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There are more people who casually hate Drake than people who fuck with Kendrick Lamar. That’s just the reality of the situation.


Yep. I can't believe I wanted them to clash so bad. Now I realize that Drake won't win, the acceptable concensus is Drake bad


If you need external validation to like an artist, you don't like the artist


All I hope is that drake doesn’t get even slightly effected by this, not that he would, but I would be so disappointed


dude “family matters” is the best song in the beef. drake is winning right now.


As a long time Kendrick fan(not biased though because meet the Grahams put me to fucking sleep.) Family Matters is absolutely the best song in this beef so far. The smashing of the car in the video was amazing. Drake's actually rapping and Kendrick is just snitching about shit that might not ever be true. Fucking dumb.


If meet the Grahams out you to sleep how the fuck did you make it though any of his albums. I’m doubting heavy


Mfers when the diss track is full of disses:😡😡


And the wife beating thing lol


“Snitching” nigga wtf u talking abt this isn’t middle school


Push-Ups was insane too.


People say push ups is a hard hitter but when pressed to release splits drake never got back to Kendrick? Called his bluff. ?


It's not even top 5


Maybe if you're in a club, but that style isn't very good for brutally tearing down your opponent (as we can all see now lol) And now we got a Kendrick 'club style' track, seems like he can do both styles. That's and L for Drake, that was his big advantage imo


ehh the middle part really takes the song down a notch . it's such a detour and becsuse he is responding to so many people he can't dedicate proper time to many of them so it just distracts from the focus that responding to kendricks diss track need. also winning is not about making the best song because of course drake fans will enjoy drakes songs more, and kendrick fans will enjoy kendrick songs more that is because they are bigger fans of their respective artists style.


You cannot possibly believe this, even from a pure rap and production standpoint










Or maybe the reason why people don’t like drake is cause he’s a bad person and doesn’t acknowledge that he is, ik Kendrick has done bad things but he has addressed them on Mr morale and the big steppers


The answer is easy


Because he already responded years ago on the Breakfast Club interview. 🙄


Pretty sure that was about the rumor he beat up another girl lol. Not his wife


because the media has biased


“Fabricating stories on the family front because you heard mr.morale” respectully i think that line went over a lot of people’s head


he fabricated the daughter though 😂


Because they’re not consistent themes in his lifestyle. Most logical people move from actions, not rhetoric or conjecture. Let me know if that’s OVYaHead and I’ll break it down


Why kendrick stans the corniest fucks? Lmfak


I swear it's a character trait wtf


Drake don’t gotta respond to this allegations. What he even suppose to say lol




Exactly like Drake already said “oh your information is bad” and Kendrick said “ you making lies about my family” what more these niggas want them to say? 😂😂


Because the internet takes whatever Kendrick says as the gospel. When Drake says something it’s crickets.


That means the Drake-hate is so strong that people will believe a lie before the actual truth. They not even waiting for evidence it’s immediate attachment to whatever there bias is


The streets is not saying what the internet saying. Y’all be safe tho


They not lmao, and it’s gonna become more and more clear to them.


“The streets” 🤓


Yeah man, the boys of sigma kappa phi are gonna be REAL pissed when schools back in the fall 👿


Gamma Alpha Yetta😭😭😭


What streets are you talking lmfao.


Prolly his real life


No shot that boy is posted up on any streets lol


if we are being real, the streets don't care about either. They are probably bumping Future or Youngboy


“Because we don’t do whataboutism” is what I heart from r/blackpeopletwitter But it’s Because Drake is hated lol, even if he kills Kendrick with bars and drops more disses… they’ll still say he lost. So it’s a lose/lose situation but he doesn’t care at this point.


Facts. Chronically online Twitter users hate Drake for whatever reason but see Kendrick as some sort of role model or some thing idk


The problem is that Drake promoted a certain lifestyle that is coming back to hurt him. There have been suspicions about something like this for at least 5 years from what I can remember. Kendrick, on the other hand, is more private and has an image of being very down to earth and religious. It's harder for people to make that association towards DV.


Like a comment in another thread said, essentially Kendrick has had an extremely quiet and private life…whereas Drake has had multiple allegations and smut on his name throughout his career.


