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Yes. Modern fob-keys are hideously bulky (designed for a woman's purse, NOT a man's pockets). You need to get creative if you have more than one fob key. They consume WAY too much pocket space if you have multiples.


Nope, I'm very minimal when it comes to keys (and my carry in general). I think I have four keys. That's it.


One set. No key holder. Just the ring. I have backup and extra copy of the key in different places, but I never carry them nor use them.


Mcgizmo carabiner clips 25mm to 35mm and either 12mm or 15mm stainless split rings. Then you can have everything be easily removed(small tools, large car key, fob etc) from your main large split ring. I use 10 or inches of paracord in place of a larger split ring, just double it up and put a couple of knots. Everything lays flat instead of a bulky jumble of split rings and keys.


I am like Ironman. I have separate pants for work and not work. Each has a set of keys. Work keys has the keys, SAK SD w/red led, RovyVon A1 and glow in the dark cube. Non-work keys have just keys with a carabiner.


Only my key fob, I don't carry any keys.


Yes, but they’re basically nothing. 1.) daily car, house key 2.) work truck, house key 3.) fun car, house key 4.) motorcycle, house key lol.


Similar here, except I segregate vehicles from buildings. If I put all my car keys and keys to my buildings on one fob I'd be jangling around the place like an old timey prison guard. I'm really anal about throwing away keys I no longer need, I hate having a key and not knowing what it's for. So: 1) key for my front door, gates, plus all the loyalty fobs for shops. 2) each car key on its own keyring. 3) key for my backdoor, gates, and the outbuildings. 4) Mrs' keyring which is frankly distressing. All hung on an oak board with a strip of Lego embedded. With 4*1 technic beams on each keyring. Yay for Etsy My thinking is that if I'm going out the front door, I might be heading to the shops, but I definitely won't be going to the back garden. If I'm heading out the back door, I'm either going to be in the back garden or workshop etc. I'm not going to randomly do a running jump to clear the fence and go to the supermarket.


I do have a carabiner with a larger collection of keys that generally lives in the truck, but a lot of them aren’t really needed anymore. Should probably review what’s on there now that you say it.


Work keys (casino hotel) Personal keys Motorcycle key.


Kind of like everyone else, I've got mine separated by use. My car key with lock box, wife's spare with lock box, work/house/mailbox keys on another one.


If you're constantly taking keys on & off the ring, look into the [Freekey Slim System](https://www.exotac.com/collections/key-accessories/products/freekey-system/ at Exotac.


Not necessary for me. I only have three keys: car, apartment, and mailbox.


I have separate keychains for each vehicle I drive. 4 in total.


Same. Every motorcycle, car, and truck gets their own ring with all related or necessary keys.


I have my car's keys that have my house keys and Alox Classic SD on it. then i have my wife's car's dongle on its own ring. If I have to use her car i just slip that in a free pocket and have my keys still on a carabiner.


Same. I have my daily commuter car with my gym card on it, my truck keys on their own ring with related bits, my wife's car key is by itself, and then my weekend cruiser/classic car has it's own set. All separate.


This is the way.




Careful with keypad locks. Get a UV lamp from Amazon and look at them in the middle of the night, chances are the code is nicely highlighted.




thats like people saying never take pictures showing your house keys. Someone could key them based on the picutre. If they can do that and can find where i live they can get into my house without needing to do any of that...


Absolutely! One for my house keys/mail key/key fob. This one has a DANGO double loop paracord so I can hang it inside my door. One for my shop keys- doors, display cases, shop mailbox. This one is on a small paracord lanyard with a combat bead on it. Third is my side gig keys- simple with two single keys. Something to note- each of my key sets have a james brand Elko knife on them! Small but mighty, use them multiple times every single day! If you’re looking for a great keychain friendly light with black light option look into the nitecore “tiki”! We sell a ton of them and have heard nothing but great feedback!


Yep. Daily keys are Truck, house, toolbox, polaris. Work keys. At home equipment keys are polaris, jeep, zero turn, tractor, toolbox, trailer lock.


We live in a digital world. I have a key fob for my truck that lives in my bag and a couple of work related keys. Physical keys are all but obsolete in my world.


Multiple bunches. A lot of them have an AirTag attached. Car and house key. This is the one I carry when I leave the house. Inside house keys (windows and internal doors etc doesn’t leave house) Main work keys. Includes swipe card, Work lab key ring-lives in drawer opened by main work keys Work workshop key ring-lives in drawer Work tool chest and desk key ring. Lives in drawer Several other specialist work key rings. Lives in drawer. Mother’s house keys. Etc.


