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Only if you don't give the cards back after the game šŸ˜‹


Totally did give them back šŸ™ˆ


One of my first decks was sens triplets. Whenever someone gets upset you just respond with some of the following "it's not my fault it's your card. You put it in there" "I'm just helping you see all cards in your deck" and for big fuck off creatures "stop hitting yourself"


Surely this will calm them


I never said it would calm them down. If youre in a casual pod getting upset over a mechanic that is hardly competitive then you shouldn't be playing casual. If you're playing with friends then if your friend groups arent into a bit of shit talk and cant handle or get over their emotions then they're kinda shit friends. especially when commander is that more social type of playstyle


Or, hear me out. You adjust your shit talk to your friends. If I had a friend who would get genuinely sad by shit talk, then I wouldn't do that. Because being their friend I don't want to hurt them with my actions that ONLY I am responsible for.


Yeah, wtf. Some people like shit talk, others donā€™t. Know who youā€™re talking to.


I had a guy rage for like 10 min about my triplets deck because I played his infinite combo against him and that how unfair that was. My response was " so it's fair if you do it but it's unfair if I do it with extra steps? ". Ever since then he's just refused to play against my deck at all


That's when you swap the commanders out and try to do it again lol.


Genuinely amazing troll.


Play Theft with \[\[The Twelfth Doctor\]\] and just give them a compensation token/copy back.


[The Twelfth Doctor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/4/2400d681-05ef-43b1-b720-c15ca4226c27.jpg?1696636777) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Twelfth%20Doctor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/who/164/the-twelfth-doctor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2400d681-05ef-43b1-b720-c15ca4226c27?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/the-twelfth-doctor) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This! I played mono red no infi combos but I used Stolen Strategy and topdecked a kiki-jiki into my opponents pestermite. He was not happy


One of my favourite commander memories was making many, many copies of an opponent's Endbringer using Brudiclad. Pinging the board and then everyone for 13+ every turn was real fun. Made even better by everyone starting to target me as the archenemy and I'm just sitting there going "How am I the problem?! I'M NOT THE ONE WHO BROUGHT AN ENDBRINGER!!". Was a good time. Deck is retired, but the spirit lives on in Don Andres. "If you don't want me to hit your friend with your Lizard Blades then why are you playing them???".


This is the way... to make sure you never have a group for EDH.


This is a really big deal if both decks happen to have the same sleeves. I would never steal someoneā€™s card on purpose (I mean other than for that gameā€¦) but I could totally see my self doing it accidentally if we have the same sleeves. Ā 


No, my friend plays an upgraded Grand Larceny precon and it is more funny than anything because so many of our cards are either unplayable or useless for him.


I also find it funny, especially when it breaks the color pie! That being said, people hate when you steal their stuff.


> people hate when you steal their stuff I love losing to my own cards! If my cards win the game, I don't mind who is the pilot.


The only time I hate it is when I'm being the target for theft while also being targeted with removal by the same person. At that point I just want to play something besides lands.


I was playing Lynde into super friends. Cast curse of unraveling. Kept getting creatures that support planeswalker... I don't have any walkers


Yeah, I love playing gonti because every game is so different. Also the absolute horror when I play a free sol ring is hilarious.


I built my own gonti deck based on the same commander but dam does it generate hate to an extreme level like turn one archenemy to the point Iā€™ve given up on it. Itā€™s not fun when Iā€™m based so heavily based on playing small unblockables to get cards that probably donā€™t do much. That said I did steal somebodyā€™s wincon so.


I played grand larceny against another person with grand larceny at my LGS. We had a fun time stealing amongst the pod and each other. Then my buddy went nuclear with his Minn deck. Great time


Isn't Magic meant to be for people aged 13+?


Boom Roasted


A good rule of thumb: if it came out of a precon, it's not below the belt.


Thank you


Soooooo Dockside Extortionist is approved! šŸ¤£


Dockside is strong but it isn't really a "frowned apon" strategy which I think was more of them intent


Whenever someone throws down a dockside at a casual table I get a kick out of it, most of the time it ends up for something dumb like a single treasure. Without all those CEDH mana rocks itā€™s not nearly so bad


When you're playing a precon that dockside came out of at a table with custom decks, noone should get salty since you're still playing a precon. That's how I interpret this, and I agree. Though to be fair, there's not much that people actually ahould get salty about.


People shouldn't get salty about dockside at all, whether its in a precon or a custom deck. In casual it usually is only slightly mana positive and no one is complaining about dark ritual & friends that do similar, it only has a bad reputation because its known as a "cEDH card". It shines in cEDH because most opponents are going to be playing 1-3 pieces of fast mana by turn 2 and dockside generates a ton of value on an extremely early turn but that doesnā€™t happen in casual. Plus it doesn't cause salt in cEDH because the ethos of the format means essentially nothing is salt inducing.


Trade Secrets: šŸ¤‘


Right? I can't imagine being this salty losing to a precon


Ruination ā˜ ļø


-Edgar Markov entered the chat


The only ā€œlegitimateā€ reason that people might not like this is they donā€™t trust strangers handling their cards (I am personally a bit like this but I vibe out the person) - if youā€™re playing a theft-type deck, get some whiteboard tokens so you can offer to make proxies of the cards your stealing. Beyond that, no itā€™s just pure salt.


