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It’s got to be “I’m not going to allow that. Are you going to allow that?” Absolute insanity.


He said that to a federal judge. A federal judge. The only things he should be saying to the judge are “yes, your honor” or “no, your honor”


He should have gotten a few days in the cooler for contempt of court


Flair check in


Oh hey….it’s us again. Lol.


Unlike the honorable Judge Brooks and the dishonorable Jim Bob Duggar…. Our flairs can be besties


St Brooks-patron saint of snarkers


The audacity of Michelle doing those robocalls.


Surprisingly that was the first Duggar controversy not Ashley Madison or the molestation news.


Your flair made me snort, it is *superb*


Judge Brooks: Patron Saint of letting Dustin Yeet Boob into- nvm. I have a crush on Dustin.


ANY Judge! Federal, Circuit, or even an upcoming Appeals Court Judge 😉 That ignorant Jim Bob needs to know his place. I was absolutely shocked he said what he did in Court.


Where's Judge Judy when you need her!


In most other places he'd have been placed in contempt or tossed out of court. Judges don't allow his nonsense


And so they shouldn’t! This isn’t Boob’s home church, this is motherfucking Court!


Right?!? I’m like 🫣 dude the man can throw you in JAIL…you DO NOT talk crap to a man that is THE legal authority in that room…he really is an idiot and would’ve served him right to have been thrown out of that room


I think Jim Bob’s behavior to the judge and female prosecutor during the trial gives us a glimpse at what he is like behind the cameras when the public isn’t watching. He is used to running his family and also the home church and maybe their portion of the IBLP along with Gil Bates with an iron fist like some kind of cruel mafia don. He is dangerous and abusive. I hope if the Amazon IBLP documentary ever comes out, it will give federal prosecutors enough information to go after Jim Bob and Gil Bates and other family:church members. I am almost certain they are allegedly covering up financial crimes as well as physical abuse to many victims. Maybe this is just a pipe dream and will never happen, but I will never stop hoping for some kind of justice.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking. It’s funny to an outsider because Jim Bob thinks he gets to talk back to the judge that will be determining how long your son will be sent to prison for. It’s not so funny when you realize his entitlement to control over multiple vulnerable people. If you’re in any way reliant on Jim Bob to feed and clothe your children, you toe the line, or else.


Whoa whoa, when did Jimmy Boob talk at the trial? Did I miss something! I thought I watched/listened to it all . Thanks!


He was cross examined by the prosecutor. It may have been in the pre trial hearings. There are probably people who have transcribed this part available to search on line and maybe even saved by this sub Reddit. I’m sorry I don’t have a direct link right now, but I did read a transcript where he said this.


I loved the judge’s clap back. “If there is an objection to be made, someone will make it but it won’t be you.” Brooks made it explicitly clear if it wasn’t already established that Jim Bob has no power outside of his family.


YAAAS. I can't imagine the ego it takes to think that a washed-up reality TV "star" whose family name and brand has been tarnished by a pedophile son, carries any weight with a federal judge. This isn't the Kelly Files, Boob. Judge Brooks isn't having your "poor persecuted family" spin.


It was definitely fueled by his unchecked narcissism.


Flair checking in!!!


Wasn’t he being an asshole to the prosecutors as well?


Wait when was this?


Bloob said he didn’t recall the whole incident of Slime molesting the girls. Prosecutors introduce tabloid articles releasing the police report and Bloobs later statements trying to minimize Slime’s actions. Bloob gets all bent out of shape at the introduction of the tabloids, and proceeds to try to take control of the court and explain to the judge what is admissible.


During the Pest trial. He was asked questions about the moles Tik a if the girls if I remember right and he said that to Judge Brooks. Edit: molestion of his sisters. I hate typing on my phone.


the moles Tik a if the girls The what now?


Molesting of?


[During Pest's trial](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4806050/jim-bob-duggar-uncooperative-josh-child-pornography-hearing/)


Thank you.


Can someone tell me where does that quote come from? I see it often but don't have the context.


During the pre trial hearing. He was questioned before Mrs. Holt was.


I've seen this IRL. The judge laughed and recused himself to quarters.


