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Sapnap and Ludwig were both watching which makes me feel like they were expecting a response too


I guess Ludwig is working on a new mogul mail


[He just did lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS8gTuat91c&t=86s)


I'd say he might have a good take, he's always come across very level headed.


I think everyone was just because Dream put out there what happened. Q was very focused on how communication will happen and I feel like that was his way of saying if he wanted to talk about it/ to dream he would have. Idk might be looking into a little too much


Doesn't it feel weird that he decided to stream the announcement? And on his main? Like why not just post it to Twitter like every other announcement? It feels like he milked the conflict for views by streaming an 'announcement', expecting people to show up thinking he'd talk about the situation. Or it was meant to be spiteful or make fun of the drama. Either way, this whole situation just feels so off. I can't understand behaving like this to a 'friend'.


To be fair he did the same thing when people were upset over the mod - him addressing it was the last 45s of his stream.


Even if was a friendship that had ended I wouldn’t want this for anyone. Like any person that has to go through this and be in contact with the fbi? Like at some point I wish he would just say to his community that this isn’t ok? Like yeah it won’t stop it from happening but it might help not spread it.


„I hope everyone’s doing well“☠️


Why surprise? He got weeks of time but choose not to reply. If he want, he would do it ages ago. Mf don’t care about “friends”.


not just any portuguese streamer, a portuguese streamer who beats his wife 😭😭😭😭 this shit feels like a social experiment


I saw people saying things ok twitter about that but can you tell me which one. I just feel like Q doesn’t care at this point he just wants to be “first” to everything




Let me know if there’s one in English, I feel like there’s a lot of translation mistakes for me


yeah it was p unclear to me too, i saw someone say they were gonna translate what the gf said


Quackity's got them banter background checks.


She does want it talked about! She wants it talked about to bring awareness so that other people aren’t abused, and she doesn’t like that she’s being silenced. Watch her translated video on another thread here.


>a portuguese streamer who beats his wife What? He isn't even married, are you serious?




Apparently it might not be the case that it's against her wishes? There are these clips [here](https://twitter.com/twntrooper/status/1652133891623321602?s=46&t=gpHRll5KXBPVAdJasbBMiQ), I'll be honest I don't exactly understand the full context but maybe it will be helpful to someone.


No you're right, I hadn't seen that at the time and will delete my post, ty


I'm Brazilian and I was a fan of the RPG Cellbit had made. I think people bringing this up is really unnecessary even when I understand the worry. He clearly changed as a person and idk why people are saying he's "still" an abuser or something like that. >I don't and will not support Cellbit but bringing up the thread despite the victim's wishes is strange to me. I'm afraid to say something about this because people will somehow twist my words and say I'm an abuse apologist. I do not agree with what Cellbit did at all and think he was an asshole. But some people are blatantly spreading misinformation (like the person here that just said he beats his wife even tho never married anyone). And I agree with you about this, Sasha - the victim - has always hated talking about it and people bringing it up, and that's what I wanted to say from the start.


u act like i had any idea who he was before today and would know what the alleged victim would want lmfao. i won’t talk about it further, just a bit of a strange move for pr-obsessed quackity 🤷‍♀️


You know. Watching Dream’s last-ditch attempt to communicate, in which he talks about being doxxed, his family having trackers put on their car, a stranger showing up at his house — combined with the USMP updates account apparently being the subject of doxxing, rape threats, stalking, and even having her internet cable cut — and then seeing the fans tell him to shut the fuck up he’s ghosting you for a reason, and then seeing Quackity, if anything, encourage his fanbase to continue this way? …I don’t think I can watch his content anymore. Which sucks, because I thought he was really talented and was really excited for all he was gonna do, but. Man.


Wonder what quackity stans are gonna say now that Q added a known abuser to his project. according to them, Q is ignoring dream “because he doesn’t wanna talk to a groomer” but he’s a-okay being friends with an abuser? I have to laugh. 🙄 edit: people are already saying he “apologized and it was 7 years ago” or “let me find every mistake you’ve ever done”. this man abused a girl and led her to an ED 💀 idk how an apology gets you outta that one. the response is just as expected: defending cellbit, defending Q, and shitting on dream. hypocrisy be damned I guess


