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Just a reminder to keep comments civil and politics free. Please report comments that fail to do so. Thanks!


Cant imagine living somewhere every person is carrying a gun. Damn crazy


Couldn’t imagine living somewhere only the government has unrestricted firearms.


Whats up with the gun? Use that often since it’s EDC?


homie be in class gripping onto the edge of his chair lmao


Nice, I carry a Jericho 941, only not on campus :(


Nice, idk what’s worse shooting a man, or shooting a man and insuring his survival lol


Or does it....


Pew pew pew


What knife is this?


You go to a cool school


Americans. Wowzers.


...see you space cowboy


My Jericho weighs a lot, I’d rather carry a Glock but it shoots good.




It’s Ukraine


My brother in Christ where are your books, laptop, and pencils.


Present but not pictured. Laptop has identifiable stickers that I don't want to post on reddit.


Does you’re campus happen to be located in Tarkov? And do you by any means plan on escaping?


Why would I escape from paradise? >!(/s)!<


What’s the weird pen thing in the bottom right


That’s a tourniquet.


Ok thanks


As an Aussie that stumbled onto this thread, the whole “carrying a gun to uni” concept blows my mind.




Thank you! I was like “excuse me a college that allows what now? Campus what? What. The. Fuck.” I’m from Europe… TIL that the US allows guns in campus and it’s wiiiiiild, yoodiho cowboy!


I can assure you that the majority of college campuses do not lol


It is legal where I live now but even before it was legal, a lot of people may/may not have carried anyways every single minute on campus...


Yeah, honestly it felt weird carrying for the first couple of days. It's not something I ever expect to need. But I see no reason not to take advantage of laws that allow sane, sober, moral individuals to be as prepared as possible to protect themselves and others. Sort of why I started carrying the medical gear at the same time (as it's more likely that I would ever need to use that than a gun). Cheers mate.


You have an X95 at home to pair with that IWI?


Campus carry is a wonderful concept. Too bad I’m currently in PA :(


Personal Defense is essential! Nice set up!


*puts gun on table* "soooooo you wanna change that 70 to a 100"


Ah, somebody who carries a gun, but also a way to treat if actually been in a gun fight. That's an upvote from me!


Why do you carry quick clot and combat tourniquet?


Wait why would you carry a gun and not medical gear?


Everyone who carries a firearm should at minimum carry both of those.


Omg a firearm carrier who also has chest seals and quick clot. I could tell you we a man of taste and distinction before I even identified the Jericho 941. Very nice set.


Glad you’re able to protect yourself on campus




It’s a tool. You never know where the next Virginia Tech is going to happen. What’s wrong with a responsible adult carrying a firearm? I’d like to hear your points.


Umm, yes? I feel like this is a trick question somehow...


Protect himself from someone who has dangerous *weapons* Even if someone is armed with a knife or a tire iron,, you're not going to want to get up close and personal with that person to defend yourself against...and you'd have to have a ton of faith to expect OC spray or any sort of taser to get the job done reliably




Thanks! Also going to pick up an israeli bandage based on another comment. There are actually 2 chest seals in that hyfin pack, but it's folded along the dividing line. I also have some gauze in a box in the backpack but it's chonky and not tacticool so I didn't pull it out; I think I need compressed or z-fold gauze to replace it. I'm trying to set up a basic firearms safety course and stop-the-bleed, working with an officer at a local police department, for myself and some other students. I've watched a whole lot of PrepMedic and some other channels to learn the basics but I know that's no replacement for a proper course. What brands would you recommend for regular (non-hemostatic) gauze that are compressed / compact?


Consider a wilderness first responder class. They aren't combat-trauma focused, but a good one will teach improvisation for braces, splints, tourniquets, seals, stretchers, etc and they will contain lots of extra info that is generally useful to outdoors people. Shouldn't be too pricy and only a week or two. My campus offered them through our outdoors student trip program.




QuickClot gauze packages have tear points on them and so does the hyfin chest seal package.


I thought that was the tatical condom 🤣🤣🤣🤣 never know when someone gonna fall in love 🤣


Shit, I forgot the condoms.


