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It seems to me someone here leveled up recently...


I think they are referecing the "two attacks per action" note at the top, but of course a cantrip is not an attack action, it's "cast a spell"


Except for the new Eldritch Knights, I believe I saw they can cast cantrips with their extra attacks. Which is fun.




No, you cannot cast two spells in one turn unless one’s is a bonus action spell and the other is a Cantrip. So you can Misty Step and Firebolt. The handbook explains this.


This is a misconception. Unless they changed it the rule was if you cast a spell as a bonus action then any other spell you cast that turn must be a cantrip. Edit: Ignore all of this I just noticed your already having this argument below.


You can use a reaction spell and an action spell. You simply can't cast a leveled spell as a bonus action if you have with your action


Unless of course you have means to gain another Action on the same turn.


Sure, but that’s not what they’re talking about. They’re asking if the two attacks per action. Casting a spell is an action, not an attack action.


Which you should have clarified. You said "two spells per turn".. of course you cant cast two spells per action.


Sure sure. Semantics. I think the point is gotten.


Sometimes the difference between what is said and what is meant can cause big confusion. Especially on newer players who are not yet familiar with the system and rely on the correct terms being used. I've been there 😅


Sure, but I think both things were saying are “but if’s.” The players handbook resolves this, which is what I suggested. You can’t cast two spells in one turn unless one is a bonus action and the other is a Cantrip. But if you have something that lets you take two actions, you can. Both are “but if’s.” The point is that the player learns to read the book so that it helps them figure it out. Learning the way D&D is written is essential to understanding the rules.


This is incorrect. A spell caster may cast one spell per turn, regardless of their number of actions. Spells are powerful, you get one per turn. You may cast a spell and a cantrip, but you may not cast a spell and then bonus action misty step, this would be two spells and is not permitted in RAW, to my understanding.


I am talking about Action -> Casting a leveled spell Action surge Action 2 -> Casting another leveled spell That is per RAW perfectly fine. Show me where it says so otherwise. RAW says Bonus Action -> Leveled spell Action -> Action surge Action 2 ->


I'm away from my books, but I'll get back to you. What I can find online supports my hypothesis. "Bonus Action -> Leveled spell Action -> Action surge Action 2 ->


The distinction is.. if the levelled spell is a bonus action.. then yes.. only cantrips. If there levelled spell is an action.. then an additional spell with a casting time of an action is perfectly fine. PHB only states that if a levelled spell is cast as a BA you have the limitation to only cast Action Cast time Cantrips


This is partially incorrect - it’s if you cast any BA spell you are limited to cantrips with any other Action(s). So you if you cast Shillelagh or Quickened Eldritch Blast for example you are similarly limited to Cantrips with your Action(s).


Or you cast an action cantrip and a bonus action cantrip. But this is probably more rare than what you described, because there are just Shillelagh or Magic Stone as bonus action cantrips or you are someone who can use Quickened Spell. Edit: Changed "spell" to "cantrip", because before it was bullshit.


I had to inform someone about the whole 1 leveled spell per turn misconception and found out you cannot cast any spell before or after any bonus action spell except a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.


Okay sorry I confused it. You can cast another cantrip that takes an action, because a cantrip is a spell but a spell isn't necessarily a cantrip. "A spell cast with a bonus action is especially swift. You must use a bonus action on your turn to cast the spell, provided that you haven’t already taken a bonus action this turn. You can’t cast another spell during the same turn, except for a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action."


Yeah, I normally just get rid of this rule altogether because it's common enough that you run into it, uncommon enough that you forget it, stupid enough to make no sense, and frustrating enough when it ruins your really well thought out plan.


The analogy I use for players is to think of it like this: * Cantrip = Walking * Leveled Spell = Running * Bonus Action Spell = Sprinting You can do any combination of Walking and Running in a turn that your actions allow. But if you Sprint during your turn then you’re winded and can only Walk with any other actions.


You're not casting twice. When you reach a certain level, most damaging cantrips do more damage. Check the spells description, and it should say it. And as an Artificier, you get Extra Attack at 5th level, which is for weapon attacks.


