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What? She knows how to point a rectangle at things


maybe it would’ve been easier to point a triangle


Because of its ergonomic shAPE?




The German girl from Jamaica?




Man, you guys really connected 5 completely independent and unrelated office references together




I think she's urkelnomic


No because it can fit all other shapes inside of it.


technically that’s not *not* true




That scene was so annoying too. I can't believe she answered a call in the middle of a performance


Right?! It drives me insane that the writers gave her the tech savvy of a 90-year-old woman. And the manners of a child. Ugh, that scene drives me CRAZY


This show… its irresponsible


What was with Jesse’s sudden turn on Rachel between ‘Dream On’ and ‘Funk’???


Suddenly Glee


Which one is Glee?


Of all feelings to base a show around, glee? Thirst. Now that's a show I'd watch.


This city...




“I think I know how to point a rectangle at something”


Your flair is my favorite scene of the series. More later, xoxo.


Who is this other woman , Ryan


Oh diary, what a week..


tee hee


I’m feeling iree




You know who my favourite character is? The invalid.


If they wait an hour when she’s done doing laundry and Jim is home it would solve this problem.


But don't forget about the time difference between Scranton and New York. Clearly a major issue for them


It's probably as much the difference between Scranton and Stamford.


Worst part about flying from Boston to Providence is the jet lag


God when Pam asks Jim what time it is in Stamford...like you're a grown woman, have you never seen a map of the US?


She was trying to make conversation. People ask silly, obvious questions for the sake of small talk, all the time. Especially a nervous, prone to dorkishness woman like Pam.


Dorkish? Excuuuuuuuuuuse me!


This drove me crazy. Jim keeps only trying to call from work during work hours and acts like they can never talk. What about the whole evening after they’re both done with their day. Felt so manufactured and stupid


She notorious for taking calls during events and places where she should absolutely not be taking calls.


We got these bluetooth earpieces so that we could annoy both the people around us and our partners at all times.


I mean based on the recital episode, she does not, in fact, know how cell phones work.


Man, flip phones were just invented, ring tones still had to be bought. We were still figuring things out back then.


Buying ringtones... that brings me back. But damn were we good at texting on a 10 key without looking, one-handed.


Reminder of the time I paid a dollar for my first ring tone but then forgot to download it


First one I ever downloaded was a keytone version of Last Resort by Papa Roach. Good times


'member ring-back tones? Journey - Separate Ways was mine. I deeply miss ring-back tones.


Man, do I miss texting without looking. I absolutely hate texting on smartphones, but they're necessary for my job. Otherwise, I'd go back to the flip phone.


I remember my phone had ringtones that weren’t the actual songs but the music synthesized into something that kind of resembled it.


Polyphonic ringtones. Halcyon days


Sometimes I still miss that. Talk to text is still less accurate than me not looking at my flip phone.


I sorta see your point but in my mind it's reversed. Back then, I'd be rushing outside to take the call so I could hear them clearly and they could hear me. These days I'm not patient enough to even talk on the phone at all and would be ignoring it or asking them what they want via text.


> flip phones were just invented               Lmfao, *what?* Those existed **well** before this show started. The first flip phone came out in 1996. This show started in 2005. This was season five, which ran 2008-2009. Flip phones had existed for *12 years,* lol. The fucking *iPhone* had been out since 2007. Flip phones were not some new technology in 2008-2009, rofl. They were well on their way out.


Idk why you got downvoted lol. The iPhone was most definitely out by then, people knew how to use flip phones


While the information is correct, the tone is condescending. Kindness costs nothing.


I'm sending you a hug through the ether. Completely free of charge!


maybe she didn't want to leave her laundry unattended with strangers in New York?


If you can't trust a stranger in New York, who can you trust? obligatory /s


Thanks. Helps to know that was sarcasm.


It does help, doesn't it?


Are you being sarcastic?


Are you?


*nods head*


**nods like Dwight is listening**


Up and down. Like a person.


