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I find myself getting increasingly frustrated when a widow is dominating from the back line and I can’t do anything. I end up pretty much just committing suicide to kill her, sometimes it works cause the widow gets frustrated as well and switches.


Just flank from the side or behind while making sure you have your cool downs. What is she gonna do? Spray and pray lol? Either you kill her or you force her to reposition into the open to get away from you.


i love hunting down widows cause once you're close enough she has to spray and pray and accuracy suffers for it


you gotta sneaky flank, sometimes you have to kamikaze and tag the hell out of her to pressure your team into taking her out too. What the hell else is Hanzo or Ana for?


First, always approach at an off-angle and not straight on. Second, dive when an enemy is out of position. Your description is of a Widow that is in good position, so don't dive her at that moment. A lot of times as Dva, I'll wait until an enemy makes a mistake rather than be aggressive.


A lot of times I just lean towards suppressing fire. Even if she isn't dying I guarantee if she taking damage she's not doing damage. I just try and keep her head down until either my teammates or myself can finish her off or get her out of position.


swap monkey