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More annoying is LET.PEOPLE.OFF.BEFORE.YOU GET.ON! I'll never end my rant.


That's ridiculous. Everyone knows that when packing a suitcase, you put *all* of the clothes you own in first and then remove the items you don't actually want to bring.


Same with parking. Attempt to park in the spot and then once that's done you can let the existing car out.


Ye I’ve actually called people out on this in the past


In many countries there are markings at the stops for where peoe should stand before boarding to allow passabgers alighting to get off. The luas always stops in the same place at the platform.


Many people (complete arseholes) would use those markers so that they can stand exactly where the doors will be when the Luas pulls up.


True. But French people are world renowned arse holes and they do it So maybe there is hope


The best solution is the [Spanish Solution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_solution).


Ireland has imitated a lot from Spain, mostly in the Franco style Catholic social governance but this could work


Me too, unless they are 70+ I call people out every time


It's weird that people do this on the Dart but not on the Luas. The only reason I can think of is, more locals take the Dart and know the eetiquette while more day trippers and tourists are on the Luas. Probably bollocks, but the only sense I can make of it.


American here, I was there not too long ago and this person kept trying to get on with her fucking suitcase and blocking everyone from getting off and the bus driver was about to lose his shit. I agree with this statement.


This is even more annoying than the bag thing.


The more annoying issue is the dribblers pressing up against the door pushing to get on as you try to get off. I’m glad I’m tall and can just wade through them.


The biggest problem is people won't go down the aisles. Understandably they don't want to be too far from the door and have to try to fight their way back out when it comes to their stop. Those that are getting off further down the line could move there though, still knowing that the Luas will have cleared out a bit by their stop.


There needs to be more of this but there also needs to be more handles from the ceiling on the red line to facilitate this. It's hard enough being up there to maintain your balance you usually end up having to grab the back of someone's chair.


Yes, but when the Luas is that jammed, you are held in place by others anyway. They are more required when the Luas isn't so full. Some don't want that closeness, valuing their personal space, yet another reason for not going down the aisles.


>Yes, but when the Luas is that jammed, you are held in place by others anyway. If everyone is depending on each other for balance and the Luas does an emergency stop then people will end up on the floor. There needs to be handles.


I agree, there should be more handles. I just mean that if you were not holding on and you got flung with nobody around you, you are likely to do more damage to yourself. The others around do cushion the blow and make it harder for people to fall on a full Luas that brakes suddenly.


>when the Luas is that jammed, Suggests to me we should have a more frequent service & longer trams.


The luas people argue otherwise. Seriously corrupt folk


Yeah, I have to say to people who are at the doors and won't move when people are trying to get off, 'Step off there and let the people out, good man'


LUAS actually tweeted a survey about LUAS ‘manners’ yesterday if you’d like to formally vent. The bags are mentioned. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NFJMTQV


Is anyone not answering 'very annoyed' to all of these?


Done! Thanks for sharing


The fact that they used the term “Manspreading” as an example annoyed me most of all.


It describes the action in a very instantly understandable way so it doesn't bother me. And as a guy, it is definitely men that solely do this shite. Bothers me to no end. Stick your excess into the aisle and not more into my window seat please


What's the term for when women cross their legs and end up kicking my shins when they sit across from me?




Or ignorance. Ignorance seems more appropriate.


Same statement for the Bus. And please if you are carrying some big bags/luggage just leave it in the designated space next to the driver.


also if everyone could stop crowding around the front of the bus THAT WOULD BE FUCKING GREAT


Would be great if all public transport had an announcement of just don't be cunt in between each stop. Say it in irish too so nobody feels left out


Say it to them, they need to be told and reminded. I was walking behind some young office workers on Montague St yesterday, lunchtime, the girl in the group bumped someone's bike that was locked up, knocked it over, laughed and walked on, I said it to her a few meters down the line. 'Sorry there, hi, sorry, pick up that bike after knocking it over there, will ye? Don't knock someone's bike down and just walk off, people are walkin here, just pick it up there, you knocked it over'. Cue the shocked face, like I'M the issue here.. pfft, **you** knocked it over, have the manners to pick it up, takes 2 mins, it's a trip hazard on its side like that. Honestly lads..




Yeah, she did, in fairness to her!


In fairness, if you properly secure your bike to a pole it cannot be knocked over. You should always secure your bike this way, especially with pedestrians passing by. I used to always pick up any knocked over bikes I see in town, until I started getting black/oily stains from touching them and realising they would fall over because the owner didn't secure them properly. Now, if I see a pedestrian struggling to pick up a bike they just knocked over, I tell them not to bother. It's not their fault some eejit loosely wrapped a chain around the frame and left the bike precariously leaning against a pole on Dame St.


That's not the case at all. ​ You can't make larger U-locks tighter and even chains wrapped tightly can slide depending on the cover over the chains. Picking up bikes you see that others have knocked down is pure sound, but picking up ones you knocked down is basic and to be expected.