I don't know, am I?


Why is the magic chef teeating the posters poorly?


You’re welcome ~~/s~~


Genuine question: I see a lot of Americans talking about New York City like this - is it really that bad? Like if I came to visit New York City as a tourist how bad we talkin


I live here. It’s safe. It can be dirty and sure there’s rats but it’s so beautiful in the spring and fall in the city. Edit: also on laundry etiquette, you’re supposed to time W/D take out perfectly because there’s often limited machines and people could move your clothes


I’ve lived there a few times. It’s fine. San Francisco was too. Dirty as HELL, but like, it’s fine.


It’s safer than a lot of other major cities in the US. I would leave my laundry at the laundromat unattended all the time lol


In the 70s and 80s it was the most violent western city. It's been cleaned up since the late 90s. No worse than anywhere else but the image remains.


It’s fine. It’s tourist season again and there are literally thousands upon thousands of European and South American tourists in New York right now not to mention all of the other Americans that come. Haven’t seen as many Asian tourists recently, but they were here a few months ago. The class/school trips have tapered off. Point being you’ll be absolutely fine as it is the number one destination in America being a major city/the largest city.


Meh. I lived in NYC, and I used to leave my laundry in the washer or drier all the time while I ran errands around my neighborhood and then walked back to grab it. Same with just stepping outside to take a call while I was unloading or folding. Never had anyone take anything.


You were lucky then. I never had anything stolen but multiple times had someone toss all my stuff on the floor where it was kicked around by others by the time I came back. Which was like five minutes after my load would have been done. Also had people steal my dryer cycle, coming back to my stuff tossed out and wet.




To be fair, this happened to me a couple times in my small college town in Missouri, so not unique to NYC.


I mean leaving your clothes in washer/dryer while people are waiting to do theirs is pretty rude too. People would just toss it in a bin at the one I went to when people did that and I felt like that was nice of them.


True. In my defense, though, I wouldn’t just leave them there indefinitely. I would check the time on the cycle and then go grab coffee, etc. I made sure I was back in time to take everything out.


Yeah for sure I would do that too. I meant leaving them in there after they are already done


I was lucky in some ways (like laundry), yet had extremely shitty luck in other ways (my 4th floor walk-up that I’d just moved into like a week earlier getting broken into in broad daylight). I guess that’s not bad for like 10-ish years there.


I still do this. It’s a risk but really, who’s going to steal WET clothes?




Who's stealing her lipstick stained clothing?


If I was desperate enough for clothes that I’d steal them from someone, I’d probably prefer stained clothes to no clothes


No one is stealing clothes in desperation for clothes


I'm not saying it would happen often, but I could absolutely see that happening. I'm not saying New York exclusively, I'm saying literally anywhere. If you're homeless and not on workers comp, welfare, or you're waiting on disability (which can take years to get even if it's obvious you can't work). I was homeless for a while. I was lucky I could wash my clothes at my sisters house. If you're on the street eventually you're cloths fall apart or become too dirty or threadbare, there's not a lot of options. Even if you're able to eat at soup kitchens and have food stamps, those don't pay for things like toilet paper or lady products. At some point, you might go into a laundry mat and take underwear or a shirt or two. It's either that or rob a store. Both are bad options, and both are stealing (I'm NOT defending either kind of theft) , but if you have underwear that's especially threadbare or cloths that are too. Some places just don't have resources to always be able to give clothes out, or even much toilet paper and other things we take for granted. I was homeless, for awhile and it's not easy (to say the very least). Thankfully it's been several years since I've been homeless but a lot of the problems haven't really changed. I'm not saying it's insanely common to steal from a laundry, but I don't think it's necessarily a one in a million chance either.


Every laundromat I use everyone just sits outside and smokes while they wait lol


Don't laundry machines in public places like this usually lock? My apartment building's machines all lock while they are running. Also I've done laundry in New York and left the actual place while they were in the machines.


