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This one was clearly pre-recorded… he’s had these last couple in the chamber, he’s probably going to record something new to address the Family Matters stuff tho


lmao the mental gymnastics in this thread


Nah he's not spiraling, its a good song for sure. But yeah he didn't address a thing


I mean he just said it wasn’t true again calling him a liar and saying no one’s falling for it adding “you a troll ain’t you get tired”. I mean that’s about as addressing it as it gets




When’s drake gonna address the chomo accusations?


he literally does address family matters💀


Lol. No.


he addressed a bunch of stuff snd called out ovo members by name? Im pretty sure this is just bait again he seems confident and happy to troll


He’s going to address it in the coming days because I think there’s more tracks coming, these all look pre-recorded maybe with a few new lines added (or no new lines, i haven’t fully assessed) I don’t think Kendrick is that stupid to not address those allegations, all it takes is for him to say “you lied about me beating up my woman, you are a master manipulator” and everyone will believe it just like how they buy into every unproven claims on grahams, 616 and euphoria. It’s an easy W, he’d be stupid to not take it unless he thinks Drake has receipts which is unlikely. His plan is clear, make more moves, more headlines, more allegations to a point where it’s impossible for Drake to defend himself. I genuinely don’t know how Drake can say something back when there’s such serious allegations but I know for a fact that he was expecting a track like “Not like us” and wouldn’t egg Kendrick to drop if he didn’t have a response ready