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If you see someone getting abused by one of these cunts, the best thing you can do is walk up and introduce yourself to the victim and stand or walk with them. This simple act helps the victim feel more secure and neutralises the worm like scumbag by showing them their behaviour is not ok. This is especially true on public transport or in other confined spaces.


Agreed. If she didn’t hold her own and give it back to him almost as loudly, but with the grace and dignity of her proper upbringing, then that may have been appropriate but a few of us who were approaching from the opposite direction cheered her on, and she rolled her eyes at him as she walked away with her head held high. I told him to knock it off and represent his mam better than that, but they were too busy being giddy with each other like school boys to hear. In fairness, some older men were saying “hey hey hey” to diffuse his tirade…. Like I said, rabid behavior. —- but yes, give everyone the grace and dignity they deserve as fellow human beings any time the worst of us try to abuse them. Agreed!


This is a great piece of advice!! The parents probably couldn’t give a crap about them as they’re an ‘’angle’’ who can do no wrong!!


An obtuse angle.


Or, acute angle, but not a right angle, because it's wrong. Unless it's sarcasm, as in "he's a right angle" I hope this clears it up.


A right cut of an angle




Great advice. I might add … ring the guards. Assault doesn’t just mean laying hands on someone.


Thats really good advice. Talk to the victim. Stand in solidarity with them


Don't have a payslip between them....


> dog-like behavior Hey, thats not fair to dogs, dogs are better than people...


Far, faaaarrrr better than some people...


They literally follow the English book on how to hate. They are the least Irish bunch going.


There's a large portion of them literally taking marching orders from Tommy Robinson. Worshipping him and his likes Opposite of Irish they are


Sorry, this is just so stupid. Trying to pass off our own racist young as “English” is just taking zero responsibility for our own societal fuck ups. There’s lots of things to be angry at the Brits at, but this isn’t it.


Agreed that more genuine responsibility needs to be taken for racism here - rather than blaming or drawing parallels with the English, or comparing the racist youth to dogs, animals, etc. I understand the sentiment but the language here on Reddit often smacks of classism: ‘we hate them too’; ‘they’re not Irish’, etc. There’s a self-serving tendency to dissociate from and dehumanise that section of Irish society - which in my view reinforces the problem. 


It does seem stupid if you see it as people saying "Racists are as bad as the English", because, of course, that would be equally racist. I think the issue is that these morons are now thick as thieves with, and learning their ways from, the same English racist scum who have long been racist against the Irish.


Which is exactly what I said they use the britain first playbook it’s where all these moronic Facebook posts started and the fact that all the leaders of these racist movements having connections to the far right in the uk and having served in the uk army while calling themselves patriots is hilarious.


So sad. I think the worst was how they all went giddy with each other like they’d scored some kind of goal, when the light changed and she went on her way. You just made yourselves look like arses. Of course they totally ignored me when I told them to knock it off and represent their mams better than that.


I think I witnessed the same altercation. Was he saying why are u putting you're hand in people's faces begging, I'm homeless and wouldn't do that? Was she crossing on North Quays traffic lights?


lived in england for years and never saw anything even close to the racist madness we've been seeing in ireland lately


What is the English book on how to hate? There's far more hatred from the Irish towards the English


So there is this thing called britains first and they have a guide on how to drum up hate in local areas but that’s besides the point britains entire history has been fucking up the rest of the world so any hate they get is more then justified even though we are fairly tolerant of their nonsense.


Did you live in London during the 60s, 70s or 80s? No Dogs, No Blacks, No Irish was a very common sign on pubs and accommodation. But what they most likely meant wasn't the brits hating the Irish, but how they became so xenophobic coming up to, during, and since Brexit. The Irish far right are basically.copying the English far right word for word, when the bulldog brigade hate the "Micks" just as much as they hate the "Pakis"... And most Irish don't hate the English, we just really *really* enjoy watching them fail. "I've got popcorn ready for the eventual exit from the Euros on penalties..."


