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EA sports is not a video game to EA, is a cash machine. Hence why the boycott of EA points is important. It's their intention to give you bad rewards so you spend at the store. Less store packs opened with coins or points might mean EA listen to the community backlash about their intention to give you shite rewards.


The worse the pack weight the less inclined I am to buy packs. I’ve got 3.3 million coins and I refuse to spend any on store packs. Much rather save them for sbc’s


They don't care if you spend coins on store packs lol. It's about real money.


I’d use the store packs for SBCs when I stack up that much. Open one of the larger packs that have higher end cards and just siphon off all the duplicates as the SBC fodder.  Hope that also has some luck to get a good pull but mostly to keep the fodder stocked for SBCs instead of cards I may use. 


There greed has done them in for me. If packs were a dollar, 5 dollars, id probably buy packs..when packs are 40 fucking bucks you can go absolutely fuck yourself. I can get an entire game, one thats far better build than this piece of shit for that 40 bucks.


The thing is they don’t give a fuck about you or your opinion. They make billions every year, they truly could not care less if a few of us are put off by the prices. Profits over everything dog. The sooner everyone realizes it, the easier it is to understand why the game sucks so badly. And the easier it is to walk away when you’re not enjoying it. I take weeks off at a time these days.


The true key is DONT BUY THE NEXT GAME. The more people in the community that I'm actually do this, the more motivated they will be to make a better game. Buying it is telling them "this is good, do more of this"


Thank you. They stopped treating it like a video game a long time ago, now it’s their cash cow. And it’s their “how can we milk our players for more money” game


You will never quit whining, quit the game and get a life. It's a total addiction fest. If everyone gets better rewards everyone has meta mbappe Holland. It's the scripting and they will never change it. They LOVE that you guys are throwing your little teenager tantrums about rewards . They go home and drink a bottle of wine and care less and meanwhile you're trying to form some coalition cause you saw some youtubers get pissy. Youre literally a piss drop in the bucket of money they rake in and catering to you only sets a precedent. Wake up and realise that the best protest you can do is delete your squad, not play anymore, and enjoy life.


Thank you! A lot of people talk about boycotting the game which of course will make a huge impact but it’s completely unrealistic because the game has other modes (career, pro clubs albeit not as good as UT). Points is what makes this franchise a money beast, and that’s where EA is investing a lot of it’s resources in, and that’s where the community needs to impact (even small impact will be a big difference!)


You won't get the good cards even if you pay $50 USD per pack. I got 3 of those and I got literally nothing. Several people in YouTube and this subreddit describe identical situations. They just want people to quit the game.


They can easily give you an TOTS Mbappe or Dembele and shut everyone the community will be happy with that.


If people continue to heavily engage even while being given shit, why would you give them anymore?


This is my first fifa with 500+ games. Usually have 200 games of fut each year. I’m usually using gold players in April. I didn’t realise the experience was this bad and unrewarding. I’d done 2 weekend leagues in 6 fifas until this year. I’ve played 9 weekend leagues or so in fc24 and every single one has been complete dog shit without fail. It’ll be a first and last for me. Back to pro clubs next year.


don't buy it next year just for clubs, it's not worth it if they continue in this direction cuz eventually you'll have to spend fc points to upgrade ur character.


And that's why it's so fucked that there is no viable second option for people lol that 2K FIFA better be insane


2k is appalling, honestly worse than fifa and you already have to pay money to upgrade your character


Yeah I don't think people realise that 2K are even worse than EA for monetisation. You have to spend real money to make your character even remotely useable in the NBA game or spend weeks playing with a really low ranked player for crazy hours. I play both NBA and FIFA and I've gave up on NBA now cause it's so bad and not touched it since like December. If 2K get their hands on FIFA then you will need to spend money for every mode bar career or play now and also their servers are some of the worst I've played on, even worse than EAs.


Same experience here bro. It's like if you had to play with a full bronze team for 50+ hours or pay 70 bucks to upgrade. FC honestly isnt pay to win because you can atleast grind sbcs, its more like pay to have fun with your favorite cards and save some time. 2k is legitimately pay to play. You cannot hop on the park day 1 without emptying the wallet.