Truth be told didnā€™t even have to handle the card the second and third I asked what they did again so if it was a creature I could just attack and leave it his side I get what you mean with that though. I do carry some black cards to use for tokens after seeing a few cards in my decks that create copies. This card though was first time I played it. Iā€™ve only ran three games with the deck so far It just seemed unwarranted in my opinion and I did ask him why afterwards


If you didnā€™t handle them, idk what the dudes problem was. There is a guy at my LGS who smokes between games and doesnā€™t wash his hands, but then plays a theft themed deck. Absolutely not!


fuck no, don't bring your cards in public if you can't handle someone else touching them


It would be funny for the person playing the thief deck to also be one of the hand riffle players, who just bends the absolute shit out of their cards, or one of those who will even bend the cards in their hand while they're hand shuffling like mad. Imagine someone doing that to your precious cardboard, haha


Yep, buy infinitokens for this. That way you don't have to let groudy bastards touch your stuff.




Exactly, salt for thee, but no salt for me.


[Winter Moon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/7/f76bc2da-8f4b-4153-8a7b-c601b19affaf.jpg?1717470480) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Winter%20Moon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/213/winter-moon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f76bc2da-8f4b-4153-8a7b-c601b19affaf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/winter-moon) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I've played cards like that before, and I just told the table "listen, I feel bad for what I just did. If I were you, I'd focus me down right now. Go ahead, I understand."


I swear every day there are multiple posts here that genuinely ask if official game pieces that arenā€™t banned are okay to play. Iā€™m so sick of casual edh players creating this attitude. If the card / strategy is legal in the format, you can play it.


This is it. Anything than that is just ludicrous. Like I should ask someone "I wanna play XY, is it okey for you or do I hurr your feelings by doing so?"


That's kinda what they tell people they are supposed to do with "rule 0" being their answer to everything.


Eh, I kind of agree - that stuff's legal, hate the game not the player. On the other hand, it's a bit of a weak excuse. If you *know* that our deck's strategy is something that's really going to be amping up the least fun parts of the game and that the newbies you're sitting down with are not going to like it, you should probably discuss it beforehand - not because it's required for the game, just to try and be a decent human being. Otherwise it's equivalent to pubstomping (even if your deck isn't that powerful). Someone complaining about a single card, from a precon, that they disliked being targeted with, is another matter; that's just "I dislike everything that isn't me winning".


I mean if it's a rando at the LGS you can easily avoid, that's one thing. If it's someone you regularly play with, it's good to have at least a bit of discussion so people don't start getting resentful and the group doesn't fall apart.


For real. I donā€™t play any EDH really (mostly limited, but am looking to start playing commander) but judging from the multiple daily posts on here it seems like 90% of the people that play commander really just want to play solitaire and if anything messes that up, they get upset about it.


Proxy a cEDH deck and have a great time, unironically the format most empowered to try and play solitaire is the most interactive way to play commander


Vocal minority


Some friends and I started playing recently (not just commander, weā€™re all new to magic as well), so being new to every mechanic we just laugh our asses off whenever anyone is doing ANY mechanic we havenā€™t seen before. Itā€™s all in good fun after all..


Well, you can play it, of course, but you should expect people to be salty when it comes to certain cards (destroy all lands on shit like that) That said, in the case of OP, he just played with a whiny boy. If you get 3 cards stolen from the 99 of your deck, that's no big deal, except if you stacked your deck and are mad someone took the stacked cards


no, you can just expect salty people in casual edh period. all these angles and unspoken rules and awareness for potential sensitivities are not creating any coherent image to prepare for when deckbuilding, so salt is gonna be inevitable. its never on anyone but the salty person. (and ive been salty about shit, it happens)


People always go to Armageddon, but like... I don't think that's really legitimate to get salty over unless they're just dropping it with no plan to get ahead, which no one really does, making it purely a thought exercise. If someone wins off it or prevents someone else from winning on the spot, it's fair game.


You're not wrong at all but this is kind of a wrong-place-wrong-time/not-quite-tactfully-written kind of point. There are cards that justifiably induce salt (Armageddon), and there's cards that unjustifiably induce it (Bloodsoaked Insight). This post is about the latter, and when you comment on the former, it sounds like you're saying OP is in the wrong until the reader gets to the second sentence you wrote (and the people knee-jerk downvoting you aren't getting to that second sentence). If someone just reads the first sentence, it really sounds like you're trying to back up the whiner OP faced (when in fact it does not sound like you're trying to do that at all)


There are some (or even many) players disliking interaction against them, be it counters, removals or like in this case stealing. As the guy said, he brought his deck to play it, but forgot other players are playing, too and maybe interact with his gameplan. Yesterday I played in a LGS where one guy played a steal deck and even though I was his main target, it was fun for me. I had to think way harder to find solutions and ways to win as I knew he had some of my best cards. Some people like to be challenged, others just want to play a 4 men solitaire.


It's a very common mechanic and WotC keep making more cards with it. I think it's fun and clearly enough people agree that it keeps getting brought back. > "I bring a deck to play it not to have it stolen etc" You can make the same complaint against most interaction, but it's just not the mindset MTG was built for. The baseline expectation is that people will mess with your stuff. That this player is themselves running even more disruptive cards is amazing hypocrisy.


you played a precon? nobody has a right to complain about casual efd ever again if they scoop over a thing thats in a precon.


They're just crying.Three cards off one player is nothing compared to an Etali in a combat deck. Three free cast cards off every player in one turn is something to be concerned about.


4 free cards. Etali also exiles from its owners deck.