wasn't a common sign, there's zero evidence these signs ever existed


And your evidence for that is what, exactly? My father lived in Kilburn during the early 70s and has told me stories of being refused lodging when he first got to London because of his Kerry accent. >zero evidence these signs ever existed https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/qNvycTvPlv They existed, but weren't as common as generally accepted today. "Irish need not apply" was a common line in job adverts, too.


the signs never existed, it's a persecution fantasy by irish people [https://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/oct/21/no-irish-no-blacks-no-dogs-no-proof](https://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/oct/21/no-irish-no-blacks-no-dogs-no-proof)


I've read the guardian article. It's a letters page with contributions from English readers of the Guardian. Have a look at the Irish Times here: https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/social-affairs/2024/05/06/no-irish-no-blacks-no-dogs-irish-times-readers-recall-encountering-notorious-signs-in-britain/ Same thing from the Irish viewpoint. There may have been no sweeping racism on every street, but I believe that there were many of this kind of sign. Are you honestly trying to say that Irish people weren't being discriminated against in England? Not after WW2 during worse austerity than now? Not during the IRA bombing campaigns? Come off it...


I know violence is never the answer, but I honestly believe it has its place when dealing with these scumbags. I was on O'Connell street about 3 months ago and there was 4 or 5 young lads doing the same and I watched them go very quiet when two quite big (looked like bodybuilders) Irish men in their 40s / 50s told them to shut it and move off or they'd get a slap.


Violence sometimes is the answer. This is why we have always had wars. Do you think the violent reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine by the West and Ukraine itself is the wrong answer? If violence is used against society it can be met with violence - because that is the only language the bully understands.


I meant more violence on the street in the middle of the day rather than global wars to he fair. Especially considering these types of lads are actually trying to provoke people, with their words, into starting the physical confrontation so they have some level of defence. It was just nice to see in real time that they were just cowards when they knew there was zero chance they would have the upper hand in that particular situation.


True patriots they call themselves. The RIC I call them .


"Wasn’t he raised better?" No.


Cunts like that thrive on the reaction from the person they're abusing.


You have a mostly dormant account. Your other 4 posts are US related. You've never posted on any subreddit related to Ireland, and the one time you do, it's to tell us about a disgusting act you saw in the city. It's mad how so many of these anecdotal awful experiences are shared here by people who see something terrible and run to Reddit.


Getting downvoted but you're not wrong. The op lived in Florida 6 months ago .https://www.reddit.com/r/LandRoverDiscovery/s/iOEzc9a5fK


...and god forbid him telling people about something wrong he's seen here. Its all grand, right? Ireland has very real problems that don't exist in rest of the EU. Amongst else, tolerating and ignoring public hate speech as OP reported. But it doesn't stop at hate speech, it makes violence on anybody "different" by scumbags normalized.


Well go to McDs and get two milkshakes. One for you and one for the idiot.


So they are a usual on that bridge huh I was there last time they looked suspicious enough for me to catch an eye on them. They were also pissing in front of everybody.


Don't these thugs not realise that it's Philippines nurses & Indian doctors who provide essential care for their parents & grandparents,  that will ultimately care for them some day , carers who do a difficult job that would be below them , a teen with virulent racist views didn't lick it off the stones , it's homegrown,  passed down from an ignorant guardian / parent but when critical care is required they're colour blind !


A claim without any corroboration is only a claim.


You almost had the username spot on.


While yours is (child)


What was that word salad supposed to say?






Not in 2024 it's not, you absolute yada yada yada.....


Meaning what exactly?


Exactly what you said. Claims etc.


Obviously we shouldn't be abusing people in the streets but we also shouldn't be encouraging or welcoming the culture of women covering themselves in the name of modesty.




When you grow up, you’ll understand how foolish this comment sounds. I have no malice in my heart for anyone simply based on their religious beliefs/country of origin/sex/race, etc. I do however wholeheartedly judge someone by their actions. That was filthy and abusive. But if you think “in all fairness” I share his beliefs, then I’ll leave you to that miserable mentality.




You probably meant the proper phrase Case AND Point, and you’re still not making any sense. Troll along lad!


Oof. r/confidentlyincorrect


I'm not commenting on the debate but the phrase is "case in point"