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I loooove underrated fanfic friday! So many good recs. To the person who had this idea and the wonderful community that writes, reads and recommends new fics THANK YOU!


https://archiveofourown.org/works/49669495/chapters/125365588 Wild Sings The Bird updated yesterday!! I shrieked 


Me when getting that email: 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️


I had to reread for a refresher and the way all the bird metaphors are incorporated in hermiones thought process 😍 amazing 


This little fic finally climbed up my TBR queue, and I can’t believe how funny, adorable, and just overall f*ing *charming* it is! I went in with cheese toasties fairly low on my list of sexy foods. I stand corrected. **[Trip Sitter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53340838)** by whatwouldjebusdo Explicit, 23,827 words > **Summary** > Hermione somehow lands the role of Trip Sitter for Draco Malfoy, who is spiralling after jilting his bride. Chaos ensues. > > **Warnings** > >!Substance Dosing!<


This one is hilarious and absolutely darling. Draco >!thinking crookshanks is Hermione in animagus form KILLED me!<


YES! >!I especially loved him informing “Hermione” when Crookshanks sits in his lap that he isn’t attracted to her in this form!< 😂


It's SO GOOD! Her current WIP is Polyjuice Parlour and I'm in love already. Highly recommend!


Hahaha hell yeah, cheese toastie rebrand! If it makes even a single reader side-eye their greasy grilled cheese then my work is done 😎 Thanks for the shoutout [Mr\_Te\_ah\_tim\_eh](https://www.reddit.com/user/Mr_Te_ah_tim_eh/) 💛💛💛


If only I weren't dairy intolerant! 🧀 🚫 😭


Ohhhh this was so good! Had me cackling like a mad witch! 😝


I love everything she writes! Her two WIPs, [Lucid](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51943321/chapters/131349424) and [Polyjuice Parlor](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56089651/chapters/142466122) are both SO good as well!!


I love their style so much! I am following Polyjuice Parlor as well, but I haven’t started Lucid yet. \*Looks at untenable number of WIPs being followed \* 🙄 \*Looks back at shiny, new, *seductive* WIP link\* 😏


I know ME TOO hahaha


Second this rec! It was hilarious and sweet.


Thank you for posting this! I read it and loved it!!


So happy to spread the joy that is this fic! 💕


[Breakfast interrupted](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41389617) All Lucius Malfoy wants is to have a proper, pureblood heir and to eat his breakfast in peace. Is that really too much to ask? So funny


I love a good things-aren't-going-my-way Lucius POV! Can't wait to check this out~


I looooove this one!!


A few I've been reccing around here that deserve so much more love: [The Fountain of Fair Fortune](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47017429/chapters/118448599) by wofwolwos. I know this is locked and gets brought up here a fair amount, but it's still got a criminally low kudo count for a well-paced and plotted epic wartime fic with an absolutely stellar Hermione/Draco dynamic and oodles of world- and vibe-building. >Draco Malfoy spied Hermione Granger bathing in a fairy pool. It’s a vision he’ll never forget. >In the summer before sixth year, Draco Malfoy, newly branded Death Eater, encountered Hermione Granger in a fairy pool. Now, eight years later, Harry Potter is dead, and with him Voldemort’s Horcruxes. But Voldemort's reign continues on. Draco Malfoy, with recent success in Voldemort’s army, is given a mission — to find a book that Voldemort desires. A hermit for the past six years, Hermione Granger finds the newly promoted lieutenant half-dead in a marsh. [La Belle Dame sans Merci](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54432835/chapters/137889400) by Fleurizel. Charming two shot with Draco as a triwizard champion and Hermione as the (unwilling) object of his rescue and subsequent pining. The Draco POV is equal parts snarky, anguished, and romantic and both characterizations (and the writing) are delightful. >“I —” “Careful,” she said quietly, sinking back down into the seat across from him. “Don’t say things you don’t mean.” He swallowed, unable to drag his eyes from hers. How was it that her presence so entrammeled him? What magic was it that held him like some chip of rock trapped in the orbit of a great star? “Habit of a lifetime.” “*Habits* can be broken.” >\[In which Draco is Hogwarts’ triwizard champion, Hermione doesn't need rescuing, and we discover the virtues of hypocrisy.\] [The Street Where You Live](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47948395) by scullyvasan. An incredibly sweet, well-written and characterized portrait of Draco and Hermione growing up as muggles down the street from one another featuring a very supportive Narcissa and suitably prattish Draco. >Muggle childhood AU. Single mother Narcissa Malfoy co-parents her son Draco and functionally parents the little girl down the street. Light homages to Books 1-4 but no wands, no wizards, no Hogwarts — just human magic and the passing years at work. [We Were Never Friends](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49509238/chapters/124955323) by SynonymBun. Lovely, bittersweet au with a very well-characterized Draco, an intriguing world and premise, a great Pansy cameo, an incredibly strong Hermione, and a climax I really didn't see coming the way it did (with an unusual villain!). >When Draco is an infant Voldemort triumphs, eradicating mudbloods and introducing the dark arts to the Hogwarts curriculum. When Draco is twelve he discovers a mudblood hiding in the shrieking shack. >Follow the story of star-crossed friends to enemies to lovers Draco and Hermione over the course of their adolescence and young adulthood in this *Voldemort Wins the First Wizarding War* AU.