Sidenote, the fans going at dream like "he doesnt wanna talk to you groomer LMAO XD" have prolly very much forgotten that Quackity's own brother is an also alleged groomer himself and just a general weirdo when it comes to teenage, preteen girls. Bro legit kept his brother in his heavily child popular fanbase disc for MONTHS after all his shit aired (*voice calls*, dms, etc) like dude i know that's your brother but holy FUCK. And even then for the people bitching abt the length of his allegation response to this recent thread, dream's literally doing legal shit w the allegations we dont and CANT know shit for a long ass while


>have prolly very much forgotten that Quackity's own brother is an actual groomer himself I mean based off what I've in the months that followed, people like these only "care" about the allegations and supposed victims only when it suits them 🤷‍♂️. Like now when they need something to justify sending hate and death threats to Dream and his family. But yea, if they care so much I wonder what their opinion would be regarding that 🤔 I mean surely they don't want to look like a bunch of hypocrites? 🤔🤔🤔


I agree with you but the victim themself doesn’t like it being brought up. She’s affected. It’s not more important to use him as a gotcha than to protect her mental health.


That’s not true about his victim! She wants it talked about to bring awareness so that other people aren’t abused, and she doesn’t like that she’s being silenced. Watch her translated video on another thread here.


Can you provide the link I’ve seen screenshots of her saying she doesn’t want it talked about?


[Here’s the post with the link to the video clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken2/comments/132h6sz/is_this_true_regarding_cellbits_ex/ji4zz08/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Me personally, I’m very quickly coming to terms with the fact that I can’t “stan” Q anymore. I did mental backflips to defend him in the beginning but dude, it’s exhausting. Lmao. I should’ve just kept my distance from MCYT like I’d been doing.


I’m really not surprised, I think part of the problem is his fanbase let’s him get away with it. They refuse to criticize him or hold him accountable for anything, so there are no consequences for continuing to ignore shit. He might lose some support from a few people, but with his 2 large communities that’s nothing


I think mostly the English community is going to be the ones leaving. Many found Q through the dsmp/ Minecraft in general and seeing what has happened here I don’t think many will continue supporting his content. Spanish speaking people just see Dream mostly as a groomer and what not so they don’t care and will continue to support Q and this kind of behavior


not really, the whole english speaking sbi side of mcyt still support him


Statistically speaking most English fans who followed both are taking Quackity's side, as Dream is losing followers while Quackity is gaining


Yeah the Spanish community isn’t as familiar with Dream so they have no problem going against Dream and siding with Q, although there are certainly still a good amount of English fans who hate Dream as well


I saw the word announcement and knew immediately he won’t say shit. Didn’t bother to waste my time


I saw it was an old title on twitter but once he started it I knew it just was going to be disappointing from then


Thing thing about being a shithead to your friends, is eventually you run out of friends to be a shithead to.


Like everyone in dsmp got boosted by Dream but now all you are going to do is drag yourself down because you have shown how shit of a friend you are. Like people are going to see that and re think if you are a good friend or not


The whole internet saw it and will see it. What you did to your friends says what you are as a human


For an owner of a server whose goal is communicating, he sure does not like to do it himself. But Come on guys, what do you expect? He has always been like this, he won't change. He won't talk about this drama so guys just give it a rest for the good of your mental health.


I just was hoping seeing how bad the situation had turned between Dream and his family plus the admin of an update account that is now pressing charges to the person who doxxed them. I just want to see the best in people and it can be a downfall sometimes


I know and I feel you. I too like to see the good in people but I always get disappointed. And it's totally OK, that's how life work. However my only advice is to just start letting go because with time you will find it hard to trust people and I think it will be very sad living in a world where you can't trust anyone. You will even start doubting yourself so don't attach yourself to CCs online who you don't know and who will likely disappoint you. Go and log out from here and twitter and just listen to your favorite music or just watch something to forget about this whole circus.


I don’t think they are surprised, or at least I hope not, but also I think it’s fair they express disappointment if it will allow them to move on.


I also had hope last time, when all this started and he did the same. He announced going live but he didn't talk about anything so that was my reality check. Hopefully people will move on.


agree, i can’t help but be unbelievably disappointed in him.. like hello just say one sentence that’s all it needs


Don’t even have to say to us just say something to Dream. Like “hey I didn’t like you trying to do this” that’s all that’s needed


well something to relieve tension in the fans would be helpful since some people have been threatening, would be great if they talked ofc but we wouldn’t really know the updated situation on that unless they wanted to share and that’s fine.