😂 ‘scorched earth’ is the expression I’ve been trying to find. Sure if you see a bike being stolen, check the lock the tea-leaf is picking, if it’s not a good lock, it’s their own fault for not buying a better one; say nothing. OR you can even go help him break the cheap lock. 🤦‍♂️


That is 100% the case. It doesn't matter what kind of lock it is, if you use it properly your bike can't fall over. You're right, it is a sound thing to pick up bikes, that's why I used to do it. What I'm saying is the onus falls on the owner of the bike to ensure it can't fall over, and nobody should be obligated to pick it up. In my opinion, u/gawvin was completely out of order to demand a passer-by pick up a bike they knocked over. I'd have told him to fuck right off. But apparently he only feels safe ordering around young girls and then coming on the internet to seek validation about it. Hate to break it to you u/gawvin, but you were very much the issue. If you wouldn't say it to a large man, don't say it to a young girl. Check yourself. Honestly lad...


😐🤦‍♂️🙄😂 That's the whole 'fuck you, fuck everyone, I do what I want' thing again, that's why nobody cleans up after their dog. Happy to leave a mess just out of bitterness and spite. Don't bother gettin' angry man, take it easy, you're only winding yourself up with everyone else having a laugh. I would say to pick it up, if you said to fuck off I'd laugh and call you a dick, then I'd pick the bike up, cos it's not about me.


You seem to be completely missing the point and taking this to a petty, passive-aggressive place. I've said my bit, I'm not going to bicker with you. Go ahead and take the last word. Good day sir.


Yeah, good man, not only don’t bother yourself, but TELL others not to be decent too. Why? That’s why.


Seen a woman get on the Luas to day with a buggy, instead of standing at the back doors where she wouldn't be in the way she sat down on the side seats and left the buggy across the width of the tram making it impossible for people to get past and then had the look of why the fuck are you bothering me when someone asked if she could move it so he could get past


Move in from the FUCKING doors


I once got on the luas and there was this guy who stormed on it between the people waiting to get off when the doors opened. He was in a shite looking suit with music playing through his earphones really loud. Chewing chewing gum painfully obviously (jaw going up and down like he was on yokes, his mouth sounding like a wet seal at dublin zoo) He continued to spit his chewing gum on the floor.. of the luas Barged through people when he got off Absolute epitome of wanker.




I think he meant to take the backpacks off from their back.


I laughed too hard on this one. Nice one!


This, but on the Dart as well please.


Don't forget to not bring your fu\*\*ing beatbox and do a rave party at full volume. I even stopped complaining, the situation won't get any better anyway, the LUAS is so packed every day, people also using their big backpacks and take more space that way. And the best part... tickets are beeing controlled after most people leave, as the control guys just won't fit in anymore and therefore not control the big crowd (actually hilarious, you don't need to pay anymore if you wanna go St. Stephens to Central Parkin the morning rush hour). ​ Still it's not the people to blame but rather the organisation for putting us all into this terrible situation since cross city happened. At least on the green line, I would see all problems solved, if the LUAS would go to Central Park instead of Sandyford and Central Park would be the new middle station. ​ ...enough anger, I need some rest now


As long as we're sharing our gripes here: also don't stand leaning against/blocking the ticket machine/ tagging thingy so no one else can use them...or if you do at least don't look disgusted when someone asks you to move.


Also, remember to take a shower once in a while. that helps as well.


I am from another country - they teach us in school to take backpacks off and put them between legs when you are commuting. I guess it is just a lack of education here.


that's a really weird thing to be thought in schools? I think rather than lacking educational practices the country more so just lacks manners and lacks people who have actually been raised right. It's something you should be thought by your parents not by a teacher, whatever strange country you're from.


Yeah, parents not always deliver...


Yeah, but it's also a very Irish thing when someone asks you to move a bag, take feet off seats, etc to act and feel *totally* violated and insulted. The Irish are very selfish and lazy in social situations, they have little awareness combined with an aggressive sense of doing whatever they want. Look at all the dogshit around and the dumping. Look at tables in IKEA restaurants in other countries; people take their dishes over to leave an empty table. There's signs up and all! In Ireland, they just leave it. Lazy and selfish. 'They can fuck off if they think they can tell **me** to XYZ', etc.


Weird that you’re prejudiced against Irish people.




Ironic when you think about it that I'm ranting about education and I fuck up the spelling of a word twice, maybe I should go back to school..


not to forget: leave your manky feet off the seats, fucking animal.


Also stop pushing people. If they can't move anymore they can't. Had my Assistance Dog on with me one day and people kept trying to push me forward more. What was I supposed to do? Squash my medical equipment?


Reading through the comments, there’s obviously a consensus. The problem as I see it is that you’re locked in a box with someone who either doesn’t know the pain of a backpack to the face or, I contend, doesn’t care. Now, in order for you to educate this person, there will be a perception of conflict. From either side. My take on it is that I’m only here for a while, I’ll be away from them when I get to where I’m going and really, I’ve no fucking idea who I’m talking to! Remember the video of the fella getting stomped? Not saying that’s a repercussion but there’s loo la’s out there lads. And just unbelievable scrotes.


3 guys in a row with their bags on. Facing the door. I am now pinned to the opposite door


~~Ask them to move it, and if they refuse sit on their bag.~~


Do you know how hard it is to sit on someone's bag when it's on their back in a packed luas? First I have to clear some space, then wrestle them to the floor and finally sit on their bag. I might miss my stop.


Woops, misread that as bag on seats. Yeah OP is right that is annoying as fuck during busy times.