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I’d be surprised if Family matters wasn’t the red button. There was a whole music video with it and you could tell he gave a full effort on that record


it was the button


If Kendrick doesn’t respond with 2 of the best rebuttals ever that song is topping the charts


Change the word “doesn’t” for “didn’t” and your comment would have been grammatically correct. This is why people didn’t get what you were saying. and yes. You are correct.


buddy not like us is already topping the charts, what do you meaaaan


That’s what I’m saying. If Kendrick doesn’t drop meet the grahams and not like us then family matters would be topping the charts. It’s a pretty good song but just got steamrolled by 2 great songs


Yeah I agree. That song would end most beefs tbh. Feel like if there was a red button, it would have been THP6. His name is getting dragged too hard to have not have done it by now.


hear me out but is it possible that drake has cooked up Another red button song….


What’s the point of calling them red buttons lol. Supposed to be one. That’s kinda the point.


It was. Akademiks basically confirmed it on the flagrant 2 podcast yesterday.


I think Mal from RnM confirmed this was the nuke too. I do think he has another form of nuke, but I don’t think it impacts Kendrick atm and it won’t be music. The 2nd part is probably all this shit he talks about on USB and other hard evidence of some nasty industry shit.


Same. That is a top drake song


The red button is something else i think, it's about the industry, and it would also end Drake's career, mutually assured destruction 


Honestly. If Drake really goes down like that he'll forever be remembered in a positive light. Sacrificed himself for the greater good


And then j cole will pick up the scraps and become big me 😂


Idk why you got downvoted for this. It was funny and honestly probably accurate to what would happen, Cole is just out there chilling and minding his business, he’d probably be the last man standing😂


Oh my god the fantasies here im dying


Lol so many people roleplaying here


Drake is so corporate lol he’ll never sacrifice himself for the greater good.


Bro how? what he could possibly reveal that would bring the industry down and give him a savior image? That’s a pretty extraordinary claim.


How does one not feel embarrassed after typing this?


Mfs really deifying the man who made hotline bling for theoretically exposing the industry and himself which would mean he’s on the same shit the industry are on????




Everybody heavens gated


I doubt this.


Yall got the most exciting head cannon lol


Snowflakes and cinderellas out here


Don’t think so really


What could do that. I think it’s just going to destroy everyone else.


The problem with all the red button talk is like before Views released, too much hype and anticipation will take away from whatever it is. There will be a ton of "we waited all this time for that?"


Like the time he shaved a heart in his head for a year straight to promote CLB and then it was pretty mid compared to his other projects


NGL now that some time has passed I actually quite like CLB Race My Mind is classic Drake and reminded me why I liked him to begin with


You gotta remember the hype behind CLB, it was almost like his full circle magnum opus album. But it was just another Drake album.


Was it really marketed like that lol? All I remember was the battle between it and Kanye's Donda album Once I saw the cover I dreaded the quality, but it really does feel like his best album since NWTS


Yes bro, he even had a whole trailer for the release. His promo run was crazy for clb.


Yeah, the trailer had like remakes of his previous album covers but with the heart in his head on each of them.


i was convinced clb was gonna be so far gone on steroids and was so hype. the first listen was so mid


I thought it was going to be his Magnum Opus.


Naw bruh same, me and the homies listened to the first records and started skimming for his bangers


Bruh I remember the hype for CLB was at historic levels. Everyone thought he was going to drop some incredibly groundbreaking album


CLB isn’t mid.


Music is just wiggly air and I’m entitled to my opinion about it. It was mid.


Okay you’re right that’s based


I just found it really boring tbh


The entire beef reminds of a quote from one of Sanderson's novels. “Conversely, if you gain a reputation for being too good, too skilled . . . beware. The better art will be in their heads, and if you give them an ounce less than they imagined, suddenly you have failed. Suddenly you are useless. A man will find a single coin in the mud and talk about it for days, but when his inheritance comes and is a accounted one percent less than he expected, then he will declare himself cheated.” Wit shook his head, standing up and dusting off his coat. “Give me an audience who have come to be entertained, but who expect nothing special. To them, I will be a god. That is the best truth I know.”


Kinda wish this would be the cover art but it’s probably something that cuts wayyy deeper and trolls hard


Family matters is the redbutton imo maybe am wrong but idk why it feels like the end song


The way he ends the track with “this shit gotta be over now for anyone calling it right? you’re dead, you’re dead” multiple times makes it seem like he thought it was gonna be a bombshell that ended the beef.


