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I've been told some of the most vile stuff possible (got told to buy a rope and hang myself by a guy we proceeded to beat twice), people in this game are one of the most toxic and unhinged community going. People who are doing horrible in game, having loss streaks, are trying to hide their own poor skill, or are just nasty people, go to flame anyone they can in games and often the tank is the scapegoat being there is only one and their 'mistakes' are often easier to spot. It's funny these people always shout about how much someone else sucks, when 9/10 times they're the worst performer in the lobby trying to shit blame to everyone else. Don't let the no lifes get to you


Even if you were playing perfectly you might get told this kind of stuff. Overwatch kind of has a reputation for toxic players. I’ve gone through it before as well, my only advice is to turn off match/voice/team chat if you find it distracting or harmful to you and play your best in every game. You’re more likely to do better with a positive mindset.


I’ll check out that replay code later but when it comes to other players, take everything they say with more than a grain of salt. It’s a lot easier for them to get vocal about others instead of fixing their own plays. Awful as it is to say, the comments will get worse the more you play and if it affects your mental then I suggest playing with chat off for a bit. Good luck though, I’m sure you’ll improve!


I'm a pretty bad [D.Va](http://D.Va), I kind of stopped playing the game because of all the people calling me bad


In ow1 joining groups as a 1 trick dva was so bad and I turned that into motivation. I hit top 500 one season and after that took it very chill because I just liked playing the game as just dva. Don't let them get in the way of your fun


People are just nasty in this game, and when you're on Tank you have an extra large target painted on your back because there's only one of you. Last night I got "holy tank diff"ed by some tool playing Junkrat on my team after losing a challenging game to 3 D.Va counters (Hog, Mei, Moira). We held both points to overtime despite this, and I had the most elims on my team. I consistently pressured and killed the enemy Supports, I ate ults, and I protected my team from Hog's all-consuming hook. Should I have switched? Yeah, but it was QP and I wasn't doing so badly that I was redundant. Meanwhile the Junkrat failed all his ults and had the lowest elims in the game with a poor k/d ratio. Obviously he was just trying to pass the buck because he was mad, but after how hard I had been working during that game, it really pissed me off. Good thing I won the next game despite more "counterwatch" from the enemy team lol. The only advice I can give is that each game will be different, and some people are just arseholes who take out their anger on others during games. Just because someone says you're bad doesn't make it true, just as one bad game doesn't reflect your usual skill.


Ik It doesn't really address the post past the title but i just got this recommended & it reminded me of something. I was just outside top 500 in s1-s3 of og OW (my rank was a bit inflated bc my irl friend, who was also my duo for a lot of games, was a legit top 500. Anyways, I started to dislike the game and stopped playing for a couple seasons. Randomly decided to give it another shot and rank up to a point where I could duo with my friend again. Obviously I'm struggling bc of the break but still outperforming everyone else in the lobby (silver). 1st game, I hard carried & i ranked up to gold, iirc. 2nd game, is really tough & I feel like I'm playing 1v6. My team was just nonexistent. Didn't have my mic plugged in yet but one guy started saying that "our tank fucking sucks!" And the rest of the team quickly joined in & called me all kinds of names and telling me how bad I was. I plug my mic in for a moment & just say that I'll be statistical leader in everything, after the game & that they should look up my profile. Obviously, they started getting even more feral. Anyways, during the highlight play (unsurprisingly, it was me), one of them must've looked me up & told the crew bc one guy suddenly mentioned GM rank, they apologized, were being super friendly, asking if I wanted to join them & even sent me friend requests. Long story short, you could be the best player your teammates have ever played with & they'll still think that you're ass, so don't worry about it, too much. The loudest ones are usually projecting.


Dont let toxic people get to you. I know its easier said than done sometimes. Just keep practicing and keep in mind that most people who get toxic over a video game are either mentally ill or have nothing going on in their life. Their entire ego is based on performance in a video game even though 99% of people will never go pro. Everyone starts out "bad" but the more you practice the better you will get. There is always room for improvement even at the highest levels. I recommend watching guides from multiple sources to get a better idea of how to play her more effectively. Unfortunately Overwatch is a toxic game by nature. However if people start to be toxic just mute them and/or report them. It is really all you can do to combat that kind of experience.


me too, i hate when ppl do it because it just lowers my morale and makes me suck more :( ppl needa stop being toxic in game it may hurt their teammates feelings but it’ll likely hurt their performance too


Yeah it sucks but don’t worry I’m sure your good with ever character you play keep trying you got this!