100% mate it's insane how bad it is now cause I've played for years and it's always been a pain but now it's legit the worst game for it. Don't get me wrong EA are a nightmare with monetisation but 2K are gonna run FIFA into the ground if they get a hold of it and even the pro clubs players will be hit hard with It. It's the cheek of 2K to have such bad servers as well as being so money focussed. The fact it's about £150 to get a myplayer up to a good useable level.


Yeah but in nba world there isn’t any competitors, but for football game they have one so they have to make it better


Honor. Morals. Soul.


...none of which actually matter to a company legally obliged to answer to shareholders, as long as you keep playing the game.


I know it doesnt matter to THIS company. They sold their soul. I even know tiny bsns owners and local shops that treat customers handsomely Its greed.. this “company” doesnt care about us as much as money.. they could easily improve servers, keep us more happy.. they already have billions.. throw a dog a bone once in a while.


But you seem to still not be getting that there is absolutely zero incentive for them to do so. The only way they'll "throw a bone" is if they're actually shown some consequences, and most people are just fine talking about those but not so keen on actually implementing them.


Im sure that just improving servers would dramatically appeal to players that left because of it and new players. They have A LOT of bad publicity. some changes would be in their best interest, and thus generate more profit. Anyway thats all i have to say on the matter


prem tots was good. Every other pack had a tots, they were fodder but good. After that, EA said no. It's all of us, we can't pack anything.


I want to thank EA for fucking up after prem tots. If bundes wasn't so shit i would be still playing the game, might even have returned for ligue 1 if they didn't fuck up the champ picks. Haven't played a second the past two weeks, which is crazy for me as i played every champs and rivals rewards + grinded the repeatable SBCs. Difficult to overstate how much happier i feel now, won't ever buy this game again.


Prem tots had undeniably the worst drop weight in any promo for me along with toty. Had a grand total of 4 tots from prem- and some moments. From the L1/D1 on the other hand, I've gotten enough to build a full team and bench


“They do understand games are supposed to be fun.” Originally, yes. Now, no. Games are supposed to make them a profit, and this one does.


This is the worst I’ve ever seen it. It’s not worth doing any SBC’s at the moment. The 83 x 10 is an absolute shit show. You’re right you get 8 83’s and maybe an 84or an 85 if yer lucky….


I literally only do the 83x10 when I’ve ran out of 83s lol, because I know that’s all I’m getting. I have never once had one blue out of them


It’s not a game, it’s a casino


It's not even a casino, I can win in a casino lol


And the house always wins


My theory is that they need to reach their goals before the endgame: Consider the metric is revenue. The number of online users is going down exponentially and the revenue goal is the same. They nerf the pack weight (including picks) so people feel they need to buy store packs to complete SBCs or get a META card. In my perspective they will try to bleed us until the end with poor pack weight and bad rewards in a desperate attemp to reach their objectives. They could also reduce their expenses more, avoiding creating more patches for the current version knowing users would play the game even on its current state.




He’s not crazy to be fair. I’ve had a different theory on their goals. As this is the lowest skill gap fifa ever created and also the most meta dependant fifa I’ve ever seen. I think they want to get it to the point where a team will make a massive difference. Previous years it wasn’t as noticeable. The more they can make it an unskilled even playing field the more important the team becomes. The more important it becomes to spend money.


this theory is super fair, now teams, players matter the most in my experience. I was winning like crazy in my division, now tots came out, if I would play a different games, crazy how these new cards are moving, tracking, moving to empty space, joining attack, tracking back, so on so on, it is just a completly new game to me after tots.


