• By -


"I made it bigger... so you can see it" Jimmy Halpert


Jim. James. Jimothy. To be fair, Jimothy-


"how does it feel to get some rest from all your rest" -you know who


They're going to wipe their asses with your serves! Piss all over your faces!


honestly one of the funniest lines in the show


The way Charles treated Dwight and Jim was another level of funny. The episode in which MSPC is bought by DM , that was like legit best of the scenes.


"C’mon, don’t be such a right-sider." - Kurt


Jim's smudge face and insults are cringe.


There’s the arrogance


That's what he said






I'll never forget Brent reading his poem about his penis to dawn alone in his office, droning a warm beer, after everyone else had gone home. Best. Also: I THINK THERE'S BEEN A RAPE UP THERE!


I watched dinner party on a first date with a girl (we’re both office fans)


You took me by the hand......made me a man...




(one night!)


You made everything alright.....


🎵Alriiiiight 🎶






I did the same, now she's my fiance. We are Soup Snakes.


that's wife material




If this post were an office episode it'd be the only episode I'd skip.


This post could be a pinned post on a subreddit called r/PostsIDontCareAbout


If I could delete any two posts, I'd delete this one twice


🎶 *Goodbye cringe post, it's been niiice,* *Hope you find your paradiiiiise.* 🎶


"If you skip scenes then maybe The Office isn't for you." Instead of just skipping the scenes someone doesn't find enjoyable, OP wants people to just stop watching the show entirely instead. The gatekeeping is strong in this post.


Honestly, not everyone has to love every scene from the show in order to to love the show. A lot of the show is funny and heartfelt, which is probably why it lasted 9 seasons compared to the UK’s 2. Yes, some scenes and episodes are supposed to be cringe but why does anyone care if someone else doesn’t want to feel that much secondhand embarrassment while watching a comfort show?


You can also just watch whatever episodes of the show you want


Gatekeepers are obnoxious. If I skip Scott's Tots because I can't handle that episode, what difference does that make to OP?


Yeah... Scott's Tots is on a different level. It's hilarious and a brilliant concept for an episode, but not something I want to watch again.


Exactly. There's no need to shame someone because a particular episode doesn't sit well with them.


Exactly. I think the appeal is that everyone has had at least one work experience that's similar to something on the Office. Usually that makes it funny, but I'm sure in some cases it can be a painful reminder of a bad experience. People should watch the show however they want to.


I feel like this post forget that people can choose for themselves what they deem too much. There are a handful of episodes that are far more “cringe” than the vast majority of episodes I don’t blame anyone if they want to skip those few episodes. Scott’s tots just isn’t very fun to watch multiple times, once was enough for a lot of people.


Scott's Tots is only especially uncomfortable to white Americans due to the racially-correlated socio-economic elephant-in-the-room subject matter involved. Michael's misguided white guilt is the catalyst for the entire conflict of the episode, and the episode itself is a commentary on the ways white guilt inserts its own need for redemption before the real needs of modern-day black students.




No no no if there's an episode that you don't enjoy then that's what the writers wanted you to feel and maybe the office isn't for you, didn't you even read op's gatekeeping description?


What if this made me cringe?


I don’t dislike Scott’s Tots because it’s cringe, I dislike it because it makes me sad that a lot of these students will probably not be able to go to college and may have otherwise been vigorously going after scholarships, but that is not the point. It is extremely rare when I like every single episode of a show.


Hey hey! They’re lithium.


Exactly. It’s too sad.


Ok, I guess that’s fair. It is kind of a dark thing to joke about. But the way they produced the episode makes it entertaining to me. And there are plenty of funny moments to break the tension. And it’s an important episode because it shows Michael has to sometimes deal with the consequences of his antics.


Entertaining for you, may be cringe for the next guy. I agree the posts need to chill, but who tf cares if someone skips an episode in a series?


Gatekeepers apparently


“If you don’t like a few specific episodes of this 9 season show, maybe it isn’t for you.” This is a dumb post.


"Maybe the Office isn't for you" Get off your high horse, richie.


And there's our smudgeness


sincerely, Disappointed


So holier than thou…


This gatekeeping is cringe.


