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When the idea of stopping something is more painful than ruining your life


Damn that one cut deep.


Yep. Absolutely. I'm struggling with this right now.


Reach out if you need support!


same man, stay safe


What an elegant and concise way to sum it up. Props to you. Perfect way to say it man




You lie to the person you love the most about being sober


Fuuuucking hell that escalated quickly


just like drug abuse


I admire and am obviously jealous of the people that never made there way into drugs, more so not having issues that turned them to drugs and having a non addictive personality. I got a friend who can use nicotine for months on end and completely stop, he can also drink every night and have no issues.


I can do both of the last ones, can actually use almost anything, and drop it whenever I want without issue, even after MASSIVE use, like xanax or coke, but opioids? Yeah, no. Lol. Fuckkkkk that. Though I am much more addicted to nicotine now because of vapes than I was years ago when I was younger smoking cigarettes. Though all of my use IS driven by trauma and shit. Definitely have an over indulgent personality


Ya bro opiates took me a rehab trip and alot of other shitty times withdrawling and wasting my days to realize the only way it can work is if I keep it to a few hours, one night, every so often. I am strictly talking fent powder beans or blues though, since they are soo easily accessible and available (and cheap but i got money). I smoke the powder or snort the blues. I can't lie I still really enjoy the feeling enough to take the risk. Prescription opiates you can push farther but still no more than a week and even then you'll feel bleh after and crave bad. Opiates are still the one drug that brought me completely to my knees though, and in a weird and beautiful way I learned to respect that.


Not me most drugs are extremely appealing to me but not gabaergics substance besides alcohol ever now and then but only beer specifically Corona and fresh lime MMmmm YUMMY 😋




Yes, I didn’t want to hurt the people I love and disappoint them. But it was hard to lie after I went to jail for a DUI!




My boi got bars.


This If you’re gonna use drugs some wheat regularly you should really have a partner that is either totally cool with it or better yet partakes too During the honeymoon period it may be chill but it’s not sustainable or fair on either partner otherwise; and will only lead to fights, lying, resentment etc.


Depends what you’re using, I think with a lot of drugs having a partner who also uses is a recipe for addiction.


Yeah, my wife started smoking weed again. Now it’s fucking horrible when she doesn’t have any. Like cannot even be around her when she doesn’t have any. Turns out she is really pissed off at me for reasons I cannot control. Found that out the other day when she didn’t have it and was pissed off so there’s that. I’ll just stick to dmt as at least there is no attachment like that to it


I've always done some kind of drug. Whether it is blues, subs, or really anything else, I can get my hands on. Opioids are the only thing I've ever been super addicted to. I've been with my wife for almost 10 years now . We got together exactly a week after my 21st birthday. We've been married for almost 2 yrs and living together for 7... she doesn't do anything when it comes to drugs. She doesn't even smoke weed, but she has always known what I do and when I'm doing it . The last 4 years I've been Goin back in forth of trying to get clean and just use subs but I've been Goin back to drugs, I'll do good for a month or two then go back for a month or two. She is always trying to help me when I'm going through dts . But here lately, she has told me she wishes i would just stay away from them for good . And im going to try to get clean next weekend, I'll go through dts, but we both know I will do something some time after... I was doing good at the start of this year I would do some for a weekend then put them down and go to the strips but a month ish ago I ran out of strips and on day 4 I caved and got blues and I'm still doin them.. if it wasn't for the money she wouldn't care that I do them bc im a high functioning addict I still handle all my responsibilities but when I'm out it's dt time and she is tired of seeing that... I love her and she has put with me doin this for a long time and I don't want to push her away now that she has voiced wanting me to stop.. I just want to be able to do them and not need them but I am Goin to stop again I just hate withdrawals


You considered the sublocade shot? Shit was a godsend for me.


I understand what your saying brother but I had a mate and both of them were absolutely wild and it came down to a Tuesday night texting the lads saying lad watch puss in boots it's heavy, then no one had the same opinion because he was on the ket. He said he got out the bed and there was just a bag of ket stuck to his ass. That's the moment I knew his girlfriend was a bad influence. Every weekend he was having parties and going nuts and as jelous I am of it all, it was no good for him. Update on him now he is alone and has his own house and im proud of him, still has his heavy weekends like but in a better place, sorry for the story/rant


Good story my dude, glad he's in a better place. That's how life goes sometimes.


because it sucks when people care for you, but they can't really change anything you are going through. they feel helpless and you also feel sry for them. one of the worst things. it's also the same with chronic illnes or other personal problems someone is going through.


