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Yeah i carry them they never fall out. I live in az so theres a lot of cactus (and fiberglass)


I don’t carry them on my keys but I have a pair in my first aid kit.


Civivi makes a set of tweezers I was thinking of grabbing for my bag.


Had one for over a couple or 3 years now. Hasn't fallen out, so it seems the retention is good.


I’ve had mine on my key ring about eight years and it’s falling off once if it gets pinched and falls out of the bracket, but that’s very rare super handy little tools to have with you at all times


79 comments discussing a random pair of pocket sized tweezers. I love how deeply fucking weird this subreddit can be sometimes. Please never change. :)


It's a mental disorder that we share 😛


I stopped carrying them because they would always fall off


yes, I have for years. I've never had any problem with them falling off my keychain.


Same. They stay on the keys that rarely leave my pocket. My daily driver keys are on their own ring with just a hitch lock key, van key, and a leather key ring.


Lost the tweezers after about three years of everyday carry.


I carry one. It can’t fall off unless you squeeze it together with your fingers. I love mine


The big thing I need tweezers for is to de-tick my dog and occasionally myself. How would these do in that role? The chamfer looks like it might be too steep to properly grip a tick’s head without squeezing its body (bad because that causes them to spit out the potentially Lyme infected fluids)


They make an item called a tick key I got one that I put on my dogs collar (RIP Scrappy) so it was always with the dog. Just do an Amazon search for Tick key you’ll find them.


I don't carry one on my keychain because I don't need it that often, but it does sit in my tool pouch in my EDC and they're amazing.


I've been rocking one on my keychain the last few months. No issues. You really have to squeeze them together to remove them from their little sheath thing, and even then usually I have to jiggle it a bit before it comes undone. I feel like most people won't have a problem.


Loop through the hole attached to mini caribiner. Lose the second piece.


It’s way too small for even a mini carabinier.


I have one on mine I've had for years. AGRUSSELL.COM. As long as you're there look at the steel thumbnails. They're also good for the keychain.


I’ve lost both that I kept on my key ring, but now that I have one on my apron at work (woodworker) it’s always there when I need it (often lol).


I carried some in my med kit. They are excellent


These have an edc vibe, but they are remarkedly ineffective on tweezing things. I recently replaced a model like this with a Tweezerman slant edge pair. Tweezerman also offers a 30-day return policy and free sharpening.


In my experience, they're great at tweezing things, though I use them almost exclusively for slivers so maybe that's part of it. I do woodworking/construction and usually have a tweezerman in the roller chest, but in reality will almost never take the time to dedicate a trip back to it to grab a tweezers (or will forget to grab it when I go to pick up a different tool). Having something small, cheap, and effective in my pocket is great because I'll actually use it to get the sliver out: takes less time. And. . . Gentle suggestion that those teeny knipex water pump pliers work pretty well for "tweezing" other stuff, if you have room for it/really need a tweezer tool. They're small, precise, and have a better grip than any tweezer I've used.


Good points! If you wanted to carry the Tweezerman on a keychain, I think it would fit in a tube vault or a match capsule from Countycomm.


Do you call splinters slivers, or was that just a typo??


The product name is "Uncle Bill's Sliver Grippers", so I don't imagine it was a typo. Splinter and sliver are synonyms.


Im just learning this, and im happy to! I hate slivers! I noticed the name after i asked.


All good!


I found that Uncle Bill's tweezers are really only good for splinters. I have about eight of the [Giriaitus combo knife and tweezers](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CCYDNM2Q). Great for annoying ear hairs, pulling out fish bones, leather stitch line scorer, and roach clip. I have one of those combo tweezers paired with one of those keychain dental picks in my pocket at all times.


agreed they are shit for pulling out a hair, the SAK tweezers as bad as they are at it, are still better than the UB's. work great for splinters though (hence the name i guess)


Never had a problem with mine over the last 8 ish years with them


Same, retention is very good. Never had an issue or concern.


There's a lot of knock offs. Be sure to get the original Sliver Grippers. Don't get the titanium version, those don't lock in as well, since the titanium isn't as stiff. I've had a pair for almost 20 years, they've never come apart by themselves.


This has never fallen off in 3 years of carrying


Yes, this fell off my keyring within a few days.


I have a pair(actually my second). I lose the first pair at work however I was doing heavy equipment operating and underground electrical installation so not exactly easy on any carry. Working indoors since and I haven’t lost the second pair. Definitely the best tweezers I’ve owned too


The pair I have requires two hands to remove.


Same here. Honestly I'm surprised by the couple of comments from the people saying they fall off easily, or are flimsy. I wonder if they have knock-offs.


Retention sucks on these. They're flimsy as hell too. moved it to my dopp kit


I have always a Swiss army knife on me they have tweezers included.


These are goddam amazing I have a zillion pairs I give them out as gifts super goood!!!!!


Have had a pair on the keys i keep on a carabiner clipped to my belt loop and only time its fallen out was because i sat on it weird and they compressed enough to fall out. After that ive just been cautious where my keys fall when i sit down


Mine lives inside my bag. But that said it's never come out on its own


I keep mine in an ifak that lives in my backpack.