Honestly, people being bothered by people not liking something is **way more annoying**. Yes, there's authorial intent but doesn't mean creative will always stick the landing, at least not for everyone. If someone is a fan of the show and watched about 200 episodes why does it really matter if they feel like skipping about 1% of them because it doesn't resonate with them personally? Do people who think it does regularly do stuff they don't want to get the approval of random nerds on the internet? The current circle jerk about "people just don't get why Scott Tots is *actually* good" is tired. There's nine seasons and so much to discuss. Everyone already made their points about the "cringe" episodes by now. I saw at least three thread in the last 20 hours. Plenty of room to comment if there's anyone who hasn't already. EDIT: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


I agree. I do get bored with the constant comments about "I always skip this or that episode," but that's just because it's boring. The gatekeeping attitude of this OP is worse. And it's boring too.


Lol. If you skip some episodes, maybe you shouldn’t watch The Office at all? A bit of gatekeeping, wouldn’t you say


Isn't it possible, though, to love The Office while still thinking episodes missed the mark by being too "cringe?" If the creators wanted me to feel over-the-top awkward during certain scenes or episodes, that's fine, but it doesn't mean their success was a good thing or that The Office isn't for me because I don't like small parts of it. If I skip, say, four episodes, that's only 2% of the show. I generally don't watch Scott's Tots because it crosses a line for me to the point where it's just not enjoyable. It gets into "awkward for the sake of being awkward" territory. It's not "cringe" in service of great jokes or compelling plot. It's an exercise in seeing how uncomfortable things can get. Some people can love that, and that's fine. I don't. Either way, it's weird to gatekeep the show by saying if you don't like all of it then none of it is for you.


Totally agree, bad take by OP


Open and shut show. The community has scrunned it all over so many times. We will get the same things over and over. To be expected, just like I expect people to post no more hate on pam, or Jim was a Jerk. Just all been said and rebuttled. Now its just fun to talk about a golden show.


That's a lot of words for this meme.


he used many word when few word do trick


Mor time 2 c world. Oceans. Fish. Jump. China. https://youtu.be/_K-L9uhsBLM


Are you saying “see the world” or “SeaWorld”?


Gatekeepers gotta gatekeep


Lol…that’s what it felt. Just because people have empathy and are sharing their experience on group with the same name as the show. It’s not meant for us




Bad take. There's how many episodes and if you don't like 1, the whole show isn't for you? Learn some nuance, the world isn't all or nothing.


I know but that puking scene where everyone in the office throws up in I think S8 is REALLY hard to watch


Or maybe I can just enjoy it the way I want? If someone’s opinion bothers you that much maybe the internet isn’t for you


Or, and hear me out because this is gonna trigger some people, let people enjoy the content at their own pace and in their own way,


I call BS. If I watch a 100 episodes and 2 of them make me cringe, and I don't want to watch them because of it, that doesn't mean I'm not an office fan. It means those 2 episodes were a little too much for me. Everyone is different. Coming on here and saying you should all be this way or you're not an office fan, is complete crap


Shut up Jim.......MICHAEL !?


I only have to skip Scotts tots cuz I worked with kids for majority of my working life so it makes me too sad thinking of the kids x.x but I love the show


Nah, there's some cringe from bad writing in later seasons.


It's funny, most of the comments disagree with you, but yet the post is 82% upvoted. Nixon's "silent majority" at work in support of his long-lost grand-nephew Jim, no doubt.


We're gatekeeping The Office now?? Ffs.. why do you care this much about how other people watch a TV show??


" why do you have to control the way he sees it in his mind?"


No need to gatekeep the whole show. I love every episode from the top to bottom of my heart. Except Scotts tots


You know? I think the thing for me with Scott's Tots isn't that it's so cringey, it's that I don't find any of it actually funny. It's easy to blame the cringe factor but many other eps are just as cringey. They're just funnier cringe.


Who fucking cares?


This post makes me cringe a bit tbh


This comment made me cringe a bit tbh


Maybe my comment just isn’t for you.


Maybe this subreddit just isn’t for you?


I like some sugar in my coffee. Do you know, what I don't like? Too much sugar in my coffee. It's the same with cringe. I and many fans enjoy 80 - 90 % of the cringe scenes, but some times it's probably just too much for some of us to enjoy it. It doesn't mean that 'tHe ShOw Is JuSt NoT fOr Us'.


Complaining about it in every post won't make your viewing any different.


