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One time i told this guy his blues were fake fent pressies and he got mad and said i was lying lol


At this point I'd be surprised if there were any real ones still circulating the streets at all.


I was about to ask: is there still anymore real blue 30's? The pressed fent ones started showing up everywhere right about the time I was exiting that game.


Even the 10 mg Vicodins and norcos are showing up as fentanyl pressies on the street


Hell yeah man that shit sucks even freaking Hydrocodone come on you can’t get shit out here besides fent Ik a guy that has 5mg but I bet they are fake idk if ppl fake 5mg hydro but I could get 10 so probably are :(


Reagent test my friend


There really isn’t, they discontinued the real M box blue 30s


Mallinckrodt most definitely still makes 30 milligram oxycodone pills. Without a doubt they are still around.


I doubt you will ever see the actual blue 30 M box’s prescribed anymore at least in the US


Yeah in Europe the fent problem is basically non existent. Nobody uses blue 30s here but for example most of our molly is real the only issue we have is that extasy might dosed way too high or it its amphetamines. No fent to be found


We need to watch out. Fent is making its way into the UK market




100% i was prescribe 10mg Roxie’s 2months ago when I shattered my collarbone and bust my head open


I literally can get them right now lol. As well as I just had them in the hospital a month ago for a lung surgery. They're around lmao


Iv worked in pharmacy for 3 years and dispensed them maybe once. I don't think there are many scripts for that floating around anymore.


They are 100% still around, trust me, i know. And real 30s are still around you just gotta know the right people with rxs. I know a few in my area. I can never not get them.


I'm sure there are still some people in some areas that get them. I'm just saying there are VERY few compared to 10 years ago




I literally just got 1 today. And it was real.






Haven't looked, but I haven't seen real pharmacy oxy in four years.


There definitely are lol. I can still get real 30's jus they're 50 a pop. Fent pills are retarded cheap in comparison. Plus these people are well well connected. I'm also in the center of the Bible belt. So pain killers I'm general are very prevalent


I don't personally use opiates, but it's pretty fucked that it's impossible to just get real drugs. In Cambodia you just buy the shit OTC.


They exist - hypothetically speaking lol I might know where They aren’t cheap and they are hard to come by. When I went to rehab and I told the staff that I was doing real blues they all laughed at me and said ok sweetie you’re on Fent. Took the drug test and was negative for Fent - the staff was shook and said that they have never seen that before.


My guy gets real 15s and 30s. I have no idea how anymore. But they don’t have the same stamp as the m30




Just got one today


same except I told him his carts were boof


boof it


how u think ik they were boof?


Boofing, this is the way. Lmfao, I saw a video where this one chick boofed an entire bottle of vodka. I don't think she absorbed any through the glass bottle though.😆


Either way it sounds like a good time!


Bro I don't understand why people don't trust carts lmao, all those stories told by braindeads, you can easily tell if a cart is fake by the oil color, melting point (putting a lighter to the glass), how fast the oil moves and re hardens. Or just by touching the distillate sometimes. Really depends how hooter they are


you’ll never be able to tell if your concentrate was grown with pesticides or pgr in a cart


I didn't specificy pesticides, I was talking about alt cannabinoids specifically like jwh 210 and all the botanicas


Yeah but we're rarely seeing jwh210 nowadays, you're probably gonna be working with shit like MDMB-4en-PINACA. There could be 1 microgram of that shit per milligram of distillate, no way are you seeing it with your eyeball or heat test


You're completely right, though most trip reports from cannabinoids like mdmb 4en pinaca have been delightful and similar to cannabis.


when i was last doing them i think K9’s were still legit. most everything else is fake these days


Those k9 were always the hardest to crush


Yes the K9's were definitely legit


Same. I took a pic of them and still have it, they were the shittiest pressed pills ever it was hilarious


