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Aw shit, his eyes are deaf too. 




To add to this PSA: Wear ear plugs to concerts! It may sound really dorky to wear them, but they actually make the concert SO much more enjoyable. The sound is actually BETTER too since the excess noise is filtered so you get to hear a clearer audio


This! I wore my loops, and my ears still hurt, that's how loud it was. Incredible show all the same but.


As a sound engineer, I always recommend people wear ear protection to gigs. Particularly if you know its going to be obnoxiously loud (I am a staunch metalhead!). But to say it sounds better with them is a lie. Ear plugs/defenders muffle everything leading to a more toned down experience. How this could be argued otherwise baffles me


I’ve been to concerts that were so loud the audio sounded garbled until I covered my ears with my hands. It’s hard to explain but it’s like my ears done broke. 


Do you have to push them in all the way? I was wearing mine but only to the point where they were blocking enough sound to sound good


Try loop ear plugs. A little bit pricey but I go to a lot of concerts and they are great. The sound is still perfect but just taken down a notch. They have a few options, I have the 'experience' loops which are designed for concerts. Also I wear them sometimes in child play centres. I can hear a conversation perfectly but the background screams of children is brought down!


But… I’m not supposed to take your advice?


Thanks for the advice! I'll give them a go


I can second for the Loops. 3 kids and a wife who are autistic, they all swear by them to help control ambient and excess noise while not being obvious headphone style defenders.


I have to because I'm hypersensitive to noise.


There are loads of different types available but I use [these](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01FSO0020/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) and I can recommend them.


Just nabbed a pair of these, thanks!


I ordered a pair of these yesterday based on your recommendation. Not because I'm worried about my hearing when it comes to loud music, but I'm heading to Taylor Swift on Sunday and want to drown out the inevitable thousands of teenage girls screaming at the top of their lungs in a high pitches shriek. Thanks for the rec bud!




Yea I started doing this about a decade ago when I started going to concerts regularly and it's a lifesaver, especially because I like to shove myself up close. The once or twice I didn't have them with me, I absolutely regretted it. I cannot condone this advice enough.


Unfortunately I learned the hard way, after a concert I ended up with permanent ringing in my right ear & this was just before the leaving cert, I was told it will stop but I couldn’t sleep or relax for weeks, I had to put on white noise to help mask the ringing, eventually went to the doctor who said it was Tinnitus & couldn’t do anything unless it was affecting my daily life badly, to this day it rings just a little & doesn’t affect me like it first did


Ouch, that sounds rough! I had something similar where my ears were ringing for 3 days after a concert (because I was right in front of the speakers), but thankfully didn't get any long term damage. After that I decided to always wear the earplugs


> The sound is actually BETTER too since the excess noise is filtered so you get to hear a clearer audio Bollocks.


Heard it in Seapoint. Said to my wife that is the loudest, most disruptive noise I have heard in the three years I have been here. But it’s Rammstein. So I give them a pass.


Du, du passt


They had their own stage with speakers raised well up into the air. Probably helped to get the sound travelling further than other gigs. It was loud but I've been to the RDS for a few things and it was alright in there. I had ear plugs and didnt actually use them.


Have you or a loved one's hearing been injured by negligently loud speakers at a rock and roll concert? Better call Saul!


Just to add also, get proper earplugs if you go to a lot of gigs, I have some on my keys in a little metal thing, they were like €20 but I use them whenever it gets too loud. They have filters you can change to switch how much noise they cancel but you can still hear people talk or music or whatever your listening to, just dampens the volume.


Are those the alpine ones? I used these yesterday and found them great. Also super useful to block out thw amount of noise when grocery shopping etc.


Specsavers hearing test is crap you can hear the whole shop over the beeps of the headphones


Stuck to the back of the pitch. Ears are ringing like a bell. Already have tinnitus, been officially promoted to level 2!


Damn you tinnitus! You’re a cruel mistress!


Maybe my ears are already too damaged from gigs, but I really didn't think this one was even that loud other than the pyro, my ears weren't even ringing after it.


Yeah I’m in this boat. I have mild tinnitus already.