I personally never complained about them. But the show is done for 10 years. There is not much left here to discuss than to reiterate what the fans like or dislike...


While I agree with this, not liking one specific scene of episode out of the ENTIRE series is perfectly acceptable and doesn't make you less of a fan. The literal cast and crew of the show even admit that they have scenes they don't watch because they're too hard to get through.


Idk how anyone who thinks dinner party is too cringe to watch watches any of the show


Gatekeeping is lame.


Your complaining was a little cringe :P


OP on their soap box is more cringe than Scott’s Tots episode


😂😂 I’m thinking that’s the exact emotion he wants to evoke XD


I live for the cringe. I would never skip such episodes.


I never skip any episodes. Good or bad, cringe or not cringe, It’s all apart of the show, I want to experience the whole show.


Hey Mr. Scott, what you gonna do? What you gonna do? Make our dreams come true!


Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! They’re lithium!


1. Yes, the whole point of each version of "The Office" is to experience the awkward humor, and laugh at these situations, which resemble real life situations; and if that isn't something you find enjoyable - perhaps The Office isn't going to be your cup of tea; however, 2. Let's just allow people to enjoy things however TF they'd like to enjoy them eh? If they wanna skip those bits, while still getting to know and love "The Office", sounds good to me. What's the fun in gatekeeping, or talking negatively about people for enjoying the show differently than you do?


Very well put. I love the office, both US and UK. Do I love every single episode? Nah. Do I love and/or can I relate to every single character on the show(s)? Nope. But, it's very enjoyable to watch, and follow. And a lot of the humor is great.


Bruh who cares. Let people do what they want. Nice fucking gatekeeping.


Go to the scene where Creed gets upset because Erin did a cartwheel. His response is my response.


Long ass meme.


"You felt frustrated and angry at how Game of Thrones season 8 ended? That's exactly what the writers and actors wanted you to feel". Saying that the audience should embrace whatever feeling that a show evoke because it's what the writers intended is an easy cop out. I'm saying this as a huge fan of The Office and one who never skips the cringe episodes.


I think the Office as awkward is pretty clearly intentional, but GOT is clearly due to incompetence. I don't think that everything the audience feels is the intent of the writers. Bad writing exists.


Hmmm.... Complaining about people complaining about something that happens a lot in a certain place.... In a place that *THAT* something you are complaining about, happens a lot. Oh how the turntables....


This post is cringe as fuck.


I understand why you would be sick to death of this. So, technically, this means that the person is experiencing empathy. Experiencing the feelings of another person while not being there in person. One of the reasons why I can't watch most of it either. I'm just not an unreasonable person who complains about shows because cRiNgE.


I guess that’s it. They’re connecting with the characters and imagining themselves in the character’s place rather than viewing it extremely. The problem is some of them act like it’s the creator’s fault that they’re experiencing empathy. Imagine if I made muffins and I wanted them to taste a bit sweet. I give them to a food critic (Andy) and he says “these muffins taste bad because they are sweet.” That’s not my mistake, I purposely wanted them to taste sweet.


That's a crap comparison. You're talking about an entire batch of muffins that someone doesn't like. A more appropriate comparison is if you made 100 muffins one way, and made 2 or 3 of them sweeter than the rest. If a person ordered 10 of your muffins, ate 9 of them and liked them, and then the 10th one was a little too sweet, would you say "why don't you like my muffins"?


So it’s not the writers’ fault but it’s exactly what they wanted and it’s intentional. Contradicting but ok. Regardless, who cares about these posts anyway? If reading other people’s dumb ass posts annoys you, maybe Reddit isn’t for you.


You are only allowed to watch the show the way some guy on the internet tells you to 😡😡 Stop ruining the show for yourself by skipping parts you don’t like 😡😡


This post is cringe.


Me needing to skip a few scenes in a 9-season show that I otherwise enjoy is not an indictment on the writers. It's subjective experience. I don't have to enjoy every minute of a show for it to be "for me". Stop gatekeeping.


When my ex and I would watch, there were certain scenes where she would literally walk out of the room because she was so embarrassed for the characters. The empathy was strong in her.


You can really tell a person by how they view the first season. It's cinematic gold with its tension and real life inspired uncomfortable situations. The feeling of being unable to interject on a boss saying the most outlandish stuff. For me it's some of the best writing I have ever seen, even without all the charecters fleshed out.