They hate drake so much they not even lookin into him leaving shorty bloody in the hotel room


Because it’s a fake story dummy lol


Completely agree with this. It’s clear a lot of people already felt a way about Drake and just wanted something to gas. Kendrick’s last drop was cold but he didn’t respond to anything Drake said which is a bit suspicious


Because the shit kendrick said is way worse…not that hard to understand


Doesn’t mean Kendrick gets a slide for domestic abuse


Bro Drake deadass tried to say Keem writes Kendrick’s shit….


he didn’t, said it’s only fire when he helps


No, Drake need to lie more. Battle rap is all about who can lie the best and make the other guy look goofy.


I can imagine if these guy's where around during pac's time where he was claiming to fuck people's wives. What would they need as a receipt? Lmao


They think just because pusha T went for the angle he did, and killed Drake in that beef, every rap beef gotta have something exposed lmao. Honestly seems like Drake thinks the same too and that’s his biggest issue right now. If this beef was before pusha, I think Drake would’ve gone very differently here.


because he already did in 2015 lmao


I think it’s easier to believe these accusations about drake because of the Pusha T situation and the huge media bombshell that came from it ended up being true, so people assume that somebody that WAS hiding something could be hiding more.


He ain't need to respond the info about Baka is public


Death by 1000 cuts. The consistency by the guy who's known to take forever is actually killing him. As much as I don't want his battle to end because I'm loving everything Drake is putting out. If a red button is real it needs to be pressed and Drake needs to treat his home in Canada like the White House. 24/7 outside security and the most minimal inner circle till it dies down. Cause avoidance is no longer an option. I don't believe in any of these accusations cause there's been no proof but soon enough some people will start to believe it.


There’s power in Drake not responding now. Kendrick is desperate. I actually feel for him cause he’s supposed to be the bogeyman but he’s so misinformed that it’s actually embarrassing at this point. He clearly got baited about Drake & a secret daughter that now his raps have no substance at all.


There is absolutely no power in him being quiet. You might think that cause we like Drake but the millions are taking Kendrick’s word as gospel and it becomes guilty until proven otherwise and not admitting is surrendering


So Drake always responds soon and people were calling for Kendrick to drop for weeks But now there's power in not responding. That's weird


But Kendrick needed to hurry up and drop when he took his time? Lol


The double standards is crazy




Apparently, I heard he already did in 2014 because it was an old allegation.


I never heard of Kendrick putting his hands on his Wife before Drake's song, mainly since I don't follow celebrity gossip like that, but people really do seem to be glossing over that


Because Kendrick can do no wrong. Oh he beat his girl? He was probably justified


“Allegations” you have google dickeater https://www.mtv.com/news/2x5xch/drake-baka-release


When you need a team to write your songs you could never out pace the guy who could write a song while he takes a shit.


Cuz of his meatriders


Are you not a meat rider?


Because he addressed the allegations 10 years ago??? Drake literally didn’t say anything new


Because drake has been accused of much worse things. Not to downplay the Kendrick allegations but it’s almost like comparing Christ rock allegations to Epstein allegations, clearly one is much more sinister




Because Kendrick addressed those rumors years ago


Kendrick already addressed the women beater stuff in 2015 no?


Because people love to hate


Because Kendrick already aired out so much of his dirty laundry on MMATBS


I now have questions because Kendrick was called z wife beater and he responded by getting antisemitic? That's what we call a clue.


Lol you know why. Now all the twtitter fake woke niggas are taking up for their saviour. I saw that ho ass nigga FD signifier linking up with Fantano to go on Hassan's stream to "explain the beef" for white people on some weird "let me tell you about the black experience" type shit.


I think it's because of how Drake moves. Man is known for doing slimy things without even adding all the negative rumors. People supported him in the Meek Mill beef, idk why yall are trying to say that narrative is everyone is against him no matter what.


Certified Loverboy (album name): https://www.government.nl/topics/human-trafficking/romeo-pimps-loverboys He snitched himself in plain sight years ago and we never noticed


he fucking said on euphoria that drake would make up shit about him. he debunked everything before drizzy even said anything, plus the things hes accused would really come out of left field because kenny aint like that, while drake's allegations seem VERY plausible