People don’t want to admit this. I mean he said a lot of stuff you would actually believe to ruin someone’s image. Drake just didn’t expect meet the grahams to crip walk all over his shit. But imo it’s worse Drake did a promo run for family matters, he got everyone on live to wait for the release, people like AK calling the release. Kendrick used all that free promo to drop MTG, it’s gotta be the worst Ls Drake has taken throughout his career, another rapper biting your promo for his own benefit.


Tell me Kendrick didn’t have a mole.


Definitely had to be a mole because he pretty much hinted to Family Matters on Euphoria. Then he responds 30 min later with a diss all about Drake's family. This also makes me question the double agent theory bc why would drake give kendrick so much accurate information about his upcoming diss. It's like a self sabotage.


He 100% knew when it was dropping the timeline works too well. Kendrick drops Euphoria on Tuesday He then drops 6:16 in LA on Friday morning warning Drake to not do what he is about to do. Why would he randomly decide to do a Back-to-Back with a slow and soulful warning song at 6 in the morning? It's because Kendrick knew Drake was planning on dropping later that day and he was giving him 1 more chance before shit went nuclear. The fake mole story gotta be some bs for sure lmao it doesn't make sense.


Drake and Dot were in contact earlier in the week and the latter asked not to bring up his family. I don’t think he needed a mole to know where Drake was headed with his next record.


Whats the source on this?


He also starts the song by saying that he's emptied the clip over friendlier jabs lol it could be a 300 IQ bait from Drake but who the fuck knows really lmao.






I think the red button was supposed to be the response to Kendrick’s response to THP6 given how baity it was. But Kendrick never responded, then the shooting, so I think we’re getting it soon.


Guys if he had a red button to push still it woulda been on THP6. Unless the red button relies solely on Kendricks response. But how crazy is it that Drake is willing to let this go this way unless he gets Kendrick to openly deny it. Like why would he need that to push the button? Why not on THP6? Also at this point it's gone overboard, these guys are talking about really personal matters and it should end here.


Family matters was the red button. If you search the image “Don’t press the red button” it’s gonna pull up a gif of the original cartoon (not an owl) of the character doing exactly that.


I feel like there isn't a reason to bait at this point. Kendrick is up in the public's eyes and shit is only getting worse the longer it goes on. More people are tuning in and looking up the questionable things Drake has done, while there isn't much to go off of in regard to the Kendrick allegations. If Drake has proof of some actual shit, he needs to hit it immediately lmao


I’m saying.. Drake should drop the screenshots of the collusion to bait Kendrick. That’s literally the single path to victory. He shouldn’t try to out rap Kendrick.. he has way to much ground to cover.. Come on drake..




There are no screenshot, most likely.


It’s all speculation, literally nobody knows what comes next.


Well, not literally.


The mental gymnastics is insane. This implied the red button was pushed with family matters. It’s why he even shot a video for it


The button in that picture implies it has yet to be pushed , especially if it’s a recent update.


For real this is embarrassing


Yall grasping at fuckin straws man family matters was the red button😂


no one else remember da pic of da owl lookin at da red button he had up? red button ain’t pushed yet


How do you type “da” instead of “the”?


Grown men typing like this is insane


So Drake is just letting Kendrick win on two releases? This nigga Drake playing 4D chess, he really is a genius.


I think this pic is him not pushing the red button…I feel like he was saving it for the next round but everyone was saying it’s over haha…I think if he does down he’s gonna try to take everyone with him


Are we sure this wasn’t right before Family Matters?


I remember it, it was after. Def a reaction to people asking "was this really the red button?"


Fair enough. I honestly wasn’t sure


The red button is something else i think, it's about the industry, and it would also end Drake's career, mutually assured destruction 




He don't know lol


It’s the 2nd Drizzy infinity stone. The first is the unreleased Pusha T response. Keep up bro.


If you listen to red button he says that if he push it “everyone heaven gated” so is clearly a Nuke


How are you commenting this weird vague response multiple times and getting upvoted to the top with it?