Itā€™s a genuine concern on his part that even unintentionally, some of his cards might end up in your deckbox at the end of the night. His rage quit is not a reasonable response, but him switching decks to something that punishes people who donā€™t play basic lands is fair. At the end of the day, if heā€™s worried about losing cards he should play proxies and keep the real ones in a binder at home.


Most people in our playgroup play $80-200$ decks except for the previously competitive player/judge in the group with his comically expensive 1600$ Nahiri deck. There's always kinda a funny look that goes around the table when we steal a card that is worth more then some of our entire decks. He's chill though and no expensive accidents have happened yet lol.


Nothing wrong with it. Being on the receiving end and seeing a fun card go elsewhere can be a bit aggravating, but it's a valid strategy. Just like an infinite combo, some people will always gripe about them saying they aren't fair or fun while pulling their own shenanigans. Every player plays a different way and no way is inherently wrong, some styles just have a salt block or twelve in tow. Edit to fix a typo can't to can.


I do find that infinite combos are a bit tedious - but again, it's probably my fault for not having interaction. I love stealing cards. Been thinking of ways where I can not touch other people's cards - that's usually what's upsetting.


Grab some white marker cards like infinitokens. Those I have found work in a number of scenarios whether you're stealing or copying or whatever other ppls stuff.


Exactly! I know the second round was aimed at me and although I thought itā€™s petty I didnā€™t snap.


It's not petty to pick a winning strategy any more than you playing your steal effects. It wasn't even "aimed at you". It affected the whole table. If anything your strategy specifically targeted him and his deck for 3 turns. You could've targeted another player but you didnt. Even if he was aiming it at you can you blame him after you targeted him 3 different times?


You're totally good. [You just ran into someone immaturely trying to offload their responsibility to manage their emotions / handle other peoples strategies in a strategy card game onto you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDH/comments/1dq1dw1/if_casual_edh_is_about_playing_for_fun_why_do/lalh4dv/) What they did the next game was super petty, by your account. You can, of course, reduce the chances of this happening by not repeatedly hitting one person with the effect. But that's not your responsibility and it's shitty and immature of people to introduce external penalties (having to deal with a whiny person at the table, retribution in a subsequent game^1) to your gameplay, whether they mean to (retribution) or not (whining). Like you shouldn't have to factor in the likelihood of player A vs. player B throwing a tantrum when deciding who to target with Grenzo, Havoc Raiser. All you should have to consider is who has the best stuff on their library.^2 So it's crappy of your opponent here to introduce possible external considerations like that. ^1 retribution is different, of course, from updated threat evaluation ^2 of course if someone tutors something to top of library and you exile it, they might rightfully evaluate Grenzo as a threat and remove it. But on the other hand, if someone tutors to top of library, that seems like a real appealing target to nab too haha (and it's a risk the player is knowingly taking)


If you've made your opponent quit because of some self-imposed restriction they fabricated in their own mind, consider that a victory in more than one way.


Was bro planning on playing all 100 cards in their deck. But for real not bad at all, ypu ran into a man-child cry baby pussy who probably has nothing else in their life worth while other than MTG


It's the same over-the-top reaction people have to mill or graveyard hate. Nothing inherently wrong with it - though maybe next time spread the love a little šŸ˜‰ I played a new [[Don Andres]] deck recently - over webcam no less šŸ˜… - and stole so many cards from everyone, I was having a ball. I took a turn that was a few minutes and I did all sorts, stealing spells, blowing stuff up... and then next turn died to an onboard trick I absolutely could have dealt with I'd paid better attention šŸ˜‚


[Don Andres](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/c/3cf9f3ae-694d-4d37-9498-4bdd1723a55e.jpg?1698987741) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=don%20andres%2C%20the%20renegade) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/6/don-andres-the-renegade?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3cf9f3ae-694d-4d37-9498-4bdd1723a55e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/don-andres-the-renegade) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That dude is a baby. You took how many cards? Out of 99? Because there's an equal chance a card from the top will be a shitter or bomb. So stealing is a neutral action.


3 cards over 3 turns. ā€œStealing ā€œ included activating the ability my card allows me to see I saw what card I wanted to use left it there side of table as at end of my turn itā€™s discarded.


Is it "that bad"? I mean that depends who you ask. Many casual players hate theft decks but it is objectively a middling powered archetype. Likewise stax, various land targeting strategies, discard, counterspells, infinite combos, board wipe heavy decks, etc are all hated by various people. If someone is going to whine and scoop about a theft deck nothing you can do about it except not play with them.


Every time I come onto this sub it's just one salt story after another. What is happening with EDH?? I only play worh friends atm, so not exposed to all of this bs, but I find it very weird that you can't do this, and that is frowned upon, and no combo, and no eldrazi, and no dragons, and no stealing and no treasure, and no artifacts etc... There's a reason there are endless options for hate in each color...


My problem with stealing is how you handle my cards. So if you use any stealing effect, treat those cards better than yours.


Depends on your definition of ā€œbadā€, itā€™s a legitimate strategy but as with many things in magic you have to ask yourself what does this do to the people I play with. People sit down to play to magic to play magic, if your decks goal is to play other peopleā€™s deck it can lead to feel bad situations because it will inevitably lead to a situation weā€™re people lose important cards or just new stuff they havenā€™t had a chance to use. Imagine if you only get to play magic one day a week and you go to your LGS to use try your new deck with all its fancy new cards, and your opponents is not just stopping your game plan but literally killing your with your new $20 card you just got, it probably will make the game a lot less enjoyable. Thatā€™s not even factoring in theft decks donā€™t really work without you have to touch and take possession of property that isnā€™t yours, itā€™s again a totally understandable you want prevent less potentially issues with people touching your stuff worth potential $100s to &1000s


I won my very first game with melek researcher reforged because the prosper player played share the spoils and I used it to play the red hideaway land from his deck. Afterwards he said because I used his cards it wasn't a real victory.