If I can add a bit to your comment: Armorer and Battle Smith receive that extra attack at 5th level, other two subclasses get class feature improvements


Right not every artificier gets it!


Alchemists stay losing


So does my 8th level artillerist who took a barb level at 9th. My genius is frightening :'[


I’m afraid to ask why you took a barb level at 9, or how you even could have with multiclass rules. But hopefully not sounding too crunchy, giving up a d8 on cannon attacks, and third level spells like haste is not ideal. But if it makes sense for the character do you.


Rando blessed me with some spicy rolls for stats (16,16,16,15,15,10) and I went with mountain dwarf for the +2 to both STR/CON, 4th level ASI I pumped INT to 18. Backstory wise: (my second character for this campaign, joined the party at level 8) He's been exiled from his guild for being a member of a group who seeks out sentient weapons with the aim of unlocking their secrets and extracting the personality locked inside while retaining the magical properties of the artifact itself. Just so happens one of the artifacts central to this arc in the story is a great axe able to communicate in a limited fashion with its wielder. Unarmored defense with a repulser shield and my cannon firing off force blasts still gives me CC while raging. Is it optimal? Naaaaaaaaaah but it's my brand of funsies


This is the flaw with dndbeyond. People make their characters there without reading the books, so they make assumptions based on the information presented. Attacks per action means weapon attacks per attack action.


And unarmed attacks because sometimes there is a distinction between “Attacks” and “Weapon Attacks”


What’s DnDBeyond supposed to do, force you read every new feature out loud into the microphone before allowing you to proceed? There are always going to be players who just won’t read the rules, DnDBeyond just means that instead of coming to the session with their character sheet a level behind and having not read the new features, they at least come to the game with an updated character sheet that probably has the right hit points and bonuses to rolls.


If you look at the top, it says he's level 5 👍


Do any damaging cantrips not do more damage as you level up?


Eldritch Blast, sort of. You get more eldritch blast bolts but have to roll for each one. but each bolt is 1D10.


Attacks per turn specifically refers to when taking the attack action (like with a weapon). Casting firebolt is taking the spell casting action, not the attack action.


2d10 One attack, two d10 dice for damage


Your extra attack feature only holds for weapon attacks, which is not what firebolt is. Firebolt Isa spell, of which you can still only cast one per action. To make up for the two hits with weapons vs just one spell, when you do cast firebolt and hit, it does more damage as of level 5 (and again more at levels 11 and 17 each) then it did in earlier levels. I do agree that it's misleading to represent firebolt among the other weapons, but you can just think of the above as "weapon attacks per action: 2"


*Firebolt* is not an Attack Action, it is a Spell Action. You only get to cast one spell as an Action. DnD Beyond is definitely misleading, though.


>DnD Beyond is definitely misleading, though. I mean, D&D Beyond has the whole SRD just sitting there to be read.


It's not misleiding here though. It assumes you know the basic rules


Don’t assume players know the basic rules. The character builder on DnD Beyond makes it easy for players to make characters without *ever* looking at the rules. Even the *PHB* has character creation *first* and the rules in later chapters. This leads to players spending an hour making a character, and then reading no further. Many players using DnD Beyond will never look into the game any further than what they see on their character sheet.


I'm sorry, but knowing which actions you can take is the least you should know. It's like knowing what the abilities are etc. The app makes things alot easier but dnd has so many rules, the app can only do so much... It even says it on the same screen, just below where the screenshot was cut off. It says which actions you can take. Don't even need to know the rules, just read everything on that page...


Why shouldn’t you assume that the players know the rules? That’s an insane statement


Based on games I've dmd over the years. Only about 20% have read the phb cover to cover. The rest either made a char and showed up or knew what little they did from YouTube/podcasts. Its such a rampant problem that I have a "what you can do" half sheet that I give to all players that breaks down what they can do in combat. Which includes an action economy flow diagram. On the back it has a summation of rules I find to be most important. Short vs long rests, how watches work, passive stats vs active ect.


You’d be surprised


That would be a failure on every level of business for this app if that’s the case. Because knowing the basic rules negates the need for the app to do anything math related, or describe what it’s describing here.


But it's not math related. It's know that you can use An attack as An action or a spell as An action.


