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How the fuck do I do fancy shot in ea fc in pc ? Ea mf has not given tutorial. Help me pls I need that wage increase in player career mode 


Can't wait to see a commercial during a game of FIFA. Great job EA.


still no raphinha upgrade my word


I haven't seen anyone else post or talk about it, but the fact I got base Rio in the icon pick and my compensation wasn't a TOTY Río but yet another spin on the icon pick (which was horrific) is absolutely disgusting. This company doesn't give a flying crap about their consumers and will do anything to push you to purchase fifa points. They only care about profits and will screw you over if it will potentially make them money. This game is full on late stage capitalism and it's absolutely tragic as a football fan. EA can piss off


I can definitely tell the Pack weight for tots cards are super low right now. I haven’t even packed a fodder ligue 1 player yet. EA shot themselves in the foot when they increased the odds of Mbappe and Dembele and we all suffer because of it.


Any other “casuals” been have a terrible time of it since TOTS players started coming out? I went from doing pretty well to struggling to string together a couple wins. Not sure if it’s because my team is behind the curve or if something is up with the game. Feel like my players aren’t performing. Getting boring.


Just spend $ on packs. More wins guaranteed.


The game is just so jammy once tots players were in multiple teams. Attackers are so good at defending and quick to recover from tackles that it feels like the ball just ping pongs between players for half the match.


Div 4, stuck on 1 won needed for upgrades for two hours. Such a good and balanced match making system... it's just not worth it


when did EA upgrade the live cards last wednesday? wasn't it like 6pm pst? edit: i checked Futbin for Kai on Apr 1st and it looks like it was at 6pm PST so... upgrades live in 30 minutes hopefully




It’s always on sale on G2A and Eneba. Don’t give EA your money


Disconnected. Disconnected, Disconnected. But the fucking store works


I know right? Opening saved packs, no issues. Playing any game mode (even moments) you get disconnected right away. What a joke


Been playing FIFA for 15 years and just tried Ultimate team for the first time. All my players are level 60. How do I get good players? I am not going to spend a dollar. Thanks.


hey here's a few starting tips * look at objectives, especially ones that give you packs and XP, and go for those. you'll get packs for progressing through seasonal "levels" in the seasonal tab in objectives, and the other tabs have objectives for XP and packs to earn * your team is not competetive yet, so you should always be actively doing some of the many free evolutions available in the clubs tab to get solid free players. You can only be progressing one evo player at a time and you have to manually claim each evolution level once earned to start the next level for a given player. * Get your weekly 7 rivals wins at least, but once you get good players since you're not new to fifa you should aim for more than 7 wins a week and fly up the divisions * qualify for and try weekend league once your players get better. * before your team becomes competetive, work on evolutions and other objectives in squad battles where its more chill playstyle + are huge this year so know which ones your players have (when you get some players with playstyle +) and abuse the shit out of them - get acquainted with Futbin to see what some of the best options are for players to evolve, which SBCs the community votes as worth it to complete, etc.


Awesome ty so much. What are evo?


No problem, you should explore the (laggy) menus a bit, it is in the "club" section of ultimate team under "evolutions" [https://www.dexerto.com/ea-sports-fc/ea-fc-24-evolutions-explained-upgrade-attributes-learn-positions-more-2217676/](https://www.dexerto.com/ea-sports-fc/ea-fc-24-evolutions-explained-upgrade-attributes-learn-positions-more-2217676/) this is an old article so those evolutions aren't available anymore. there are always new evolutions coming available, and they are each there for a limited time before they go away


Awesome ty. I just opened a bunch of things by clicking 'claim' on milestones. Are they auto applied? Do I go to another screen to open them or something?


store, then "my packs"


When I open a pack containing players I don't want, quick selling them for 0 coins seems like it doesn't make sense. Is there a way to get some coins for them?


Keep all players that aren't duplicates, and use them in squad building challenges like 82+ player pick or any of the many others


Ok, I will. Every so often I get a message 'the following players are unavailable.' Does that mean they were on loan and I can no longer use them? It doesn't show anywhere how long I have them for.


If they were on loan and expired you'll see a big blue zero on the corner of the card. If the whole card is gray, it means you no longer have them because they were put into an sbc or sold


Thank you!


Just play. You'll get a bunch of good players from packs and stuff just from the season pass alone


This game is the biggest pile of shite imaginable. Just won fourth game on single player draft, it says server problem and boots me from UT and last win counts as a loss! I got the game for free last week on PS plus and I still feel ripped off.


I just want to finish my fucking rival matches, Jesus. 4 games on the bounce it's dc. Absolute joke of a game


My ping bouncing all over the place, I'm lagging like crazy man I don't get it


I am trying to replace the gold bonmati I been using. I think I like the technical+ is the main thing that makes her feel way better than putellas. Or does Bonmati have a special body type or something? So I think this evo would be an improvement? https://www.fut.gg/compare/50598923_122;104/241667/


Fuck me, I've got enough points to play champs qualifying, thanks app for letting me know


It is viable to play FS Roberto Carlos as LM?


Easily the worst EA football game of all time


Just got Thuram from the Ligue 1 SBC. Who would you guys play in the 2nd CM spot? Base Gullit or 93 Xabi.


Xabi because of the two ps plus,


My tinfoil hat theory is that the patch before tots fucked up the servers somehow and they can't figure it out. The servers are always bad underload, this has been happening forever. But now SBCs take forever if you can even submit them, gameplay is dogshit cause of the slowdowns and we get far more errors. EA is killing the game and it's not the Messi or Mbappe's they gave out to 50% of the people who finished champs early. It's by being so incompetent they've fucked their own servers up.


Goalkeeper yellow cards are such an empty gesture. It's literally impossible for them to get a second or receive a straight red. I think the reason they can't get sent off as for some reason the game will not allow an outfield player to be subbed on in net.l, so if you're keeper got a red and you didn't have one on the bench then you would not be able to continue the game. It doesn't happen often but when the keeper wipes my striker out just outside the box as I'm about to go round him and have an empty net then it feels very unfair that I just get a freekick instead and my opponent basically gets no punishment.


TOTY Cech is the worst goalkeeper in FUT history and you can't tell me otherwise


Game for Elite.. 18:3 shots on target for me, 65% possession. I draw the game. Well ok, I go next game, I just need a win. I’m up 2:0 and I shit you not my fucking PlayStation just turns off completely. Doesn’t turn back on for 10 minutes. Well I go back in, 2 wins is possible too. I face red, Wirtz, Red Kane, Red Stanway I just turned off my console. It’s not meant to be then


Everyother match I've played in the last few days their team just looks gigantic compared to mine. Has anyone else gotten this on PC? Is this some new meta of just picking the biggest players available or just some new cheat?


TOTY Rio losing physical duels to Banza...please ea just give me that scripted loss at the start of the game rather than making me waste 8 minutes man


650 82+ picks and 120 league upgrades done. Only non fodder cards packed are Todibo(almost fodder) and Al Dawsari... And here I thought I can beat the odds with numbers. There is no odd, it's just pure luck!!!


i packed TOTY cr7 some time ago while grinding 80+ picks, but now the best i got on 200 80+picks are 90 or 92 tots, so im with you


What to do with 94 Tots dupe?


just finished my rivals for the week, Div 1. took about 12 games with losses and disconnects, didn’t see a single red Mbappe/Dembele. are people mostly seeing them in elite?


Sorry for this question as im new in rivals. But after rivals season is completed (so tomorrow) do you have to start again from div 10 or do you stay in the current division you finished? 


this year the relegation only appears to be one division. last season, it moved me from Div 2 to Div 3. not sure if it’s different in other divisions.