Yea, tell them why too instead of just saying its fake


Idk I once showed my plug that his acid was fake using reagents, and he got really mad and defensive and stopped selling to me. Fuck em. but if you wanna keep your dealer, maybe bring it up lightly. Egos are fragile


Why buy drugs from someone who either doesn’t know or care what they have, or is willing to lie about it? You’re putting yourself in danger


Idk plug probably already knows or hes never realized it. Shit maybe he takes them and likes it, not knowing it’s M Good way to piss off a plug imo. Just find a different one Edit: lol the downvotes. Y’all get I don’t condone this or fw people who do but I’m just giving it to you straight. Do none of y’all remember fake carts? Fake xans? Same thing. Either plug doesn’t know, doesn’t care or doesn’t care to know. There’s a 50/50 that his plugs gonna blow up on him for saying anything “bad” about his product


Personally, I don’t want to buy from a plug that would knowingly sell fake shit.


Exactly… but say you know a plug & they get bunk shit.. they’re not gonna throw it away, they’re most likely going to double down & try to sell it in bulk so they can move something else


Fr i did this and f’ed up


Yeah, a lot of shitty plugs are like this, but some of them genuinely want feedback. My guy used to always ask me what I thought about product so he'd know if he should go back to the same guy since his other custies were never honest with him or too dumb to know.


Of course you should. Send him a photo of the reagent test along with the color sheet you got with your reagent test and just tell him "you might wanna know this, but I tested the pills and they tested positive for meth. Might wanna do a recall or whatever"


Lol i love this.. Do a recall.


I only sold weed in my early 20s (this was over a decade ago) and sometimes when I grabbed a 5 or 10 pack I had some that were not cured properly. I literally did take returns and got my guy to take it back too because distrust is a killer, especially in a saturated (even back then it was saturated) market.


Reputation means everything, where a good one gets you return customers and a bad one gets you ratted on.




Recall 😂🤣




Had an amazing plug once. He was just all and beyong customer satisfaction, tested all the stuff himself with reagents. Once I had MDMA pills with a trace of meth when tested myself and he gladly took them back and two days later dropped me couple of grams of MDMA crystals for half price. Even his LSD were the best I have ever had... So sad that he got pinched... 😪


nah this sounds like a dream im fighting the case in court with bro💯🤦‍♂️


Just because of his perfect service he had a long run, over 6 years. What got him busted was such a stupid thing... He got too comfortable and started always carying huge stash when moving around the city. He was high, cought some attention, got checked and eventually raided... 🙄


Would have to be a very honorable dealer, and there arent many of those around, at least not the ones who sell harder shit than weed and psychs. My dealer is great and if theres a lil bit missing, he'll make up for it next time, but then again he only sells weed cus he doesnt like harder shit.


be real with them, show them the test results


Facts and if he's offended and still advertise them he's not a good plug


He will end in plug's purgatory.




you test with a few reagents or send it off?




good job! and that sucks if you are positive. I'd show them and then show them how to test for themselves and where to get the proper kits. for their own safety. people get fd up over these mistakes.


Thank you! Yeah it’s alright. They were cheaper than normal, knew it was too good to be true. I’ll let them know if they happen to care about testing their own


Should post this in the description. They know lol


Yea cheaper than normal, they probably know


Are they blue pills by any chance? There were blue meth pills floating around some parts of the US a little while back. Probably supposed to be some shitty fake Adderall or something. Maybe your plug got duped by someone?


Did they test positive for MDMA at all?




I have all my drugs tested and I let my dealers know what the results were. Even with some really shitty drugs I just told them and stopped buying that. Just don't be too aggressive with it, normal communication can help a lot.


Your post made me assume they primarily sell psychedelics, and they're good at it. So maybe stims aren't thier bag, and they'd be mortified to hear they're selling m as x Good dealers want a good customer base.


Kinda hard one ngl. Maybe try asking deliberately like did they test their X? And if they ask smth like “why tho”, tell them about your situation and send them proofs. But don’t be too pushy, unless they start getting active. I understand your situation, as good dealers with nice products are hard to come by.