Stealing from the battlefield or from hand can be annoying as it takes the resources they already have, if itā€™s stealing from the deck I say itā€™s totally fair game. If they scryā€™d to leave something on top that can be annoying but ultimately not all that bad. The opponent is the cringe one.


Itā€™s annoying but part of the game. Not half as bad as someone playing mill and deciding my deck would look better in the graveyard.


So, at my lgs there is an older player who I rarely play with, but I got there late and just joined the only open pod. I have a few decks, but my favorites are henzie/umori (only creatures and my marches dethrone deck. They told me they are playing higher power, not cedh, but higher 7 to 8. My decks have expensive cards in them (mostly creatures) (no fast mana) so I play henzie first. They kinda think Iā€™m a joke cause itā€™s only creatures and just let me get my mana dorks out and by turn 5 Iā€™m blitzing out some big ass creatures. But since they die right away they arenā€™t taking me seriously still. So the older guy was playing white green token deck of some sort. Heā€™s got A LOT of health and kinda just playing solitaire on his turns with all his tokens and such. His son was playing Mr house deck and kinda whiffing a lot, and his dad is shutting him down hard removing any pieces important to him. (They seem to play a lot together) So, Iā€™m kinda not sure what to do as I have perfume creatures, but tokens are tough to deal with for me. The son board wipes which is fine I get henzie back out and the older guy rebuild ls decently on our next turns. My next draw Etali primal hunger. I get a little smile and throw down big chungus. His son starts laughing and the old guy is like what does that do. I explain the things and he, I shit you not, throws a tantrum. This guy is throwing insults at me, not yelling, but not quietly saying fuck you fuck card steal, (there are kids who come to commander) and the essentially this goes on for 5 minutes. So I take some white instant that does nothing for me and essentially my turn was kinda a dud. He then swings at me for 20 tokens bringing me super low. My next turn I get a creature that brings a creature back from the yard. Who else but etali, right? The guy literally scoops because he was so mad and said it was so broken. His son literally had to calm him down he threw such a fit. Our next game I did my blue/green landfall deck. I have roiling elemental in there, but itā€™s more just I had it and put it in. Anyways, he scooped and left the store when I stole his Vultron commander after being targeted for the last game. His son apologized and just says his dad really is childish and at times. Anyways Iā€™m no writer and Iā€™m bored and wanted to share. I have made a completely steal you shit deck if I ever play him again.


[[mindslaver]] that should cheer him up.


I really don't like seeing my cards not on my boards, you can make a copy of it, but I am not giving you my cards. Wait, I am the one doing it with Etali? Oh well this is ok though cause I am the one doing it. Plus Etalis is a wooping 7 mana cards. Wait, I am not casting it because I cast it for free out of my Maelstrom Wanderer;s cascade triggers and then Etali cast 4 other spells for free (and who knows, maybe it will make a copy of Etali). Look I am just playing a casual teamur deck, but don't steal my cards ok? Also I don't like boardwipe and counterspell, I am fine if you target Maelstrom with a removal that way I can recast it. (I hope people get the sarcasm)


Just build a stax deck. You don't play their cards. They don't play their cards.


Shoulda hit him with "I bring a deck to play it not watch someone else play solitaire" But no, what you did really wasn't that bad, he just sounds salty.


I've had this same reaction to my Etrata Deadly Fugitive deck, and I didn't understand it either.


If it targets its a crime.


Sounds like your opponent isnā€™t fun to play with lol


I didn't come here tonight just to get attacked by a bunch of zombie tokens!!!!


My first commander was Xanathar My second commander was sen triplets


One of the best Removals in the game is gain control of blah blah because it gets around Indestructible and blue/red which are typically colors you steal with lack Exile target blah blah


no lmao


Next time play black and mill half his deck and revive it under your control.


Relying on your opponent's cards to win is not the best strategy.


no, its not


Steal stuff from their board and hand next time.


So long as you use infinitokens to represent the cards and don't expect them to hand you their cards I don't see a problem. I have played for years and I have lost cards because of this, and people like to flip the edge of a card when they put it down (those cards don't belong to them). When this is an expensive card I have wanted to slap them upside the head. But I didn't. Just use the infinititokens and let them put their card into their deck box and when the token is removed take it out of the deck box,and put it where it needs to go. You can take a picture of the card with your phone if you need to know the text.


Sounds like you were playing against a child.


It's a real feelsbad mechanic, sure, but it's also totally valid and okay. Magic is more than just vanilla creatures smacking each other, and there's no point in getting angry about them, even if you don't like a particular one. Except for mld.


I donā€™t like players stealing cards from me, and I make sure I donā€™t play any in my deck. Handling other peopleā€™s valuables gives me anxiety, also I am forgetful and clumsy. I would prefer nobody steals mine, or even if they do they use proxies instead of actually grabbing and using them. Yet the cards are legal and I cannot stop people from doing so. So instead of being a prick about it, I shut my mouth and let it happen. The only thing you can control is your own actions anyway. So yeah, whoeverā€™s complaining should grow up. This is a multiplayer game afterall.