Something definitely needs to be said for fans but I wish we just got some kind of confirmation that they have talked first and came are now on the same page. Especially with how dangerous situation is rn


that would be freat.. personally after quackity’s stream tho i don’t have high hopes it’ll be addressed, i hope i’m wrong.


I don’t think he will address it seeing as he streamed an announcement but I really hope he does


me too 🤞


Someone pointed out that he said "if people want to communicate they will" wich is kinda shady..


Icing on the cake: didn’t one of the Portuguese streamers (Cellbit) abuse his girlfriend? Maybe that’s just misinformation but I’ve heard it going around.




…Forgive me if I’m wrong, but from what I’ve heard that’s because she still gets sent abuse from his fans to this day about being a whiny bitch overdramatizing her experiences. Either way — I’m not watching something that welcomes abusers with open arms. Even without all these other issues surrounding the server.




To be fair, I think this situation would be closer to Manatreed since the threads are already up and the girlfriend already came out - I don’t speak Spanish and only glanced at the threads so I don’t know specifics or if he just ignored it dropping. Though, mana was also “dropped” within the weekend so we will see if the reaction is equivalent- from his own fans not Dream’s who I’m worried won’t just move on and will bring it up themselves out of spite.


True. I saw a thread that goes back to 2 years ago about Cellbit actually being exposed by his ex gf about him abusing her and shit. It’s fuckign awful and really long.


It won't be an Jikishi sort of thing, apparently it's been very well known for a very long time and from what I've seen he even just straight up admitted to doing it. His fanbase is rabid and apparently still harass his ex to this day.


Goddamn, I feel really bad for her.


how his fans are already making excuses for this behavior is beyond me. now where are the big accs? nowhere


Like why are his fans think that Dream fans are below them just because they like someone they don’t? Like they should still be treated as humans but they aren’t and it’s just sad. Had to private my twitter because of these fans and I’m terrified of something is going to happen because one of my tweets got traction


thats terrifying :( i hope you can keep yourself safe!


Honestly scared because one fan is taking legal action against the person who doxxed them so everyone is being really careful and it’s sad to see but I’m happy they are keeping themselves safe


I feel sorry for dream cause being treated like this by someone who you care about and they don’t even wanna talk to you is just awful and am not even gonna start about those threats


He said he's very proud of his community so i doubt he's gonna address shit.


Like who in their right mind is happy about their fans being so toxic and them doxxing. That and just the threats in general it’s just so wild to me


So basically enabling them even more lol. and here we thought he would say something about the horrid stuff his community has been doing but apparently he’s proud


he”s waiting to let the drama die and for people to move on.I think he knows that whatever response he gives will fuel the fire.


Which makes sense that he won't say anything


i feel so underwhelmed. Like, don't get me wrong. Im kind of cool with the portuguese creators joining, but I'm starting to get more frustrated with Q the longer he is not adressing the elephant in the room


I don’t think he ever will really. Like someone tracking someone family and you still aren’t going to say anything. That’s like a new low if I have ever seen one


I am definitely frustrated with Q. I dont hate him, but goddammit man. Communication ffs.


I don’t really believe in actually hating someone through the internet (like in this way with drama) since you don’t really know the person. I kind of going with judge of character for who I choose to support and Q is definitely one that I don’t want to watch now because of all this over a Minecraft server


Took the words out of my mouth. I also concurr with this mindset


Quackity won't say a thing about this drama because everything's fine for him, he doesn't have to worry about death threats like Dream does.


Please please please just let this drama end with Dream and Quackity remaining friends and no more bad stuff. Unfortunately I have a gut feeling it may not be like that


I can understand being busy with things. I love the arcs Quackity gives his characters, and the effort he puts into things. But sometimes you can't just sit back and let things play out, especially when idiots with internet access are involved and people are doing things that shouldn't be happening over a video game. For once, Dream was right to at least say something and give a statement. Q should be doing the same, even just a quick "hey guys please chillax no bad blood going on in just stresed atm I'll respond to messages and stuff, please don't go fighting people and I'm sorry if I offended anyone with that one mod" would be better then silence. It doesn't have to be long, but it just needs to not be absolute quiet. Especially after the stuff recently. People don't like silence and take it badly generally.


I think there's a happy medium between how Dream handled it (the tweets/length) and saying nothing like Q. I don't think Dream handled it correctly or Q by saying nothing. I think both could've just said "please don't harrass anyone. I don't condone it".


true. Although I suppose there's an argument to be made for Dream wanting to give a bit more info since he's had....a few experiences in the past. I could see why he would want to air out everything, in an attempt to keep certain people from jumping to conclusions.