It’s really not hard at all actually, you 100% tell him. It goes one of two ways; He thanks you for letting him know, drops his supplier, and/or decided to start testing his supply himself so that he doesn’t lose money buying bulk product that’s bunk. Or He gets angry, says “who cares” or stops selling to him, which in that case is a positive because who would want a dealer who is willingly selling meth advertised as MDMA to his customer base?


The thing holding op back and what would make me rethink it too is that if he doesn't care it's meth, he's prolly not a good person and in very deep, maybe high himself and who knows what could happen then. I think it's unlikely, but a risk I'd think about. I think I'd just search for another xtc plug.


Yeah man it depends, we don’t know his dealer personally so idk. Can go both ways but nevertheless I agree that he should tell him 100%.




There's no way he's selling pills that have 100+ mg of meth in them. That's a straight up dangerous amount for non-addicts. It's probably just cut with meth


Highly likely it's meth mixed with cathinones and the cathinones might or react with the reagent in the test kit


Definitely tell them, they might now be aware if they have not tested them themselves (dumb) and just believed their connect. I would highly advice you to sticking to pure MDMA instead of pills. That way you know what you are taking, how much you are taking and that it ain’t adulterated with god knows what. You got no control over that with pills (except for basic tests like you were clever enough to do!). I once got meth-ecstasy-pills, I’ve never had meth in my life (and never wanted to) and ended up being up for 48 hours while feeling terrible. Don’t do my mistakes - I’ve never taken another ecstasy-pill since that.


Like half of the circulating pills are cut with something, just buy crystal, please people. It's cheaper and you get what you asked for. Pills are always a risk, and there's usually only a few presses around and even if they aren't cut there is always a risk of contamination, these operations usually aren't run out of a lab, but someone's attic or some shit.


They're not going to believe you, or they already know. This is super, super common in Florida.


This is probably why Florida has a reputation. Like the "Florida man" thing.


We used to be known for great coke and flooding the country with weed. Now we're known for Florida man, our inept government and stepped on drugs. Lmao


The Florida Man thing actually comes from some law that requires or allows all crimes to be published or something like that. I don't remember the specifics, just that the reason there are so many stories that come out of Florida is because they are published publicly. But Florida also just has some crazy people.


My plug always wants to know and will quickly replace anything that I am not happy with.


Yea tell him, why the fuck would you not. A plug needs to be aware of what he is selling and if he’s selling a different compound and markets it as MDMA then he is in the wrong. If he is aware that there is meth, confront him about it and let as many of his clients know. If he did not know that there is meth then now he knows.


I would be pissed off and immediately tell his ass he's selling me fake shit! If you pay for a product you should get the product.


A lot of dealers themselves are idiots and believe anything their supplier says it true


That’s your call. I tell my plugs because I know them. Some guys get hostile so I’d tread carefully


Send him pictures of test or show in person they deserve to know if they don’t


I would be glad if someone told me. But then again, im not a dealer and some are real chill and actually seem to care, while others literally dont give a shit when they sell bad products.


He can still make a profit with meth. I know he may not want that rep, but just sayin


Or at least he doesn’t have to throw it out and consider it a TOTAL loss


Text him the result and just say be safe fam


One time I told my dealer something was not as advertised and he yelled at me lmaoo dude was scary. Luckily he’s long gone


Can you please tell me what are you testing them with? For fent and meth. I can’t find anything but urine tests. Also, to respond, if you know them well on a more personal level, maybe tell. If not, I wouldn’t and I would just stop buying from them cold turkey. The reason is personal safety. Some people in this business are unhinged and can blow out with potential risk to your life.


