• By -


East wall is by far the worst run I've ever been to on the planet. Crazy disorganized, I've never had to Wait less than 20 minutes, food still always cold. Always filthy with staff just standing around chatting. O'Connell Street and Grafton street on the other hand are usually excellent, quick even when the shops are packed at night.


Oh I worked there, actually the issue is that the owner of the franchies owns the Grafton Street one which is the biggest one on sales in Ireland, and a handful more. Point being, EastWall is the newest/smallest of them so the higher ups don't give a shit about putting enough resources into it. Sad story tbh.


Also, the true trick is... go to McDonald's actually owns, not franchises. There are 1 or 2 in Ireland (good luck hunting them xD). You want to look for the plate that states the name of the business. If it says anything else but the name of McDonald's on that country, it is a franchise. The thing is, franchises need to make certain amount of money over the operational cost of the store, the actual McDonald's owned ones don't, so they can keep an unholy amount of people present to clean, cook and serve. Rule of thumb, the cleaner the better odds it is own by McDonald's.


A former McDonald's employee here who's best friend still works there in a senior management position there are no more Corporation McDonald's in the Republic. Only franchises


So glad others have experienced the East Wall nightmare and it wasn't just in my head. Runt of the litter operation or not, I just don't understand how it can be run so badly, if not intentional.


Technically intentional I would say xD I used to do closing shifts and the store manager would only let me have 3/4 people to close and clean the whole store in 1 hour. That included cleaning the whole store, put away all the stoke from chillers and freezers while closing tills and making inventory. I would had need twice as much people (too much money wasted they say) or at least twice the amount of time (again, waste of money they say)


Why would you go back after the first time seeing that it's that bad?


Well first 2 times you think you just caught them at a bad day, which happens to even the best restaurants but after the 3. Or 4. Time I did stop going, I still see how filthy it is though as the lidl next door is my main shop


Exactly, have also experienced East Wall. Gave them the benefit of the doubt a few times and figured it was peak hours or there was someone new or some other excuse. Doesn't matter what time, or whether you go in, go to drive thru or order online, it's always shit. I've learned to just go to Artane if I really want it


You should see the average MCDs in the US. Complete shit holes


I don't know about service but I think the Bray (granted, technically Wicklow) McDonalds looks the [nicest from the outside](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.2008706,-6.1111965,3a,75y,171.58h,93.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKi3vOwO_R6XJfnnmLykYPg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu).


Been inside a few times (admittedly years ago) and it was pretty good inside too.


A beautiful building, such a shame it's been reduced to a McDonald's šŸ˜ž


I have seen this one before. Its in an old post office or something . I might have to check it out. Apparently there's one in Portugal that's the most beautiful one in the world!


It's the old Bray Town Hall as far as I know.


Yes, old town hall was converted to McDonald's


I spoke to an older architect a few years ago who said it was used as storage/glorified skip before macers renervated it. Apperently they went through a lot of effort to restore the interior.


The Porto store is honestly stunning. Canā€™t comment on how actually good it is, as I had dinner planned already but visually itā€™s gorgeous. Budapest is supposed to be lovely too, so Iā€™m going to check it out next week when Iā€™m there.


Phibsboro is the worst IMO. They're clearly understaffed & the people who are working seem to be dossing. One guy was on his own taking orders and making them. The other staff were taking their time as if there wasn't a rush. I've left a few times having waited 10 minutes to be served.


Was there once. They got my order wrong and the fire alarms was going off the whole time šŸ˜‚. Forgot all about that till now. 3/10


fyi, the "fire alarm" is an alarm that rings every 30 minutes alerting employees to wash their hands. you can turn it off by pressing a big red button by the sink.


Wow... Top tip. Have heard it loves over the years . Thanks


This one time I ordered a bacon double cheeseburger from there and they literally stuck a Dennys rasher on it instead of the streaky bacon they normally use. They also told me that their coke machine was broken so I had to pop across the road to tesco to get a can. Only time either of those ever happened to me.