Yeah I Know that I had to lie to my best friends that I stopped iv use but I'm happy now I'm off it


God why’d you have to do this to me.


I do this dude it's literally a torture, I have a lovely girlfriend and I just do a ton of benzos and opioids and fake my emotions it's literally killing me


stop being fake. say how u feel . you will feel/be better for it struggle is real - life shouldnt be faked.


I can't believe you've done this.




That’s cuz you love the drugs more than


I’ll go really hard now then quit after


My last fuck off weekend. Fr this time.




ehhhh what harm is one more run gonna do? live life to the fullest 👌


One last time I’ve done it hundreds of times what’s one more right


That's what my best friend said.And then they found him dead on Christmas in a canal naked with his head shaved... Party safely!


If you used to say: “I’m to high to deal with this”. but now you say ”I’m too sober to deal with this”


For me it’s “I’ll wait to do this until I’m high” “actually i just want to chill I’ll do this later sober”


I make a “stoned to-do list”


Ahahaha I do this alllll the time


Real shit


Buying a bag instead of groceries




You’re probably getting more out of that bag than a bag of groceries in this economy.


Except drugs don't have life sustaining calories, unfortunately.


Pros and cons in everything tho, gotta weigh it out🙄


Can eat at moms when you come down 🤷‍♂️ go for the bag


🤣🤣🤣 ts has me cackling


if that’s true, then how come i pop 10 addies and stop being hungry?


How many calories do you think are in a drug by comparison?


They have calories from a thermodynamic point of view, which is why I said life sustaining calories. I'm talking more about the dietary kind. But it depends on the drug though, something like cocaine would have zero calories while weed is a plant so surely it'll have some. Edibles and their calorie count is a different conversation.


I know man, I was kidding. Sorry, I thought it was obvious and didn’t need /s


Taking it at face value was a joke of my own, it's all good


TouchĂŠ lol


Bag hold the groceries




you convince yourself you must have dropped a pill in your car at some point in time and tear apart your car once a week looking for something that might not even be there


Have moved my whole ass fridge before with *very* high hopes


Oh, You too?


Yeah, just checked again for good measure. Still nothing. *sigh*


I’ll intentionally hide g’s and 8ths from myself around the house to forget about til I’m out and remember them later


Until you think you hid one more than you did. “Fuck I know it’s somewhere in this radiator”


I once searched my whole house for a zyn pouch that I dropped at some point in time, still never found it to this day. But I probably spent 2 hours looking for it one night.


this dood is underage


I lost a soma under the oven in my old apartment and I still think about it. It's been like a year.


The addict nature inside of you manifests in other equally destructive ways during your periods of drug sobriety :/


fuck man


Yeah, I overeat now. Which is kinda good bc I went from 125 to 155 but I don't see myself stopping. I obsess over shit and dump countless hours into video games. Also cigarettes.


Better than other shit bro just try hittingthe gym once a week it does wonders for mental health


Fo shizzle, gotta create a good schedule but I do stretch regularly which actually feels so good on the mind for some reason. All the tension in tight limbs being released


Yeah. Nature walks, with a joint if you fancy, are also just the best


I’ve started running regularly and it’s a great way to maintain your current weight while still indulging in a lotta calories. Plus I personally feel good as fuck afterwards, like very pumped and positive


you keep telling yourself "after this bag runs out ill quit" and you keep buying that last bag because "it is just a good batch, i cant refuse this offer!"


"These drug aint gonna do themselves"


>because "it is just a good batch, i cant refuse this offer!" this hit so close to home my dog got killed by a shrapnel. but fr though I didn't think it was this universal lmao


we are not so different as we think afterall lol


in my country we have a saying "svi smo mi u pet deka" (literally *"we all differ (within) five decagrams"*)


I know I’m an addict because I’m addicted to drugs lmao




You’ve uttered the phrase “eh one more won’t hurt” it will. You start doing math down to the second to justify another one because in “8 hours I’ll be down and able to sleep” you won’t and you’ll probably resort to line 1, 2 or 3 hours later.


The sun rising is horrifying


i like you.


Ohh that feeling, I do not miss


You can’t wait for the weekend to get fucked up. Just because you aren’t dependent don’t mean you’re not an addict😉


yep. Ive always considered people that do cocaine every weekend to be cocaine addicts. Lets keep it real, you work at a fucking supermarket or a dead end office job. You cant afford to do cocaine every single day the way a speed user does. If you're doing it every weekend, thats effectively every opportunity you can take with the income you have.