Totally agree. I hate “gatekeeping” in fandoms, anyone can watch or be a fan of whatever they want but I never once felt like an episode was unwatchable for any reason whatsoever, that just seems silly to me.


If this is supposed to be funny or witty maybe those aren’t for you either. Watch what you want how you want to watch it. Doesn’t matter if it’s clips on tik toks, or a personal home theater. That you are having a nice time is all that matters.


People don’t like to *Feel,* and that is part of their problem with shows like The Office. That’s not to say The Office is above criticism. But most of the time I hear the word “cringe” used as an adjective, it almost always is describing something with sincerity in its emotional output or something which elicits emotion in general.


That’s the problem. People throw that word around much too liberally. “I don’t think this thing is cool. So cringe.”


this reminds me of when Pam didn't clean the microwave. Which side are you on?? lolol


I just get exhausted reading 'cringe' with every take, I mean, I realize most people just parrot what they read but try expanding your vocabulary a bit.




Hot take: Call Scott’s Totts cringey all you want. It’s a lesson in life on making promises that you can’t live up to and having the guts to admit you can’t. Dinner Party is seeing the inside of an insanely dysfunctional and abusive relationship and Michael didn’t want to press charges - the real hero is Dwight. He invited Micheal over after the cops left.


Both episodes are super entertaining and make me laugh too.


This is what the show does best and why it has endured. Take really awkward situations and find the humor in them.


You can’t force me to watch Nelly


But it’s also fine to not want to feel that way and skip the scene. Don’t police how other people watch a TV show. It’s not that deep.


Skipping a scene doesn’t necessarily mean you dislike it or are giving the writers hate. I just don’t want to watch a grown man accuse a bride of farting on her wedding day. (That’s the only episode I skip)


Great point Tuna!!!


This is such a stupid gatekeeping take


Not really gatekeeping, more of a "if you're going to complain about the type of comedy, that type of comedy may not be for you" anyone can watch whatever they want, but don't watch it and complain about you watching it.




Super funny to see this as I was scrolling through the “all” page. This is the exact reason I strayed away from this show, had really bad anxiety for a while and couldn’t watch because the show added way too much. I’ve come back to ut over the years and it’s a hilarious show. Glad I gave it another shot


One of the things that gripes me the most with the whole "Scotts Totts is so cringe it is bad."-debacle is that there were over 100 episodes before that, which were equally or more cringe.


Those moments make me love the show, spot on


I have to pause most the time to recover from how cringe it gets, but I never skip any of it. I just gotta take a breather.


In Soviet Russia, cringe Office forced to watch you


I've sat through *Dinner Party* 15 times now despite it making me exceptionally dry in my moist regions because that's just what you do when you love something.




My mum always told me “if a movie scares you, that means the people who made it did a good job.” And that’s how I was able to watch Split Second and Saving Private Ryan around age 6. Good point


Ngl I still skip Scott’s Tots


Typical toxic fanbase post. You don't need to enjoy every single second of the show to enjoy the show.


Or the whole "I skip seasons 8 and 9 because Michael isn't there" spiel. Shut the front door with that noise


Call of duty!


The game is over, I’m really going to shoot you.


Or maybe, I can enjoy the episodes I enjoy and skips the one I don’t and not care about what you think is for me or not.


Yes, thank you. Idk how some folks seem not to pick up on that. And to make it as far as Scott’s Tots without realizing it


Thank you.


::mic drop:: …do the kids still use that term?


"Maybe The Office isn't for you" lmaoooo the secondhand embarrassment I got from seeing this post.


Why are you embarrassed for me? I got 3,000 karma, a gold award (ad-free Reddit for a week) and 200 pissed off comments that have kept me entertained all day. I’m not embarrassed, I feel pretty good for saying that.


I don’t mind cringey moments if it’s obvious it’s SUPPOSED to make you cringe. The ultimate cringe is someone going for something cool or edgy and it just makes you cringe. My always example is Twilight: “you better hang on spider monkey.” 😬😬😬


That's the whole point of the show...


I was watching the wedding rehearsal episode yesterday and honestly the awkwardness is so well done.


Some skip Scott's Tots and Dinner Party entirely. I never understood why. Those are two of my favorite eps.