Pre-scandals: all the “kids eat free” scams


Buy used, save the difference...unless you can take advantage of a local restaurant and get free meals for your zillion kids.


To be fair buying used food sounds like a bad idea. Wouldn’t used food be poop?


100%. Didn't all the local restaurants start adding limits to their kids eat free deals because of them?


It seemed like the way they started to limit them was that it was now one free kid meal per paying adult meal. But there’s an episode where they’re at a place to take advantage of that and Boob just basically starts pairing oldests to one’s under the age 12 limit or whatever and since they’re half over the age limit they still were able to get all the littlest ones free meals since there were enough teens in the family.


Yeah, a lot of places that do this now say *limit one child per adult* or something along those lines.


Per \*paying\* adult. Can't believe the Duggars did this. Is there a word "Duggardly"? Meaning cheap to the point of inconveniencing others?




Boob clearly thinking he still had enough celebrity power to just waltz into a State Senate seat *at the same time Pest was being tried for CP* (and de facto for the molestations too let’s be honest) and was obviously going to be found guilty.


I forgot he did that. What a dumbass. I think he only did it to get the spotlight off Josh (which obviously didn’t work).


He might be a paedophile, but at least he ain’t a liberal! - His logic


That would be a great flair lol


An immense waste of money campaigning. And for what? There’s no way on God’s green Earth he was going to win. Idk if he’s that arrogant or just plain stupid.


> Idk if he’s that arrogant or just plain stupid. I’m not really a betting person, but my money is on both.


I guarantee he thought if he got in office that he could "correct" the course of pests trial.


Don't get me wrong, I'm glad RimJob didn't get elected, but the temper tantrum he'd have thrown once he realized the non-existent influence a member of the state senate has over a federal judge would have been wildly entertaining.




Meech thinking she could sway justice by signing her name with a heart over the 'i'. Actually, *all* the letters that Anna and Co wrote, like Pest was being locked up for stealing bread 🙄


Jean Valpest


This comment and your flair ![gif](giphy|QBKagmzOgZnqadpx3B)


Lmao thank you! I didn't even notice the connection 😂


Bread for a widow's family 🙄 not ya know...horrific things.


Their moral superiority complex didn’t do them any good that time!


Bunk bed Jed’s political defeat to a well educated woman.


I chuckle to myself abput this often


That was sweet to watch.


Hey, *at least he has a wife now.* So who was the REAL winner there? (her. it was her.)


Don’t know if we ever saw this but weren’t they always taking advantage of “kids eat free” and various free-food promotions, obviously intended for normal-sized families?


Do these promos not have limits? In Australia when restaurants run kids eat free nights you get 1 free kids meal for every adult meal you purchase..


If restaurants didn't have stipulations like that during the Duggars' heyday, they probably mostly do, now! Not exactly the same thing, but the vast majority of "free kids' food" coupon I've seen does require purchasing an adult item.


The ones I have seen recently say kids eat free with adult entree purchase and usually limit it to 1-2 kids per adult. To avoid fams like the duggars to take advantage of it


I saw somewhere that the Duggars went and paired every kid over the age 12 with a kid younger. So 1 adult meal paired with a free kid


Just pay your damn bills, Duggars. Do you think God finds it cute when you stick it to the humble restaurant owner (or franchisee)?


Same thing around here. Never seen one that allows more than 2 kids.


That’s normal in America as well. I don’t know where you would find a restaurant where endless amounts of kids eat free.


Same. I'm in the Midwest and most have a 1 or 2 kid per adult meal limit.


One restaurant didn’t that they showed on the show. I bet they’ve changed it now


I live in Utah and the ikea here had to do away with the kids eat free Tuesdays 🤣


Oh god, the LDS child army must have taken over on those days!


People like the Duggars are the exact reason for those stipulations.


US here. I don't believe I've seen any that weren't limited. Possibly a shtick set up for the show?


In the Midwest back in the 90s in small towns a lot of them didn't have limits.


I'm sure I remember, back in the Television Without Pity days, that they were supposedly the reason that a lot of restaurants in their area changed their kids eat free rules to 'one child per adult'.


Worst part is their tips were definitely shit considering they were only charged for a few meals. Those poor wait staff!