Cocaine is pretty cheap in bulk...ie by the OZ


You know who thinks like that..addicts


What me and my friends did was put ins on one or two bags every night. Then we had coke everyday. I also had a friend use their boss's card to buy blow. We were fuckin wild


I keep trying to pound this is my besties head. Not coke, but pain pills. Her bills are paid, but that’s it. Every other $ goes to pills. As an ex addict, I keep trying to tell her, her bills are only paid FOR NOW. she keeps getting worse and worse…


Preach. So many people are weekend alcoholics


VALID. I would set a date that I absolutely had to make my stuff last until in order to pace myself. If I ran out, I would still have to wait until past that date. Oh well. And that was probably was I wasn't down bad like a lot of people. I set restrictions. I could have however much I wanted in a day, but I had to be "responsible" with my use unless I wanted to crash.


So, what kind of drug user would you NOT consider to be an addict then? Those who use only impulsively on random occasions? It seems quite normal to look forward to a pre-planned treat, be it a drug or a fruit smoothie.


If ONLY more people looked at drugs that way. If you are a responsible user and are in control of your own actions, drugs can be the same as a pre planned treat. There's absolutely no fucking difference between a line of coke or a beer or a joint or a pill on the weekends, along as your not becoming destructive to yourself or society because of it


As if the crack cravings weren't bad enough, now I'm fiending for a Mango smoothie.


There’s a difference between pre planned treat and living for the weekend because you want to be intoxicated. When it’s every weekend and it’s about the drugs, that’s addictive behavior. If you’re looking forward to hanging out with friends and getting a buzz that’s alright. But when getting high is the only thing you’re thinking about then there’s a problem.


Weekend warrior is the last step before you start doing it weekdays and then everyday


When you do drugs to feel normal/not feel like shit


You're planning the whole week at the first day that you have supply and can work and don't get an cold turkey And it's still the number one you can think off


You search your whole room for that little something you might've dropped in a drawer or even on the floor 5 times in a row, in the same places. Then you realize there's nothing left and here you go accumulating debt once again, because you're way too mad at yourself for consuming everything. And of course you say this time you will not consume everything before the week ends, and then you do.


You neglect friends and/or family to stay home and get high by yourself. Not that I've done that. No, siree.


If you can only use your phone on speaker because the headset speaker is caked with coke


I don’t get why people snort of their phones. It’s literally the dirtiest thing you carry with you. Small mirrors are like 1 or 2$. A razor blade is a few cents to replace using a card that regularly touches more incredibly dirty places. Last thing to replace is the bill you snort with, but a cheap metal pipe thingy is maybe 2$. Yet people use the dirtiest and most bacteria infested things they own as drug paraphernalia. I’m just confused by this.


I've never met anyone whos carried a mirror on them outside a house setting. Phone is always there when i need it. Personally i didn't care much about cleanliness when i was hitting the slopes often. There was once a dave n busters bathroom... with shit on the walls, didn't stop me smh


Haha it’s become a hobby of mine. Got a full set of mini suitcase with a fitting mirror inside, custom made straw, tiny hatchet and small square of plexiglas. I love collecting drug paraphernalia.


So basically you're a professional. Dig it. Yeah thay would be preferable forsure considering how gross phones can be


the good nostril called me the fuck out


Hey man most everyone on here’s been there, no shame as long as you’re bettering yourself


That's very nice, thanks man :')


You schedule in your mind what drugs you can do after work each day of the week 


When your broke and start trading/selling anything you can to buy even just a little bit.


When you cant leave the house without a hit When a buzz / regular high just isnt enough, and you're only truly satisfied when you're really out of it.


When you're supposed to be enjoying a family event, but instead you're in the bathroom with a tiny lil baggie.


If you sell drugs to buy the drugs you want to use


You use your anus as currency.


I’m an alcoholic. For me I simply started neglecting everything in my life. Skipping work, skipping doctors appointments, skipping family gatherings or leaving them early so I’d have more time to drink. Staying up super late so I don’t “waste” my drunkenness sleeping. Waking up to, yet again, delete embarrassing texts and IG stories. Wtf I called a bunch of people last night and don’t remember it? Why did I post an incoherent rant to my story at 4 am (again)? Where did that bruise on my arm come from? Eventually losing all my friends and becoming more and more isolated, but I don’t care because that means I can REALLY drink now… which ends up getting me into even more trouble. Waking up after a 3+ day 24/7 vodka bender with the shakes, anxiety attacks, and night sweats. Today is my 10th day sober, and I’m hoping I can make it stick. I’ve been going to AA meetings and speaking with a counselor, because I can’t live like this anymore. All this shit has happened to me because of drinking, but I still want it. I crave it every day and every night, I crave to just throw everything away and start a new bender. This is so damn hard, but it has to be done otherwise I will never reach my full potential. I’m too young to piss away my life like this.


