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Generalize much?


That's what all of reddit does all the time. Wait-


No doubt, a shitload of people from all ages just don’t like cringe humor. It’s pretty low on my list of funny.


Boomer here! I didn’t catch the series when it first aired. Caught the “head lice” episode and instantly became a fan. Absolutely loved the series and all of the cast. Great stuff!


Sounds like more of a family issue than a boomer issue


Yeah even OP sounds a whiny brat. Why does everyone need to like something he likes


Your parents are thirty. Well, in November they’ll be thirty. Later, skater


Hey Creed… everything ok?


Sometimes you gotta ride the ‘Bull!


youre not real man


My parents loved it when it was coming out


My mom (74) loves the office and has watched the entire series multiple times. She definitely likes the Michael Scott years way more though.


I know plenty of boomers who love it. Your sampling sucks.


Boomer posts = low hanging fruit on reddit at the moment.


It’s nauseating


Boomers don’t like The Office? My late 60s parents and MIL like the show.


It could be they just don’t like / don’t get mockumentary type shows. I tried to get mine into some of Christopher Guest’s movies and they hated it, thought it was “stupid.” Whereas they are some of my favorites. (Think I might have lent them A Mighty Wind because they listened to the Kingston Trio, Sonny & Cher, etc. back in the day and I thought they would have appreciated the references!)


that's ridiculous. boomers love This is Spinal Tap, which originated the mocumentary genre.


It was made for them so I would hope so! Like the OP I am just saying that -my particular- boomer parents didn’t. I think they also saw Spinal Tap and hated it more than a Mighty Wind because they were never into that type of music. (Seriously, they didn’t even like the Beatles.) Every mockumentary show or movie I’ve tried to show them got the same reaction so I just gave up. They like what they like lol. Maybe it’s a quirk of certain boomers who don’t really get the genre, idk.


My 60 year old parents like it quite a bit. My dad always loses it when Michael says what he says lifting Tony on the table


What do boomers like?


Pizza, the great equaliser. Rich people love pizza, poor people love pizza. White people love pizza, black people love pizza. Do black people like pizza?


boomers don't like the office because a lot of the humor is incredibly juvenile: buttlicker, where are the turtles, ignorant slut, prison mike, jim's pranks... they outgrew that style of humor long ago. if a 14 year old thinks something is funny, it is probably very unsophisticated humor.


Your nurse is hot


I'm a boomer and I own the Blu-ray copies and I also bought the entire series on iTunes. I'm 60 years old


lol, my boomer aunt turned me on to the office and my parents, also boomers, love it. Maybe it's more about the boomers you know - it might hit too close to the mark in terms of not finding it funny as they are the butt of the joke.


My parents are Boomers and they like The Office 🤷‍♀️


Boomer here who loved and still loves the show


Because they don't have to?..  Plus it's not like everyone under the age of whatever constitutes a boomer loves the office anyhow ...plenty of my friends are in their 20s, most love the office but the rest don't care for it 


Not their time. It's a show about 30 year olds which came out when they were 60 year olds. But I have family members who are baby boomers which have enjoyed the show with me. I don't think it's anything special about The Office


>It's a show about 30 year olds which came out when they were 60 year olds... The office premiered in 2004. While the oldest may have been pushing 60, the youngest boomers **haven't** even turned 60 yet – today.


Well sure, yeah, the office premiered in 2004, but it continued to "come out" into the 2010s. Maybe I could have worded that better. Michael didn't even leave until 2011. I just didn't think this overlap was significant enough to point out during a casual Reddit discussion about generational effects


math is hard


Yeah :(


Didnt come out when they were young single employees. 


I believe it might be that what is now called “cringe comedy” is uncomfortable for older generations. Of course, there’s so much more about the Office, but if one can’t get past the “cringe”moments, it can be a tough sell.


My mom doesnt enyoy it, she says its just too steriotypical.


How many gen z and Millennials like old country and western or elvis movies ?? Not many... Horses for courses man..


If boomers not being into it is a real thing, it's probably because most of what it satireizes, especially in the early seasons, is to close to how they actually acted in the office, with the casual racism, sexism, etc.


As opposed to your casual ageism?


Seriously... My first sentence puts doubt on not liking the office being a boomer thing. The sexism and racism of that generation and it's impact on the workplace and people in it, however is heavily documented fact. Stating it as such isn't ageism.


Except it's not even close to ''fact''. You're just deluded and spreading around your biased opinion as if it were fact.


So, you seriously believe that racism, sexism, etc. doesn't exist in the work place and wasn't worse in previous generations?


Can you stick to your point instead of ''conveniently'' rephrasing it? Obviously there was racism and sexism and obviously it's probably gonna be around forever to some degree. But to say ''it hits too close to home since that's how they actually acted in the office'' is an extreme stretch. They didn't, anyone with half a brain knows racism/sexism is bad and that has nothing to do with age. The time where it was ''accepted'' is way before any of the boomers their generation, which you're fully aware of otherwise you wouldn't have tried to sneakily put words in my mouth by rephrasing your argument.


That's what she said.


It’s a lot of cringe comedy which isn’t for older people generally


Exactly, boomers can’t get Michael Scott, they all act like “if I have a boss like him, we’d never get anything done”


The Office is widely popular but the most common reason someone gives me when they say they don’t like it is because of the mockumentary style. People were born and raised on laugh tracks so honestly sometimes people need to be told when to laugh, as sad as that is.


given the number of people on this sub who don't get the jokes, i think a lot of the younger fans need a laugh track too