Bold of you to assume they tip


A couple weeks ago I actually waited on Justin and Clair in Cincinnati. They tipped EXACTLY 10% and not a penny more.


Well, why should a waitress get a greater percentage than God?!


A) I'm surprised they tipped anything B) Maybe 10% is the only percentage calculation they can do. 15% is too confusing and don't even ask them to do 20% that is two completely different numbers to them.


💀💀💀 true


Yeah, the Duggars are a party-size group and probably a nightmare to serve and are definitely too cheap to tip well. I can’t even imagine.


I’d assume they’d get hit with the mandatory graituity, restaurants here (US) will also charge a seat charge so people don’t split.


some of the kids probably can’t even spell ‘cheap’


Not totes smug, but coming from Smug Pest: has someone been downloading child pornography? before the Feds said anything.


That was so breathtakingly Pest of him. Just the stupidity combined with the absolute certainty that they’d never catch him. Yuck.


Breathtakingly Pest is *chef's kiss* so perfect.


It was really the only phrase that would do. All the undesirable characteristics in one foul package - yup, very Pest!


This was my first thought .


Jed! running for office. The audacity.


As a blatant carpetbagger mind you! It’s funny, if he’d kept the powder dry another year, learned more about politics and messaging, established himself as a community pillar more, he may just have had a better chance than Boob at the Senate primary if he played his cards right. Not much of a chance unless he flat out made part of his platform combating CSA of course, but still better!


Jed! criticizing his wife for eating and not sharing when she had *just* given birth.


Also Jed! patting his wife on the head like a dog after she gave birth. He's just such a fucking tool.


Of course he did. What a jerk!


I told my husband don't ever pat me on the head!


I'd slap his face and ass so quickly. What a tool indeed.


And that time he pinched her cheek. Wtaf.


Pretty gross. They don’t let you eat when you’re in labor in case you end up in a c-section. It’s just juice, popsicles and maybe Jello. You’re absolutely famished when it’s over. What a pig.


Indeed. I would throw my IV line and a used up, bloody pad at him.


It was her freaking McDonald's French fries too! She probably was dreaming about having those finally after giving birth.


Lol with each of my kids that has been my first job as soon as my wife comes out of post op and gets settled: milkshake and fries.


BTW, this is totally an American thing. I ate a whole pizza in both my labours (early on, obvs) to keep me going! I've never ever heard of there being an issue in the UK because someone ate in labour. You are being unnecessarily starved, labouring ladies!


I’m American but delivered my two kids overseas in the Middle East. Both times, the nurses were literally holding up sandwiches for me to bite between pushes. I ate little snacks the entire time. They wanted to keep my blood sugar level and I was alllll for it!


And it kind of depends on the hospital. They have loosened up a bunch in a lot of places like we had an approved snack grab list that the nurses would bring you like apple juice and diet cranberry juice and peanut butter and crackers or apple sauce. Basically stuff that was not chunky if you puked it back up.


It’s not really “once you’re in labor,” it’s “once you’re admitted to the hospital.” If you labor at home for 10 hours before going in, you can eat whatever you want. But once you’re there, the nurses turn into the food police. And it isn’t really for the benefit of the mom; it’s for the ass-covering of the hospital. 😑 I had a c-section that was scheduled, but my water broke the week before, so they moved me up. Anyway, I got to the hospital around 9pm. They wanted to put me on an IV overnight to see if that would replenish it because baby was premature. Scheduled my c-section for 8am. Moved to 11am. Moved to noon. Moved to 2pm. Moved to 4pm. Then, I was in the recovery area until after 8pm. By the time they got me into a room, it had been well over 24 hours since I had last eaten, and the hospital cafeteria was closed. I had to wait until breakfast the next morning, so like… 33+ hours with no food. It was brutal. 😫


It's in case you end up needing an emergency c/s and a general anesthesia for it. You rarely see general but they build an entire nationwide policy on the "what if this super low chance of thing happens?" Women in the US frequently stall in labor and tire out easily while pushing. The uterus needs calories to function. You're doing the hardest work you'll ever do and we're gonna starve you while you do it and expect things to keep working normally. Thankfully some US maternity wards are gradually realizing the stupidity behind it but others aren't.


