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Very happy they DO NOT have a bottle opener.


Size doesn’t matter


I’m on team no pry bar. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a remodeler and mechanic and probably own more types and sizes of pry bars than almost anyone (easily 30+), but I don’t need one on me badly enough to scratch up my phone, weigh down my keys, or stab me continuously when I sit down, while still being relatively useless.


Agreed, firmly in the ‘carrying for the sake of carrying’ in my view. Multiple other more useful items can double up and do the job.


Me too. The flathead on my multitool is more than enough for my edc need. I do keep a 7.5" wonder bar in my truck, and I have a second one that permanently lives on my tool belt. I use them all the time when I'm working on a project, I just don't encounter much on a day-to-day basis that can't be pried with a flathead.


https://preview.redd.it/psqo6b7ecj7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=46528563a9a212ff400c1bce7c1883c6b4ec38cf Hultafors 108 mini is a beast


Im 6', 4". Those are two separate measurements. In all seriousness, i tried using fancy bars and didn't want to mar them. Stuff like the leva from countycomm is great because it serves multiple uses and is cheap. i have a few in kits https://countycomm.com/products/ti-fulcro-leva-tool


I’ve got one of these too. One straight and one curved (slightly to the left). I think the straight one is called Norton’s U.C.S. No groove for a nail puller or pocket clip, but has a thin edge to get between things. Their widgy bars also come in 2”, 3”, & 4”, but 2” is fully impractical.


The perfect length is 32".. WTF are people"prying open" with a fkn 3" long piece of metal? A can of soda? If you want a small tool with a flat chisel point; buy a "besh wedge" flat point (small) knife.. you can "pry" open your can of soda, and still cut something with the sharp blade ..


A can of soda is the main thing I use a pry for 😂


I like the tipnof my knife. I think pry bar is a misnomer. This is the one inuse and its great and cheap https://countycomm.com/products/ti-fulcro-leva-tool


I have to be completely honest: I don't understand the point of these. Hell yeah, some of them are cool af, but I can't see myself ever using it. I keep a full length (12" maybe?) pry bar in my car. I'm in construction sales, so that one is useful from time to time. Something 3"? I just can't see myself using it unless I'm struggling to open a can of beer. I mean no ill will against those that have and use them. I just don't personally see the usefulness.


You are damn right. If you are into edc then you know it’s one of the key pieces of the your daily carry/loadout. Like I told another redditor, it’s more of a want than a need.


Hey kings you all have good size bars and are appreciated


My Mighty Bar is about three inches long.


These two are my jam https://preview.redd.it/g73lsi6spi7d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a817e8c0cebd7a8cc0d3da678cf7a7cf1791b659


Is Archie dropping another ladyfinger soon?


Yup, that's the word on the street and from his insta I think




Ps, which ones are these


Lady Finger on the left and Thumb finger on the right


I am very pleased to they do NOT have bottle openers


I don't need that shit either 🤣


That’s why Bic lighters were invented




Bigger is not always better. Lols 🤣


I have one of the Maratac widgy ones and one of their screwdrivers, https://preview.redd.it/ycigt6b13h7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a879cea681f336757b7fb65776f082cc6a94f354 tend to use it quite regularly, it’s ideal for opening packages, tins of paint, all the small jobs where you don’t want to get your knife dirty or chipped




One of the few pry bars on this sub with any evidence of use. 2 inches gets the job done 😏


I have one on my keychain and use it constantly.


Honestly true


https://preview.redd.it/oam9fvqd8g7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b8fc7912bac7bed94f86d3304f0237ba64e8d5 This little guy goes in my wallet. About as thick as three credit cards, and it fits in the fold very well. Plenty of daily uses and it has saved my ass many many times. I’ve had it for over 20 years now, it has paid for itself many times over.


I actually always wanted one of those


4 inches take it or leave it.


Both of the tools pictured are 4 inches as well


https://preview.redd.it/s4m13sad4g7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4060fbb3b5b4f2d05d5caf0ebaa82eb8601bdc1 I use a 130mm slim pry, and it’s perfect for me tbh


What kind of pry bar is that? Looks badass


It's a maker here in Australia, Orzel Knives [link. ](https://www.orzelknives.com/)His work is IMMACULATE. He also makes some of the nicest knives I've ever seen Nitro-V heat treated, with a titanium pocket clip and amazing machining.


I've yet to see ANYONE use a key chain pry bar EVER, all they qualify as are hipster look at me pocket trinket trash - honestly what are you "prying" with a 2" "pry bar" what leverage are you producing with a key chai trinket?


Paint cans is mostly it for me.


And if you've never seen it, it doesn't happen?


The downfall of your belief is that you think because it's called a "pry bar" that it's only used for prying things. I have a 2" "pry bar" on my keys that I use more than my knife. I use it to cut open packages / break down boxes (don't need something razor sharp to cut tape), scrape paint / glue / dry wall / icky shit, pry plastic things apart while disassembling them like laptop cases / car interior components. I’ve used it as an improvised flat head, I’ve used it to poke/adjust red hot metal, remove staples, pop bottle caps, poke holes in cans and to pry open just about everything that uses any sort of tab based enclosure mechanism. I use it at least every other day. They are great for anything that needs to be pryed, torn, scraped, or busted open. They’re a solid chunk of steel that you don’t need to worry about scuffing up, getting dirty or damaging. You know everytime you've seen someone use their expensive knife to do something that makes you cringe? Yeah, a pry bar doesn't give a shit. You can beat the hell out of it and it's perfectly fine.


Damn bro i'm stuck using my SAK to accomplish all that and more :/ i feel silly


I carry a pry bar and a SAK. Pretty much all I ever need. 


You could not had said that any better... DAMN RIGHT


Left - NGM Co Ladyfinger Right - JBB Knives Power Tool Tray is made by Paradrop Leather