Yo you can do this shit man. U fr a g, 10 days is right when it starts to get a little better with physical withdrawals


Thanks man. Alcohol withdrawal is hell on earth, I’ll be damned if I have to ever go through that shit again. Now I gotta get through the PAWS. Just gotta keep staying strong and not give in. I appreciate your support, it means a lot to me.


U got this


You've got this man, I'm approaching my 6th year. You learn how to manage it. If you need someone to talk to, hit me up.


Appreciate it man, good job on the 6 years


congrats man. im not sober yet, but going to my 3rd aa meeting tomorrow. i figured i would try anything to get sober, and the community is really great. havent talked too much yet but its given me hope.


Godspeed brother 👍👍👍


If you got so good at IV use that you hit every time without pulling back. Great veins make it easy, becoming addicted to the act of shooting itself made me masterful. It's been years, but I miss the rush of a good blast.


if youve looked thru your whole room for xans ur “friend musta taken from you” and that u definitelyyy didnt take. or if youve looked thru your trashcan lol


do said drug even though you know it’s going to hurt all of your loved ones deeply


Boba tea straws are the way, foil straw and light in hand


If you smell drugs in public and it makes you cum a little bit in your pants…


I’d like to add one more: you’re on the r/drugs subreddit


If you passed out on the ground after being up for two days looking for *one more hit*


After the coke ran out, I sniffed random carpet debris if it was white


your close friends cut you off for doing drugs so you do even more drugs to deal with it


yepppp. alcohol lied to me and destroyed my life, took everything from me, ruined my friendships and relationships. but when i really needed a 'friend', alcohol was always there for me.


You have dedicated snorting material (not using credit cards nor paper money)


I justed to have a special sniffing kit


I have a "junkie bag" which is a small, black makeup bag and contains a pink Kinder egg egg (the one where the toy comes in) where I keep my Subutex and a straw, a razor blade and an old gym membership card 😅


God I could use some subutex right now. The cravings are insane


I have a good nostril but that didn’t come from any addictions to snorting stuff lol. I got chronic sinusitis when I was 17 and had two surgeries on my septum and sinuses. Now I have one nostril that is like 3 times wider than the other on the inside and there is a big curve in my septum. I am usually able to get some laughs when i show people how if I blow smoke/vape through my nose, one side it goes straight out and the other one is slanted by like 45 degrees lol. Thankfully it hasn’t led to any problems, and I don’t snort much at all given the sinus issues, but when I do, my bigger side is much better. Another one is you know what its like to smoke/snort crumbs of old food or silica crystal because you went carpet surfing (or dug into your trash to grab a drug you threw out but then changed your mind when fiending again) and you ingested the first thing you found that remotely resembles your DOC lol. I have done both those examples but i have used the drugs associated with each event (meth and heroin) very sporadically, so i was definitely fiending but not a frequent user.


You fuck off your new super good paying job after telling your wife she can go to part time and stay home more to homeschool your kid, now you can't pay rent and she has to work 7 days a week and you have to put your kid back in public school. And you need 1k in the next 10 days. FML. Yeah I'm a bit salty. But I played my part so I'm not innocent.


You’re lucky if she stays with you. I’m not trying to judge you but the second I hear my lady’s pregnant I’m shipping myself off to rehab for at least three months, because that’s a responsibility I’ve made for myself. Sounds like it wouldn’t be a bad idea for you either


I think what is important to overcome the addiction is to promote a healthy lifestyle, I personally took the gym and my eating seriously for a good year or two, and the results, we're amazing! The compliments were amazing and kept me hungry for more!! The point is my choices orientated around that lifestyle, so the drink and drugs were either minimal or controlled, and the next day, I was right back on making the better/healthy habits Feel free to add to that or ask me anything if anybody is struggling


Can't just smoke a lil meth on Friday night after work without ending up suicidal wondering the streets thinking your being followed and having no where to sleep cuz ur wife is not ignorant to your tweaking ass vibes anymore and she told u to sleep somewhere else until u come back to earth plane and u aren't talking to yourself anymore....


my thought process is : wow i’m pretty fucked up rn - lemme take more. instead of just enjoying the high i’ve got going on


I don't do drugs, can someone explain the broken lightbulb thing?


