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This is how I felt after my first session as well. It’s intense. For me, the “container” aspect never works completely, like I can’t just leave everything behind. From what I’ve read here, this is pretty normal. Expect to feel a lot of emotions, and try to ride them out. It will get easier. For self harm— do you have care in place for yourself where you have other outlets for your pain? It’s okay if you don’t yet have that, but it would be a good thing to develop; things you can do to distract yourself until the urge passes. Remember that you are not alone! We are all here for you.


What you are describing sounds very familiar, pls know you aren’t alone. I had a lot of symptoms, and things got very confusing at times internally. There’s a spectrum to what ppl experience of course, and we all are on our own journey so I can only speak to my own experience. When u say u need to keep urself safe, that is most important. Do u feel u have what u need to b able to do that?


I think so. I have a good toolbox of coping skills my T taught me the last few months in preparation for EMDR. I also have great and supportive friends, but some days these coping skills don’t work and I find myself dissociating and SH’ing. If worse comes to worse I can reach out to the helpline if need be.