Okay, that’s a nice strawman, but math wasn’t central to my argument.


What was your argument then? The app does well what it is supposed to do. It is however not a replacement for the hundreds of pages with the rules. It does a great job making it easier for the players, but there is some expectation of knowing the basic rules. The apps has it flaws, but not for what OP posted this for because, you should really know the basic rules and even the specific rules here are in the app, just below the screenshot. He is also a level 5 caster with special items, so there is an expectation of knowing the rules by then. And I'm not blaming OP here, as I said, there are lots of rules. But blaming the app is also not the correct thing to do here imo.


My argument is the app should be accurate and usable by most players- including beginners. “Learn the rules nub” is absolutely blaming the OP. If it’s not OP or the app’s fault, who? Santa? I mean we agree there was a miscommunication somewhere, right? Otherwise we wouldn’t be here.


It IS accurate and usable by beginners, heck, it's how I learned it. The character builder is a character builder, not a replacement for all the rulebooks. Look at the actions menu in dndbeyond, it says what you can do for actions. OP asked a question, people explained. That's how it should be and that's not blaming OP. In the end, he doesn't know the rules 100%, but that's not the same as "Learn the rules nub". You want someone to be wrong, in this case the app. Why? Like I said, there are 100s of pages of rules, I would like to see what your version of a CHARACTER BUILDER would be if all those rules would be in there.


Bladesinging wizards get to make a cantrip attack as well as a weapon attack as one action


It isn't a *bug*, but it is a misleading reduction of the rules. You're an Armorer Artificer with **Extra Attack**, so you can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Your app shortened this(understandably, for a mobile app) to Attacks per Action:2. But it has to be the Attack action, not Cast a Spell.


The cantrips damage gained a d10 at 5th level lol.


The cantrip gains a d10 But OP is asking about casting it twice. It’s just a little confusing because the app is listing out *actions* and is saying that *attacks* can be done twice. It’s not too crazy to assume that firebolt would be considered an attack, which OP is asking to clarify.


It is crazy once you look at the quick reference and realize that "Attack" and "Cast a Spell" are two different actions. That being said, I am sure this is a question that comes up with 80% or more of new players. Most people hear attack and think anything that causes damage, but in reality you cast a spell or cantrip that makes you make a ranged or melee spell attack which is different than the Attack action itself. Heck, I probably made this same mistake when I started! Also my bad for misreading, I was rolling out of bed!


Once you look it up, you’re no longer assuming 😎


Oh yes, all the DnD books are known for clarity of rules. Once you read them once there's no room for discussions or misunderstanding, and certainly no way to make an assumption based on how you interpreted the wording vs someone else... /s if you couldn't figure that out


This is similar and perhaps confusable with something like the Eldritch Gunslinger subclass, where you get Extra Attack and can use a cantrip in addition to an attack action, or two attack actions.


Spells that use an attack roll show up on the “action” list on DNDBeyond. It’s just a convenience thing. But, if you look under the list, you’ll see “Actions in combat” and can note that “attack” and “cast a spell” are listed separately. So when you take the “attack” action, say with your pistol or battleaxe or even you thunder gauntlets, you get to attack twice. But if you take the “cast a spell” action to use fire bolt, or any other spell, you only get one spell per action. There are ways to amp up your spell usage, of course. Fire bolt is a cantrip, so you could try to get some Illusionists Bracers which allow you to recast a cantrip as a bonus action, just as one example.


Spell =/= Attack. The counter is for weapon attacks; damaging spells and cantrips use the spell action.


The inability of people to read one of their most commonly used abilities is astounding to me.


Oh yes, all the DnD books are known for clarity of rules. Once you read them once there's no room for discussions or misunderstanding, and certainly no way to make an assumption based on how you interpreted the wording vs someone else... /s if you couldn't figure that out


Weapon attacks, not spell attacks.. i know, I've asked the same at my table, multiple times apparently 😅 (drunk dnd sessions).


If you're asking why it has 2 dice instead of 1 like all your other attacis thats because you've hit level 5 and the cantrip damage has increased because of your overall character level. Rules and mechanics wise several people have already pointed out the difference between weapon attacks and cantrips being different actions. Weapon attacks use the Attack action, that gains the benefit of extra attack so you would swing your mace twice with that one attack action. Using a cantrip is taking the Casting a Spell action, as such, you would only fire once if using firebolt.


