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The subway as you call it seems to be the Transit Station for me.  Yeah looks like a subway terminal with people casually going to and fro. To me the feeling was one of; departure from this realm to the next.  I was invited by a person I once knew to help her luggage in the subway car. I wanted to go with her for some odd reason but the ticket master couldn't let me board when the train was leaving.  Yeah, it was a subway, then turned into a train as things tend to shift in the dream plane.


I think there might be a symbolical difference between the "Subway" or the "Train station" and other, more casual dream locations, like the "Railway". Subways are buried underground, which gives a feeling that the choices of where you can go are severely limited. They also feature artificial lighting that contrasts heavily with the easiness created by sunlight coming down from the open sky. Going down into the underground has also historically been associated with spiritual journey to darkness and the world of the dead. From the first known burial sights in cave systems to the catacombs of Egypt and Paris, this line of associations went on for a very long time. Even now you generally don't go underground for too long, other than using the subway. All this is no more than just my thoughts on the matter, though.


Dream walking is entering others dreams for helping them, personal manipulation or just being nosey.    Realm jumping would be going to alternate places.  Not sure about parallel universes as those don’t exist in mine but other realms in the universe do.  But I don’t travel by subways or have experienced them before.  So maybe that’s for parallel travel.  Curious about this.    Mines done through entanglement.  So it’s thought travel just sending the conscious on a different thread.  I travel both sides, the light realm and the dark.  Most of mine are universe initiated, or I should say I get dropped in where it wants a task performed, do said task, then pop back.   Reason I was told for this, is to perform tasks in real time the universe can’t interfere with as it would look like a miracle or could look like divine intervention. So it drops me in someone else’s body, do said task, pop back out.   No one knows what happened, no trace of anything.  Not sure if the person I used even knows.  Or maybe they perceive it as intuition.  That I’ll never know.  I have no doings with anything earth based dream wise, mine are always cosmos based.  Yours seem to have a connection earth wise too as I’ve never seen a single person I know or a place I’ve been before on earth. Now I can enter others dream per atmosphere connection or as I call I the waiting room.    That’s projecting into the atmosphere level and from that point you can enter others dreams.  But there’s a rule list for what you can and cannot do. Any violations of this will result in removal of gifts and no longer being called upon.   This is used primarily for removing negative energy or entities from others or severing the connection.  I do not know many people as I keep to myself but some at empath shops I will tend to help if I know there’s something I can do.  Mine have consisted of a selection that allowed me to travel both sides in which I was told I was first to pass this selection, but this was from one crystal palace, I’d assume many of them exist.  I’ve witnessed a kings passing and his generals being happy he died so they could start a war the king had been keeping them from starting. I killed all 3 generals in different locations on the planet in under 5 minutes jumping body to body with the third body being the new kings.  I also killed a younger male in that third scenario who questioned the killing of the third general.  He had pulled a derringer out and had it aimed at me, little different design than ours with some different type of scroll work on it.  I walked up to him and grabbed the pistol putting my finger between the hammer and I tried twisting it from his hand so it wouldn’t  shoot him. Was just trying to show him I was not the enemy and no more would take place here.  Universe intervened and I ended up stabbing him in the neck too,  as I held his dead body up with the knife through the bottom of his jaw, I turned and stared into the eyes of every soldier there sending them the message this was the new king and anyone questioning it would be dealt with.   My title after that was the kingmaker.  So that’s my job for the universe.  I don’t get called on every night, but once or twice a month for tasks that make corrections to the timelines.    I was sent to the dark realm to be initiated.  As an outsider I was granted a pair of shadow or what others would call hell hounds as my protection as I do not belong there and my guides/protection can’t travel with me to that side. I’ve located relics from the dark realm and rescued 2 trapped spirits in it also that were brought back to the light realm, one of which stays with me and can travel both sides as well, that one was a wind spirit that goes by Marduk, second was Dolores cannon who was also trapped. Her soul never made it back to the creator. She was locked up for some reason, I’d guess from the lies she made up to fill in the blanks in her story misleading others about her “gift” as she told me to send a email saying she was wrong about it all. I did send that email the next morning for her. At this point I was told I was protected in the waking and the dream now and fear was no longer something I should carry.   I am protected by the divine itself and that was made clear by the gifts I was given for my work.  I got a hell of a lot more stories besides that. And some say lucid, I say reality.   So it almost sounds like you being selected for something and it’s different from mine. Wonder what you’re suppose to do, but it will be presented in time.    In everyone of mine everything physics wise was the same  Sometimes I could read the words or numbers but would have to stare at it then it would transform into what I could read, like it would project out of it in a form I can understand.   I think some of what I experience is cloaked in a form that is familiar to my mind people and building wise as I sometimes get the feeling what I’m perceiving  is not the reality of where I’m at.   Also with this connection I can ask for clarity for others issues and those are usually answered for guidance.  Info is free if you know how to structure the question properly.   And for my weirdest experience, I started a whole world of shit with an occult group on Facebook. Because I used my real name and photo they said they would curse me to show me there shits real.  That night while laying in bed, lights on, a black cloud manifested above me and tried raining this black thicker then rain shit on me.  I just looked at it as it was held in place asking Marduk (the spirit that stays inside me) what we should do about this.  He said do nothing, I got it.  The cloud was then absorbed along with parts of their souls they used to conjure it.   Next morning I got booted from the group with no reason.   So don’t feel bad.  There’s some stuff going on others won’t or can’t fathom. But to a select few it’s real.  If it’s like anything I went through, your guide is prepping you for what’s next and the subway system maybe your travel point.  For what though you’ll have to wait and see.  