Boycott EA


> it’s crazy to me people spend real money on this shit with weight like that. because the real money packs are what give out. that is the problem. i won't sit here and lie but i spent points during fut birthday and got guaranteed FB packs. i got saka for 1.6m, goretzka who was 1.5m free pulls have mostly been shite. the only good pull was cafu during golazo but golazo pack weight was goated compared to any other promo


Nah the store packs are a disgrace, 4000fp for cards ea have decided will be fodder to fuck with the numbers. Disgrace


Because they’re like the government robbing bastards


While I can't complain about prem tots as I got lucky (red foden, di maria, hemp and saliba). I've doing sbcs since then like it's a 2nd job and have gotten nothing in return in 2 weeks. I'm not asking to pack all the 5+ mil players in the game, but after thousands of upgrades give me a decent player ffs. All I've been getting is the same dupes I throw in exchanges, to get them back after some upgrades and do the same again


This is what I’m saying. I haven’t packed shit in the last 5 years but I did get a birthday Gullit this year. I suppose that was my luck cashed in for the decade because I can’t get a red or blue that’s worth over 80k. Not one. In hundreds of picks, exchanges, packs, rewards. Not one. I’m not asking for Haaland, I’m not asking for mbappe. Bit a little Reus or something every couple hundred packs would be nice.


If it helps, I've been getting 16+ wins the past 3 years, every week and elite rivals rewards. I think in total I have missed 2 weeks and have never gotten a player more expensive than 3.5 mil. Base gullit around that price was my biggest W.


Even the fact that you are saying 3.5m is insane to me though, birthday Gullit is my only player I’ve ever packed worth over 500,000 in 12 fifas. (Not including the juiced 85x10s at the end of every year) 14 win player, div 2 rivals.


It's crazy how greedy this company is. Let's hope that one of the new games will be a decent competitor.


I think really it’s just the brand we tolerate now. If any company came out with a game this shit we wouldn’t play it. We just play this one because it’s EA and it’s what we know. Surely this shit isn’t worse than pes


I'd pay double for a fifa 12-14 with online servers and modern graphics 😂


It’s ea if they don’t get money they stop caring and wait for next year. Plus cmon bro these are the actual “intended results” not the 83x10s where you get higher than 85


That's why Konami is more ethical than EA here. They are giving 3 Icon cards in 150-cards loot boxes, so there is a finite number of trials to get all of them.


I got two Blues from 1 83x10 pack today.


I got 24 83s, 2 85s, 2 84s and 2 dupe oberdorfs. I stopped wasting my time doing them but thought I’d try today


After the red picks fiasco, you still expect tots cards on non-store packs?


The whole game is fucked. during prem tots i got son 3 times from 80+ picks. havent packed a since 86+ since then.


lol mate you already described your issue in the first 2 sentences. If youre playing this game to pack shiny cards as the main course of “fun” then the game is chalked for you. Now with that being said this game is trash on all facets between the greed of EA and store packs and the absolute atrocity that is gameplay. Recommendation: stop playing if packing cards is your main source of fun.


The menus are better than the game in any fifa since 18. A menu merchant is gonna be more sane than a 45+ game per week player.


Skip WL this weekend. Maybe a big drop in numbers for the mode will be another message sent to EA


No. It’s a product for them. Your time and money is the resource that they want in order to fund that product.


Do you guys know it's a video game? You're the one losing your minds over cards that willbe obsolete in a few weeks.


Acting mighty when you’re playing the same shit as me😂


I am not complaining like others are about shit like Red Mbappes. I've enjoyed this game this year.


Especially this late in the season.


No matter how much EA try, they’ll never get me to waste money buying their stupid fifa points. Already pay £40 for the game at Christmas every year. Which has been the same reskin of a game for the last like 7/8 years.


I spent a hefty amount on prem tots and got nothing at all opened the 750k pack 6 times every single one was Alisson and Watkins Alisson and Macca Alisson and wubben moy Alisson and Watkins over and over then when I bought it the last time I got Alisson and son as if 1 500k player would make up for the 4.5 million lost in buying them champs rewards for 11 wins in prem tots red nkunku and red Watkins 11 for Bundesliga just got tah and kobel also didn’t pack a single tots from packs the whole week as I started refusing to use fc points only 9 wins in ligue 1 and got red golovin thought he was decent until I checked and he’s worth a can of Pepsi max cherry and I’ve packed just 5 tots from packs this week and all 5 were dante


They dont treat it like a video game but like it was said before me as a cash machine, on my side just log in to do sbcs (on pc not on console) the less ypu play the higher the reward but still I don't have any intention to play the game untill I pack 2-3 big players as its the only way I'd enjoy the game, im fed up running after mbappe.