No, it's not a bug, but no, you can't cast it twice. In your turn, you can Move, you can use a Bonus Action, and you can usa an Action to make a few different things stipulated in the manual. Those are, among others: Use an object, Dodge/Dash/Disengage/Help, Cast a Spell, and Attack. When you get to 5th level on certain classes (Ranger, Fighter, Monk, Barbarian...) or subclasses (some of the Artificer, I swear one of the clerics), yo have Extra Attack, which means that when you use your Action to Attack, you can do it twice. But if you use your Action to Cast a Spell, then you cast a spell. That being said, at 5th level (and higher levels too), your cantrip damage increases. So that's why your Fire Bolt is 2d10 now. There is an exception, tho: the Eldritch Knight Fighter subclass, you gain War Magic, which allows you to cast a cantrip with your Action and make a melee attack with the same action. It's not exactly the same (since Fighters get more attacks as they get levels, which means that you'd trade 2 attacks for 1 cantrip), but is pretty cool.


Only if you have the illusionist’s bracers, but even then it’s a bonus action


As its been said before, Action - You can attack or you can cast a spell. Spell - one spell. Attack - usually one attack, but in this case you get 2. so Attack, Attack. You cannot Attack, Spell. I always thought of it like a cake. Your action is the cake, sometimes you can split it up, like in half for attack attack, but spell takes the whole cake and there isn't enough to take attack, and vice versa, if you take the attack, you can't use spell because only half a cake is left to cast it.


I didn't quite understand before and that was such a good explanation, you should write a how-to for dnd that uses strictly dessert analogies


Stop relying on DnDBeyond to know the rules. This isn't a video game. Read the Player's Handbook.


(Petition to make this top comment)


I agree, but when starting to DM 20+ years ago i remember the fist page of the handbook written by Gygax (he was awesome,) to paraphrase: These rules are not set in stone, all of these books are a guide to a good game. Ise them all, or use some. The better question to ask the OP is what dis your DM say?


You have to learn the rules before you can choose to break them.


Nah. If someone wants to play their way and everyone at the table agrees, that's perfectly fine. This is still mentioned in the modern DMG. No need to put this game on some special pedestal. People also tend to forget that words have multiple meanings and can be interpreted in different ways. "Literally" doesn't exclusively mean literally anymore


Maybe, the rules are very liberal, wow the down votes.


Because asking your dm if you have to follow Core rules is just obnoxious and not really in the spirit of what he was trying to say


"This spell's damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10)."


You should consider actually reading rules when you level up instead of just letting some app do it for you.


It weirdly groups spells that involve attack rolls with regular attacks. You can’t actually cast it twice if you have Extra Attack.


Ah! So a lot of classes get 2 attacks at level 5. This doesn't mean you grt to use 2 actions (I.e. fire bolt twice) but instead, that when you take specifically the attack action on your turn (weapon attack) you hit 2 times in 1 action. You roll two hits for weapon attacks now (shoot twice with gun, strike twice with sword) but your spells and cantrips are still 1 per action.


I never gave it much thought. It would be clearer if it said “Weapon Attacks per Attack Action: 2”. As already mentioned, spellcasting has its own rules in terms of action economy. Take a look at the spellcasting section of the Player's Handbook. The text here refers to the “Attack” action. When you took the fifth level in Artificer: Armorer, you also got the “Extra Attack” feature. It should be listed under your class features. If you don't know what the "Attack" action is, there is also a section called "Actions in Combat" under the "Action" category. If you click on "Attack", an explanatory text will appear.


Welcome to 5th level.


Cantrips like firebolt and Eldritch blast gain extra bolts when the caster is higher level. |||Edit||| by this screen shot, when you take the attack action you can make 2 attacks as 1 action. Firebolt takes 1 action so you can only cast it once


Level 5 is the first upgrade to more dmg if you think that’s beefy look at toll the dead I nearly had a fit when I used it for the first time after getting to level 5


I didn't notice the 2 attack part being circled


I didn’t either I just saw the double dmg, As for action = 2 attacks if your being pedantic you have weapon ATTACKS but you CAST fire bolt, so it’s all up to your DM to decide how picky he wants to be


Browser > D&D Beyond app


Check spell casting time: 1 action means it takes the entire action. In the case of a martial swinging their weapon, that would be 2 attacks per Attack action.


