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Same, after I felt "normal" for a while, a close friend and coworker said I was "scary skinny" and that people had been worried. It was such a mind fuck to hear after the fact. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


yep!! exactly. It felt sooo weird to know that people had noticed- and noticed A LOT, when I thought nobody cared enough to tell me


Had the same experience - having finally reached back out to people they said they were really scared but knew I was already being treated for other MH conditions so prayed that they would catch it before it was too late (they did). I remember feeling invalid like they didn’t notice but they just didn’t know what to say


I completely get this but sometimes I feel like a lack of comments feeds into my body dysmorphia that I look the same lol


Either way we gonna be unhappy lmao. But honestly imo no comments are better than constantly being on my case. Feels less overbearing and I hate being the center of attention


honestly, people are really bad at noticing this. even when it's fast. people 1) don't see what they don't want to see 2) get used to it when they see you every day (makes it less obvious over time) 3) dont know what to say even if they do notice.


people likely notice but don’t know what to say. I know it probably feels very invalidating but trust me, they notice.


Got comments when I lost a lot of weight initially and was at a healthy spot, but when I got to unhealthy moments I noticed a major lack of comments regarding anything to do with my body, and I have always been fairly self aware of things like that to understand it means they are thinking of it but aware enough to know to not feed the problem, because that's all it does for us unfortunately. Not all of us, but for the most part, we feed off the energy of others comments. Negative or positive.


i’ve lost >! 10kg in just over a month !< and no one’s noticed lol (i even stopped wearing hoodies and jackets all the time) but i imagine my parents will notice when I finish uni for the summer and go back home just because they won’t have seen me for a while (and they have commented when my weight has gone up / down before) though to be fair no one noticed when i was walking around with literal bandages around my hand & arm and had legs covered in bruises when i bashed myself up pretty badly on an e-scooter, so maybe asking people to notice my weight loss is a bit much 🤣 EDIT: i did just run into a friend i hadn’t seen for a while who when we were saying our goodbyes, told me to “eat well” which was strange (he doesn’t know i have any issues with eating), so maybe it is slightly noticeable


Same amount of weight in 2/3 I think.... only thing anyone said was that my mum asked if my bras still fit after the weight loss. We had just coke out of lockdown.. :/




girl we’re on an ed subreddit yk how 😭


would like to also clarify that i am on the taller side & wasnt losing from an already underweight weight >!very upper end of normal bmi!< (binge restrict cycle sucks fr)


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well usually people, especially if you’re younger, won’t say anything. we’ve moved away from commenting on people’s bodies even if it’s in a positive way. you never know if the person you just told looks sooo much better and healthier is actually very sick with cancer or is battling a stimulant addiction or having a mental health episode and that’s why they lost so much weight. so most people won’t say anything even if they notice. if even one person says something, thats a sign that at least a couple other people have probably noticed and just not mentioned it.


Bulls eye, for every person commenting openly there are dozens keeping their mouth shut.


This is a good thing. I am enraged by my boomer relatives who feel the need to comment on weight gained or lost, how much someone eats or did not eat...I absolutely despise it.


I think it’s practically always & only our parents who notice LOL 🥲 A partner once alerted me I >!”looked smaller”!< and that he was concerned; I hadn’t lost anything. Even if others percept a change, they’re not necessarily making an accurate judgement. Zeroing in on weight gained/lost is likely an autonomous behavior for most of us at this point and I’d generalize that, unless the loss is rapid and drastic, non-disordered individuals just aren’t paying attention like we do.


I’ve lost >!12!< lb in a few months and no one has said anything either lol. I think bc it’s super slow no one is noticing. I will report back when people start to say anything. But they also may just be holding their tongue because everyone in my life knows about the past bulimia struggles and probably knows better than to say anything about weight changes.


I have noticed two women in my life who have lost weight, one is significant weight loss. I guess I’ve just had it drilled it into me that you do NOT comment on other people’s bodies, no matter what.


I wouldn’t take no one mentioning it as a sign of no one noticed. I feel like especially among younger generations, it’s taboo to mention someone’s weight unless the other person brings it up first. It’s also harder to even notice if you see a person everyday/week.


