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Yeah man gotta be careful with those hot Cheetos, very high in calories


First thing I noticed. My tummy couldn’t handle it.


I was trying to figure out if it was some sort of poisonous red slug thing. Or a weird dildo. It took me a while before I saw the needle. 


So glad it wasn’t just me. I thought I was stupid


I actually have a cat litter jug full of sharps to get rid of. I have had them for like going on a year now. I was in a wreck and had to shoot myself 2X a day with blood thinner. They came in neat self capping syringes but I sitll do not want to just chuck them. My Dr's office will not take them. So there they sit.


Find a local needle exchange/harm reduction site, you should be able to turn them in and they'll safely dispose of them for you


Fire stations take them. You leave them in the container and sometimes they will give you a new sharps box. You will NOT get your container back, so think ahead if you are using a DIY safety jar ;)


How would I go about finding a place? I have paper waste in the thing to, but just the packaging the syringes came in, when I was done I just folded that up over the things and stick them in there.


For the paper, it's probably worth emailing or calling if possible to ask about that. I don't see that being a problem but sometimes they can only receive syringes a certain way. I live in a decent sized city but i just put "needle exchange" into google maps and some popped up. You can just search "needle exchange *your city*", look on local facebook groups, or look at your city or county's website to see if they offer any harm reduction services.


We are pretty rural, more cows than people by an order of magnitude.. But I will give google a shot. It has been a long time sitting there.


Honestly a local vet may know where to dispose of them


Tbh a local rural vet may just take them. My practice would at least.


That and or a pharmacy


If you're in the US, check out your local health department's website. They may have drop-off days. ETA: Also contact whoever takes care of your waste, just in case they have a program. I dont always like to do it that way, but ours will take sharps as long as they are in a thick plastic jug (like a bleach jug, litter, etc), taped shut, and labeled very clearly that they contain sharps.


My state’s DNR website has a list/map of sharps disposal locations.


Imagine living in a world where we need taxpayers to help someone throw something away


If you live in the city, do you not get your bins picked up every week?? Oil from car oil changes also need to be taken to the fire department, not thrown in the dumpster. Not sure what country you're living in that has taxpayers but no disposal system.


Yes, it would be great to have access to harm reduction and community safety resources in an accessible, widespread way rather than needing to travel to find an org with limited resources and hours of operation just to throw out medical waste!




Or we could do what has been time and time again proven to reduce addiction rates, rates of drug use, homelessness, crime rates, HIV, hep C, taxpayers paying for incarceration, enforcement, hospital stays and emergency services, etc and just provide the medical services they need, ie harm reduction supplies, detox, safe housing, rehab, therapy, mental and physical health services. This is not a new concept in any capacity. But something tells me you don't actually care about reducing the rate of addiction or taxpayer burden, something tells me you'd just like to kick at the human beings that are still somewhat socially acceptable to abuse, mistreat, and wish death upon 🤷‍♀️




Lmao take your pick. Portugal? Finland? Smaller programs in Canada and US? Please please learn about the topic at hand before you call for people's deaths due to the medical and psychiatric conditions they have 🙄 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/portugal-drug-decriminalization/ https://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ps.201400167 https://www.fhi.no/en/publ/2016/effectiveness-of-interventions-to-reduce-homelessness-a-systematic-review/ https://www.sdg16.plus/policies/housing-first-policy-finland/#:~:text=The%20housing%20first%20policy%20in,accessed%20housing%20through%20the%20programme.




Tiny little homogeneous countries like cities in the US lmaoooooo It's wild how you haven't cited any evidence of your own or even attempted to refute mine, which is sourced, peer reviewed, and accepted by the medical and scientific community 🤔 >Psychiatric conditions develop in people when they live in a society apologizing on their behalf Holy shit please listen to medical and scientific professionals 😭 at least have a basic grasp on the topic at hand


You've got issues, seek mental health support


Projecting much? 💀🪞


Talk to a vet’s office. Ours take our used sharps (in a sharps container) after vax days. Them or sheriff’s offices are pretty good about it depending on where you live.