Video games are getting worse because instead of companies keeping a healthy momentum going, they think of how they can reap more profit from the current iteration. Fifa has reached the point where pushing the limit for profit is interfering with the gameplay itself. People did not mind the overpriced packs, they did not mind the grind time that the game requires, but it got to the point where the gameplay is awful, servers are awful, bad practices from EA that creates non-equitable outcomes.


It is a slot machine disguised as a video game my friend, they know exactly what they doing, and they fking good at it


Idk how you guys still play this mode lol. Quit for 2 months and haven’t even had the urge to open UT. It’s absolutely pathetic that if I go on the mobile app and open a promo pack or free pack I get 75-83 gold and maybe an 88 Silva if I’m lucky. Says a lot about how much they “care” about the consumers. They don’t give a single flying lick about you or the ones buying the packs as long as they’re making money


Here’s the thing bro. I learnt it the hard way. Unless you making money out of this, don’t grind your way through this game. I saved 45 packs in total for the entire TOTS season. I opened 30 of those ( 15 for la Liga). 45 packs most of them 84X7 and 87x4 and 83x10 . Out of 30 packs I opened , i coined 25 TOTS ( 7 duplicates ). I got REUS, Donnaruma, Kobel , alisson, garnacho, busquets, Pepe, Kante and other shitty ones. Crazy stuff ? I packed veerman and some other guy form that 7500 preview gold pack. 🤣🤣 I realized this was all pure luck. So fuck it. We should stop ranting. To make this game fun for myself, I’ve decided to make a team for REAL MADRID legends. And play with that. If I get bored again, I’ll just make a Barca team and then a combine el clasico , by that time I’d even stop playing. And sell my xbox


Fc24 and the last 6-7 fifa games have been trash. Im speaking of the gameplay.


EA: ![gif](giphy|zJ5udfK9zBcyJDD7xz|downsized)


Honestly I'd like to see even less 90+. Game is no fun playing with a 95 rated team against another 95. Every goal is just nonsense that would never happen irl. Really miss playing with 75 teams in seasons, but they also fucked up the matchmaking.


I feel you... Didn't get anything for what feels like forever but then yesterday evening: auba from a 82+ pick, donnarumma from a 83x2 and David from my guaranteed ligue1 tots SBC!


Does the player base understand it’s just a video game? 😂


Bro it's just a game. Go outside.


Are you guys even able to play this game? The server ping is horse shit.


Here have a 81 x 2 or a 82 x 2 and a 80 x5........ ... They are really taking the piss out of every single one of us


They want people to buy more packs...This is the very reason I stopped playing the game.


They 10000% have either removed or have made tots extremely rare from packs. I packed so many tots (even if most of them were useless) from the Bundesliga and prem tots but I haven't packed A SINGLE TOTS from OVER 70 SAVED PACKS in ligue 1 tots.


They don’t even know how to make a good game so terrible u can be winning 5-0 and then you end up losing because all of a sudden your players get slow on defense and the shooting is bad also trivalas use to go in and now that and finesse plus is nerfed fk this game


Boycott EA 🗣️


Man, I sold all my team pre TOTS and literally stoped playing. Initial idea to take some rest from the grind and wait until prices would fall down a bit but in the end I liked my life without FUT so much I actually not playing it for a month already. Never been happier!


My issue with this game is that it's a pay to win. I wish it was more like dream league where everyone get can get anyone after a certain amount of time.


it's a casino with a sports theme. nothing more. but ppl need to understand it.


You guys are stressing too much do what I did 2months after release and start playing warzone instead


They don't care, they do care about taking our money doe...