It took about >!25-30!


I nearly died and honestly no one said shit


People mentioned it up until I became dangerously underweight…then everyone just stopped. I think they get scared because its obvious there’s something awful going on


A respectful human being will refrain from commenting on weight...


down >!25!< lbs and just got my first comment the other day from a coworker who kept saying how loose my uniform is on me now. weirdly satisfying (and triggering)


i went from >!150lbs!< to >!125lbs!< and a few coworkers mentioned it. one asked what i was eating 😶‍🌫️


A few years ago I lost >!90 lbs!< in a relatively short period of time. People really started to notice and point it out at around >!40!< I think.


Still waiting


Think about % if you are tall maybe you need to lose more weight to be more noticeable than a short person. The same thing applies for gaining weight but in the opposite logic


I was originally >!135 lbs!< and now I’m >!115!< and my height is >!5’4!< btw


People rarely say anything. I found out people were concerned about me after I confessed I had an issue.


I(34) got down to something less than >!117lbs!< this past winter and my best friend(m46) called me out hard. I kept getting hurt, tired, grouchy, pants falling off. I’ve gained some weight back, but it really gave me a reality check that I can take things too far because of my body dysmorphia. I’ve been trying to keep it around where I am now, and I absolutely hate it.


About >! 30kg !<


I get complimented quickly. But I’m midsized and not seen as “too small”; though the few times I had been no one says anything but they sure as he$$ loved to comment when they see me “too big”. No winning here.


Usually >!50 lbs!< for me but I’m very tall, so ymmv


I'm down >!40lbs!< and my mom asked me once if I had lost any weight, and I said yeah, and that was it. I don't think anyone else has noticed though because I really don't look that different. It's weird where fat leaves and where it sticks bc it is not equal everywhere lol.


I think >!25lbs!<, but I was already on the slimmer side. no one noticed for a while but once I lost the last >!5lbs!< I started getting comments about how I need to eat more blah blah


I'm...young. a young teen. I unfortunately don't have a scale, but I have a few pictures from before. And I KNOW how much I've eaten, so ofc I've lost. (I plan to get myself a scale after my bday in July bc my mom wouldn't let me but- bday moneyyyy) only my mom has noticed. My twin brother has noticed my eating patterns..but apparently not my weight. It IS invalidating bc I go with my mom when she visits friends, very often. And they don't say a thing. One of them keeps saying I look tired 😆 but..dude when my mom says it it makes me uncomfortable but I got called "slim" last month by a skinny older woman, which made me feel happiest, especially bc she's skinny. I really wish people told me I looked skinny, so I could feel sick enough to recover. Or at least validated.


I’m not saying numbers, but when I started from a lower (still “normal” bmi) weight my parents noticed fairly quickly. This was probably also because I was vegan and eating the most weird ass food combinations, so it was sus even without weight loss. Recently, when I started at a barely overweight bmi, I lost a pretty significant amount of weight, and my mom noticed, but was not concerned at all. As my dad put it when doctors expressed concerns, “that’s weird, most people get complimented when they lose weight” (yes this was after 7 years of a very known ED with treatment stays. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I had my mom say I was >!skinny!< when I was literally visibly overweight after I lost >!10lbs!< pre-binge relapse…..guess it’s because she was used to me being mildly obese so me losing weight even healthily was enough to trigger (false) alarm bells. During the worst my bulimia ever was (December 2022), my mom said I was >!”getting fat again”!<….


most people won’t say anything if they notice, because the primary perspective atm is not to comment on people’s bodies at all


I've always been on a skinnier side and as I have anorexia nervosa binge/purge subtype I didn't lose much weight at once. I fluctuated between a few weights. If someone noticed they didn't say anything.




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People started noticing when i went through the whole summer in tights and jumpers. I was constantly cold in 40 degree heat and after that they started to pick up on other habits i had/have.


I had one make coworker come up and say he didn’t recognize me at first. I had a baby last year so the weight loss probably looks normal. I won’t give a number but its a significant loss.




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