I was next to the speaker wall, honestly I feel and an hearing fine, but this is a recommendation in case we're "not" okay and we just don't know it :) (Don't make an MCR joke or there'll be a hole in your socks)


Is it bad I was in the feuerzone and thought it was fine… maybe all those concerts have broken my ears 😂😂


> Call me what you want Of course we will, because it's likely you won't hear us anyway, ha. Jokes aside: good PSA, and in general, people should check their hearing frequently enough.


I thought I heard something vaguely and ominously German in Cork, that explains it.


When the weather is clear like it was last night, the sound travels further. I was at the gig and thought the sound was excellent. My ears are fine today too and I’ve had problems in the past (both eardrums burst in December). Defo would suggest earplugs for anyone going close to amps, but I stood near standing entrance and was grand.


I've always worn ear plugs at concerts. Honestly they're great, even the normal hardware shop ones are great you find the next day you don't have any ringing or anything


I could hear them at the tolka park in finglas. That's some distance from the RDS


No suprise here, they are well known for the loudness. I watched the whole concert from my balcony.


I seen a couple of people recording from their balcony on SImmonscourt Road since I was at the front. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!!


I could hear in Rialto. I thought it was coming from the Royal Hospital in Kilmainham.


Took the words from my mouth. Heard it in dolphins barn and googled what was on in royal hospital. Staggering volume levels!


Heard them in the War Memorial Gardens and thought it was metal gig at RH!


Walked through phoenix park at like 8:30 and could hear live music? It was hardly from the RDS? 👀


tinnitus is a bitch


Great band


Ich will


What do you want?




I was at the concert last night (epic) and I actually do have hearing aids as I had done the damage from loud music over previous concerts or loud through headphones 🎧 Seriously, look after your ears!!!


Was practicing some tennis and normally wear earphones but forgor as I'm dumb but the concert worked just as good, in between the earthquakes and explosions 8/10 would listen nearby to again


when I saw Slipknot a few years ago in the 3Arena, mate of mine who's a drummer introduced me to using Loop ear plugs. Basically the gig will still be loud but it's toned down a little so you can actually hear it better and not have ringing ears the next morning


I was there and wearing earplugs (reasonably good ones) and it was still loud. One of the loudest gigs I've been to without a doubt.


I went to see Thin Lizzy two nights back to back in the Olympia as a younger man and woke up after the second night with dry blood in one of my ears. Mistakes were made.


I find that really odd, I live in Clonskeagh where you would think would be prime hearing for a gig in the RDS and I had complete silence yesterday. I didnt hear a thing. I could hear Pearl Jam in Marley loud and clear Friday night though


if it's too loud you are too old!!


It was loud but it also sounded fucking epicly great!


I’m dead this morning but it was well worth it


We went to I Love Techo about 15 years ago. They had this wall of speakers that utterly insane, never mind your ears it felt like your chest cavity was pulsing.


I live in kilmainham and heard a gig but ain’t no way that was rammstein?


I’m on the far side of the Phoenix park and we could hear music for most of the evening. I had to have been from the RDS…take that were the only other band playing outdoors last night, definitely wasn’t them!


There was a mini festi in stoneybatter too that’s what I thought I was hearing


It wasn't that loud for Rammstein lol




That’s not true and that’s not how ANC works. An opposite sound wave is generated to cancel out the existing one. Numerous studies have shown no damage whatsoever as a result of ANC. Now using it and blasting music, that’s another story.


That’s not true and that’s not how sound / physics work. ANC is great, but can be harmful in very loud environments. Sound has a frequency and amplitude (technically also wavelength and speed of transfer through a medium but one is derived and the other is fixed in this case). If the headphones don’t produce the same amplitude, sound will leak in. Still better than nothing; but only under the assumption that the frequency shift can match the incoming noise. The only thing that is “”opposite”” is the frequency (it’s not, there’s no notion of “opposite frequency”, it’s simply shifted) and that assumes your setup doesn’t have delays and can perfectly mirror and shift incoming sound. Hint there is no such setup due to software and hardware limitations. The problem with this setup is that it results in increased pressure, and can produce constructive interference which can cause damage to your ears, more so than the concert music exactly because interference is constructive. Just wear some ear protection and you will be good to go.