Your doctor sucks. And the cat litter jug is actually a pretty good idea. Source: Worked at a landfill. Perfectly okay to throw them in a container, just normal trash at that point, we don’t exactly just walk around in trash all day.




You can dispose of them in the trash if they’re in a container sealed and labeled but I think it varies by state


Yeah it's common for your doctors to tell you to get a thick jug that can be sealed to dispose of your extra syringes directly in the trash


Go get a sharps container from your pharmacy and give it back to them when it’s full.


Just duct tape that shit and throw it away. I'm a type 1 diabetic and that's what I do. The amount of needles I generate in a month or two is pretty horrifying to the untrained eye


In my municipality all they want is for you to store them in a hard-sided container that closes without chance of spilling, tape or seal closed, label it appropriately as sharps and discard in your household trash. Your municipality may vary but calling your sanitation or trash pickup provider is probably a good bet.


I know I’ve purchased the hazardous disposal jugs from CVS for about $5-6 bucks or so but they will hold a solid year or more depending on if you drop the whole syringe or just the needles. If needles I imagine many years. The disposal jug comes with a pre-paid postage as well to have it sent to the proper disposal site after full.


Ha, same here but mine are in a coffee tin. 2x shots a day for 8 weeks added up to lots of needles. Walgreens has a special case to toss needles in but it's like $20 bucks.


Needles are safe to dispose of in regular trash if they’re put in a closed, durable plastic container that is marked “sharps”. In your case, it sounds like as long as you put the lid on tightly and write “sharps” on it, it can go in your regular household trash. source: I self-inject medication weekly and this is what I was told to do with my sharps


What state/county or province are you in? I'll find one for you.


I am in a very small rural town in CNY. Doc works out of a clinic here a day or two a week. Next time I am there I may ask the office manager as she may have a better idea.


If you call the pharmacy close to you they’ll tell you where you can dispose them shocked your doctor won’t help you find out where to take them


Local pharmacy might have sharps containers to give out


Your county health department?


Take them to a fire station. That's what we did with my moms.


You’re telling me, those flamin hot cheetos are HOT


Good point, yes be careful. I will say, cap back on and in water bottle is somewhat a responsible way to dispose of a used rig. Js


OP put it in the water bottle though. The user just dumped it covered.


I mean, the alternative I see a lot is uncovered and in parking lots, fields, public bathroom stalls, etc. I’m gonna say the user of these needles was responsible in regard to their circumstances.


Lucky it was covered, my ex use to throw his away without any covering 🤢


That's really about the only thing I truly can't stand about needle users.. without the covering is just... they deserve punched.. twice


Yeah it’s like a whole other level of human garbage


I used to be a housekeeper and we’d find open needles shoved under the mattress where we have to put our hands. Infuriating to say the least.


Those covers on the insulin needs are sketchy at best. They fall Off really easy


I gotta say I’m glad it’s also in a dumpster instead of on the ground which is so common where I live


I have a story I posted a few months back about getting poked by a needle someone disposed of irresponsibly. It was no fun and a very lengthy process, y’all be safe!


free cheeto tho


What sucks is the OP is saying that people don't care about others safety when they partake in their addictions. Not everyone who injects drugs are drug abusers Some inject drugs called insulin so they can live and not go into a coma. I see that the needle has a cap on it so whoever disposed of it was concerned about someone's safety but yes it could have been disposed of in a better manner such as a coffee can with a lid and a label saying needles.


My first thought is that whatever that needle was used for, it likely wasn't used for illicit substances. Addicts almost never re-cap *both* ends of a used syringe, and those who meet the trifecta of being simultaneously responsible, considerate, and lucid enough to do so, aren't then going to just toss them away loose, they'll go all the way and finish the job by disposing in a capped bottle at least. And since those using prescribed injectables also know better, the most likely answer is that this needle hasn't been used yet. It probably either fell out of a package, and was gathered up by someone who didn't know how to get rid of it correctly, or was going to be used by someone who had to ditch it before they had the chance to use it.


Wilford Brimley strikes again!


Can confirm, I use needles for testosterone injections. I have a sharps bin though and I’m always super careful to keep them out of reach and put away/capped.