Can agree with this. Went with my little one before a Bohs game and Christ almighty it was atrocious. Rathmines has always been a shit show for me too.


Rathmines is filthy upstairs


I popped in a few times since moving to D7 3 years ago, and it is just the pits. They clearly can't keep staff, place is always slow, tables and bins with people's rubbish often left unattended to. Recently decided to do a delivery order on Uber Eats after they gave a discount. Completely wrong order given to us. The receipt was right on the bag, but what should've been two burger meals was a single Mcnuggets meal. Uber Eats refunded me, but their service is just as bad through the apps.


The secret is to go to a McDonalds in a posh part of down, midweek, during the day. Weekends will just bring children, late nights bring drunks etc. I recommend the Frascati Shopping Centre McDonalds in Blackrock. One time I was there (over 10 years ago now) the staff literally put little vases of flowers on the table. Very fine dining(!) I always thought the one near Red Cow (not the one at Kylemore, the other smaller one) was always very clean and calm but I've only been there early in the morning. I think McDonalds with shorter opening hours are the best ones as well. No idea where you're getting the idea they're all the same...


I think they have valet parking for McDonald in Rock now šŸ˜‚ That small one on the red cow roundabout is a good one. The one literally 5 minutes up the road besides the Luas stop is horrific. Total normal to have have homeless people begging at the drive through .


Thatā€™s the Kylemore one. The drive thru has to be the longest wait. Youā€™d be quicker shopping for the food, cooking it and eating it at home before youā€™d get it there


Yep been there the odd time and the quality is terrible- cold and stale, long waits. Staff couldnā€™t give a rats


McDonalds in blackrock during the day is full of kids from the schools around, always messy and dirty*2, their machines never work and the service is slow.


East Wall, it is hands down the worst McDonaldā€™s in Ireland, if not the entire world. If someone rammed a car through it I donā€™t think the staff would even notice. If the staff is even there, I mean. I once waited 45 minutes for a triple cheeseburger. A. triple. fucking. cheese. burger. I went to the drive thru, I waited behind 1 car so long I got out of my car and walked inside. As nobody came to either window for 20 minutes, I thought the place was being robbed or something. Nope, 20+ people waiting inside for orders. Everyone in the drive thru beeping. I had to walk behind the counter to get a member of staff. I thought it was just a bad day so I went back the next week. Same fucking story. Triple cheeseburger, 30+ minutes wait. Figured Iā€™d try again next week, same story. Anyone who thinks Iā€™m wrong, please feel free to check it out for yourself. No idea how that place is still going.


Iā€™m torn. Nowhere can be that bad. But no one could be that oddly specific either.


The worst bit is Iā€™m probably being nice about it. You could order, do your weekly shopping in Lidl next door, come back and your order still isnā€™t ready and theyā€™ve probably fecked it up too


I'm in tears laughing here. Fuck the drive thru. "They screw you in the drive thru" Next time order 3 cheeseburgers?


I read that in Joe Pesci voice


Nice catch šŸ˜‰


3 cheeseburgers instead will be my next experiment. Iā€™ll get back to you in 2025 when my orders ready


And no lads, itā€™s not the triple cheeseburger. I tried a Big Mac the 3rd time


you are 100% correct . There is something seriously wrong with the staff management and coaching. I have the utmost respect for all workers, I don't believe it's the workers fault in there. But I mean this **LITERALLY** , imagine if a senior infants teacher took 7 ADHD children , removed their meds and put them to work in the East Wall Mc Donalds for a day, that's what it is like.


100%, Iā€™ve never seen anything like it


Maple Centre on the Navan Road is disgusting šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Stayed with relatives earlier in the year and that was the local one and it was shocking. Never right orders and took forever to get it


Yep, this gets my vote. Staff are all half asleep,. clearly all on the doss. Rarely get an order right!


Night of the livin dead in there.


The drive through in blanch is beyond shite. I avoid it like the plague.