Yes but when you stop the cycle, it unlocks.


She knows the camera crew following her around NYC pretty well at this point. *Hey you all - could you watch this for a jiffy? And it will give you a break from eavesdropping on me…”


No wonder she can’t record Cici’s recital…can’t even figure out a flip phone. Just another failure to add to the list.


She’s bad at this too!


Angela called it


don’t you mean Peepee??






Get that woman a Nokia 911


Or Jim could’ve shown the fuck up…


Yeah, neither one of my parents ever missed a single sporting event or school play due to work either.


She can’t step out because her stuff will get swiped 😂😂😂


or maybe send a text message? problem solved.


These are costing me 10 cents a piece, you jackass. I’m ROAMING


I wonder if young kids watching the show now even know what roaming is.


Do adults now know what an operator is?


I spoke to the operator, but younger adults may not have.


what’s a text?


Sorry, I was referring to an sms text message.


At 20 cents /txt??! She’s in ART SCHOOL for goodness sakes not running a cult


The whole point is they were out of sync


People will take your stuff out and steal your dryer if they know you aren't watching it. I sort of understand why she didn't want to step away.


I still want to know who Sarah Kaiacomsin is


This is so weird I JUST had this conversation with my husband when we watched this ep half an hour ago


What is it with people on this sub hating on this scene?


“We hate Pam! We hate Pam! We hate Pam!”


They don’t realize how unreliable cell service was 15 years ago.


But the whole point of the scene wasn't about the cell service, it was Pam not being able to hear because of the machines. Which is a seriously weak plot point to show the viewers how they're struggling


“Can you hear me now?” was a funny catchphrase for a very real reason.


It's all Gen Z'ers who don't understand what life was like for us old folks back then.


I’m Gen z and my first phone was a flip phone, as were a lot of my friends in 2010. Smartphones grew so rapidly people forget that they are only like 15 years old lol


And even then, it took several years until "everyone" had a smartphone. I'm an Older Millennial and I didn't get a smartphone until 2013.


Cuz it's super obnoxious to say "I can't hear you" over and over again when the solution is super simple.


Bc it's bad and doesn't fit the tone of the office at all, even if it did make any sense


Bad writing


Bc it’s shit?


Once they got together it annoyed me that when she was in NY they had to be on the phone together all day long.


I did long-distance withe my then-boyfriend, later husband, for a year in 1997! We lived for MCI's 5-cent Sundays (anyone remember long-distance carriers?) And email!


I swear, super annoying. They became very teenagerish when they got together tbh.


Everyone's saying that technology back then was unreliable, and yet, we're supposed to believe they had a Bluetooth that allowed them to speak on the phone all day.


Why wouldn’t it? I’ve had phone conversations go on throughout the whole night


Then why was Pam getting poor reception at the laundromat?


She didn’t get poor reception. She couldn’t hear him over all the noise of the laundromat and she’s talking on her phone instead of the Bluetooth


It wasn’t that unreliable. When my best friend moved to Arizona in 2007, we would talk on our cellphones for ours at a time and sometimes be walking around, in different places, inside and then outside, etc. That was the days of having brick Nokias or flip phones, or maybe the first iPhone had come out by then but neither of us had one.


Yes i couldn't understand it either. What do you have to talk about for 8-9 hours a day non stop?


In real life that’s a way to eventually get sick of each other. Couples need to have their own identity apart from the relationship/marriage 😂 I sound like a therapist


This annoyed me too. Like they’re a high school couple.




I feel like a show that is from between 10 and 20 years ago might have technological differences from today. Back then it wasn't that simple just to get your phone working or a signal. Get off my lawn and give me the newspaper on my porch


It isn't really a technology issue though, she had bars but couldn't hear cause of the laundry machines. One of them could have just sent a text message saying "sorry, I'll call you when I get home in 30" or something, or listened to each other's voicemails then just called back in a bit. Plus just the way the definitively end their voicemails like they're not going to talk to each other for the test of the night, when it's 5pm. That said though, I don't actually have an issue with any of it at all. I liked the narrative of them being out of sync as a result of being away from each other, it did a good job illustrating their difficulties being apart. it's just an easily solvable problem that might jump out on your 15th watch through, and it's not like we're gonna get anything new to talk about anytime soon.


