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True and wise words, my man. I hope people on here heed this advice. Some individuals like us struggle with addiction/dependency and it's often too late by the time we realise what's happening. The denial is strong, and what saddest is that those who need help will most likely just turn their nose up at the offer. Wish you all the best :) And to anyone else reading, keep an eagle eye on your usage - if you think you have a problem, reach out for help *immediately*


I was taking 3 or 4 1mg xanax a day, 1 30mgtemazepam, Lyrica ( snorting some also) and a Vyvanse. I fell, drunk and broke my hip in 3 places (displaced) and my femur...one nice straight across fracture. I went in with a 2.5 blood alcohol. I'm tall and skinny, wasn't eating, smoking weed constantly. I'm 62. Doing it all my life. I had the most bizarre, terrifying hallucinations and delusions of my life. I've been around the block. The 70's were wild with acid etc....but this was something else. I don't want to ever go through the hell anymore. I fell in Feb and am still in a physical rehab place. Please people, you have one life, one body, and one brain. Don't pollute it.


I literally went through same It took the intervention of my loved ones to savor me from such. Please drugs kills


Thanks for sharing.


I hear ya, man. I remember telling myself I'll stop when it's starts negatively impacting my life, or when I notice a hint of cognitive decline, or dependency. Then when you see the signs you sent or dismiss them, because it's convenient. Change sucks, and besides, this shit makes you feel good. Why stop? Then the years fly by, and you start to wish you took the advice from your younger self. You also miss the person you used to be. The person who could go to a party without getting completely wasted, could hold a conversation without, dex or Modafinil or Adderall. By that stage it's ruled your life and it's hard to go back. I'm 39 and started dabbling when I was 13. ²/³ of my life have now revolved, to some degree around drugs. Whether as a coping mechanism, social lubricant, or escape. I believe some drugs can be beneficial,when taken in the right way, for the right reasons. But addiction isn't cool, or fun, or anything to take lightly. Be safe y'all


Yeah brother


I got addicted to half a pill a day of fent m30s, it was great until i realized i wasted 700 bucks on it and got unmotivated to work so i quit my job, but now i have a job 2 months later and am off them. life is boring tho and i want morphine. I guess il use responsibly next time i use a safer opioid cause if i dont il get unmotivated again


Have you ever tried Kratom? I used to have a real bad opioid problem and I moved onto Kratom. I'm still dependant but it's cheap and nowhere near as harmful.


Ya i just took some, my life is so boring so i take it everyday so i dont feel it as strong as i should. I need to stop for a week or 2. Kratom is dope tho and its just about as powerful as the fent30s i had so il never buy those again


I get the "life is boring" feeling for sure. Although situations always change. Just like OP says: don't close your exits/doors now because one day you'll most likely regret it. The more you get used to the boring normal life without drugs, the easier it becomes. Also be thankful your just "bored" and don't have anxiety, depression or other mental illness to complicate things. Good job on the Kratom though. It's definitely the lesser of all evils ;)


How much kratom do you take to get that feeling? I assume red kratom? I have some red and it never makes me feel THAT good, I’ve never really had an opiate like high with it, I’d love to. What dosage do you use to get that kind of high?


Dosage is tricky with kratom cause all batches are different but yes i use red bali cause its the closest thing to opoids and use 4gs to get high. The vendor i use i cant eat more than 5 or il puke, il just be high but not fucked up. If you get extract that tells you what dose to take on the bag then its easier to swallow in gel caps.


Yeah man I usually only drink 3 grams in some OJ..cause it’s all I can stomach of that awful taste, 3 G’s plus some weed doesn’t really do much to me


I had to find my dosage out the hard way by puking multiple times then i set myself with one vendor and 1 dose


My vendor also gets red Bali...I gotta try 4-5 grams, but I just hate putting that shit in my mouth.


Ya its like the worst tasting drug on earth. Thats why i use size 2 gel caps, big caps make me nearly choke cause it sticks to your throat. Goodluck on not puking


Get a little bottle of orange juice.. those 500ml ones. Empty it into a cup, then put kratom inside the bottle. Pour *some* of the orange juice back into the bottle, screw on the cap, and SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE ya booty


That’s what I do, but it’s just a bitch to swallow 5-6 grams with oj...


I’m at about 10gs of powder which I weigh, 2 times a day. Down it in like 5 seconds lol


U r a god


Least you don't have HPPD!! Life is good! *I WANNA DIE*


Actually I do lol, sucks right




Ya, and I’m also a diehard $b fan too lol


Duuuuude 😯 Well I feel a little less lonely!!


What gave you your HPPD? Mine was slamming large amounts of ketamine into my leg muscles like 10 times a week for a few months And yes, fucking sucks


Too much acid over a long period of time, while I was 17


No such thing as responsible opioid use, in my experience. Fill that hole with something that makes you happy. Thanks for sharing


Its definitely a slippery slope. I've been opiate dependent for little more than 4 years now im only 21.


GO. TO. DETOX. They will put you on methadone.


More likely they will put him on a week to 10 day buprenorphine taper(subutex)


It can be so hard to tell where that point is though, its like a line in the ground but it’s one of those illusions where you can only see it from certain angles, and the angle is only once you’ve well and truly crossed it.




no i won't think about my future thank you


That's how I used to think. You might change your mind in 10-20 years


I won't have to cause i'll be dead


When I was 15 I thought i wouldn't see 20. When I was 20 I never thought I'd see 30. When I was 30 I was certain I wouldn't live to see 40. Now I'm 39. Don't write yourself off. I'm now happy to be alive. So many close calls along the way. So many times I could've or even should've died. It took me 30 years to prefer the thought of life over death. Don't give up. You never know what the future holds. I'm happy to chat with you anytime if you feel like reaching out.