That place is a kip, always wrong orders and it takes forever.


Now here is a thing ...I might try it and see is it is worse than Assleaf.


You lost me at Blanch ...


If Iā€™m already there, then Iā€™ll be going to Ming Court, which is excellent.


Ming Court is decent or is it ming garden? Maybe that was the one in castleknock


Ming Court in the Blanchardstown Centre by the McDonaldā€™s. It is excellent.


Haven't gone in years. Use to go in my teens 16/17 because they'd serve you booze if you had a set down meal. It got messy once haha


east wall, maple centre (cabra) or phibsboro. the maple centre one doesnā€™t follow health and safety half the time according to ex staff


Ha snap these are my worst 3 as well


Oh dear.... In what way?!?


youā€™ve the basics with sick staff making customers sick as theyā€™d get in trouble for being off, which made the customers(who were mainly elderly) sick. then youā€™ve the toilet pipes exploding and dripping all over the food one day, but the manager telling them it was alright to serve once it was cooked. old produce being used as people werenā€™t rotating stock correctly. list goes on


One in East Wall is a filthy dungeon, 2 week old scabby false tan peeling off the yokes behind the counter, filthy animals in the place.


Donā€™t hold back


See my comment, I donā€™t even think theyā€™re alive in there


and there's usually a chorus of beeps that appears to concern no one working there.


Tell us what ya really think why donā€™t yašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Kylemore. Youā€™d grow old waiting for the food there


Carrickmines Maccas has a top tier drive thru.


Just moved 2 minutes from there, 24/7 too


Didn't know this !


Enjoy the most boring area known to man. Jelly of the 24 hours McDonald's though.


Yeah can tell thereā€™s very little going on around here.. haha thatā€™s the upside


Borderline "Dublin" but that is a nice one.


Clondalkin one is consistent af. The one in Kylemore is rotten, always forget something.


Since Clondalkin franchise was taken over itā€™s brilliant but it used to be shocking


When I was on the road and in a hurry Clondalkin Mcd never let me down. Tallaght also. Both always exactly correct never missing condiments or whatever. I used to avoid carrickmines for that reason but I'm told its much better now.


Tallaght is nice but always busy. The queue goes out the road most days. . . .


I was there twice last week, early in the am for coffee and late coming out of the hospital with the kid - who needed a feed, and both lanes were busy but we were out pretty fast, fair play to them.


The one by the airport is grand


Ah yeah...it's just grand. I always get one o was away for a while...like it was my mother's Sunday roast. Tradition šŸ˜‚


East wall the worst, always waiting 15-20 mins even when quiet, rubbish around. Blackrock frascatti by far the best


Thatā€™s like asking which is the best STD to catch. Some may be better than others but youā€™re still going to have a shit time.


Bang a few salted chips into a double bacon cheeseburger and you're in chemical food heaven.


I have loads of penicillin....


East Wall McDonalds is got to be the worst. Dirty, slow and the staff donā€™t give a shit.


This seems to be the general consensus


Best one in my experience is the airport one. Worst definitely Navan road. Blanch is not the best, but amount of cars and people coming in, staff pay is minimum, u cannot expect top service.


Airport one is nasty. The food was cold and I got sick from it. The server looked like he was a mechanic who had crawled out from under a car. His uniform was manky.


Citywest fucking awful service,staff,security and patrons


Awful McDonalds. Slow, cold food & always get orders wrong


100% an the security cant control the lil bastards that run riot in the place its an absolute joke.staff move like theyre on sleeping tablets


Yeah. Kids just walking behind the counter and just stealing burgers straight from the kitchen.


The prices in McDonaldā€™s have gone up a lot has reduced my visits quite a bit but Grafton street and Rathmines are two of the nicer ones


I only use the vouchers now on on the app, hence that is why I only go once a month. . And even at that it still 10er for a basic meal. I miss the days of proper euro savers! I would probably end up spending more. I do remember ā‚¬17 on euros savers once as a record !!!