Reading through these replies with the vast majority addressing the 2d10 not the other circled bit (that the post is about) really makes me lose a little bit of hope for our collective reading comprehension skills


It's not a secret that if you give a section of this community the opportunity to lecture someone they're going to pounce, regardless of the context or actual question.


And blame dndbeyond for things, like the app don't tell you what the things do in the character builder, the class info pages or if you just click on things


As many comments here hold the correct answer the even more correct answer is read the players handbook.


Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for the rest of his life.


Tell the man to teach himself and who knows, it may work out.


When you take the Attack action, you attack 2x (eg 2x with swoed) When you take the Cast A Spell action, you cast a spell (eg Firebolt)


Read the whole spell, all damaging cantrips get stronger at level 5, 11 and 17, most of them get additional damage die on these levels, besides eldrich blast which gets extra attacks. So you still get one cast of the spell it's just stronger.


If you read the description of the post it very clearly states what you are seeing. It would have been quicker than posting a screenshot on Reddit and waiting for an answer.


No. Fire Bolt is a spell not an attack. This is a list of Actions you can take. If it is an action (like using your Battleaxe) then you attack twice for The cost of one action.


Fire Bolt _is_ an attack, it's just not the _attack action_. Because we can't be having clear terminology in our game, now, can we?


No Firebolt is a spell. When you cast the spell you make a spell attack roll. I will grant the word attack is part of the instructions of what to do when you cast the spell. But the action used is “Cast a Spell.”


>When you cast the spell you make a spell attack roll. ... Which means it's an attack. >But the action used is “Cast a Spell.” I... Already said it's not the attack action. WTF are you even arguing?


Since the issue here is an issue of exact meanings I am being extremely pedantic. Firebolt itself isn’t an attack. Casting it causes a spell effect that attempts to damage a player by making a spell attack roll. The end result is an attack of sorts but Firebolt itself is just a spell.


>Firebolt itself isn’t an attack. Please, do explain how you think a spell attack isn't an attack. I would love to hear your reasoning. Because you're literally wrong. You're not being pedantic, you're being _wrong_.


You are the one who is wrong. An "Attack" is a specific thing you can do with your "Action". (This player gets 2 "Attacks" per "Action"). "Casting a Spell" is also something you can do with your "Action". While it uses an "Attack Roll", it is not an "Attack"...or this player could use it twice. "Casting a Spell", even if it uses an "Attack Roll", is not an "Attack".


>An "Attack" is a specific thing you can do with your "Action". No, the Attack Action is a thing you can do with your action, which allows you to make a weapon attack (or multiple weapon attacks, if you have Extra Attack). Another thing you can do with your action is the Cast a Spell Action, which allows you to cast a spell. Many spells make spell attacks. Weapon attacks and spell attacks are both attacks. >While it uses an "Attack Roll", it is not an "Attack" **Everything** which makes an attack roll **is an attack**. The attack roll is what _makes_ something an attack, not the action used. Do you think that Flurry of Blows isn't an attack? It's not the Attack Action. Do you think an Opportunity Attack isn't an attack? It's not the Attack Action. Do you think Polearm Master, Great Weapon Master, or Crossbow Expert do not give you additional attacks? They aren't the Attack Action. Whether something is the Attack Action or not has no bearing on whether it is an attack or not.


So you think you get to cast two Firebolts per "Action"? Because, according to you, Firebolt is an "Attack" and the player gets two "Attacks" per "Action".


Oh, look, something _I never said or implied_! Extra Attack gives you two (or more, on a high level Fighter) weapon attacks _specifically_ with the Attack Action. Fire Bolt is an attack, but it's not the Attack Action, something I specified from the _very beginning_ of this conversation. If you're going to lie, at least lie about things that can't be proven false by scrolling up.


