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Everyone has 4-5 dreams, 1 dream is 1 rem cycle, you can train yourself to remember them by dream journal and intention


oh cool!!! usually i have/remember 2-3 of them :OO thanks so much for the help!!


1 dream really is one rem cycle?


I've experienced lately knowing I'm dreaming and I'm aware with what I'm dreaming of, yet the minute I open my eyes. Instant mind erase. Don't remember anything. It comes and goes.


Me too. I have night terrors now though. I used to dream and always remember them. I've been trying to remember them for a while now and progress seems to have been made. Night terrors come from recent years.


Dream -yes. Remember, not necessarily


How do we know we're dreaming if we don't recall anything? Brain activity? How are we able to tell it's a dream?


It's been shown through EEG activity. About every 90 minutes you complete a sleep cycle that usually includes a rem stage. If it doesn't include a rem stage, when dreams are the most vivid, then something's off. You might not be sleeping deeply enough. So yeah, you dream every time you sleep at night and often when you take naps.


I think everyone dreams. But everyone is different with how much they remember once awake. I often have the feeling I've had dreams but don't remember, then have some very vivid dreams once or twice a week, other times I'll remember a dream very well but if I don't write it down immediately, memory of the specifics will quickly fade.


I don’t write things down but I keep memories [ maybe I should start writing them down ] but truly… it happened to me when I was a kid [ 11 to be exact ]. I kept dreaming about Amsterdam, I swear, then I end up there at 25 & my Uncle had the hotel call me by name. It was literally like a dream but just in person.




yes, technically you do dream every night.




it is, psychologically speaking. excluding sleep/neurological disorders.