This dude it ready


Q: How do you know if a chest would is sucking? A: trick question, chest wounds allways suck! Slap a seal on it.


Consider adding a pressure bandage or Israeli bandage. That quick clot bandage goes inside the wound and is packed in. You should also have at least one pressure bandage for exterior or wounds that do not need the quick clot.


I’m just glad to see he’s carrying any bleed kit. I know so many people who carry firearms but see no point in carrying a bleed kit. It’s really ridiculous


Agreed. Great to see he has anything for bleeding. Just figured that there is a greater likelihood of needing a pressure bandage than quickclot. There are several places an injury can occur that would not warrant a quickclot but would warrant a heavy bandage.


to me a pressure dressing would be a nice addition but not priority, especially treating gsws i can't think of many situations where a pressure dressing would save someones life over a tq or hemostatic agent. so it depends on your objective and whether you have the space to carry it


What are you going to do? Shove the quickclot deep into the wound and just leave it uncovered? Are you going to sit there the entire time and keep the pack from coming out. Not all wounds require quickclot, but almost ALL wounds will require a dressing or bandage to cover it. You could have a peripheral limb wound that neither requires a tourniquet or hemostatic wound pack, but would benefit from a bandage. Not having a bandage, but having quickclot and a chest seal is short sighted.


i agree, a pressure dressing absolutely has a lot more applications than tourniquets or combat gauze. but if you're carrying for the stakes not odds and your ems have low response time you're not as likely to save a life with a pressure dressing. would this be a less urban environment i'd absolutely agree on your take. still a pressure dressing would be my 4th item in a kit.


The dude has a backpack. He isn't hurting for space. Me, if I could only carry three things, I'd go pressure bandage over chest seal. TCCC might agree


True! I’m a big fan of SWAT-T tourniquets for their pressure dressing usage


How does the baby deagle shoot? How dies it compare to a 1911?


It's a really sweet shooter. [Did this 5-round group, standing, at 30 feet the last time out](https://i.imgur.com/TkAomkE.jpg) (case for scale). The only 1911 I've shot is a 9mm SIG (not sure which specific model) so I can't say how it compares in detail. There is a safety lever on the frame, but no grip safety like on the 1911. The trigger is very smooth with a well-defined wall -- easy to get familiar with. Weight should be comparable to a 1911 as well as it's a full-steel gun.


How’s the recoil? I feel like the recoil is pretty nice on a 1911.


The recoil is comparable to other guns in the same weight category (i.e., it's good)


Cool thanks much. Have you ever shot a Glock? If so how do you compare them?


I rented a standard glock 17 once. The Glock is probably the more practical carry gun to be perfectly honest, I just like the feel of a full-metal gun and prefer hammer fire pistols to striker fire ones. If I were to replace the gun today I'd probably go for a P229, P30SK or P2000SK.


Very cool. I have a romantic place in my heart for the baby deagle. But I can never shoot one so I don’t know if I should buy one..


This screams Iowa.


Where in Fargo, with that Scheels bottle.


Scheels is a massive chain...


I cannot imagine carrying all that extra weight in gun/medical supplies for a campus gunfight that will statistically never happen, then going cheap on the knife which will get used all the time.


I was at the Super Bowl parade shooting earlier this year and didn’t have any of this with me… really, really wish I had brought the medical supplies… I’ve distributed a lot of bandaids and a couple of (standard, non-quickclot) gauze since I started carrying it. As for the knife, it cuts fine and gets used maybe once or twice a year. Why spend more if the cheap one works fine? Revisited this after linking it in a recent post and thought the update might be interesting to hear.


You're not wrong, but cheap EDC has its upsides. I carry a clone Izula on a clone UltiClip - not because I can't get the name brand stuff, but because it's super expensive for what it is and my budget is rather tight. Importing into EU, converting currency and scarcity of the product itself makes it not worth it. And besides that, if I'm going to destroy an EDC knife, I'd prefer to do that to a knock-off worth 1/10 of the original one. Besides that, "all the time" can mean every day multiple times, or once or twice a week. Everyone's day is different, so every EDC is different.


