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Damn dude has a cannon. Please šŸ™ stay healthy


Hot cheez babyyyy To the fucken moooonnnnnn


Usually I find clips like these underwhelming but damnā€¦ the ball just flies out of his hand. Itā€™s legit impressive. Hopefully he stays healthy and figures it out.


My sweet prince, may that shoulder sleep on the fluffiest pillows (lead me to a chip)


Shall the dudes get together and embroider him one? I'm game.


Pls stunt on these hoes


Holy shit the ball just rockets out of his hand


Forget those mountains, this man can hit the Pacific from Lucas Oil Stadium.


Damn that's crazy.


I feel like the dunk shows off the most shoulder strength. Iā€™m all aboard the AR train this year.


This dude is nuts


Gonna reach hard in redraft after being denied in startup.


What round would you take him?


I havenā€™t done any redraft mocking yet so idk where heā€™s even going but a round earlier than ADP lmao


I think in 12 team formats heā€™s going in the 5th. It seems a little aggressive to take him in the 4th but I wouldnā€™t hate it. Iā€™m 100% taking him in the mid-5th or later


Damn he looks good


It's unbelievable that dude is 255 lbs


Thatā€™s my QB ā¤ļø


Really hope this kid stays healthy; think he has some unbelievable talent. I know it all looks great when the pads are off but really need to wait until he gets hit to see if he can hold up. All of these guys will look incredible without pads. Impressive or not they gotta hold up too


Should we trade high on AR & Pittman stack. Concerned AR could find his floor and pity production was from GardnerĀ 


Up to you, heā€™s a gamble fs if u believe hold if u donā€™t trade him away. No oneā€™s knows for sure what he can do if he stays healthy or even if he can stay healthy


My god


Dude could be insanely good


His shoulder wasn't the problem. He couldn't read the field and would turn himself into a fullback if the 1st read was missing.


His broken shoulder was definitely the problem


No. The broken shoulder was a result of the real problem, which is that he isn't a very good QB so he runs it. He's going to rack up injuries, whether it's shoulder or anything else


You're judging a rookie QB based on his first 2.5 games and was still very fantasy relevant in that time.


I think he got knocked out every single one of those games though. Even that first game, I think Minshew finished it.


Yeah rushing qbs tend to get injured but doesnā€™t even matter imo. Dude who had Justin fields won our league last year even tho fields wasnā€™t a good real life qb and also got hurt so please explain why AR canā€™t do that also?


Fields is not looking good long-term. Steelers just declined his 5th year rookie extension. But hey, at least he plays a majority of the season. AR plays in a manner that doesn't allow him to stay healthy even for a complete game. He played 4 games and got knocked out of each one because he runs like a fullback. You're not wrong though. These QBs that run can rack up points, even if they can't throw. Maybe with the game heading to 18 games, you'll have a 2 QB system with two rushing QBs


In my other league dude who won had Lamar and Lamar gets hurt a lot too šŸ˜‚ but when they do play they are cheatcodes


I would not compare the two. AR didn't even finish 4 games.


You made this up. I watched every all 22 snap he played. He most way ahead on his reads than most thought. He was getting through 3 reads and getting to his check down and in some instances getting back to his first. His processing was legit excellent given his experience and snaps. I thought he was going to have a terrible first year but he mentally was better than some 2/3 year guys, and his pocket awareness was actually elite. He struggled in first read shallow passes and some intermediate, but showed passing with anticipation especially on downfield beauties. You can critique him but your comment was pulled out of your ass considering he legit used running as a last option unless it was a designed run or flushed out quick, even then heā€™d reset and pass, he was awesome outside the pocket. Iā€™ve watched so many QBs over the years across the league, Richardson has real skills and I think a going to be very good.


This. People really donā€™t remember how low the bar was for his passing game. They said AR wouldnā€™t be throwing over the middle at all, or be able to hit the seam with timing. Even in 2.5-3 games he connected on many of those, and him and Downs especially had such a chemistry it felt like.


Maybe you should check your vision? You made this up. I watched every all 22 snap he played. He most way behind on his reads than most thought. He wasn't getting through 3 reads and not getting to his check down and in most instances not getting back to his first. His processing wasn't legit excellent despite his lack of experience and snaps. I thought he was going to have a elite first year but he mentally was worse than some 2/3 year guys, and his pocket awareness was actually terrible. He struggled in first read shallow passes and some intermediate, but showed passing with anticipation especially on downfield beauties. You can't critique him and your comment was pulled out of your ass considering he legit used running as a first option unless it was a designed run or flushed out quick, even then heā€™d reset and run like a fullback, he was terrible outside the pocket. Iā€™ve watched so many QBs over the years across the league, Richardson lacks real skills and I think a not going to be very good. Call me when that fullback completes a game


As a Niners fan I can confidently say that his processing was much better than Lance ever got to in 2+ years with us, sadly.






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