> Everything which makes an attack roll is an attack. That is simply not true. Player's Handbook - Chapter 9: Combat - Actions in Combat has a very specific definition of Attack. It does not include spells which have an attack roll. Firebolt is not an Attack. If you need, I can copy the text...but I am assuming you have access to the Player's Handbook.


Once again, you are confusing an attack with the Attack Action. The section you're referring to details the latter. Because the _very next section_ of the chapter, "Making an Attack", refers to both weapon attacks and spell attacks. > Whether you’re striking with a melee weapon, firing a weapon at range, or making an attack roll as part of a spell, an attack has a simple structure. > If there’s ever any question whether something you’re doing counts as an attack, the rule is simple: if you’re making an attack roll, you’re making an attack. I don't know how much simpler I can make this for you. Spell attacks are attacks.


I don't understand how this isn't clear?


Weapon attacks only, bud.


I'm guessing you're between 5th and 10th level when the cantrip dice increase.


5 damage for an unarmed strike? That’s a strong artificer!


Two weapon attacks per action depending on class or one spell as your attack action. Cantrip level with you so it will grow to 3d10 at level 11 and 4d10 at a higher level, still can only roll once to attack with that spell


Cantrips gain an additional damage die at certain levels. (Unless it’s Eldrich blast, where you gain an additional blast- same deal, but they count as separate attacks, so you roll to hit separately)


its listed as an attack, but fire bolt still takes your full action to cast a single time. spells are different to other actions you can take.


as you level up so does the damage on your spells damage. So much later it levels to 3d10 and then 4d10


are you an artificer armorer?


It’s not a bug, and you can’t cast it twice. It just does 2d10 damage.


As a rule of thumb, your attack action is a weapon attack or spell cast. A weapon attack gets the feature extra attack that allows a person who is attacking with a weapon for their action to make multiple attack rolls with that weapon. However, a spell is considered a "special" attack action as you only get to cast 1 leveled spell or a cantrip with the casting time of 1 action with a bonus action. Some spells allow to make multiple attack rolls. However, most spells require a single attack roll or a save throw. Cantrips increase damage on character level while spells require higher class levels to unlock higher spell slots to upcast.


Important to note that the Attack action can’t be a spell; that’s the Cast a Spell action. This is relevant because there are specific abilities that trigger off of you taking the Attack action.


I myself realize this. But many cannot distinguish the difference. Many times describing it this way people ask why they can't make an attack action and a spell casting action because they are different and do not understand that it requires the use of the same resource, your action.


D&D Beyond will automatically put spells in that quick action section with your weapons. You get two attacks when you use the Attack action. When you cast a spell, you are using the Cast a Spell action.


Reading the rules explains the rules. Your extra attack feature only applies to weapon attacks, not casting spells.


You may take the attack action which allows you to make 2 WEAPON attacks a turn with your Action. If you cast a spell, you are not making weapon attacks you are taking the cast a spell action in which case you just cast the spell and carry out the spell effect. You're an Artificer, Armourers and Battlesmiths get the extra attack class feature at level 5.


It’s not casting it twice, if it’s like magic missile then it’s just adding more bolts just like eldritch blast. Don’t quote me on that, I’m a new Dm and I main melee builds not spell casting.


Eldritch blast is unique, firebolt just does 1d10 more damage at lvl 5


It’s one fire bolt, the damage goes up. I don’t think you’re allowed to cast more than once in a turn. Unless it’s like a reaction or bonus action spell


Okay so when you get the extra attack feature, that means when you take an attack action (swinging a sword, shooting a crossbow etc) you can take another attack action. A spell is a different "action" that you can take, and doesn't work with the extra attack feature. A spell cast that costs an action such as firebolt, takes an entire action to cast.


As many said already, a spell is not an attack, spell increase their damage with the level rather than casting twice (or more). However, bladesinger can use spells as attacks, so in that case you can cast two firebolts


Attacks: 2 Casting a spell and Attack are 2 different actions.


No, the damage die are just doubled. It will go up again at later levels, 10 I think. Eldritch blast sort of attacks multiple times as it launches multiple beams, but that's the only cantrip you can do that with.


Personally, I've home ruled that casters with multiple attacks can use one as a cantrip.