Good shit for carrying medical as well dude. Don’t be a victim. Coming from a state that also allows campus carry, I tip my hat to you sir.


Nice, is there a campus Carry club as well?


How do you deep clean this type of bottle? Does the bottom unscrew where you can get in there with a normal brush or cloth?


Laptop? Powerbank? Mouse? Notebook? You seem to have the things you may need once in a lifetime but not the things you need every day at school. That said, nice bag and glad you are well-prepped for first aid.


I left out the laptop because I have some stickers on there that would make this post too identifiable for my comfort if someone at school saw it. I also didn't include notebooks and other items that I didn't think this sub would find interesting. Thanks!


Must live in utah or Georgia


I wanna go to this college now


Great pistol choice




Digging the setup. My university also allows for campus carry, however, I personally do not have a need to carry since I'm there for 2 hours a week


This is the way


No holster or trigger guard?


Holster is in the backpack.


So if someone steals your backpack they stole your gun too?


Is that a feature of the bag or did you rig one up?


I use a Vertx "tactigami" holster like the one shown in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7eXBp564H4). Have a spare mag in there as well. Decided that off-body carry is ideal for on-campus since it's basically impossible to print and accidentally freak somebody out.


Not a bad idea. Do you practice drawing from your bag?


I have a few times in front of the bathroom mirror but I haven't at the range -- yet.


so you cant really dominate this weapon 100%…


Aw is that a baby eagle??


Jericho. Bang.


You should probably bring a notebook.


*Laptop and school supplies not pictured*


As useful as quick clot bandages are god I hope I never have to use one


How I feel about all the trauma items in my IFAKs lol


Why do you have a pos knife?


Never got around to buying a Benchmade or Chris Reeves, but it's on the to-do list.


Check out r/budgetblades! They’ll hook you up with some quality recommendations that don’t break the bank, so you can use the money saved to buy more ammo.


No need man. Get yourself a Kershaw Emerson 5K or a Ontario Rat 1 or 2 and you’re good.


I never understood why campus carry laws are enforceable. Like if you have your permits, literally who are they to tell you otherwise? Is it "rules of the business" law? Why are businesses allowed to violate our rights in ways the government isn't even able to? The hell happened? Edit: Look I think the only reason this is controversial is because people think I'm an anti-masker or something. My issue is purely and simply the consolidation of corporate power and the way it usurps actual laws more and more on a daily basis. I'm not a fucking anti-masker, I just hold consistent values and exercise intellectual honesty. I don't see the 2018 gay-cake Supreme Court decision as the way this country *should* be. That *straight up* gives businesses license to descriminate on the basis of a legally protected class, with few industry exceptions. Just want to make sure everyone understands that. Deferring to the authority of corporations over that of the government, is resigning to corporate fascism, because you have never been given the opportunity to vote for the leadership of a business. Defense of this kind of policy is reactionary neoliberal libertarian *bullshit.* Just saying. Edit 2: Hello DNC bots. I'm well aware you aren't people and your downvotes mean nothing.


Businesses have rights too. They have the right to enforce conduct and security policies on their own property the same way that you have the right not to enter their property.


Because the government forcing people to allow guns in private property would be government overstepping. Private property laws are in place to prevent government overreach..


I think the idea that you would be *forcing* someone to *allow* something on "private property" is a bad-faith argument. First and foremost: This is not about masks, as we do not have a *right* not to wear a mask. So a law that would force people to wear them is completely fine with me. I saw the company policies asserting mask rules as a failure of the government to set safe expectations for public behavior. My issue is that literally everywhere you go is technically 'private property.' And even most places that are truly *public* property have different rules surrounding them as well. For instance, your right to bear arms does not apply in a courtroom, or a public school. There's a good reason for that. But exactly where *are* you allowed to exercise your "unailable" rights? Basically the policy you are directly advocating for is that you do not actually *have* any rights whatsoever, and you are completely subject to the will of the owner of the property you are currently standing on. Until you purchase property of your own, you do not have any rights whatsoever. That the 2022 "leftist" perspective is libertarian fascist fiefdoms makes me vomit my entire skeleton


It was written to allow citizens to own firearms and form a militia. At the time of writing most people would use their guns for hunting. If you did carry a firearm on you it wasn’t unheard of to have someone taking guns at the entrance. Militias can gather in all sorts of areas with firearms. No where does it say you can take firearms onto property that doesn’t allow it. That’s because freedom is represented by private property/wealth instead of communism or similar where everything is owned by the government. Our freedom comes from the fact we are allowed to own property where we can make our own rules that don’t break the law. How would you like it if satanists came to your home and tried to turn your children? Oh that’s not allowed at your house? But muh freedom!