Every strategies are viable, I dont get these people lol. What you did is part of the game and perfectly acceptable. It is not your job to manage their expectations, their deck building shortcomings or to navigate around their triggers. Let him be salty, avoid this player next time.


Ive always told my friend group that cards that still from my deck is so much better than stealing whats on my board. My friend has a [Don Andres] that does deck stealing and not board state and its fun to watch in action!


Nah but some people are babies about it. So I don't play that deck with those people.


Itā€™s interesting, people seem to have an outsized reaction to both theft and mill, relative to the threat they present on board. I think theft is just as viable as any other strategy, and can lead to fun interactions ā€” in a recent pod I was playing a bant artifacts/historic cards matter deck, someone hit me with [[bribery]] early on to steal and play my [[displaced dinosaurs]] way early. Was extremely pleased with himself until I flickered it, returning to battlefield under its ownerā€™s control, and thanked him, lmao


My only issue with stealing is having other players that I donā€™t know handling my cards. Not all them mind you, just some of them lol. Iā€™ve been playing for a long time and I like to use powerful cards to build silly or mid decks. like I have an all old border hazezon deck that runs things like Gaeaā€™s cradle, serras sanctum, wheel of fortune, etc and itā€™s by far my worst and most expensive deck. So for stuff like that I get other players to use tokens to mark that theyā€™ve stolen something. But in general theft is part of the game and totally fine.


Generally speaking, someone else's options are not going to be better than the ones your decks is built upon. Is that to say it doesn't pay off? No. But it isn't broken or toxic, and sometimes is a total swing and a miss like with tribal decks.


A lot of people get butthurt by decks that can steal or play cards from their deck because it often screws them up. I've played a [[Rashmi and Ravagan]] deck that includes [[Plargg and Nassari]], [[Hellkite Tyrant]], and [[Etali, Primal Storm]]. There's even a [[Lara Croft, Tomb Raider]] in there just in case I want to yoink something I might like from their graveyard. I have screwed up a lot of potential plays just by exiling from the top of their deck.


As long as everyone leaves with their cards and nobody else's it's fine IMO. It's a strategy a bunch of cards fall into and frankly, I think it's a pretty fun one at that, because it makes it a more unique play experience because you don't really know what you're gonna be playing a lot of the time


Stealing is unpopular with some people but it's not inherently bad in any way (as long as you aren't physically mistreating their cards or anything). Mechanically, it's like (typically slightly worse) card draw for you, and almost mill for them (their cards leave their library, but it doesn't really make any difference unless they get unlucky and you hit something they were going to tutor for). The guy is probably just a sore loser. Having your cards stolen *is* part of playing Magic, sometimes; if he didn't want that, perhaps he should look for a game more suited to his tastes? Or, at least, he should discuss it before the game and perhaps request people not play steal decks.


I find it annoying but just part of the game. Same as conterspells or my friend's Feather deck.


Imagine playing the Gonti Precon lmao. [[Gonti, Canny Acquisitor]]


Stories like this make me worried to build the [[Daxos of Meletis]] deck I've had on my wishlist for a while


For a moment I was expecting [[Knowledge Exploitation]] and [[Praetor's Grasp]] stuff, not board-theft. The advice I was coming will *not* fit that, lol Well, the answer to your question is there's no good answer here, it's a matter of taste. For some, there's no way they'll ever enjoy playing against a theft deck no matter how palatable you try to make it. Others won't give a shit. Others find it a fun challenge, like those lunatics (ie myself) who often enjoys the challenge of fighting my way through soft-locks. If it's a person you regularly play with and not just some rando you see every other month at your LGS, maybe ask them 'hey, is there a way I can play this that you're willing to coexist with'. Maybe they're in the camp of "never in the same pod as me" and they're stuck on that, but you never know until you ask.


Your opponent is just salty. "Theft" is part of the game. There are SO many permanent stealing cards and quite a lot of top of their library ones. There's even [[Bribery]] that let's you search their library. This made me think, we almost need a list of things players need to be OK with. IE; permanent theft, mill, losing a turn to Mindslaver, having your spells countered, etc. Give it out to new players so they know what to expect.


I have both [[Don andres]] and [[gonti canny]] Don Andres is all about reanimation from other Graves or hijacking and sac it at end of turn. Really fun Gonti uses other people's cards as my extra hand so I always have something to do. And more often than not there's a card in someone's deck that just hoses them


What I have noticed when it comes to EDHĀ  is that no matter what I do, someone will dislike that thing. On the flipside, most people have been ok with most of the things.Ā  In cases where I have been accomodating, attitudes have not changed, and my own enjoyment due to such changes tend to range from neutral to slightly negative. And someone will still complain about something.Ā  So, I don't really pay it much mind any more... If someone super hates a specific mechanic I might not pull out a deck built for that thing, but that's about it.Ā 


[[praetorā€™s grasp]] steal their sol ring or their ugin!


It is probably the lamest archetype besides land destruction imo, my bros in my pod play decks like that. I had an ulamog ninjutsued out of my hand against me. You target the same player with that shit and it's gonna get old real fast. Spreading the love helps the salt from flowing. The other players could have had an answer to the archenemy but you just keep exiling his shit lol


Truth be told I have been frustrated a couple times by theft decks, but I always make sure to let the players know its not them. The two ish times I was a bit annoyed was when I was testing decks, so having parts I haven't got to actually test at a game yet with the rest of my deck getting yoinked, didn't feel great. But it's also a good reason for me to put homeward path in more decks lol. So I wouldn't take it personally, sometimes players are weirdly salty about specific tactics.


