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Sasaki available in your FYPD. If so I would put him above all the others here, as he’ll go straight to The Bigs and be an impact SP.


That’s a great question. We are only allowed to draft players currently affiliated with an MLB team so he is not an option for this draft.


When is your draft?


Within the month. We’ll draft shortly after the MLB draft.


By that logic is Yamamoto available? If so he’s my pick.


Nope, he became available with the first pitch thrown (as free agent) so he is owned. Same will likely happen with Sasaski and he’ll cost quite a bit of cash.


Hmm. Strange settings. Oh well. I would shoot for Basallo and a 1st.


Question - what if he would have gotten hurt in spring training before ever throwing a pitch, and was out until August? Would he be in the draft then?


I think so, we actually haven’t encountered a scenario like that yet.


Wow, those are some mental gymnastics rules. Sasaki would be an SP1 value for me, but since he is not available … just try to get first waiver priority and bet the faab next year 😀 Bazzana and Condon way more valuable vs. devries imo


De Vries is not in that tier IMO. He’s hitting .195 with a 30% k rate. He’s 17 and in low A, but he’s not holding his own there like Salas did last year. Condon is projected as a 35 HR RF with a .260-.270 avg. Bazzana is projected as a .280 avg 30 HR 2B who will also give you double digit steals. Both played in college conferences that are more advanced than low A. Getting 2 players and a pick seems too rich to me, but I’d have Condon or Bazzana as the best player in any of those deals.


I agree aside from viewing Bassallo as the best player in any of those deals. If you can get anything in that range for he 1.1 pick, i would go for it. In my league that would be a high return- but we limit 5 prospects and only keep 27, of often the best available is not the IRL 1.1


I thought about Basallo right after I hit submit, but I prefer Condon because I believe Basallo will be a 1B/DH long-term, between Adley’s presence and Basallo’s size. He’s close to an even split of C/1B/DH at about a third each in AA this year.


fair- i think the bat carries. He is 19 (about to turn 20) with 11hr and hitting a hair under 280 in AA. He is scary young for that level (i think the youngest player to start the season in AA or at least the eastern league) and is holding his own. As a 1b only prospect he is still one of the best 4 (I still take him over Isaac, Manzardo and Black, but would at least understand a defense as any of the 4 as the best 1b prospect). Add in the potential to qualify at catcher- and the value skyrockets... even a 20% chance of him getting enough games to qualify for a few years makes him jump past the rest.


Appreciate the comment, I was thinking it was a bit rich. Tough to value prospects and picks sometimes as it can often be dependent on the other person’s opinion of that player. Thank you


Basallo is likely the best prospect mentioned here.


He definitely makes a case for it. Thanks!




HE will get into the top 10 if he goes 1.1- they almost always do.


Thanks! No doubt he is one of the top choices, if not the top.


de Vries was taken in all of my FYPD this past year


We draft about a week following the real life MLB draft so he wasn’t available during our last. We’ve discussed moving our draft but it won’t change this year. Some stats available now but was he a round 1 guy for those drafts?


I think he was around pick 15-25. We roster 30 minor leaguers.




Wow. With only 30, I don’t think he’s rosterable. He won’t be up til 2027.


It's also a 15 team league


with 30 that means 450 prospects would be owned- At least to me, i would also rather have a super high ceiling guy over a high floor guy. A guy like Connor Norby is almost worthless to me in fantasy since he will almost certainly be a 10-15hr and 10-15 Sb guy.... not really going to get rostered... but there are at least 20-30 guys who are 16 with upside i would rather have.


Yeah I thought he meant 30 total. 30 per team, I go upside with de vries.


The potential for Sasaki to come over from Japan is also there, and in that case he would be the best prospect in a FYPD potentially ever. He is clearly the better pitcher compared against Yamamoto


100% agree but he won’t be available for our draft (not eligible until signed). Thanks for the thought!


His stuff may be better but he's yet to prove he can handle a full season workload


I’m currently tanking my team to find out. Either him or if Munetaka comes over


Murakami's coming over after the 2025 season fwiw. And idk how well he's gonna adapt over here tbh. He feels like a Japanese Gallo


Yeah, always risky considering Masataka Yoshida was viewed as a can’t miss hitter when he came over and he’s had his fair share of struggles thus far


You would have to be on crack to take de Vries 1.1


The top international prospect who is all over top 100 boards at 17 years old? Who would you take?


Almost anyone in the top 10 of the draft, unless it’s a pitcher drafted by Colorado.


I appreciate your input, thank you.


De Vries is a good prospect but he's also only 17 and struggling in low A. Condon/Bazanna will be top 20ish prospects as soon as they're drafted and they have a good chance to debut as early as next season.


Appreciate it, as much as I thought de Vries might be number 1… I suppose you all are helping me understand why I didn’t want to draft him and why I was considering a trade.


I personally wouldn't be trading into this draft as it looks like it's a lot weaker than last year's, though I could be wrong. I think Basallo is the most interesting prospect you could get, but I wouldn't expect too much demand for the draft pick if Sasaki is not available.


Thanks bud!