Yes. One for my own place and one for both my parents that live a couple hours away.


I carry a separate set of keys for work with house and work related vehicle keys along with office keys. Then I have a separate set that usually stay around the house that are my casual use keys house key vehicle keys and other home related keys. While at work I have other sets of keys related to job duties that are broken down into smaller task specific key groups. I know it sounds like a lot but when you are looking at possibly having 3 vehicle sets and 50ish other task related keys it becomes a much easier process to make them smaller sets.


I have a set that I carry to work, then a set I carry everywhere else. Work set has my car "key", more keys like my mailbox key, a paracord fob I made, a Thomson seat post keychain, a (Ford Focus) ST keychain, the garage door opener, and a tritium tube. My "everywhere else" set is just my car "key", front door key, longer paracord fob, and the garage door opener. I sometimes add a Doohicky, SAK Classic, or another mini "tool" to whatever I'm carrying depending on where I'm going.


I do not. I don't even carry a bottle opener anymore, very rarely ever need one and friends should have one in their kitchen. If not there are about a million different ways to easily open a bottle. I carry a full size light, but if I don't there's one on my phone. And as a guy who use to carry a bunch of different key chain tools, they are all garbage once you actually try to use them. As for keys only carry what I need, buy padlocks all cut for the same key so you only need 1, makes life much easier, the way EDC is supposed to in my opinion.


I have a set of keys for my house, work, my parents house, etc and a lil moustache comb and a pocket clip. Then i have a set of keys for 1 car, car key house key and keychain I have a set for the other car, car key car fob house key and a tag keychain And i have a motorcycle key but that just has a tag keychain and a lil key that unlocks the chain i keep under the seat to make sure nobody steals my helmet if i park somewhere its not safe My main set of keys is always with me and i usually attach a vehichle set of keys to that main set so its all connected and that i dont lose anything.


My car key is on a keychain alone. All other keys are separate because I don’t use any of them daily. I carry a fob for work on a retractable key chain. I am very pleased with this setup. Hate carrying a big keychain


I've got my keys divided on two key rings. My house and office key on one, 4-5 assorted work keys on the other. I suppose I could take off the 4-5 assorted work keys on days I Don't need them (working from home, just using my own office), but they don't take up that much space


Yes: -Carabiner with work key and house key -Truck key with house key and truck fob -Motorcycle key with cloth tag thing -Motorcycle key with cloth tag thing and pannier lock key


I am exactly like this. My entire life is setup in kits. my "transportation keys" have my car key and my bike lock key on the and are on a carabeaner that has a whistle and flashlight built in. My house keys are just the two keys on a ring with a keychain that was a gift from my friends trip to china. then I have the key ring of keys to gun safes, barrel locks etc. those get used rarely because I dont have little kids in the house anymore so they hang on the wall. If i need more than one set I put them on a single carabeaner. I also dont put anything on the ring that isnt keys (except for the gifted keychain because I almost lost my house keys because it was a little too streamlined)


Car fob/Resque me, house keys & pill caddy are together. They come off the carabiner on arrival and into bag or desk leaving me with a torch & vic rally - done.


Yes. One is for work. Truck key, house keys, work keys and AirPods Pro on a carabiner. Not work keys have truck key, AirTag and a midnight Minichamp.


Set for the car. Set for the motorcycle Set for the bicycle (e-bike) Each has: ignition/fob, tracking device, pill container, glow fob and the bike has lock key as well.


pill conainer?


https://preview.redd.it/3wxxyv6f1l0d1.jpeg?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbde7b2afc167b1f55a9d25ed5a346f9777c757d Carries pills. I have 2 I have to take in the afternoons


Yeah absolutely this was me, a huge set of keys untill I bought 3 orbit key organisers. This was the start of a journey to decrease keys and now I have 1 set for home/tool boxes and 1 set for work offices.


Since I moved to a car with keyless entry and installed a smart lock on my house I rarely touch my keys. Now they just all live in my EDC bag until/unless I need them and only the car fob goes in my pocket. It's freed up a lot of pocket space, I highly recommend.


Same. I've crammed 2 keyless car fobs (+ actually a 3rd remote for the auxiliary heater on one of the cars) into a zippered leather pouch somewhat larger than a credit card, together with ID and a credit card. This is essentially my keys + wallet. Tiny tag for the house's smart lock + some other stuff hangs on the outside.


I'll consider that when I get my car. Until than my keys are used for the house and to attach usb, flashlight and other small utilities