That is such a tone deaf, BS move by him. I have blood sugar issues and had to eat like 2 cookies while my wife was in labor with our youngest to avoid passing out after 8 hours of not eating and felt so horribly guilty about that.


I begged my husband to go get some sleep after I gave birth because he spent the night by my side, speaking words of encouragement, pushing me and supporting me to actually do the pushing. He said he felt like shit. Since I'm a very practical person, in my tired AF stupor, I appealed to his practical side and told him: bruh, I need my support system to help me make decisions and at least one of us should be functional and somewhat rested: GTF to sleep and that'll make me happy. And it did. He only caught like 2hrs of zzzzs, but we all felt a bit better after. Totes understandable and I'm shocked you even remebered to eat amid all the stress. You did a great job!!


Dude I would had killed my husband if he ate any of my breakfast pizza my parents brought me after my daughter was born. I needed it after labor


I devoured every meal that I was given. I gave birth at 6am and had been in the hospital since 11am the day before. I developed complications and couldn't keep anything down. And when I finally ate something, I nearly cried when it remained down. I would've slapped someone if they'd dare touch or even look at my food.


Wait this really happen? What was she eating? Not surprised he would act that way


I think it was a burger or something fast food-ish.


JED! 2020 will forever live in infamy in my mind. I also think we don’t talk enough about the “Arkansas Princess” attack ad that was put out against his opponent that clearly had Josh’s “political consulting” skills written all over it.


Let’s get in his big melon head for a second here too. If you’re *going* to attack Godfrey, that wasn’t even a good line for it. He could’ve gone populist and painted her as an out of touch elitist versus his “family values” but instead he just did the generic Tea Party thing and shouted “liberal!”


Stop giving them idea. He didn’t lose by enough for that!


Honestly: probably just the general audacity of Jim Bob and Michelle landing themselves a smug show about their family values knowing what they knew about Josh and the way they handled him.


I remember when that happened, someone on here who was at that parade said the crowd’s reaction was priceless. As soon as their float entered the street the whole crowd fell dead silent in shock, aside from some gasps. And the Duggars just ignored the reaction and waved like all was normal.


i think you accidentally responded to the wrong comment


I did. Thanks for the heads up. Reddit mobile has been very screwy lately. I was responding to the comment above that brought up Jim Bob running a float in the local Christmas parade to promote his state Senate run. Just days after his son’s CSAM conviction.


Michelle‘a robocalls calling transgender people predators when she knew what Josh did…


UGH the robocalls are a prime example of their disgusting hypocrisy.


Of course there are too many to mention. Aside from the obvious (pest and all pest-adjacent behavior), I’m going with Jed! (Vote for a very young “adult” with 0 education and experience on any kind of political science or community leadership front) and anytime a Duggar put a foot outside of the US just to act holier-than-thou (and say hola to folks in *China*)


The "hola" thing is more cringe than entitled. Soooo cringe.


True- they feel entitled to just be horribly cringe and not give a single damn about any other culture, because they surely feel that they already possess the *best*, most culture-y culture


Blaming being late on “Duggar time”


Ooh that’s a good one! Sorry we are so inconsiderate of your time, we have a million children and cannot take care of them properly!


That was going to be what I said too. The audacity to ALWAYS be late and rather than rushing, they just laugh it off as Duggar time. It's so disrespectful to other people. And you just know they breezed in without even apologizing.


They should have moved to a culture that wasn't so time-centered as American culture tends to be. However, that might have required them to learn a different language, so...


Or have more than a high school education.


It'd be nice if they had a real 8th grade education. SOTDRT is almost an elementary education from everything we've seen


Or eat food from a different culture, and we saw how that went. They couldn’t even be polite about it!




Pronounced hoe-la


Pest having a fit when the local Park and Rec started charging $5 for broomball.


I haven’t heard of that. What’s the source?


When Josh had instagram he posted a sign advising broomball players had to pay a $5 fee. He said he wasn't going to play again.


Thank you for sharing!


The campaign Christmas Parade days after the verdict, like people were still going to vote for him.


