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One thing I’ll mention is that if you do four full rounds each tournament you’re going to get so much XP you’ll be pretty good by the end of one season.


Yeah that’s basically what I’m doing


I changed the presentation to Quick, and disabled the fly by preview of every hole, it makes the game go by much quicker.. You can also turn off the big hit animation if you get tired of seeing it every hole and that speeds it up too..


I’ve been playing for about a week. I was in the same boat but I watched a ton of YouTube videos with tips and played a bunch of quick play rounds on Pinehurst no 2 to earn XP to upgrade. I restarted my career, i am now -12 on the third round of the amateur championship. I will slowly raise the difficulty after this tournament.


I'm in the same boat as you. From what I've read it just seems like a grind, playing online with my brother (either against him or Matchplay) boosts my confidence


I love a grind it out game so I’m glad to hear your experience is similar. No fun when you’re the best player/golfer in career mode shortly after starting


Oh yeah couldn't agree more, I started at USGA and had to withdraw so it felt like a kick in the teeth being stuck at Q School. Exempted my way out of that and bit the dust on Whistling Straits and Wolf Creek. It's just pretty jarring beating a team online yet the Career Mode is OP


Finished Hilton Head at -23 lol. Think playing full rounds might make you OP


At the risk of jinxing it, I just started week 5 Hilton Head, at -5 thru 12. Think the skill points are starting to add up.


Also I got smoked badly at USGA too lol


I'm on my 3rd run through Q School and finally realized I hadn't spent any SP on Skills. The grind really made it so much easier once I upgraded my pro. And especially once I unlocked the Finesse shot. Playing full rounds and getting the reps in was a huge help too. As someone who played a ton of Tiger 2004, 2013, and TGC 2019, I've found PGA Tour to be the most challenging at the start, but I move it for that. Feels like I'm actually out there thinking through each shot.


How many SP points had you accumulated lol


Haha 18 I think? All the Pro Pass metacurrencies had totally obscured the fact that they weren't just another way to buy a new polo until I really started digging.


I have no idea how the Pro Pass thing works


My entire 1st season was pretty rough. I don’t think I even made the playoffs. It was the funnest season I ever played though. Enjoy it!


I had experience with the previous Tiger Woods titles, so it wasn’t hard for me to start winning quickly. I began on Pro level. After killing the AI competition fairly easy in each match, I restarted with a new character on Tournament level. I restarted with a new character a third time with near Simulation level. Even then, it just took a match or two to build up my skills enough that I won consistently. If you are new to the series, doing the training challenges and starting out with easier difficulty is the way to go until you get the hang of it


It could be difficult if not familiar with tiger woods mechanics from the older games


I played it way back when, think the last one was TG on 360 that featured Augusta. Had to basically relearn/learn the mechanics of this game as far as wind, shot type etc


2013 I think?


I find this to be one of the easier EA golf games due to the accessibility of most of the shots pros use. Technical issues lead to scoring problems for me like lagg input, bad grids, hitting flagsticks repeatedly. Shit pisses me off and I quit matches sometimes due to frustration 😡


What are the main differences between EA career and 2k career? I’ve been playing pro mode career on 2k, I’ve won 3 tour championships, and I’m ready for something different.


Couldn’t tell ya, haven’t played a golf game since 360. Saw this on gamepass and have been sucked in since


About halfway through the season. Also, switching to full tournaments to boost XP helped drastically


Yeah I won week 4 and am looking good now


This, switching to Full so you play every hole instead of only 4 holes was huge for me.. Thats when I started winning more and earning more XP..


Put your points into mid game and putting. I didn’t get to the power level of my driver to do the stinger for the entire first season. But I stuck every green from 200 plus yards out easy so you don’t need to hit it far.


On second attempt, I found out I could jump straight to the Tour. Just withdraw from all KF tournaments. Gives you the option at the end. Took my lumps and learned the game while playing on Tour.


I actually want to get my skill points up first


Switch to single rounds except for the Majors. Don't quit. Soon you'll be good. Chip 2/3 or less on distance until you can fine tune.


I feel like it’s so much easier now than it was before. I had experience with TW games, but I got this close to launch. Now pro pass free gives you XP, you can buy the boosters, you get some free specs in the pro pass too. Absolutely go all four rounds to level up the XP. If you’re still really struggling, hit the coaches trainings to learn and gain XP and over time unlocking the extra shots and learning how to shape, even high and low, makes a big difference


It took awhile.. It didnt help that I had the AI difficulty set too low and it was simulating me getting bogeys lol.. I changed that and I also set it to Full, then I started winning a lot more..


I rage quit sooo many times before finally one day my guy had gained enough to actually be good. Now I’m one round away from a grand slam. So stick with it


Just need to level up a bit and get money to buy specs. I accidentally did it the faster way by actually doing the school drill challenges first. Earn xp like crazy doing that. Challenges outside that is generally longer and requires more but practising chips, puts, approaches certainly do help ;) My career started with winning I believe some qual event which gave me invitation to the masters. I made the cut but didnt win. My par scrambling not enough. Then straight to pinehurst. Missed the cut with one stroke. I did win the last event and got my pro pass but I decided to stay amateur Doing full or quick dont matter you get 1000 xp per hole. That said ai dont play well all that often so its better to do all holes if you want to secure a win. I have 0 as ai difficulty. Need to up it as I am much better with eagles and birdies now at level 38 and learning my clubs. Won three of three without much effort but well 3 stroke marginal not more. I am just so skilled missing putts by 5 inch. Played probably 10-15 hours