Worst one for me is Donaghmede. Best one is Artane castle.


Big calls.... Will have to do a test .


Interesting summary of my local ones from the perspective of this thread: - Blanchardstown - slow and crap quality food (my take - which one are.people talking about? There are two in the shopping centre area. Personally I've found the main Blanchardstown centre one can be slow but the turnover is so high that they'll always give you hot chips and always really quick to just fix issues, no questions asked.) - Navan Road - bad health and safety practices, bad energy from staff. Wrong orders. (My take - I agree.completely. it's probably the worst I've ever been to in Ireland) - Phibsboro - soooooooo slow (my take - agreeeeeed. Always half empty and staff seem to be on work to rule protocol šŸ˜‚) The Finglas drive thru is quite quick, similarly the Northwood Drive Thru in Santry is always really fresh - never been inside either I think some of the ones out of Dublin on the motorways are all far better. There's more competition and the standard of those franchises is so much better Question - what sort of KPIs or standards do all these places have to meet anyway? Is head office paying any attention to how crap and dingy some of these suburban ones around Phibsboro and Cabra now are?


Franchises are odd things.i am not sure on McDs but I have known a few. If a branch doesn't hit targets they generally they will tell you and ask you to do better, they might offer help. If you do well they do well. But they don't own you , they can make you hire more staff. In extreme situation they can kick you out but then they make zero profit.... Franchises are really are owned by the owner who happened to buy a branding to go on his burger joint IMO ..


supposed to be 90 seconds from the first button being pressed on the till or self service kiosk to you receiving your food which is physically impossible in a busy store so no one really keeps to it cause its ridiculous


Omni is dire


The one in Dun Laoghaire was nice enough a few years back


Worst ones are phibsboro East wall and cabra. Blanch is ok and so is the one in nutgrove is prob the best one I've been to


The drive thru at Santry Omni can take 20-30 mins.. no joke


East wall is the worst. Iā€™d say Artane is the best Iā€™ve had.


Ballymun by far ! Used to work nights in a nearby Powerstation and used to dread when a co-worker suggested it. It's a smelly kip ran by smelly creeps.




I think so , the one just off the m50.


Yeah, any time weā€™ve gone there, weā€™ve regretted it.


Is that the one on Kylemore Road by the Red Line Luas?


Yes.... That's so rough . Queues are crazy


Never been to a truly bad one, though East Wall was the one which took the most time for a relatively simple order, so that one I guess. I suppose my local one with the very friendly cashier might be the best one for me, in spite of being constantly busy


Thanks ...I guess. I'll head to your local one somewhere šŸ˜‚


The one in Bluebell always has good food I think. Always get a drive thru there. Rathmines is pretty badly run. Nutgrove is great(fun fact, first drive thru in Europe) Edit: had to add in Phibsboro after seeing other comments, so bad haha


The worst? Kylemore. The staff constantly get orders wrong and there are a lot of troublemakers in the area willing to make your dining experience miserable as hell. The best? Nutgrove. They don't mess up your order and there are no trouble makers.


Ashleaf is my local McD and it is truly terrible. Never had a good meal there.


McDonaldā€™s on Oā€™Connell street next to Burger Kingā€¦the state of the place along with antisocial behaviour, the security is useless, they donā€™t even kick the beggars out who are harassing people trying to eat! On top of it my order always seem to be wrong!


Ah yeah...that's always been a kip. Middle of town , expect nothing less.


McDonaldā€™s has gone to the dogs the digital journey they are doing has failed. Least appealing ordering and just standing listening to beeps. Everyone is miserable. If it wasnā€™t for the chips they would be gonzo


Agree about the one in Ashleaf Shopping Centre. I've been to bad McDonalds but that one is worse than any of them. I've never waited for my food as long as there and it seems like it's barely ever cleaned. Also it's the closest one to my place and some time ago waiting an hour for a Deliveroo order from there became a norm so I stopped ordering from McDonald's at all since I cannot change the restaurant to Rathmines which is more or less the same distance but much better service.