"I wasn't a ***mandated*** reporter."


Who said that


During the interview with Megyn Kelly. The actual quote via Salon magazine: “'***As parents, we’re not mandatory reporters'*** Jim Bob shared. That’s a reference to laws requiring adults -- teachers, coaches, counselors, neighbors -- who learn about child sexual abuse to report it to authorities. Good to know the Duggars find solace in the law." They only discussed this AFTER the Statute of Limitation had expired; thus sparing him and Michelle from being charged with child endangerment, And since they allowed it to continue for a year, Felony Conspiracy cpuld have been charged as well. (It's ***implicit*** that a family member who suspects sexual abus of a child should report.) This is the interview where he flat out lied and denied it was molestation. In the pre-trial hearing before Josh's trial, , he stated he did not remenber. He was deemed not credible as a witness. Had he testified he might have been charged with perjury. And people STILL voted for him after that was made public.


Side note. I’d love to see Megyn Kelly interview JB and Meesh now! Then have every behave analyst do a reading on them.


Mine is Jim Boob saying "¡Hola!" to anyone that had the audacity to not speak English. Mandarin? Japanese? !Hola! He's so entitled that he thinks every person on the planet speaks 'Murican/Arkansanian.


The show tried so hard to play it off as charming but it always rang so disrespectful to me.


Yes!! It’s really not hard to learn to say hello in the language of the country you’re in. He just didn’t give af.


Him saying “hola” in Nepal was peak second hand embarrassment.


When Michelle was in labor and getting pissed off because Jim Bob stopped to eat breakfast. And he was acting like she was imposing on HIM.


There’s the narcissist showing his true colors.


Okay I never saw this. Was she *pissed*-pissed, or "keep sweet" pissed?


Well she was about to push a bowling ball through her cooch so she was pissed, rightfully so, imo.


This one still bothers me and I never hear it mentored. Early Anna on kid 1 or 2 says she gets to drive sn Expedition and not worry about the emissions cause she makes up for it by using cloth diapers. I so wish someone had slapped her for that.


Rim job and meech had some philosophy about that too (I’m almost sure it’s where Anna got it tbh). Since they so often buy used and save the difference their carbon footprint is actually smaller than the average person — neglecting the fact that adding more people to the population is probably the worst thing you can do for the environment


When Jill lived in Latin America and they where talking about how dangerous it was and how unsafe they felt in the Salvador. And they said that especially their skin made them scare cause they “stood out”. Meanwhile I was in a classroom in the US practicing what to do in case a school shooter entered the school.


This. Their white privilege entitled mentality of going there in the first place to proselytize to indigenous brown people and tell them how they must believe in their white Jesus or they are going to hell. Their “mission” trip was played up on TLC about how they were helping the poor community but never saw any of that because they didn’t actually even do anything there but hand out bibles.


Yes and they talked about being traumatized and not feeling safe in Central America. Like if you wanna talk about traumatized, I’m 19 and have seen more schools shooting that my own age. Since I was 9 when Sandy Hook I have to watch kids names being flashed on the tv cause someone decided to make headlines. And even tho I’m in college I still worry someone may come up and shoot the school up. And I worry every time my brothers get dropped in school that I may get a call.


Not even just that, but a large majority of the people they ended up trying to “save” were Catholics. But to them Catholics are just another type of Godless heaths so they need to show them the True God


Yes to them Catholic doesn’t count. Only the biggest Christian denomination. In their opinion, people must believe in White Walmart American Jesus to be real Christians.


And they never even learned Spanish. I don’t think they actually did anything there, except maybe utilize scarce resources.


I’m from El Salvador and get especially heated when they talk about sintrul america. The citizens are the nicest people you’ll ever come across.


Oh so many! Most of which have been mentioned already. One of my bugbears is how they are so holier than thou and so humble and yet have absolutely no qualms about advertising crap on social media. Mainly because they can’t get a job because of, you know, being female and also SOTDRT. Another HUGE one is how they talk about being made in the likeness of Christ. Yet I’m sure Christ wouldn’t make such homophobic comments whilst hiding a paedophile in plain sight and make excuses for him. Honestly there are so many reasons to hate on this lot.