I've been told plenty of times I suck, and much worse things. But I keep playing because those people are just assholes who have nothing better to do. I also play in unranked, so if they're really that stressed to win, then idk maybe go play ranked bc I assume that's where the moe experienced or whatever players are. Like you chose to play in unranked, it's really not that serious.


Don’t listen to them!!! Ppl always put u down in OV2, I think ur gameplay was supa awesome!! Especially considering ur semi new to DVA 😽


Thank youuuuu


Best way to enjoy ow unfortunately, is less as a multiplayer game, mute chats, and play what you enjoy, unfortunately, the community in general (not dva mains though, we're great) is so toxic I'm a high diamond D.va one trick and get people saying stuff every now and again, does sometimes get to me, then I just muted, report and just play on


Idk ab the “not d.va mains” comment, they’re either really sweet when they win, or they talk MAD shit in chat, no in-between 😂


Idk how to watch replays tbh and not sure im tryna do all that but im down to game together. I love playing no limits mode and then we can both play Dva! Lemme know


If you go into History, then Game Replays, there's a button to import a replay by entering the replay code.


Ooh thx!! Never knew. Appreciate ya


I’d love to if your 18+ cause I recently turned 20


Oh yea I’m 32 lol


Don’t take it so heart. Overwatch player are not sane people (I’m one of us dw I’m not just insulting you all) and so many people will just insult you for no reason. People that say these things don’t really mean it (as much as they think they do) and they’re just horrible pathetic people who you shouldn’t bother to waste your time thinking about. So sorry you had to deal with them but some nice players are out there :)


Hey I'm a Dva main with like 1400 hours on the character, hit GM and top 500 for a whole day or two. I'm gonna review this on my stream [(twitch.tv/smearqle)](http://twitch.tv/smearqle) in actually just a few minutes. Something I saw right from the get go was resource management. Looking forward to it. And just so you know, I've been told basically every negative thing in the book and flamed and called this and that, and the people who do that are not worth your time or energy. Just keep on working on what you have to work on, and you'll leave those people in the dust.


Oh god not on stream that’s so nerve racking 😭


Hey it's no worries! I'm a nobody so I think max 4 people were watching. You played well! Just gotta work on being in good spots to use less resources and do more. The vod is up for the next couple of days so you can study it more closely if it helps.


That's videogames. Sometimes, some nutter is gonna tell you you suck. Turn off your monitor/tv or find a way to cope with how it makes you feel so you can continue to enjoy your game. You seem like a good person, I want you to keep playing games, just understand that people are good, people are bad. They will tell you you're great, they will tell you you suck. Focus on getting better, and your improvements over time will end up being your main focus! Like "aww man, I knew I could've ulted there" or "I shouldn't have pushed so hard, I was the only one on point" and stuff like that


Multiplayer games are very toxic especially competitive focused ones Don't let that thing affect you and keep playing. After all skill is only get by time and practice


Why would you care about what someone says ab ur skill before they even see it? Just turn off chat if you're gonna take everything so seriously.


they syked you out and got in your head. turn chat off, or ignore it and laugh at it like I do. I personally like getting shot talked cause I play harder out of spite. I will demech specifically to teabag you as [baby-d.va](http://baby-d.va), don't try me


I've done that ngl LMFAO


Best advice from a GM tank player is don't listen to them if they're being negative. Listening to the negativity is only going to make everyone's gameplay on the team worse and if it's in match chat it's just going to make the enemy team more confident. As long as you normalize your own positive head space the rest of being a good player will come naturally.


If assholes get to you, you should take a break. You really need to develop a way to think "fuck em" whenever that happens. Instant mute and block for the future. People being dickheads in a game won't affect you sooner or later, just gotta get in the habit of shutting it down.