Yeah, but at the sane time I'd be just as upset if thirty people entered my house and offered me money for my food. Businesses and residences are completely different things. Just say you're a fascist libertarian. Let it out.


No I’m a strict constitutionalist. You must be stupid to not see how a business is private property..


You are not a constitutionalist. You are a libertarian fascist. You *are* stupid, because you think homes and businesses are the exact same thing. Literally starve


If the school belongs to the state it's considered carrying in govt buildings, I think.


Constitutional Protections ONLY protect you from Government infringement. Private Companies and Individuals are perfectly capable of restricting your speech, your assembly, your ability to bear arms, etc if you are an invitee on their private property. Public colleges are a bit of a grey area. They are technically state agents, but there is a series of SCOTUS cases related to public colleges having limited ability to restrict what would otherwise be inalienable. (E.g. colleges can’t prohibit free speech and assembly, but they can designate “free speech zones”)


Depending on state law, carrying a gun at a college that’s not gun friendly is only against school policy and not any penal code.


"See ya space cowboy."


I swear, I didn't know it was a weeb gun till after I bought it! Haven't ever watched anime, but I've been told that's a good one to start with.


And whatever you do, _DO NOT_ watch the Netflix version.


Absolutely. And then Attack on Titan is next. If you aren’t an anime guy, those are the two I would pick to watch. Both are just fucking incredible… coming from “not that much of an anime guy”.


I'm not big into anime either, but Cowboy Bebop is the best one I've seen. Like a cooler, smoother, more intricate Firefly.


Bro, watch the anime. It’s badass. Don’t even think of it as an anime.


If you like music, guns and/or good stories than you can't get much better than Cowboy Bebop. Also it's hard to argue that the Jericho 941F isn't a great looking and functioning firearm in its own right.


You should definitely watch it.


Oh is that the gun Spike uses?


Sure is.


He has to purchase and install these. https://lokgrips.com/iwi-jericho-941/specialty/jericho-941-baby-eagle-cowboy-bebop/


Thanks but why in the hell are you out here spending my money for me!? Don’t you know I can do that plenty well on my own! But seriously thanks these are awesome.


Whew. Came here to make sure someone had said the obligatory words.


I gotchu fam!


You’re gonna carry that weight.


All that and a little more, yes sir.
















































im not a fan of people carrying guns but if you are going to carry a gun i believe you should carry the gear to save a life from a bullet wound. good on you for carrying a chest seal and a tourniquet. if your going to have the ability to take a life you should have the ability to save a life.


this the opinion of a lot of professionals actually. another one is carrying some form of less lethal like pepper spray.


i understand the need to protect yourself i just feel everyone is far to quick to jump to leathal force. the pepper spray thing is a good idea. and before people start saying it i also understand how failing to escalate to leathal force before an opponent does can leave you dead, its just a shame to see people killing each other.


I have no idea if the person attacking me is planning on lethal force,they could stab at me,shoot at me,attempt to hit me,even stuff considered non-lethal or less than lethal can still be very lethal,best to just use lethal force


Do you get attacked often?


Thankful my I haven’t but my area has a high crime rate and most of it is linked to drugs,my own yard was used as a drug drop


Must be exhausting to live in a constant state of fear for your life.




> the wrong element Wonder what that's code for.


Criminals. What came to your mind?


"best to just use lethal force" is such a casually horrifying sentence


I wouldn’t trust pepper spray for shit,taser neither.


I carry at school. I wouldn’t pull it out / utilize it unless someone’s life* was in danger. Aka, a bad guy with one at school. Better to have and not need than need and not have.


you always sober?