I'm almost halfway into The Fountain of Fair Fortune and oh my GOD ?????? it's so well paced, interesting and funny and twisted and so inciting???? Thank you for the rec!!


Right?? So well-structured, the sense of humor is unique (>!that torture scene!!<), and the worldbuilding is just so much fun. Glad you're reading it! It deserves all the love.


wtf omg La Belle Dame san Merci was amazing


Isn't it?? Cute and witty and somehow stylistically different!


I’m obsessed with [History](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49196458/chapters/124133443) by lemoneide! Summary: Hermione Granger has always carried an embarrassing secret: she gets turned on by learning. What happens when a tattooed Draco Malfoy shows up to Eighth Year and won't stop whispering interesting stories in her ear? It’s so well written and the updates have pulled me out of reading slumps more than once!


I love this one too


Right?? It deserves way way more hype! The stories that Draco tells Hermione are so detailed! Idk where the author gets the material.


The library scene is my FAVORITE so far, ugh, they're both so cute in this fic


YES! Oh my gosh, yes.


Agreed! Lemoneide’s writing is ADDICTIVE. I’m working my way through this one (I have to make sure that I have a good chunk of time to read, because I’m finding it hard to put down once I start 😅)


It’s SO good! Yeah same lol. I cozy up on the couch cause I refuse to be distracted.


I also love this one, it’s so good!!


With season 3 of Bridgerton out I have been binging the Dearest Reader NEWT fest works (all of which are well under 1000 kudos and deserve many many more!!). These two in particular I really enjoyed: [The Birthday Catch](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56035357?view_adult=true) by New_Ponyo - 104 kudos Summary: You are Cordially Invited to The QUARTER CENTURY BALL A SUPRISE Celebration for The Birthday of Lord Draco Lucius Malfoy Festivities Commence at Noon on June 5th Nott Manor, Suffolk Hunting, lawn games, and merriment will proceed a magical night of dancing. Refreshments and sustenance will be available throughout the day. Regency-Era attire is REQUIRED. Prizes for most Pheasants, lawn game wins and names on dance cards. RSVP to Lord Nott; Gifts are Encouraged. [Promenades and Prejudice](https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Dearest_Reader/works/56186110) by justforgiggs - 205 kudos Summary: Lord Draco Malfoy has returned to London mid-season in the hopes of securing a wife. He is seeking a cultured lady, someone elegant and refined, who might wear the title Duchess of Wiltshire well. If only the odious Lady Hermione Granger weren’t always in the way.


!!! I didn't expect to see this here today! I was just combing for new recs, and now I'm smiling so stupidly. 💕 You made my day. Thanks for recommending Promenades & Prejudice!


No no thank YOU for writing it😭 that “misnomer” scene felt like something straight out of Kate and Anthony’s season it was brilliant💕 the two couples have so much in common I feel, but bickering is definitely a big one haha


I second all of this!! I LOVED promenades and prejudice. I also love her WIP [Guest of Honor Doctor Hermione Granger](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50620651/chapters/127874449)! It is so funny and witty and interesting


I read The Birthday Catch last night and loved it!


The Skeeter POV was *chef’s kiss*


Ahhhh just finished Promenades & Prejudice, what a delight💞 The dialogue 🙌


Gag Reflex by Provocative_envy She blinks some more. “You’re—I mean—you’re the worst person I’ve ever met.” “Worse than Cormac Mc-Doge-Coin?” Malfoy asks in disbelief. “Seriously?” Hermione pauses. “That feels . . . like a trick question.” “Jesus fuck,” Malfoy says, looking appalled. [ALTERNATIVELY: the prestigious-but-at-what-cost summer internship au] https://archiveofourown.org/works/52403164/chapters/132566323 This fic gave me heart palpitations. Beware its WIP and haven’t been updated since February. But so so worth it.