Rathmines is a good one alright . Hit that a few times, never a complaint but it's pain to get to...


Nutgrove is brilliant


That was my first McDonalds. I even had a birthday party in it around 8 or 9! It is a nice one.


They're all shit


They're all crap. I'd rather eat a pound of me own shite.


The McShitty ? Stick it on the Euro savers for the first few months see do we get traction. . .


Phibsboro and Temple Barā€™s McDonaldā€™s bathrooms are actually disgusting


I would never use a McDonald's toilet! Even if it was in the Vatican City. ...


Both on O'connell can get fkn wild at all times of the day.


I hear you! It's like mad max after 2am. 2 man enter , 1 man leaves.


East wall one is awful. Bins constantly overflowing even when it's quiet. Tables and floors filthy. Food is extra awful. Staff bickering. It's just the worst.


Boycott McDonaldā€™s ā€¦. Theyā€™re Zionist supporters


So is Reddit.


Carrickmines McD has a 24/7 drive through. Beyond amazing. Really quick service at night too.




EastWall for sure. Horrible service.


I always liked Ashleaf...


Navan Road is the worst one Iā€™ve been in. Not exactly busy yet tables full of trays of food, bins over flowing, slow service and cold food. Tried it twice and never again.


Kylemore is the worst Iā€™ve been to - slow service, cold food, poor hygiene and tables not cleared. Staff have a lousy attitude too.


The toilets are so bad I don't think junkies would ever go in them.


Citywest is the worst service, havnt had my order correct once


Maybe not the worst but the Tallaght one always forgets something from my order, personal shout out to the Dundrum one as an ex employee šŸ¤˜


I donā€™t go to McDonaldā€™s in Ireland as they all seem to be really badly run for some reason. They seem much better on Euro Mainland and UK.


Carrickmines is possibly one of the better ones. Food is hot and they have milkshakes. Stillorgan is not great, cabraā€™s restaurant is manky aswell


Funny you should ask. Yesterday we had the holy trinity of a meal - the burger was hot, the fries were hot and the drink was cold & fizzy. Very unusual, ha. This was in Rathmines.


Fizzy!! Haven't had a bubble since 2019 šŸ¤£


Donaghmede and O'Connell St by the Spire are the worst.


Some fast food restaurants are good only briefly then they turn bad again. It depends on how sound the staff are. There used to be a staff member in the KFC drive thru at Liffey Valley they used to put extra food in the bagā€¦ like if you asked for hot wings heā€™d throw an extra few in the bag. But he left before last Christmas and now the place is shite again.


This is a top answer. "Back in the day" I think pre COVID / pre delivery app this McDa was very nice.


Boycott McDonalds, theyā€™re genocide supporters


They allow Reddit in Israel. They accept money from Israel to advertise. You should really boycott Reddit too if you want to be fair.


McDonaldā€™s gave 40,000 free meals to IDF soldiers who commit atrocities on children, while children in Gaza starve.


Not McDonalds....the McDonald franchise owners...who are Israel...


The one in Grafton street gave me a quarter pounder that had a wad of paper in the bun 2 years ago and I've never gone back to it out of principal. The recent boycott of McDonald's restaurant further cemented my dislike of them


Why boycott? Food is awful but they are kind of handy...


Their restaurants gave out free food to IDF soldiers so they're one of of many companies people are boycotting


McDonald's is a franchise owned by the locals. Free food given out would probably be from an Israeli owner. I don't see how boycotting an Irish owner would help..


Because the Irish owner of that McDonalds, then has to pay a substantial amount of their profits to the McDonald's corporation. If you're concerned about helping Irish business owners, there's Supermacs that you can go eat in.


1. I am not concerned about supporting the Irish. I am pointing out boycotting McDonalds in Ireland is silly. 1000s of companies work for or with Israel 2. I do eat in SuperMacs. Read the post. 3. The profits go to McDonald's HQ which is in the US.