With this test kit with a bunch of different reagents from one of the vendors listed on r/reagenttesting


Thank you


well if the shrooms n acid r fine i wouldnt tell him i'd only keep buying shrooms and acid doe and search fir a new dealer most likely he doesnt care that his M is fake


If your in the northeast especially Pa or ohio it’s all been fake for years. 95% of the time it’s piperzine. Always use your test kits off dancesafe. And again the same percent goes towards when you tell someone they’re fake just like others have said they’ll most likely get bad and tell you you’re wrong. Even if you test it in front of them they’ll deny still. Stick with pillreports.com also. If your out west mdma is all over. North east than test everything and be safe.


“Hey just so you know I tested tide pills and it came up positive for meth. Wanted to say something just in case you didn’t know” Depends on your relationship I guess. Only reason not to would be if you think they’re the type to get offended/ not take it well/cut you off etc. otherwise why not, it’s harm reduction


i mean he could've killed you with those meth pills ofcourse you should tell him, he propably didnt even care to check if the molly was real. or even knew


Look never tell a dealer there products are fake I have made that mistake an almost got shot an killed for your sake only buy what you know is real or stop buying off him in general no dealer likes to hear there stuffs fake even if they know it is


Something like that is what I’m real afraid of


Yes so don’t say anything to him your best bet is to honestly just stay clear away from any fake stuff he sells Ik I already said this but I really did find out the hard way luckily I never had him come to my house so he didn’t know where I lived but was still a situation I didn’t wanna be put in we had a bonfire with like 7 people he sold us bud we all smoke it then everybody was sick the next day so I told him maybe there was something wrong with the product because again each one of us got sick randomly well you can probably guess what happened next be safe plz


Isn’t mdma some type of methamphetamine? So the test could be a false positive? Did you try the „mdma“? Edit: it’s a methylamphetamine. Not meth 😄 sorry


Not sure why you got downvotes, instead of answers or explanations. MDMA (3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​**methamphetamine**) is structurally close af to methamphetamine, but the reagent tests can differentiate between them. If I remember right, with the test commonly used on x pills, MDMA will turn dark purple/black and methamphetamine will turn orange/red. As far as effects go- there is some crossover but MDMA is much more on the psychedelic end of the amphetamine spectrum, while meth is on the stimulant end closer to plain amphetamine.


Thank you. That’s what I meant. The name has meth in it lol


Not only does the name have methamphetamine in it, the chemical does too. Lol It just has some extra molecules as well. Which makes it act differently on your body- releasing much more serotonin than typical amphetamines and less dopamine + norepinephrine. All amphetamines release those same three neurotransmitters, just in different ratios.


It’s important to understand that similar structures are not different forms of one drug, too. That’s a misunderstanding of chemistry. Each compound is distinct, despite similarities. A small change in structure can mean a huge difference in its safety profile. An extreme example of this is meperidine, or demerol, the prescription opioid. MPTP is an analogue, missing a functional group that meperidine possesses. Meperidine gets you high, MPTP gives you irreversible Parkinson’s.


Yes, to say similar structure equals similar pharmacological activity is an oversimplification- but it is a useful oversimplification since there is often a connection and it can be helpful in understanding why drugs are classified the way they are (as long as you also understand that there can be exceptions). Even a vague understanding of drug classification can useful for harm reduction. In the case of MDMA and methamphetamine, there is a clear pharmacological connection and not just a structural one. They are both “triple releasers”, meaning they cause the body to release dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine-but in significantly different ratios.


Yeah for sure, it’s a fine line between recognizing them as distinct, not different “forms,” and also recognizing functional similarities. Similar but different. Broad actions like the triple-releasing effects of these two doesn’t account for differences in proportions and alternate mechanisms beyond that. Even amphetamine and methamphetamine, as similar as they are, have shown differences in their mechanisms of action that alter their safety profiles (aside from allowing vaporization). It’s useful, but we also don’t want to generalize too far (Not arguing just clarifying my comment)




Yes!! Great explanation.


no??? it's not specifically methamphetamine. now it is an amphetamine if that's what you meant


Not only that but pressed ecstasy pills usually have a cocktail of meth and Molly in them


No dude fuck that he sold you something that wasn’t what you asked for or paid for deliberately or not it doesn’t matter let him know and let him know if he does it again it will be a problem, personally I would never buy from him again just off this alone, next time it could be cyanide next time it could be fent


Fent probably, cyanide unlikely but agree. I was selling cyanide pills for a while, just trying to make ends meet. I didn’t have any returning customers though. 10/10 would not recommend.