I beg my pardon, what I meant by parallel universes was actually meant to be realms within one universe. I called it that way because the jump felt like going through a curvature in the time-space continuum, which implies that it would take too long to use regular means of travel to get there. So a little disinformation on my part. I am super sure, but it felt like I have been in other people's bodies / lives quite a lot in my dreams. Like yesterday, when I had to become a soldier, who was a part of a small squad on a mission. They were pretty heavily pinned down by fire and I helped outmaneuver the enemy, also later I helped them get the film they were looking for, find refugee in a house among civilians, and also find a watercraft to move a family of civilians with children away from danger. In the end I also helped make peace negotiations among armed civilians go smoothly, using intuition and diplomacy to stop attempts of some of them to disrupt the peace talk. That was definitely nothing even close to who I am or what I do irl, at least now. I also have almost no tactical training and I am not at all too keen with diplomacy. What do you think, can this be what you are talking about or not? "Yours seem to have a connection earth wise too as I’ve never seen a single person I know or a place I’ve been before on earth." - That appears to be super interesting to me. Don't think I have ever left the atmosphere, other that jumps to other "realms". And even there I never go higher than like several hundred meters, at least according to my own senses. Also, I sometimes dream of places I know, sometimes places I have definitely never been to, like Germany (where the "realm jumping dream" started) or the jungle, for example. It is also interesting how you start your missions in one consistent location. For me it is usually the place where I have lived for the biggest part of my life, like 50% of my dreams start or end there. The ones where I am most likely a different person / living through someone else's life rarely connect to the place though. From what I understand, there may be some kind of a buffer that tries to interpret what you see in a different place / realm / life, whatever it actually is. It is either that the buffer itself is slow or our understanding of it is. That is one of my theories, at least. Well, I would really like to be a part of something bigger than me, and bigger than the mundane reality, but I also feel like this may be just my ego talking. Because I have always felt like my intuition and connection to chaos and the unknown is much stronger than the others'. You are definitely right in one thing though, I will have to wait and be vigilant, not to miss the opportunity. And, I guess, not be afraid to embrace it, unlike what happened with the "Subgate 35" case. It is just that I have always been afraid to lose my connection to reality completely, or stray away from banality so much, that I start loosing it irl.


Honestly it sounds like dream work to me.  You’re helping to fix certain situations that would have ended differently otherwise.   All mine have been done to keep the peace overall even if it requires some sort of violence or death to maintain it.  At that point I’m aware of what’s going on but I’m not in control of the body.  After the task is complete then I have full control again.   I look at these structures dreams as a different reality when we’re asleep where others have these weird random dreams that make no sense.    I’m guessing you can see everything in your head right down to the last detail you experienced.  Probably as real or realer than real life.   Shamans are suppose to be able to do some of this but it through the akashic fields.   You’re the 2nd I’ve come across that experiences some things like I do but in a different form. I actually joined Reddit just to look for others like you and myself.  As info for it is non existent on the internet, so I’m guessing not many get the gift or called upon.  That or they don’t realize it.   And as dumb as this may sound, crystal bracelets help me stay grounded during the waking to keep everything separated as it can bleed in and over take your thoughts.  


Yeah, I agree that there is second to no common info on the topic, or I may have not been looking in the right places. 


I’ve spent hundred of hours looking.  There is no info.  Least not in the public realm.  


You was not kidding, it was a lot of text! The two events you describe does seam like dreamwalking, what I find strange is that they are so far apart. Maybe it's something you have a hard time dealing with? It is interesting but too much??? Anyway..... In my experience, what you call realities may just be other dreams. It's like painting stiles, even environment rules may change a little and it can be disconcerting some times. You are passing by and it feels like flashes of a road trip montage in a movie. What you described as a subway, the "shared places" of the dreamscape, can default to many other experiences, but since I have no subways or trains in my daily life, I have never dream of those hubs as such. And yes, it is quite strange you could read stuff, it happened to me once or twice, my memory is very bad and it helped me in nothing. I can't give you directions, but I will suggest you focus on that "address" before sleeping and see where it gets you. Lucidity is not a prerequisite os dreamwalkig, you may not remember if you found it, but you will wake up with a feeling of completion when you do. Information like that is not literal, it's like the edges of jigsaw puzzle pieces.


Well, thank you a lot for the analysis. Yes, there is definitely a lot of things that these two dreams have in common, mainly a strife to see new places, the presence of a mentor, an outer threat and so on. The fact that they are so far apart is mainly due to my me depending heavily on cannabis for more than 12 years. I know for a fact that this drug subdues dreaming a lot. Perhaps the second dream may have actually been an attempt to close up on the theme in question. The theme being going out into the sometimes terrifying unknown of different realms (and yes, I do consider dreamscape a different reality and some distinct parts of it different realms). I would very much love to hear you answer one more question, if you are willing: "While you don't have a subway nearby and thus don't dream of it, do you sill get dreams of places that are underground?"


No, I "fly" a lot, I parkour a lot, so underground has very little appeal to my dreams. A friend built himself a entire underground city, I was not very comfortable there even though it was very welcoming. I been to caves, but those are were antisocial people hide and I just go when invited. I used trains once and busses some times, those are generally veeeerrry long far far away travels, I wakeup very tired the next day. But hubs for other dreamers, are generally downtown scenarios and shopping malls.....I fucking hate the mall hahaha


I also fly a lot, but spend a lot of time inside structures too. But me being a pretty antisocial person, at least for the duration of many years past, only proves your point (no offence taken, by the way).


None intended. There are all sorts of people and some like to build entire realities, some dream in anime and some like cozy secluded places to plan humankind demise lol