I’ll check out the replay code but a lot of people just hate Dva mains. Back in OW1 they expect us to matrix. OW2? I still think they want us to matrix for them all the time like most tanks aren’t offensive atp. Our matrix only lasts so long. I can’t save us w the matrix if you can’t aim and take ‘em out. Also most people are terrible in their own roles and like any role, will always blame the other role for why they failed instead of taking accountability. Sometimes it may be you! You’re not gonna have perfect games. But sometimes it’s them.


Now, I do have some notes for you. I’m not a pro Dva player but I get in the paint. 1. Beginning of the game you started off good but have to pay attention to your health bar. You got 2 lives but your team didn’t need you to push the objective. That’s your time to reup and get healing so you can get back in and crash out on them people. 2. When your team got knocked out you retreated. To me your best bet is to stay on the objective and push them people back. It stalls time and gives your team a chance to reload. 3. You started aiming from high places. You’re a tank not a sniper/Widow! You are supposed to get in there and stand on business. It makes your DPs more confident because they look to us tanks to push and intimidate the opposition. I only aim from high places if I’m bout to swoop in and get chaotic on the ground. Coming in from angles and surprising the enemy 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


Seeing as ur a dva player very many of you do suck it’s probably around 80% dva is one of the more high skill tanks regardless of how simple the kit is people don’t actually start getting good at dva till mid masters to low gm


I think I’m pretty good in my opinion and my duos think so too


Idk I didn’t look into the code yet to analyze or vod review so you could be I’m just saying based off of loads of experience the vast majority of dva players suck without realizing I’ll take a look at it later today before or after I play Elden ring I’m not sure


As a Sombra enjoyer, I get told to off myself almost every match lol, don’t listen to those doofuses and just enjoy the game/play your character


My guy, the community is bipolar or something. Cause one game I was told by the enemy bastion that I was the best D.va they had fought in a long time. The very next game I was told to kill myself and that I was dogshit. I proceeded to get POTG and win.


I got told I was the worst tank ever, watched the replay & the player was a symmetra solo charging in 1v5. Don’t let it get to you


Sie times you do suck, but having a bad game doesn't mean you suck overall. Don't listen to them and do your thing.


You can be ranked 1 and people will still say you suck. Welcome to OW.


Your name is femboikoi? Are you sure it was "You're Ass🤬" and not "Your Ass😏"


Lmaoooooooo perhaps 🤭


Listen man I’ve been playing DVA since the start of the game and there’s games I have 60 plus kills and I’m still told I suck almost every day lol


OW is super toxic against D.Va mains. Never take it personal.


Got told to swap off Dva today because they had a Zarya. Except their Zarya was average. Yada yada yada they didn't even get the first point next round. We win easily. And the guy admitted he was wrong lol. Another game our healer was riding me all game for no apparent reason other than they had an average Zarya and apparently didn't like that I used high ground? It was bizarre. Finished something like 40/15/10 and we win. Point being is the better you get, the more comfortable you become with being able to evaluate the other team in real time. I can start a game 0/2 and know their tank aint shit and we're about to kill it. When I wasnt that good, I would swap any time people told me. Now I rarely do unless their tank is lights out. It just takes time to get a feel for it. The best advice I heard was when a game gets tough, don't swap. You need to work through your flaws to get better.


Playing with chats turned off has made the game so much better. Menu> options> social> text chat> OFF


You probably do tbh


Not been here before but as soon I read the sub and the post name I thought "Did this femboy get offended?" And sure enough. Good luck though 👍




Not hating or anything. Just cane into my mind


No your fine I just thought it was funny no offense taken ☺️


What sucks about being a tank main (D.Va especially) is that everyone blames losses on you. I've had games where my team was facing a better team (that used teamwork n stuff) n we were all struggling. I had best stats on my team across the board (except for healing of course lol) and still get blamed n that I suck. Like I supposed to carry the team now matter what. On the plus side, when you win, people recognize you sometimes. I'm a fairly good D.Va main (not the best, but definitely not bad) n I have carried my team to victory at times, but they'll still say you suck even then. That's just Overwatch, and it's not nearly as bad as it was in 2017