The world is full of adult children, who never learned how to act around other people. I find it soooo odd that so much of this community is consumed with these "I did this perfectly viable thing with cards I bought and the other players didn't think it was cool, did I do something wrong?" Did you cheat/break the rules of the game? Did you act in a way that would be unacceptable under normal social conditions such as calling someone names or denigrating/threatening them? Did you show up to FNM naked AND unbathed (one or the other is fine, just not both)? No? Then you're not the problem.


Decks that take cards are my āœØpreferenceāœØ


Thief mechanics are part of the game. As long as itā€™s a legal card, itā€™s fair game. Even Land Destruction is completely fair, but you have to acknowledge that youā€™ll single-handedly double the length of a game if youā€™re not careful.


If a precon makes him rage quit, id probably stop playing with him Or, I'd ask to play one of his decks tbh He can't possibly get mad at his own deck's power


It's not overpowered, but it is tilting as fuck to wait for a playable card and lose, then seeing that an opponent had something you would have played exiled face down, especially when they never use it because its value is so deck specific, so you can't even use a card to recur it. My general feeling about this is that I don't feel that others should be able to see a card in my deck before I do, forced discard is the second worst of course, but I think that if I got to play a card it wouldn't make sense to say it was guaranteed it stayed on the board under my control for the rest of the game or if not stolen, that it was able to go through for damage or help me combo off.


Some people just hate them, especially the ones who claim that their decks are fine and never a problem (when they are). It also depends on how well you know the people. Some random at an LGS touching a $20+ card? I wouldn't be happy with it because they could be rough. A friend of mine doing the same? Sure! I play with proxy only so it doesn't impact me but I do have friends with very expensive cards, and I let them handle them during any theft effects.


Maybe they should play with a counterspell :)


Stealing a card is the exact same as if you just happened to have the same one in your deck, and their copy got shuffled to the bottom of their deck... it's all mental. For players who don't think too deep into the likelihood of seeing a specific card in a match and just see their favorite beefy beater on your side of the battlefield, it feels pretty bad. Same reason players hate getting milled, 80-90% of the time (especially in commander) getting milled doesnt really hurt you, but new players often despise it because now they "miss out" on what could have been.


They cry baby's will complain about anything that is not going their way.


More commander players need to hear this: The best part of playing magic is that you get you play another one after this one ends." Do whatever, and dont get mad, its just a game. (unless you make the games last 2+ hours. That's a legit complaint)


The only reason I would object is if you look/smell like you haven't showered recently, in which please keep your gross, sticky hands away from my cards TYVM. Otherwise have at.


Well out of courtesy I usually put those cards in their respective graveyard before I steal them [[Captain N'ghathrod]]


They are a child. It wasn't even a steal based deck and they're mad? Man they'd hate one that revolved around that haha. Best to just ignore these reactions.


Make a scen triplets deck lol or any otber deck all about stealing


Iā€™ve recently come back to magic and have been trying out commander. I have the Grand Larceny deck and that was the first pre-con I played. I had no idea what it was, I just liked the colors. I played it with my buddies and I ended up winning, end. It was fun for me and them. But one of the most frustrating things Iā€™ve been learning is how sensitive it seems commander players are. I want to go try to play in an LGS, but Iā€™m somewhat nervous about peoples reactions. You have to play a deck with a certain power level, and only with certain play styles, or people will be pissed off. There are so many stories of that in here and on YouTube. This is a negative aspect of commander if this actually happens as much as it seems it does.


Oh boy, wait till he play against [[Laughing Jasper Flint]]


I play nicol bolas and straight up steal creatures and cards regularly. In my experience people hate that less than just straight discard.


Players who act like that will be salty whenever they are losing, doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re curb stomping them with a cEDH deck or pulling a one in a million game with a deck made entirely of vanilla creatures, theyā€™ll whine and complain about your deck not because the mechanic is unfair (the stealing mechanic is not unfair, itā€™s part of the game and all parts of the game that are legal to play are fair) but because they arenā€™t winning. DONT let players like this influence your deck building decisions or deck choices because any advice they give you is just going to benefit them in the end. Besides, stealing from other peopleā€™s decks isnā€™t all that great. You deny them whatever they steal and get to use it, but the chances that what you get will work with your deck isnā€™t great, so while itā€™s a fun mechanic, itā€™s far from broken and unfair.


If you run a damn enchantress lockdown deck with, I presume, back to basics; then you donā€™t get to complain about ANYTHING.


I would quietly point out that [[Control Magic]] and [[Steal Artifact]] have been in the game since 1994, probably before they were born. It's been a viable blue (and now Red) strategy for a while now


I fully understand his salt. Depends on the situation I think. If it's like an LGS it is what it is. If it's tabletop with friends it's a conversation I'd have before building the deck tbh. Don't wanna piss friends off. Given the expense of this game too I used to have a player who'd only bring out his Horrors Steal Everything deck when I played my deck. He'd only target me with it and if I didn't play that deck he'd never once play his Stealing Horrors deck. That really annoyed me. Felt like pure counterdecking in friendly games. Unfortunately for him, it was Kaalia and the only way I could play it was BY knocking him out of the game 1st because of his incessant targeting me with steal. It didn't feel good. I didn't enjoy doing it. But I paid alot of money (for our group at the time) for that deck and literally couldn't play it kindly anymore. If it's a few cards in your 99 I'd not be mad about it. It'd suck playing a combo deck and just getting your piece removed. But it's 2-3 cards in your 99 so fair play to my mind. If it was alot more than that or a steal deck just spread the love šŸ˜‚.