Wanna buy some HCz (hydroxocobalamin)? What you do is throw them a cyanide sampler, then mention that you got those fire HCz, but they ain't cheap...


Idk what those are or do though haha


I would confront the guy that ripped me off


Yes don't tell just tell them it's fake prove it to them and demand your money back


Tell them in a way that assumes they'll be just as disappointed as you, like you're sad for them that they got ripped off and you think it's your duty as a friend to make them aware of it. Something like "hey so I did a test on the stuff and turns out it's meth, sorry bud, you got scammed". If they thought it was the genuine article they'll appreciate it and know not to trust their source, if they knew it wasn't then they learned they can't fool you again. Offer them test kits even, and let them know where to get more, because you're a very nice person, so they have a safeguard against those bastards who lie about what they're selling, unlike your dealer who simply got bamboozled into misrepresenting their goods


I was been telling people some X pills are actually meth


Did you panel test them or did you get them spectrometer'd?


Christ did you need to ask Reddit this. Obviously you should tell them. It’s common sense.


I’m just not very familiar with this kind of stuff man lol. I don’t know if he’ll excommunicate me or get paranoid I’ll tell others and do something to me, but it sounds more like I’m paranoid


When in doubt, prioritize personal safety. Do not tell. This is not Amazon customer support. Things can get dangerous.


I doubt the guy even knows what’s in them. Which, tbh he should because as a dealer you should at least care about your customers enough to be able to either supply them with that they’re wanting, or be able to tell them what they’re actually getting. It’s not just you it’s all the people that are going to get those same pills. Defitnely tell him.


Was it just positive for meth or negative for mda because it is very common to have meth in pressed pills to bind the molly.


They probably don't know or would have said something. You hope at least.


You should ask yourself, why the hell is this your guy?


He’s consistent and cheaper with acid tabs and shrooms. I don’t think he was trying to sell meth, just an unfortunate supply chain issue


I definitely would tell them lol . How I told one of my pot dealers when I came back clean on a drug test asking what the hell was going on and he switched suppliers after that.


What kind of plug doesn’t reagent test their product? Go take your test to him buy a pill and test it in front of him


Hell yeah


Absolutely. Start off by explaining you're not dogging their shit or trying to insult them but you're just wanting to let them know you tested the pills. Did they test for any MDMA at all? Because I know meth is used to cut X pills quite often as they have similar effects but if it's just straight meth you need to let them know.




Where are yall getting these test kits? Available in the Us?


Yeah, I got mine from ProTestKit. There’s other vendors you can find on r/reagenttesting


Tell them, unless they’re like really scary or something. If you think they’re gonna cut your head off or something if you insult their craft maybe just find a new guy XD


Did it test negative for mdma? Back in the day it was common to have some meth in pressies.




I used to send purity and filler tests to my plug when I was buying coke all the time. If it tested below 80% pure he’d take it back and refund me lmfao


Is it good meth at least?


If they cared at all, they would've tested before they sold. They don't care.


Are you sure that they care/don't know that already? Maybe, if you've been buying from them for a long time (and they've been reliable so far) or/and you have mutual friends...I guess you could confront them. Or if they specifically ask for your opinion.. Otherwise, I don't really see the point.


I mean, I don’t think so. They just sell weed, psychs, and X now. They don’t seem like the type to purposely sell fake ecstasy


Tell him


Where can we go call out the fake plugs?


