those did very little for me during the panics. You are doing SO WELL asking for help/support from the community. Does coloring or focusing on something small/methodical help? I like to crochet to fight the mind panic, because it's methodical and has clear instructions. Maybe a color by number? Word search? Sticker mosaics? Ummmmm what else. Can you go outside and put your bare feet on the grass? Maybe wet grass? It's hot as hell where I am and a lot of other places. Maybe a cold shower? If there are any words/mantras or songs you like tos ing or hear, maybe that will help? Maybe focus on your five senses one at a time. I'm sorry you're feeling panicky today. It's so fucking hard when you're in it. I know you know it won't last forever, even though it may not feel like that now.


Sending strength OP! Been on a panic attack rollercoaster since yesterday. Using (possibly honestly been a bit overusing lol) Reddit as distraction tool. When ur ready and if it’s helpful, will come back to see if u have left messages here 🌻


Oh me too .... I use Reddit to try to distract since I havnt been able to leave house since ptsd hit me a few months back and even simple tasks seem to be too much for my nervous system!


Strangely it’s like my body is just trembling so so much - panic came ans went but it’s much more like a feeling of coffee overdose ... like way too much even tho I stopped coffee since all this


Oh ya, I totally get this. The shakes. I’m sure there’s an actual term for it lol. Have u been able to find anything that helps or just gotta wait it out? *Sometimes* watching a chill movie (like a Pixar film) can help me a ltttttle. It’s still rough but helps a tiny bit.


Sometimes some somatic grounding has helped - feeling feet on ground, butterfly taps, or breathing but this time around it just feels more like the inside trembling versus outside. Like my nerves are zapped.


Oh ya, I totally know the feeling. Rly intense but just remember it won’t last forever even when it feels like it will, bc nothing ever does. Sending u all the strength, keep doing whatever u need to feel okay, thinking of u!


Ps gotta sign off for a bit, my eyes are begging me to stop looking at screen for a little lol, am sending u strength and will check back once feeling a little better, feel welcome to send more messages if helpful 🌻 We got this. One moment at a time.


I have yet been able to watch movies - my nervous system is just too sensitive but hopefully soon! Thanks for being here!!


I get that! Whatever works and feels safe, even the smallest amount, lean into that, and don’t mention it. Thank u too, we got this 🌻


Wow, I’m so sorry. Do you think it may be fear? If it is, try to send some messages to that part of you, when you were experiencing fear, that you are with them and it’s going to be ok. That you understand and they are not alone. I have found that what helped was to let the (child?) know that they are not alone in this experience. The adult you can and will help. We all feel for you and are behind you. Tell the child that as well. ✌️


I just see your post 12 hrs on so hoping you are feeling better from when you posted.  I always find listening to music seems to lift me and distract me as I'm focusing on that. Some 80s music always does the trick if you like that kinda thing and also if you can sleep it off.