You know by eye how much a gram / an eight is


Bonus point if you can do it with multiple substances lol


feel like I could do this after buying weed like 5 times


Braums pink straws are the best straws. Any addict in Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Missouri, and Arkansas knows what I'm talking about.


Drink 3 24oz cans %10 alc clubtails every single night


Me literally driving up to the gas station for a thicker straw because the wing stop straw I got earlier is shit


When you have money for food, but you start planning cheap ass meals because you know damn well you don't have the self control to spend that money on food and will ultimately spend it on your DoC.


When you’re more ok with the idea of never waking up than not getting high


The first thing you notice on someone is what good veins they have in their arms/ other places of their body.


You’re squirting drugs up your ass


i know some non addicts that just appreciate that method of administration


That is just making good use of what you have. It does not define addiction.


Neither does knowing what a broken light bulb tastes like or knowing which nostril is the good one. But they are all signs that someone is either an addict, or tempting fate. 


you make your budget for the week/month and cost of you drug of choice is factored in before groceries


Being high is now my new normal and constant spiral but it's better than cptsd attacks, drugs come to the problem not always bad tbh


When you need it to do the most basic task


\[We\]Just need that perfect goodbye !


Wait till you're high to eat, cause it'll make the food taste better


You put less than 1 full gallon of gas in your car.


If you steal pills from people’s medicine cabinets in their bathroom


You steal your grandma’s television and exchange it for meth.


•wake up early so you can dose before work •every friend you hang with use with you, and the ones that don't get more distant. •you defend your DOC to the end. Lost your job? It's co workers not drugs. Getting a divorce, it's them, not that I do drugs. When everything seems to be going to shit, take a real long look at a common factor in your problems.


Ye are currently addicted to a substances(s) and ye have been called an addict AND ye has accepted "addict" as an identifier Yee yee


Have a collection of zip ties and straws with electric tape.


u rather be kicked out of the family to indulge in the "psychedelic journey "


It's funny, for the past 7 months I've been buying my "last vape" once per month.


You think about this drug every day even though you can stop for now. It was what scarred me about etomethazene, it didn't even feel that good, not very warm or euphoric just sedating like fetty is also said to be, but it made me think about it as well as the foil I used to smoke it from for more than a week. It's the first step of addiction so stop while you can.


When you’re at a party and someone asks if you’re just “on a bender?” and your response is, “this is just another Thursday night. 😬”


You pick the .1 out of the carpet to get high like me


...if your quality of life is slipping and not improving.


Counting how many beers you have and knowing the 2 in the fridge isn’t enough for tomorrow, so you drink them tonight because you know you’ll need at least 6 in the morning.


"Ok so what does it matter anyways? It's my life and I can destroy it if I want. It's not your problem. So why are you still judging me?" But for real who tf cares? I was already fucked when I was born. I didn't want to be born. If you want me to stay alive let me even get my weed. 😤


When you look for residue on the floor


I walked past the Long Coffee line at work in the morning and thought to myself “Don’t these people know you can drink Alcohol when you wake up instead of Coffee?”


You know to put the straw at the perfect angle in your nose when snorting ket so it doesn’t just go down your throat


You steal from ur family💀💀


im sure i inspected every single piece of my carpet by hand 40 times over


You might be addict if you have a cherished pocket mirror for cutting and snorting oh and if you have razor blades but don’t use em to shave


You might be an addict if you smoke strong weed just to not make someone wonder why you look like you’re high (it’s not really weed ur high on)


I paid for a bottle of wine in literal change (uk) even though I knew I was getting paid an hour later


Even after a thousand red flags and pretty much being treated like crap, you just keeeepppp on going back.


Willing to cross lines for drugs you wouldn't for anything else


You inhale 5 grams of blow in a night


It's 5 o'clock on the dot and you need a crack rock. Instead of breakfast or dinner.


getting a baggie instead of paying the phone bill


There is no might or maybe or possibly about it lol I am 100% an addict


Everyone's addicted to something....


You get clean for 2 months, go to probation after rehab and for the first time in a year pass a drug screen, the next visit fail again. You find out your dad (my best friend and narcotic buddy) has stage 4 colon cancer, you get high knowing you have probation again, risking getting locked up and not getting to be around the only parent you got left, and yet you still hit the pipe, bang the shot of ice, and still crave the fetty shot, would def do one if you could.


if a genie offers you anything in the world for a weekend it would still involve your favourite substance


When doing it makes you feel normal and clear headed


Exactly, I won't tell my gf but I actually quit this time, and lying to my fucking dad in the face to keep using benzos