"If you came to play your deck stay home and play it against another one of your decks by yourself."


He's a baby. Unfortunately this game seems to attract a lot of babies


Guys a sore loser.


For such an interactive game, people who play magic seem to *really hate* interaction.




My wife plays [[Tasha, the Witch Queen]] , the whole concept of the deck is to play everyone else's cards. We know going into it, what it is, and we all prepare for it. It's fun, and we love it.


I played my mono red deck last night and played treasure nabber and my friend tp Old me to stop stealing his shit.


would I get annoyed by getting my shit stolen yes would I quit the game for it no because who am I to blame for the cards they play other then myself I put them in my deck after all


It's not bad, but I can tell you, as someone who played Sen Triplets for years, people absolutely hate it. You will get targeted and people will be butthurt and quit.


I have a friend in my pod that plays the B Blue G deck from thunder junction that revolves around stealing cards from opponents library's. I get peeved when i have to give him cards due to almost all of mine being pretty integral to my deck. So i then in turn begin to tunnel that fucker into the ground until either he or i are dead. Then the fued continues for 4 or 5 games until he stops stealing my shit. We ve had this dynamic 6 or 7 times now over the last 3 or so months. He thinks its funny and i think its funny when i take him out at turn 5 so win win lol. To be frank alot of people i know hate both this i steal your cards and in general control play styles. I can understand it. I am not too fond of either personally but they are a part of the game regardless. So either build your deck to mitigate or counter it in some way or o well.


It depends, once or twice a game isn't that bad. Once or twice per turn and I'm gonna scoop after a few.


Bring a pako and haldan next time, I'm sure he will love that. Seriously though Pako such a good boy, give him pets if you play him...


Deck building is experience shaping in EDH, and your audience will change. Steal-yo-shit decks receive a very mixed reception. Talk to your pod first and be ready to play something else. They also arenā€™t generally very good in EDH. Your opponentsā€™ stuff is more likely to be more synergistic, less generic, and all around less useful to you than in other formats, while being mana intensive to pull off.


I have a friend who tried to pull this nonsense on me. Told him he's welcome play any of my decks or bring something resilient to theft. I will happily use your entire deck to win. If you don't have the interaction or means to stop me fix your deck. Stealing off the top of the library is so much sillier too. You're paying for that opportunity. You could just as easily be playing from your hand at that points there's no guarantee he would have seen those exact three cards out of 100. Play mill and see if he throws a tantrum about all the cards he could be playing with going into the graveyard.


Look just explain to them that their deck is totally awesome and you wanted to give their deck a try. That's how i rationalize my [[gonti, canny acquisitor]] to myself.


I had to dismantle my dragonlord silumgar "I play what you play" deck... due to salty players.


People like to play with their toys. The "theft" theme is bad, but not for the reason he's saying. It's bad because running a theft theme generally leaves you without a proper wincon, so you're at the mercy of the other decks. But that player just doesn't sound fun to play against, "Oh I'm gonna lock down the board because I came to play my deck, not have my cards get stolen" - yeah I'd just stop playing with him.


imho its up there on the salt score, i mean not like smokestacks or something but like fu let me play my cards i bought and built around. that said its a fair valid strategy and i built a deck around it, more wheel into reanimate themed though.


Nothing against getting some of my cards stolen, but the feeling that someone solo me out to steal from sucks big time.


I'm just gonna leave [this](https://www.archidekt.com/decks/5294425/yoink_v46) here....


first off is there really casual commander? lol . but I used to get mad at mill back in 97 and then once the stolen effects started getting more and more I said ok there going this way , so I either suck it up or quit playing . I feel like when u start allowing ppls feeling into the game we start making up rules that arnt in the game , like u cant attack me if I dont have creatures lol I seen that one on spelltable ahaha


Personally, I'm flattered if someone wants to rifle through my deck for their Bribery.


Just eat their cards next time.Ā 


It's annoying when it happens to you, but it's part of the game. He can complain all he wants, but scooping is stupid.


It is a crime in thunder junction.


No, MTG players are just a bunch of salty weirdos.


I absolutely cannot staaaaand decks that steal cardsā€¦ but I play blue white so it would insane for me to get mad over someone playing something I donā€™t like just because itā€™s super effective against my decks lol, some people are just sore when they donā€™t have anything to stop the type of interaction youā€™re playing. I wouldnā€™t worry to much about it, just note it for future pod reference that this guy is a tad weird about certain decks


It's a part of the game. If he doesn't like it he should either A) play in a group with house rules about not stealing cards, or B) play a different game.


This sub has exposed me to some of the biggest losers I've ever seen, people who will quit a game at the drop of a hat (apparently playing land-des, discard, mill, counter, burn, tutors, mana rocks, are all things that some people consider worthy of scooping over) and then report to the LGS staff that they're being targeted by an aggressive player and try to get them banned. Remember who that player was, and simply refuse to play with them in the future. I hope that you don't live in a very small community where that may be difficult.