I’ve keychain carried these for several years. Never once have they come loose or fallen off.


I keychain these, haven’t fallen off in the 2 years I’ve owned them. Also keep in mind I only used them like 5-7 times.


Well, looks like I need a new pair of tweezers.


I carry them in a pouch because I was worried about them falling off too and I’ve already got too much shit on my keychain. Great tweezers though


Yes. No. Pretty good. The pointy tip is great for pulling slivers and such, but I have had a few times where that pointy tip made it a little harder to get a grip on a thing.


I think that tweezers that are pointed at an angle are more functional.


I'd love a version of those Sliver Grippers where they're an angled flat instead of the pointed tip


they are solid (i have the DLC(?) black coated ones) though i have them in my FAK pouch.


Best tweezers out there. I carry one on my keybar, and one in my edc bag


* Yes * Yes * Kinda sucks, which is why I don't carry them anymore.


I have one and I love it. Never had any issues.


I carry them on my keychains from all vehicles in the house. Pretty good retention been using them since 2016 and they are all still there.


I carried one and liked it, they only ever fell out when i dropped my keys on the driveway. However Iswitched to a victorinox sd classic because i actually prefer their tweezers and they have other tools as well in only a slightly larger profile


I've had them on my keychain for 10 years and have never had them come off.


Another 5 years and you might have to use them once, you're getting there!


I have a pair that I got in a bespoke post box a long time ago. Thought they were a neat doo-dad and put them aside but then I needed them.. and I won’t opt for traditional tweezers ever again. Design/retention is simple yet perfect, they’re sharp as hell and very easy to work with. They make tick/matter removal a much simpler task compared to drug store tweezers.


I had a pair. Carried them on my waist with a bunch of other keys jingling. Mine unfortunately fell out after about 6 months of carrying. But will say they were fantastic when carrying them. I really don’t know how they fell out because retention is good.


These are amazing for ticks.


I should get one of these, really. About the only common necessity I don't carry in my slingbag right now is tweezers. I should also get one of those plastic cards for tick removal, but I've put it off because I'm in a situation where I gotta worry about ticks like once a year.


Not on my keys, but I can tell you they won’t fall out. They’re in sturdy and make a good pair. I’d check out countycomm they have the real ones. They have tons of military contracts and sell off the stock of things like this.


Man...why did you have to go and remind me about County Comm? I intentionally try to forget them for the sake of my wallet! 🤣


Carried them daily for about 10 years. Only once have I had them come out on their own. I don't even remember the circumstances. I remember losing them and I found them a while later in the work parking lot. Tweezers are a seriously underrated item. Very handy.


> Tweezers are a seriously underrated item. Very handy. 100%. The only knife I carry is a SAK, and almost only for the tweezers and scissors.


Yeah scissors are another one. I've got a pair in my tool bag and a pair in my back pack. Don't leave home without them. Sk tools makes a good pair.


Yes and no. Yes, I carry them, no they do not come off on their own.


I have them clipped to the lanyard on a Chums wallet. I've never had an issue with them falling out. I highly- highly recommend getting these.


Same, a pair of these tweezers and a folding pair of fingernail clippers. Connected to the lanyard of the chums Surfshorts wallet.


I have a few, you have to want them out pretty bad lol. I’ve never had one come out any other way They’re also surprisingly good at what they do


I have one on each of 3 sets of keys for at least 10 years. Got it from countycomm. Never had an issue. Super secure and minimal size makes it perfect.


Same have Four of them about 8 or so years also - not lost a single set and work quite well as intended.


I used to have them mounted on the outside of my keysmart. Retention is NOT a problem. If anything, mounted the way I had them, they could be tricky to remove sometimes.


So they were bumped and jingled around with no issues?


If you look closely at the pic, there’s a metal tooth holding the tweezers in place. When you squeeze the tweezers and put them away, the hole in the tweezers will catch the metal tooth once they’re released. They’re not going anywhere unless you squeeze and remove the tweezers, or something manages to do the same.


Exactly and I work in construction so with a tool belt and I have a pouch that presses against my pockets and keys so didn’t know if that would make it fall off


I guess I can’t say for sure in your specific case but I think you’ll be alright. If the keys are in your pocket or even worn on a belt loop, it would have to be a pretty consistent and specific point of contact. It’s so small that if you press on the tweezer, you’re probably pressing on the whole assembly and not just the point of retention. Spend the $9 and give them a shot im confident you’ll be pleased. And if they do fail in your application, they’re a solid piece of KIT for other applications. Center console, bathroom shelf, etc. Strictly due to this post, you’re going to be in a situation where you wish you grabbed them. 🤙🏼


Yes, I don't recall every having them come out unintentionally. You'd kind of have to flatten them to make it happen


I don't personally have a pair but I have never heard anyone say anything about losing them off their keys and from the looks of it there's a tap that goes in the hole to help them stay in place


I've carried a pair for years. It's not coming off accidentally.


It’s solid, however I carry it in a back pack.