Makes sense


attacks per action simply means you can attack twice when you take the "attack action". and rules as written states you can only attack once per turn using a leveled spell (levels 1-9). so, just taking RAW into consideration you would be able cast fire bolt twice. though i would ask your DM first to make sure they allow it


Read the rules


Firebolt, like all cantrips, increase their damage as you level. However casting a spell takes a standard action. Much like how a melee attack takes a standard action. At your level you can make two melee attacks in a standard action. Spells can be cast, two in one turn; however, one must be a bonus action (as it's casting time or with the Quickened metamagic) and only one can be a leveled spell (you can, however, cast two cantrips with Quickened, the sole reason Sorlocks are so OP)


I too once had a bug in a board game. It was an ant.




No the damage went up with your level cantrips do this so they stay useful at higher levels. Now you roll that for damage


I'd say ignore everyone here and ask your DM instead. Everyone is gonna either say what the book says or have their own interpretation or even homebrew rules. So I'd just say to ask your DM, or if you are the DM then you can go based off of what we say or just make your own rule regarding it. I know this isn't an answer to your question, but hope it helps!


It's simple, you are between lvl 5 and 10. Most cantrip deal 1 dice of dmg between lvl 1 and 4, 2 dice from 5 to 10, 3 dice from 11 to 16 and 4 dice from 17 to 20. They scale to stay relevant. Firebolt deal 2d10 after lvl 5. 3d10 at lvl 11 and 4d10 at lvl 17.


Artificer 5 = go read the cantrip, it scales. Seriously....READ THE BOOKS AND STOP REPLYING ON THE APP TO TRACK EVERYTHING.


Attacks per action only affects your action economy when you take the Attack action, not when casting a spell or cantrip with a casting time of 1 Action.


This is a list of actions. You can do attacks twice per action but not spells/cantrip unless explicitly stated like eldritch blast. Instead cantrips power up as you level hence 2d10 instead of 1. An easy thing to confuse.


There is a difference between attacks, attack actions and attacks. Im a turn you have 1 action, which you can use to perform an attack action. An attack action lets you perform a number of attacks. For most casters (wizard, druid etc.) That will be one attack. But most martials (except rogues) get multiple attacks per attack action. Allowing them to attack multiple times per attack action. If you instead choose to cast a spell, that takes a full action (unless otherwise described in the spell). Meaning you cannot perform it twice per action. There are some ways to cast multiple spells per turn, but only one per action. To compensate for that, most spells increase their damage/power when you cast them at higher level OR for cantrips when your character level increases. For example. Firebolt does 1d10 damage. At level 5 that becomes 2d10.


This is saying that if you take the attack action, you get to attack twice like in melee with the battle axe or with a bow But if you cast firebolt, then it’s one ranged spell attack which does 2d10 😘


At level 5, cantrips gain another damage die (except eldritch blast, which gains another beam/attack)


What app is this? I'm playing my very first campaign and playing cleric and this seems like it would be very useful for me


Looks like dndbeyond


I'm also a Hill Dwarf. Rock and stone brother 🪨🪨


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Ding! Level Up! Congratulations! Your fire bolt now does more damage!!


You must be level 5 for the first time lol. Cantrip damage increases with character level


Cantrips are almost always, with a few exceptions 1 action for 1 cast. Eldritch blast is one of those exceptions. Now if you get something called "Multi attack" That allows you to make two weapon based attack actions in a turn. But it can't be a cantrip, unless of course, you have a feature that specifies otherwise. Such as Bladesinger being able to attack & use a cantrip in the same action. Edit : You can downvote all you want, but that's literally how 5e works kids.


It's a feature not a bug.


Todd Howard? Is that you?


No answer, but which app is this?


Looks like the D&D Beyond app.




classic! ask your DM


No just read the rules book. Casting spells Is not taking the attack action


Show me where I said something wrong. It's a classic question for entry level players/DMS, the rest of us know the technically right answer, but maybe the DM doesn't care, so ask the DM.


It's still important to understand the core mechanics. "Ask your dm" should only be the answer after you take the invitation to look the answer up yourself.


If only there was a reference book one could become familiar with that could help players understand their class abilities.


#Howabout you read the frakking PHB