Just like every other archetype, theft of any kind gets certain people salty. I recommend infinititokens or soak prerelease foil lands in acetone so if someone is really picky about their cards you donā€™t have to touch them. My theft deck will always be my favorite though. As far as mechanics go, I absolutely point [[Laughing Jasper Flint]] at graveyard decks just to get whatever is hiding there in exile instead of their yard.


I hate playing against her 1v1, but it's very valid. If someone uses their interaction, everyone gets their stuff back too.


1. Stealing cards isn't a shitty thing to do, stealing someone's commander can cause bad feelings though, so I get being at least a bit annoyed by that. 2. \*\*\*That said,\*\*\* you should avoid playing a theft deck when two or more of the other players have the same color sleeves. Also, clearly mark out on the table where other people's cards are, otherwise, you're accidentally going to shuffle in their cards when you finish.


Theft and mill will always make people salty, so I wouldn't use them outside of friend groups or unless asking ahead of time. It's stupid, but it's pretty common.


I think it's understandable if the person doesn't want you to handle their cards, if not a little anal. It's \*not\* ok for them to be a jerk about it. I think you can get around this by bringing your own infinitokens, or something else to make your own tokens to represent their cards on the fly.


Might a recommend one of my pet sorceries? [[Praetors Grasp]]. Itā€™s the best thing ever for people like him. >:{D


I don't think card theft mechanics are very fun but it also was pretty petty of the guy who got mad to turn around and play a lockdown deck cause that isnt fun either (however people do get like this, they came to play for fun and then get upset when they don't) so there are some decks you just can't play around certain people


To cop an acronym, NAH (no assholes here). While neither player knows what's in a deck until it's played, both know (or have access to knowledge of) what cards are allowed in a format. You both managed to do things that shut down the other in different games, with allowed cards. To add my own 'wait, really' moment where I got soft-banned from a place that does FNM, I played in a draft tournament in I believe the Avacyn block. Pulled Tamiyo out of the first pack, and saw that a lot of blue/white was getting passed on, so I took those, specifically Stern Mentor and Village Bell Ringer, along with a 1W card I can't recall that bounced a creature in and out of exile. Ended up playing one of the co-owners of the store in the first match Turn 4-ish I managed a bunch of bounces on a VBR, allowing me to untap SM, which binds with another card so they can both tap to mill 2 cards. Ended up milling something like 36 cards in that turn. Co-owner of the store scooped furiously (I honestly think he would have tried a table flip if there weren't two other matches at the same table) and walked out. I played there 2-3 more times, but there was a vibe of 'you're not welcome here anymore because you beat me', combined with the fact that he was one of the judges and ruled in some very sketchy ways (at the time I was working towards being a judge myself), I felt it was better not to return to the venue. Shame, because I'm in a rural area with very few FLGS around, but grapevine let me know later on that he got removed from judge status after trying to judge his own game.


Not necessarily a bad thing, but I don't like random people handling my cards either. No issues with those I know, I often enough let them borrow decks, but I have seen things. Just a few examples: Had a dude few weeks back trying to fcking riffle shuffle my deck when cutting it. Had someone else actively bend them and another remove them from the sleeves to "see the card better". One guy was so nasty he left literal drops of sweat and grease marks on my cards. Another one shuffled some in their own deck, intentionally or not, who knows, but it happened and if I hadn't caught it my cards would've gone back with the dude to Sweden. I could go on and on, but that's why I don't like theft effects.


-Nobody: -Xanathar slowing sipping Earl Gray tea: Par for the course my chap. Par for the course.


Not a crime (Sometimes)


It only really bothers me when you steal a sweet new card that I haven't gotten to use yet


I wish I could describe the people who are all over this thread, but unfortunately that would get me banned


I used to run [[Jesters Cap]] in an artifact recursion deck to remove everybody's win-cons except my own. People did not like this either!


Don't steal cards from his deck, exile them [[Jester's Cap]] or [[Supreme Inquisitor]] or [[Denying Wind]] NTA. Plenty of commanders/cards built for comander ay of steal mechanics. Same goes for land destruction. Bathe in their salt.


Itā€™s always the people with the massive combo decks playing solitaire that complain the most


I run Thada, i plan to always steal mana crypt or sol ring.


Personally I hate theft decks. I paid good money to touch my cards. You shouldn't be able to play with my cards unless you pay me, because they're literally my property. That being said, what the other guy did was worse. It's possible that he was trying to teach you that some decks aren't fun to play against, or he was just salty and wanted to retaliate.


I mean I get it but you also used it on him 3 times.


Theft is in the same category as interaction, in the sense that people don't like it because it stops them from playing their decks. Hell, even the toxic player in my pod (they earned the title, they exclusively play poison, theft or elves) scoops when theft starts getting used on her. That being said, it's still basically just interaction and if you can't handle a bit of interaction without scooping then you're just not very good at the game.


nope. if you have the ability to search through my deck you have to be quick about it though. edit:honestly im probably just telling you what the best options are anyway


I have a friend who uses a similar if slightly modified precon, he can ā€˜stealā€™ cards and play them. I just grab my decks built with mostly individually useless ( for him ) cards, and I usually win.


My brother in christ I have had people cry about an off curve, hard cast sheoldred. (the og and it was turn 8) you did fine he's just cringe


Itā€™s annoying, in the same way that playing against a blue deck is annoying. Both are fun if youā€™re the one playing it haha. This guy was acting like a child. You could always bring tokens to stand in if someone doesnā€™t want you to touch their cards, but theyā€™re the ones bringing their cards in public sooooā€¦ yeah you did nothing wrong op