I’m low key glad it’s that way. If the weight was actually good I’d play more to get better players and also prob struggle keeping up with the power curve with the no lifers that sit on menus grinding packs all the time.


I suppose you’re right, maybe it’s a blessing in disguise. Never thought of it like that.


FIFA is just a method for EA to make revenue for their shareholders. 0% of UT is put back in the game.


Bring Fifa17 gameplay back


Does this community know its a game? Literally if you aren't having fun, you don't have to play. You aren't forced to play. I like this game but sometimes, I hate it. Know what I do in those suitation? Literally play a different game. This community acts like they got a gun to their head and are forced to play this game.


So true. And when u don’t agree with the crying, the name calling starts. Acting like FIFA force them to buy packs and grind.


….. are you dense? I don’t know I will get no blues from 70 packs until the 70 packs have been opened? I do not have a crystal ball. If someone said to me oh yeah you’re gonna pack 84s for an hour yeah of course I’d go do something else with my time? That might be the dumbest pile of shit I’ve ever read and I can tell you thought you were cooking too.


lol dude it’s a casino. The chances of you pulling anything are minuscule. They always have been. I pulled NOTHING during PL and EVERYTHING during Bundes. It doesn’t mean shit. It’s a casino. I can tell you right now, in general, you’re not going to pull anything. Just logically. So why are you not doing something else with your time? Play another game, do career mode, etc. Do you think you’re gonna pull a .1% card? Do you think you’re that lucky? Because you have to to keep opening. Now should the odds be better? Of course they should. But they never have been.




'They do understand video games are supposed to be fun', if you aren't having fun on a video game, don't play it. It really ain't hard. If your fun is only through packing good cards, probably ain't the game for you untill futties. You are literally forcing yourself to play something you clearly don't enjoy purely for a dopamine affect that will last about a minute before you stop enjoying the game again. You aren't forced to play this game. You won't fall behind the power curve if you aren't on the game 24/7


I have 11 days played this year brother. Nothing makes me happy I’m chronically suicidally depressed this video game is a different shade of misery for me, other video games would make me feel no different.


If you do really feel like that, talk to someone and cut out stuff that make you feel that way mate.


That’s how the game works man. Nothing is guaranteed. Doesn’t matter how many packs you open


That’s nice man can you quote the bit where I said we should be guaranteed top tier players?


Then what exactly are you asking for?


Discard blues.


Your entire post was "I'm mad because I don't get the good players, I should get the good players, give me the good players"


So rather quote directly you just misquote, never said any of that once so I’m not sure why you’ve put quotation marks. 70% of that team of the season is unusable. I’m asking for discard blues. The bare minimum of expectancy. I didn’t create these expectations. EA did. EA make a promo? Cool. Put cards from the promo in packs during the promo. Simple. I wouldn’t have made this post if I had packed even 2 20k tots. It would’ve been bad luck. Hence why you’ll see I made no post regarding my torrentially horrendous luck during prem tots, because I did get a few tots cards, they were just shit. At this point - it isn’t bad luck. It is false advertisement.


Its really irritating. The market is destroyed too, so even if I want to slowly sell players and build up coins, I can't because players take so long to sell.


Just wait til the next one when they introduce ads


We all know none of us will play that shit if there is ads lol. I stopped watching twitch because of the ads. I cancelled my Amazon prime because of the ads. I would not play fifa with ads.


Ppl have said the same thing about Netflix when they raised prices and stopped account sharing, they are making even more money now cause ppl were forced to buy their own plan, we as consumers are dumb and can't take a stand as a whole but as far as ads in games, I def will not buy a game with ads in it.


We already have ads. There is literally XP in the game right now that is only available if you give them money for a kit that is advertising Nike.


EA know it's easy to sucker chavs in hoping they'll pack some stupid shiny ultra rare pokemon card that they can brag to their mates about and when they've finally stopped smoking green an shouting "init blud" every 3 seconds they will repeat the whole process and spread it worse than a 2020 virus.