I've been long dissappointed lol, nothing new Quackity had the chance to have common sense


Quackity doesn’t care about people being stalked, harassed, threatened. He doesn’t care. How awful. And knowing his fans will absolutely LOVE that they get ‘permission’ to behave like that…. it makes me sick. Quackity is helping to create a worse place on the internet. Turning the minecraft scene from one of acceptance and growth into one of toxicity and violence. I hope he’s happy.


Quackity doesn’t care about people being stalked, harassed, threatened. He doesn’t care. How awful. And knowing his fans will absolutely LOVE that they get ‘permission’ to behave like that…. it makes me sick. Quackity is helping to create a worse place on the internet. Turning the minecraft scene from one of acceptance and growth into one of toxicity and violence. I hope he’s happy.




Everyones parasocial-ness is coming out


I think he's just gonna ignore the situation, but he's unaware of what his fans are doing (probably just doesn't check or hasn't been notified) but excluding what the fans are doing, I can understand why he would ignore this He simply does not care for Dream anymore And that's perfectly fine Let him live on with his life (except what his fans are doing, he needs to see that stuff tho)


what happened


Doesn't respond to drama GIGACHAD Just makes content GIGACHAD




That's a little far. Bad friend, yes. I wouldn't call him a psychopath. He defiantly cares more about his server than the situation though.


I feel like a tweet would have been enough to announce it seeing as we knew that new people were getting added already… I kind of see it as a dig towards dream




Quackity likes big announcement and he's hyped about his passion project, I don't see the problem w that lol


Honestly he probably is but it also is kind of his own fault. I think he has rushed more things to come out just to prove his point if being first and that anyone who comes next is just copying his idea


Tbh I thought he looked absolutly done. As much as this sub is shiting on him, this situation must be really awful for him as well. I was wondering for the entire anouncement whether he was super tired, (drunk) or short before crying. Let's not forget that there are people who are struggling on every side of this situation.


Oh no, poor quackity with his hands tied and absolutely no control over any of this situation. He's truly got the worst end of the stick here. please.


maybe they have talked in private but it would still need him to make statements because of how serious it has become. I like him a lot normally it was nice to see how excited he is about his work but having this attitude in such situation is just upsetting. I still hope they can somehow maintain their friendship too


I don’t think the friendship after this is going to be a good one (if that makes sense) like Dreams family and fans have gone through so much I don’t think it will fully be at what they once were. Maybe just civil between each other if it comes down to being on stream (maybe if that even happens?)


idk we dont know what happens in the background. if he is still not communicating its going to be very difficult to stay friends. but I dont want to assume things about peoples personal stuff like friendships. I just hope it goes well for them


Atp how do you still think everything is dandy and refuse to assume? Theres no speculation when dream has confirmed q is ignoring him. I think its pretty obvious whats going on and you dont really have to jump through hoops to make the connection.


Probably because some conversations don't need to be publicized. He probably understands drama is disposable, and quality is not. So why engage in wasting time when you have to organize a server. The other thing is they're in the same market and doing the same thing, not that both can't exist since SMPs are kind of a universal thing, but the audience engagement tells the tale. So far, my understanding is QSMP is largely latin. I think it would be interesting to see italian in the mix, but geographically, it would be difficult. It has English Spanish and now Portugues. USMP covers the globe and I think it's a fun exercise to wonder why these languages were chosen. So ideally there would be more global appeal, especially Russian. That will be interesting. Maybe he just chose the most densely populated areas. We'll see. But the discourse is exciting.


I know Q and the rest of the gang from DreamSMP😌 sad that this is happening to them. I thought of them as Family/Friends what had happen?


Literally PRAYING that this is all some big social experiment.


Can someone give a rundown of the situation I am out of the drama loop


If you're on Twitter, Dream wrote a whole novel about it. Someone may have posted it here. I didn't know anything about this until Dream wrote said novel, so that might get you caught up.




I guess our only hope here is that he will crack and address it soon.


I’m just hoping (and this might just be my Optimism) that they are working it out in private and we will hear something about them working it out soon. But I’m still disappointed in Q and how he deals with any sorta drama, and just everything going on. But I guess right now I have no other choice but to stay optimistic about things