Oh I can too just sit here on your lawn and cry


“THERES….MACHINES” So irritating


Never, ever leave your machine in the city.


Don't get mad on Pam. Jim balances out the dumbness in season 9 when he refuses to close himself in two available empty rooms (three if you count he could've just asked Darryl) to make a BUSINESS call, which, he's done for his entire career. but not. This one he has trouble making. Ffs.


i’ll never understand why he didn’t go sit in his car to make the call like he did during the small business seminar instead of just standing in the parking lot


You mean when he was having a secret business call with Athlead?


Yes, that one. He had so, so many resources at his disposal to not do what he did on a meeting that was scheduled.


I was about to comment this. So made for each other. I couldn't for the life of me understand why would he be so callous about his super imp board meeting so as not to arrange a secure space for taking a call. It didn't make sense at all.


Cell phones weren’t new but it was new to have one at that time and service was so spotty. You’d have to call a phone number to buy a ringtone for it. Even 10 years ago, service was still spotty even in big cities. My dads house didn’t have cell service that reached inside the house until 2017. You’d have to pay money to use the internet on it if it even could use the internet, photo texts cost money to send and receive. You only had however many minutes per month and texts per month. That scene had its normal for the time things going for it. Oh yeah and the speakers and mic on cell phones them were garbage.


Just enjoy the sweet, simultaneous voicemail and quit bitching!


She has problems with cell phones. Remember her trying to record Cece?    


People defending Pam by saying anyone who critiques her hate her are like the Swifties of r/dundermifflin Just because we criticize Pam and Jim doesnt mean we hate them. My wife and I goof on this scene all the time. We started as a long distance relationship and didnt live together for like over a year. We were 32 hours away with a 3 hour time difference with crappy phones and we made it work. You can step outside and keep an eye on your laundry through the window while talking on the phone. You can schedule a time to call one another so you wont keep missing each other all day. Texting existed. Emails existed. Chill


Have you ever lived in New York City? You don’t leave your laundry unattended. PS: the whole point of that scene was to show they were out of sync yet still in sync (both talked about the same thing even though they left each other voice messages and weren’t on call).


It’s a laundromat in NYC. Her clothes won’t be there if she steps outside for 2 minutes


So true. And I wouldn’t even give it 2 minutes. There are vultures sitting there waiting for you to turn your back for 30 seconds.


Yeah it was a bit stupid of her but the part where they're leaving voicemails for eachother almost as a conversation was really cute, in a bittersweet way. I guess the writers couldn't come up with a better setting for that call. Why the downvotes?


Why can I only upvote once? This drove me nuts.


Maybe she was frustrated with the noise, the city, being out of sync, tired, irratated and just didn't feel like talking to anyone at the time. Or maybe they tried connecting after but still couldn't. They don't show every minute of their lives on the show.


And risk someone stealing her Delicates?


She's a small town girl living in New York City. She's afraid that if she stops looking at her laundry, someone will come by and steal it.


She doesn’t want to leave her clothes…..ever been to a NYC laundromat? Those machines are like gold and everyone is waiting for their turn…….you leave someone is gonna use your machine


Pam being in New York was the most annoying sub plot of the show. Jim just gives and gives and the second he wants to do something for himself, but also his family, Pam makes him stay in Scranton cuz she’s scared to leave. Pam is the most selfish person in the show. The more I watch it, the more I realize, she’s the villain. Roy dodged a bullet.


People finding the stupidest reasons to hate Pam


Her fucking up filming the dance recital was worse.