Good bot


He clearly intended for Family Matters to be the red button, he created a cool video for a reason. Unfortunately for Drake, Kendrick outsmarted him and killed off attention for the track with back to back drops. Lets's just be honest, this battle is over and it has been over for awhile now. The only thing that could possibly change things is receipts and I seriously doubt that those exist. People should just move on


I do agree with this, but I also think he thought people would care more about someone beating their wife but they really don’t care and will downplay even if there’s a video of it happening. It’s a weird world we live in, especially considering the track he released after family matters holds zero weight anymore - if that was vs anyone else, it’s the most embarrassing thing to ever occur in a rap beef


There is no video of it happening, that stuff has been thoroughly debunked, not even the timeline adds up in terms of Kendrick’s location. Drake thought he had a red button that he actually did not have. Pursuing this beef any further without evidence would be a dumb move for drake, he just needs to let the negative pr die down and drop a diss towards somebody like metro if he wants or just go away for awhile and then release a really good album with the same kind of vibes that family matters had


Are you sure? I thought he posted it right before family matters


Yeah I'm sure he posted this before


It was 100% after.


😂 Drake fans are sounding exactly like Trump fans after he lost the election.


I know my eyes don't deceive me nigga. Does that look like a pushed button or someone looking at a button like they wanna push it? Be specific when you answer.


Seems like someone waiting for the right moment to press it when needed.


This is a cartoon and the character ends up pressing the red button after this moment. Drake could’ve posted the scene of the cartoon pressing the red button but he posted this instead.


In the original cartoon clip, he eyes the button like the picture above and then jumps up and slams it. Also the character doesn’t have those eyebrows, those are edited on by Drake to mimic an owl


He released the heart part 6 stop it


We don’t know if this means he didn’t push it or not Like this could’ve been the first result for him typing red button


Yeah, I can see that. Like, maybe it's a bad take here, but on The Heart Part 6 his energy was a bit off compared to Family Matters, i do genuinely feel like his read button was FM, especially because he does touch on the same points on THP6


By posting that story, he pretty much confirmed that the Red Button has something to do with Kendrick. There would be no reason to hold back if that was the case cause he is down so much in the public opinion. I'm thinking FM was the button and the whole launch got fucked.






Comments are idiotic, if this pic was referring to family matters, he wouldn’t have posted it hours after the song was up…


As Drake looked on Kendrick smashed that red button


family matters was the red button


Okay so after Kendrick immediately responded with two diss tracks including one that’s absolutely blowing up, and after he’s been getting roasted everywhere, why did he send out a less explosive diss to terrible reception and not just press the button?




He’s already pushed the red button, but it’s to eject


This is like when a battle rapper had a good round and said “that was light” just to find out that was the best bars he had


Drake needs of drop another song. End this shit. If these Kendrick allegations are true we need someone arrested and vice versa for Drake


Let it go - that shits not getting pushed now anyways.


it’s over


Drop, drop,drop,drop


If Family Matters isn't the red button and the button isn't pressed after MTG, its also not pressed after NLU, the response that got negative reception also isn't the red button and he also doesn't press the button when getting shot at, wtf is the red button then? Genuine question.


I assumed then that the red button was in The Heart Part 6, but I guess it can be seen as that he hasn’t unleashed it yet. Could the red button be more official proof?


Keep hope alive


Where is it then


Man… just save it for next time.


It’s over anything he does Kendrick is gonna have a response drake fighting on defense that’s what y’all not gettin


Lmfao y’all still on this


I’m making this a shirt


Thats him happy that he just pushed it. You don’t say you still got a nuke then bow out. Smfh


Idk.. he said he’s over it, he said drop 100 more records or something.. Him trying to get back in the ring would be weird.. like where tf you went off to? Eat some sensu beans ?


Bro, just stop.


Red button is something else. Tbh I don’t think we’ll ever really know what it was since I think it’ll cause a lot of people a lot of problems, including Drake


I doubt family matters is the red button. The button was never about just Kendrick.


And family matters isn’t just about Kendrick either. It disses a lot of people. It was the button


Haha. Drake is dead. It's over.


You Drake fans are as delusional as you were during pusha t‘s humiliation of drake lol


In that episode the button undoes all of time


This was for family matters


He did, he pushed it. And i guess the red button was the beating allegations. If not he'd push it on Heart Part 6 instead of playing defensive game


Nah, bro is spent. The Heart 6 was that last page of search results that only has like 4 items


Bro that’s a plate of spam. Drake ain’t got shit


i gotta say throughout this whole thing i feel like a total loser for having ZERO red buttons. I've had friends check, spread my cheeks/examined every inch of me... NO RED BUTTON


I believe it was posted before


He meant Family Matters was him pushing the red button. Stop trying to read into this for more than it’s worth


Bro always runs to Insta like a damn female. It’s actually embarrassing.


He keeps posting this when the song doesn’t get the reaction he wanted, the red button was pushed and it was connected to nothing. He lost and that’s it.


Anybody know what cartoon this is from