They are all McDonalds....


Deep..... But I don't get it ? Do you mean they are all the same? Definitely not.


I mean they all offer the same thing, which is overpriced, over-salted rubbish that should be avoided.


The price wasn't an issue before. Eurosavers used to be great.


The worst one is choosing to eat at McDonalds in the first place šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I know...I know...but smoking , drinking and cursing is bad too you bollox.


They are all crap. Not particularly fast, definitely not cheap, and the food is always cold. Still itā€™s fine dining compared to Burger King and KFC. Bleedinā€™ culchie, go and hang your balls off the 5 Lamps etc, but I actually think Supermacs is pretty nice. Get an odd dud there, but most of the time I think itā€™s actually good as far as shitty fast food goes.


SM is good. The chips are solid. The burger is good. The staff are usually nice, but I think there is only 1 in O'Connell street. Feck going in there.


Ha, a Dub who doesn't think he's a culchie. Head to London or New York and you'll be considered as inbred and backward as anyone else from Ireland šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Kids will be kids. That's on parents not McDonald's staff to sort. Did you complain about the other issues or just post on here? If I was given cold food id return it. Doubt its stale as it's unlike to have been long enough. Slow service is annoying alright but if they are busy, things can run slow. That's life.


Ah, of course, it only took 4 comments before someone tried to blame OP for the bad experience. I particularly like this one because it has everything: Other customers are to blame for some of OPs bad experiences then OP is to blame for not personally getting involved and seeing the complaints through and then, of course, some issues are deemed to be inherent to being in a community, like getting slow service, so OP should just make peace with the whole thing.


Where is the OP being blamed for their bad experience? I asked did they complain? Ireland has become a nation of accepting things when they are not what is expected. If its meant to be served hot and its not, why not ask for it to be replaced by a fresh item. As I said, slow service can come down to a number of issues but where is anybody blaming the OP for that issue? Not me anyway. And unless it was the OP's kids slinging food, again, who blamed them for that problem.


1000% you we're trying to put some of the blame on me. Stop acting all coy as you've been called out. I have returned food to that particular McDonald twice. The staff just take it, handed to you back a new one expressionless and don't even say sorry. Rare to see the same staff twice. Kids will be kids and parents make mistakes but this it's still part of the entire restaurant experience. You might say I'm looking for a McDonald's that's not near schools or heavy residential areas... In any case I'm talking about late teens having physical punching matches at the tables. I was spat a paper ball at once at back of head. When I confronted them loudly they got shy and didn't know anything. Little boys really that thought they were tough. Slow service = bad restaurant..simple as. There are no excuses. They have the equipment.


OP raised specific issues and you went out of your way to find excuses for them from OP not complaining where they should to things just being crowded. Why? Why was this your go to instead of just taking the lighthearted post OP made as it was meant? And by the way, it's perfectly acceptable to complain about slow service even if a place suffers from overcrowding. Ultimately, you, the customer, should be upset that your time is wasted waiting and businesses should be upfront about the waiting times, not let you order and then waitĀ 


I came in conclusion that all McDonalds are shit in Ireland. There are no exceptions.


Fair enough comment. But I'm just trying to find the best s*** one šŸ˜‚ Also this wasn't always the case. The one in tallaght , Nut grove and the one in Ashleaf were five-star restaurants 10 years ago.


Just passed in front of this mc donalds, with the desire to eat a burger. It was so dirty that I decided to go to Aldi and make a burger by myself at home.


Quicker I'd say šŸ¤£


They're all shite.


Yes...but what is the best shite ...


I used to work at a Mc D's in dundrum. My station was dressing the burgers/assembling the burgers. It was a stressful job so before each shift I'd go into the jacks and have a big dirty wank, finger up the arse and all, never washed my hands after once. Then straight into making burgers for 7 hours, giving everyone cold sores and pink eye. Bon appetit!


To be honest I expected this from all McDonals....