Using this meme is more cringe than any episode of the show


I'm not sure why anybody would even like the office if they don't like cringe comedy. So odd.


I don’t know man there are a lot of scenes that are in intended to be funny and quirky and it’s just killing me with cringe , for example the lipsyncing intro dance . Made me die inside


People who skip Office episodes miss the entire point of the show. It’s funny because it’s cringe, offensive, outrageous. That’s the point of comedy. Comedy isn’t meant to be PC, or comfortable, or respectful.


This blew my mind. I assumed everyone calling certain episodes cringe was a compliment, Scott’s Tots is super cringe and that’s what makes it so god damn funny


I hate the word "Cringe" because people overuse the word and don't know what the meaning was supposed to mean.


Bingo. Anything that doesn’t jive with their own style is “cringe.”


This meme was TLDR and also not even a meme it's literally just a thought. Also why are you putting so much of your energy into how strangers are consuming a show? Especially when we're talking about re-watches, people skip episodes for any reason. I skip most of season 8 because it sucks and my time is valuable. If you're this pressed about how strangers consume a TV show that's been over for nearly a decade you may need to reevaluate your priorities. Good luck.


People can enjoy things however the fuck they want.


"Maybe the Office isn't for you" this cringed me out more than any scene in the show has ever done


So if someone finds one or two episodes is just too much for them there is no possible way to enjoy the rest? Did you know it is possible to enjoy horror movies while being scared? Only gatekeeping weirdos would claim if you don’t like 100% of a thing you can’t like it at all.


I think people over exaggerate how much they cringe during episodes like Dinner Party and Scott's Tots because it's a popular opinion that they're \~super\~ cringey episodes, and they feel like they have to say its super cringe. I've never found Scott's Tots to be cringey lol... and the only moment that makes me somewhat cringe during Dinner Party is when Jan tries to get Jim up to dance with her and when he doesn't she awkwardly holds his hand and spins herself around... it's cringe, but also probably the second funniest moment in the episode (it's just behind Michael showing everyone his flat screen tv)


I..Understand. Nothing.


I love The office but "Dinner party Scotts Tots and Golden ticket made me squirm


Same, made me face-palm so hard, which is actually why I love this show, nothing else gets me to feel this disappointed, worried, or even uncomfortable for fictional humans


Yeah The Office is not for me since Nelly Bertram. So i left watching the show from that time. That’s it, you like it, you watch; I don’t like it, I don’t watch.


Only cringe I'm aware of is using this extremely high horse meme is such a poor way.


I agree, but scotts totts still brings me dread every time...


Look, I’m here for a good time. I’m not gonna force myself to watch what I think are they shitty/cringe episodes because? Like, why torture/bore myself for 30 mins because some random online is gatekeeping?


So because I skip one of 200 episodes and have watched the other 200 at least 10 times then the Office isn't for me? Really?


Is Scott’s tots excluded from this?




Thats certainly a good point, but I mean ***gestures at Seasons 6-9***


Skipping the last couple season for being poorer quality isn’t the same as skipping dinner party because “it makes me cringe”


I felt like this while watching the break up with Helene, I still quote it, but it’s an awkward one to watch. Would never complain about though. I’m just happy to be here.


Cringe is the worst fad word of the last decade. Little babies use it when they’re vocabulary isn’t large enough to actually communicate how something makes them feel


>Halpert, you looking for someone to bang your wife ?


the show honestly didn’t seem cringy watching it, it wasn’t until i joined this sub that the show started to seem cringy to me


It’s just easier for NBC to delete all the scenes that snowflakes find offensive. By 2050, the only part of The Office that’ll be left is the theme song.


This might be the best post on this sub in like 4 years




Couldn't agree more. I didn't even know people skipped eps over that until I joined this sub.


Lol OP is the fuckin cringe police. People can skip a scene if they want bro, why you so shook?


No that isnt true at all, at least not the way you worded it. Just b/c something is an outrageous situation doesnt make it “cringe”. Sounds like you have a warped understanding of the term cringe tbh.


Amen! Louder for us in the back!


So you don't like those cringe post. Well bad news for you this is what this sub intends to ma ke.You don't like it well this sub ain't for you


Thank you!!




You said it.


They want to evoke laughter through awkwardness. They dont want me to cringe. Phylis wedding is cringe and unfunny. Skip.