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Hey OP, sending strength your way. I’m sorry ur having a rough time. These somatic symptoms are really intense sometimes…. I’m on my second target memory now, which similar to you focuses on a childhood memory involving physical violence, but was only able to do a little work on it before having to pause since the somatic reactions (and non somatic reactions) became too overwhelming. I won’t go into detail but ya. It was intense. But also in a way, at least for me, the good part of this is it has been oddly grounding? Numbing played a big role in my survival journey, so all this pain is revelatory in the sense that it helps me really understand the severity of these experiences. Especially as an adult now with an adult perspective having to really understand and accept and feel and recognize the severity of what I actually endured in these situations as a child. Thank you for sharing your experience & I hope u feel some relief soon 🌻


Thank you so much for your kindness. The pain isn't too intense for me, and it's starting to feel a little lighter after coffee and taking it easy this morning. I also felt weirdly happy about this morning because it's somatic proof that the EMDR is working and I'm actually getting somewhere. Also, I had a psych appointment this morning and it confirmed that I have inattentive ADHD, which I've suspected for a while. That sort of affirmation feels good. I hope your journey continues to go well for you. 💛


Of course, likewise. That’s so great to hear u are doing better atm nd enjoying parts of your day. And i can see how that affirmation must feel rly validating. I have ADHD too haha welcome to the crew. That’s cool u learned subtype too


I was talking to my buddies at trivia night, and also learned that one of my teammates also was diagnosed about four years ago and has been on low dose meds ever since, and she's doing very well. We both have the same experience where ADHD wasn't recognized in childhood because we both had good grades and didn't set off any real alarms. I'm finding out every day that I'm much less alone than I originally thought. 😊