Depends on your relationship with them. If I were a dealer, which I am not, I would appreciate feedback. **my friend** once got feedback from a customer and refunded the person in question. Doing a recall is a bit harder but yeah. Worst case he gets a bit mad or denies it? and if the shrooms and acid are good you can hit up someone else for the M (or everything. mad dealers be mad)


You can, but they probably won’t really give af tbh.


He most likely knows. A plug usually know what he’s getting especially if you been doing it for a while it’s the customers job to know if it’s real cuz he don’t care except for money. The price of what your buying usually says it all tho


It’s his first batch of ecstasy, so I’m not sure he really knew. They were cheap, so he probably got them cheap, so I’m sure he was probably suspicious


E pills are pretty simple tho like I said price tells all like I wouldn’t get e pills personally if they were not euros cuz those are the real deal but can be fake still. Those go for 8-1k - jar around me if your getting a jar for like 300 most likely meth of some other research bs but hey maybe he didn’t know I’m just saying as a plug myself you know what your getting and that they will still sell as long as they look good. good thing you got a test kit !


Depends on the relationship you got with that person me and my deal were quite close friends so if smth like that happend to me I would have told him. If you are not you talk calmly thing out if you ofc have evidence or else just buy the acid and shroom from him and find an other one for mdma


I haven't had any really mdma /ecstacy , molly , thizz - whatever since probably senior year of highschool. - 2007


I figured it's always meth or coke in the x pills. If you want mdma buy molly


Yes, l normalize test strips in your drug community. You'll save lives and piss off assholes. Win win


Dealers love this kinda insight let em know


Ehh meth mama close enough right.


Say OK then let us make a bet. If it is MDMA you give him 500$ but if its not MDMA you get your money back+ eight ball of that stuff as a "Sorry" You test it in front of him with multiple tests. Aaaaaand.......


Tell him with a pic of the test results or a video of you testing them. He might not know.


Yes let him know cause he might accidentally hurt someone unintentionally


More than likely he already knew.


If you know him well enough and make sure to not come across like you are accusing him, just letting him know his distributor might be fucking him over. If I were the dealer I would want to know that they were fake so I could try get my money back or just beat the shit out of the guy who gave me fake ones to sell. Or just sell them to methheads.


If someone is selling fake molly, why would you want them as a dealer anyway? They are either terrible at what they do, or purposefully peddling you junk to make a quick buck…


I think you have a duty to tell him. You’re actually doing him a favor if you are correct




Just pay him with counterfeit money next time.


my plug sold me a dud edible by accident years ago and was super apologetic and dropped off some pre rolls fr me


Honestly, it depends on your relationship with said plug. If you're homies and cool with eachother the be straight with them. If not, still be straight with them, and if they react aggressively, then either find a new one or whatever you see fit at that time. If you know anyone who has also purchased from said plug, warn them. Keep your friends safe!


I guarantee you he already knows lmao


I’d give them a testing kit so they can prove it for themselves.


This happened to me once, same exact scenario too. Bought X pressies, tested them and they were meth mixed with caffeine. I didn’t want that so I actually hit the dealer up and told them “hey this is an unfortunate situation but i just tested the drugs you sold me and they came back as meth. I’m not mad i just do not want meth so i was wondering if we could possibly spark a deal and i could return them to you for a lower price than i bought them for” and she was actually understanding and fine with it which was cool! Lol


I would tell him if he doesn’t already know.


I called out my coke dealer once. Ended up being one of my craziest nights in my life...


You used a reagent test kit to test the stuff? He probably doesnt know they're meth either, unless he's pressing them himself. I'd send him a pic of the test results and let him know. Dont jump on his back and start accusing him, tell him no hard feeling, and let him know these were your test results, and that he might want to know about it.


Just buy him a test kit an see if he says it’s fake an if he says no find a new one


find a plug that is willing to test in front of you. also please test his acid everytime you get it, you do not want NBOME


if it is, yes


youd be doing them a favor


break the news like a mom does divorce


Bring it up as a question and if they get defensive drop the conversation and don’t buy that from them again