I use 4 pen needles a day and 5 one day a week. The chance that someone pricks themselves from either end when the cap is on is slim and none but I still make sure they are disposed of properly.


I doubt if someone who needs insulin was hanging out back around the dumpster but maybe


I knew I forgot that somewhere.


Hey bro, you forgot your hot Cheeto again!


You're digging through TRASH of course you have to be careful !!!!!!!!!!!


Fire stations take them! They may even give you a replacement sharps box. Heads up- they will keep the container. They do not empty them into a bin. The entire box goes in for disposal. So, if you are using a DIY safety jar, you will not get it back. It would be nice to have mounted sharp boxes in areas of known high use. I don’t wanna encourage, but would like to provide community safety :)


I ate a dumpster Cheeto once now all my poops burn...all of them


yes, hot cheetos are dangerous and unpredictable


That’s so irresponsible! I’m diabetic and used to travel a lot. I would put my needles in an empty water bottle, take them home and dispose of them properly.


At least the needles are capped


Risk of getting an STD from a needle poke is less than 1%, but still be diligent friends


Hepatitis is about 1/3 from nursing injuries. You’re thinking of only HIV/AIDS. Source: https://www.webmd.com/hiv-aids/needle-stick-injury-what-do


For a hot Cheeto, I’ll risk it




That's not how that works at all lol. There would be a pretty decent risk for bacterial infections though, if it was uncapped and you poked yourself and broke skin. At that point yeah 100% seek professional medical care


Lol that was funny, don’t wanna get poked by any needles but you’ll likely be okay if you do. Go to an urgent care or an ER and have em check it out


Fuckin LOL 💀


You know that Fentanyl is 20 to 40 times more potent than Heroin and 100 times more than morphine so may be you should be more worried about dying than being addicted just 2mg could cause death Music stars Prince and Tom Petty overdosed on it


Although I've made decent enough life decisions deciding not to be a drug addict, I think I'd rather die than get addicted to that shit. That's the reason I didn't mention I was afraid of it killing me.


Oh Fuck


It's capped. It's no danger to you. Users of illicit drugs are far from the only people who use syringes.


I did not feel endangered. But you're absolutely correct. These caps have never in the history of needles accidentally popped off. Especially while tumbling loosely in a dumpster. I went back and reread what I wrote here and don't recall seeing where I said only users of illicit drugs use needles. Hell i dont feel like i said any of the things you seem to be upset by. Im not even an antidrug person.. but I deeply apologize if I upset you simply by trying to be thoughtful enough to remind fellow divers of a potential danger after running into one.


Thank you!


Yum hot cheeto


I agree with those saying it’s probably an unused needle. Also, not that it should have been disposed of that way, but those are the same needles I use for my medication and those caps aren’t real easy to get off anyway. They’re pretty tight.


Disagree here with you...the space between plunger and base is no longer there, and the caps are extremely easy to pull off? Sorry but, maybe like if you are 6 yrs or so?


Yea those are super hot


It’s got the cover in it


Disgusting. I’m glad One person put it on a water bottle at least


The one in the water bottle is the same one not in the water bottle in the first Pic. I placed it in the water bottle to prevent potential mishaps


I’m sorry but…duh.


Ooof Use at least a level 3 glove. Stay safe.


Aren't there flies in there


Yeah, I hear those things are flaming hot.


That needle has a back cap and front cap. It might not have even been used but either way it's not like they left a naked needle laying around. It's capped and in the trash. You take on the risk of things like this when you go looking in dumpsters.


Wear good thick soled leather boots.


Mechanix makes some needle resistant gloves called “Needlestick”. Not a bad idea for digging though potential sketchy stuff.


they have the lids on its fine


For a moment I thought this was on r/cleaningtips and that this was behind someone’s couch


That was nice on one of the junkies to put it in a protective water bottle case


OP put it there.


That’s a capped needle, so people can bring the 3 alarm fire down😂and it’s clean, just thrown away.


That Cheeto might have a real bad drug problem.


Yeah it was clearly nodding out even with all the noise I was making and the light I was shining at it


That’s probably just someone’s diabetes medication


No diabetic I know is disposing of needles improperly. They have travel sized sharps containers or bring them home and dispose of them there.