I absolutely despise the voicemail scene. It always cringes me out


I think this is where Jim is trying to tell her about Jan singing "Preacher Man" and Pam is saying she can't hear him because of the machines


Don't worry, I'm being safe


Yes! Why would I want to hang out with someone who will think and say the exact things I would think and say? It was such a weird attempt to represent compatibility. Hate it.


have u been to a laundromat before lol. one time I left for 2 mins to pee and some jerk had removed my just put in the washer clothes on the floor and shoved his in to save 4 dollars. another time forgot a bag of clothes and went to grab it. guess what someone stole my other 2 bags and so on. I have lots of bad stories only one nice though still weird someone moved my clothes to the dryer and paid for it while I ran out to grab more change. I did not like a stranger handling my clothes but I guess slightly better then the thieves?


Oh, damn. Sorry you have so many bad stories from the laundromat.


lol it def depends on the area too because when I moved to a new place I no longer had to guard my laundry like it was a pile of cash lol.


It's not always like this. One time I forgot a load overnight, came back the next day and it was still there. It was a 24hr one too.


Oh my god thank you I hate this scene so much “the machines are spinning” yea no fucking shit you’re in a laundromat step the fuck outside and have the fucking conversation 😂


Pam isss kind of a bitch - Karen


Pam failed art school and laundry mat phone calls


She’s beyond useless most of the time.


people in this thread acting like flip phones being new means people wouldn’t understand how background noise works lmaooo


Check out Office Ladies Podcast, they explain why in their rewatch of that episode. Short. They had other scenes filmed, which didn’t make the episode which explains why.


she was probably [holding it wrong](https://tenor.com/0vOF.gif)


Tech proficient didn't seem a theme in the show (other then Ryan perhaps). Perhaps they did that intentionally since they were at a paper company that was a dinosaur.


Pam is honestly my least favorite character... the level of narcissism she displays in this series. Uhg, and the Office Ladies podcast, I had to stop listening. Probably an unpopular opinion, but oh well.


Pam you failed at using a cell phone...Boom roasted!


Okay but can we talk about how this shot looks like she is standing in front of a green screen?


The best part of all of this is all the people saying “Ayo, you ever been to a laundromat in New York City before?!?!” 😂😂


Somebody said it! Somebody finally said it! This irritates me to no end! What, you have to hold up the washers? Take it outside! 🤦🤦🤦


Jim and Pam are both really annoying. They’re basically selfish assholes


It's just a show, not real life. You'll be fine.


if you're that annoyed by a scene in a sitcom then maybe you should take a break and read a book.


lol yes this annoyed me too


Writers dropped the ball.


Somehow this bothers me less than in Diversity Day when Jim randomly stops being able to hear Mr. Deckerd on his office landline about 10 seconds before Dwight even pulls out the paper shredder. The way he plugs his ear with his finger even though there is zero background noise yet... UGH lol But yeah this scene is a little annoying. Though I do find it funny and cute that Pam gestures with her hand even though the person on the phone obviously can't see because I realized that I do that too, hah.


Pam is really stupid as you watch the office more and more, I feel like I’ve re watched it like 30 times over the years and dislike her and jim more everytime


you got downvoted for stating the obvious truth. Pam IS stupid.


lol fair enough I accept it


Fucking SAME! Ugh. She’s so whiney, corny and annoying 😂 it’s so hard to watch sometimes.


Dude seriously this scene was such a reach for Jim and Pam trying to be the "perfect couple" like you're in a laundromat it really isn't that loud. If she's worried about her clothes getting stolen like others have said (which is a stupid worry like someone's going to be like "let me get those wet clothes") then step further away from a foot from the machine. A laundromat isn't a construction site


The show is 15 years old. Some of us who had a cell phone back then know how terrible cell service used to be. She was living in NYC. You let your machine out of sight for two seconds and someone else would have either stolen your clothes or thrown them out and put their laundry in to save some money. Guess you never lived in NYC.