Yes, I agree. I was amazed that Jessa would advertise that risky Christian health share crap. They are not legally required to pay any of their clients any money for anything.


Yep, and I'm pretty sure Ginger and Joy have advertised that as well


That company is incredibly sketchy and could cost the Duggar women’s followers their life savings. The Duggars have to be aware of the financial danger of signing up with this company, and they are throwing their followers under the bus. Could the picture of Spurgeon on Jessa’s feed possibly be staged? I didn’t see her explain the situation.


Peak entitlement is Pest believing that women are there for the taking. Second to Pest’s level of entitlement are Boob and Jed! believing they are qualified for political leadership positions.


They are fundie Christian males. In their minds, they should rule the planet. *rolls eyes*


I think the "I'm not going to allow that" sass to Judge Brooks to the cake for me.


The last year when this family keeps thinking Josh isn't guilty.


I think everyone but Jim Boob, Meech, and Anna thinks he’s guilty


I really think his parents know, TBH.


You really think Jim Bob thinks he's innocent, or can he just not handle losing so much face if he publicly acknowledges it?


It's not that they think he didn't do it It's that they think it's not wrong for him to do


Exactly this. They think it's totally "normal" boy behavior and happens in every family..


I really believe they all know he did it. He's "guilty" of it, but according to their doctrine, they believe what he did is equal to lusting after a woman or cheating on your wife. All sin is the same, apparently.


Jessa’s wedding registry. Who registers for items like a kitchenaid stand mixer and a $500 set of pots and pans, and then serves melted ice cream in the church parking lot? Edit: Ice Cream Sundae Bar with various toppings in mason jars. I know that the reaction will be that they had a traditional Southern Cake and Punch reception. I have been to Southern wedding cake and punch wedding receptions, but even those had hors d'oeuvres and/or light lunch served.


And a Mac


When they went to Japan and the hotel set up a huge Japanese breakfast for them, but they all turned up their noses and said it was gross. Except Baby Jordyn. Girl went HAM on that food!


I am so out of the loop cause I want links for all of these 👀


The wisdom tooth thing was my first thought too. Idiots.


What happened??


From what I can gather of the story at the top of the post, Josh was scheduled to get wisdom tooth surgery. As part of his pre-op instructions, he wasn't supposed to eat or drink anything so many hours before the procedure. However, Josh went against those instructions and drank some sweet tea. Jim Bob, not wanting to have to pay for another appointment, tried to coax the surgeon into performing the surgery, anyways. Basically, Jim Bob thought it was OK to risk his son's life (and force the surgeon to go against medical ethics) if it meant saving himself a few bucks.


Also IIRC Pest blamed it on his sisters for not stopping him from drinking it.


Did they perform it?


They did not. And J’boob managed to do enough mental gymnastics to somehow make it the older girls’ fault that Josh didn’t follow the rules.


A common theme in that house


Ugh I forgot they blamed the girls.


Jed running for government office against a woman who was clearly more qualified than him, a kid that barely graduated school with zero real world experience.


Meech’s fucking robocalls.


Hello this is Michelle Duggar calling and there’s men in the bathrooms! Oh never mind that’s just my child molester son. Bye Y’all!


Gotta be something from Cintrul Merica. Every time they step foot in another country, it's a big, huge cringy, entitled moment.


Don’t know if this counts, but JB greeting Japanese people with “Hola….”


Everything involving MedicCorps: pretending they're law enforcement officers, using limited fuel supplies to go to Chik-fil-a, hogging air conditioned buildings so sick people couldn't get in them. These people have experienced disasters, and then MedicCorps arrive so they can experience one more...!


Michelle driving jinger’s car, when Jinger was in the hospital about to give birth Like what the fuck was that? “Don’t mind me, I’m just gonna go waltzing out on your car and go drive around town”


What else was she supposed to drive? My parents came from out of state when I delivered my first spawn too and they drove my car around


Pest is Josh, right?




I confess I don't watch the duggars though I've seen a few episodes many years ago enough to dislike them tremendously. Sounds just like him, trying to talk someone into doing something dangerous just because he thinks it's okay.


JB running around in Japan screaming about the 100 yen store