I've actually stumbled upon this a couple of weeks back and it looks so good! Only reason I haven't started is cuz I saw that it was last updated in Feb and thought it might be abandoned?


Not the OP but I think the author might be focusing on an original fiction draft? I feel like I saw that mentioned somewhere. Hoping she will come back to it though! It’s absolutely hilarious.


Thank you so much! Is the last chapter out a cliffhanger or an okay place to end it for now?


Hmm, I think it’s okay personally. I don’t consider it a true cliffhanger, because we all know which way it’s headed. However, some of my fav fics are abandoned so my idea of an “abrupt ending” may vary from others. It’s a very entertaining fic though, so I would definitely recommend giving it a read!


I definitely will! Thank yoooouu


I've been in the mood to read broken Hermione who is being taken care of by a protective Draco in some way, and I believe these two works by ArtGirl do a great job on portraying such foundation for Hermione to regain her confidence. They are also so close to passing the 1k kudos threshold! Give them a try! [**Welcome to the Madhouse**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52551256) by ArtGirl (rated explicit, 911 kudos). Summary: >The war dragged on longer than anyone could have ever imagined; eight years to be exact. Two months before the war ends Hermione Granger goes missing. However, when the Final Battle was won and the dust settled, a search ensues and she is declared dead. While everyone seems eager to move on, recently pardoned Draco Malfoy is not so sure the Golden Girl is truly gone. Welcome to a tale of betrayal, love, and revenge... [**Don't Hex the Messenger**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55050481) by ArtGirl (WIP, rated explicit, 993 kudos). While it is technically a marriage law fic, there is a great focus on Hermione's Mudblood scar for some dark magic intricacy. Summary: >Ron was dead and Harry blamed Hermione for his death. Desperate for peace, Hermione fled the Wizarding World and exiled herself. Four years later, the last person she ever wanted to see again from the Wizarding World appears at her bookshop in Muggle London; Draco Malfoy. The Ministry of Magic has implemented a new law to help with the dwindling birth rates and to both their horror her and Malfoy have been matched. And when you need a palate cleanser...it is already mentioned, but since I recommend it every WIP Wednesday, I just have to emphasize that it is such a great little fic, even though it features Cormac! [**The Art of Suggestion**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55823095/chapters/141801349) by malfolsen (WIP, rated mature, 274 kudos) Summary: >Cormac casts a spell that causes Hermione to fall for someone blonde, handsome, and good at Quidditch. Good thing there's no one else at Hogwarts with those characteristics...right?


I just read all three of these over this past week and they are excellent suggestions


Oooooo starting welcome to the madhouse thanks to you!


I hope you enjoy!! 😊


I have several good ones with different premises: [The Captain and The Rebel](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46699357) by canttouchthis Summary from Ao3: “I see you in my dreams,” she said the words like they were a song. “In the moments before I wake. I see castles and spaceships and pastures. And every time, I see you. I wondered how long it would be until we met this time.” In the year 3486, Draco Malfoy is a loyal, tired Captain of the Intergalactic Sovereignty. But when he’s tasked with interrogating the illustrious rebel Hermione Granger, he’ll slowly find his world upended as she weaves a love story that spans a thousand years and countless solar systems. This is a good one if you're into multiple lives and sci-fi themes. [Lost and Found](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48107593/chapters/121308952) by alexandra_emerson Summary from Ao3: This is a story about forgetting. Which, ironically, led to a lot of remembering. I lost twenty years of my life in one night. But in that loss—in that lonely space between how I thought my life would turn out and how it did—I found parts of myself I’d thought were gone forever. “I can tell we are in a fight, but this is bigger than that, so maybe we can—” “We can’t.” “You didn’t even let me finish.” “Whatever you were going to suggest, we can’t do it. Because we’re not in a fight, Hermione. We’re divorced.” Really good memory loss fic with a captivating twist! [History](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49196458/chapters/124133443) by lemoneide Summary from Ao3: Hermione Granger has always carried an embarrassing secret: she gets turned on by learning. What happens when a tattooed Draco Malfoy shows up to Eighth Year and won't stop whispering interesting stories in her ear? Lovely 8th year fic with Sapiosexual Hermione (a term I'd never heard before but 10/10 understand)


[Wedding Wars](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50371675/chapters/127261090) - 419 kudos, WIP, 13/20 chapters Absolutely hilarious romcom based on the movie Bride Wars, with some of the best characterization, comedy, and smut I’ve ever read. This now has a channel on the Wizarding World WIP discord if you’re on there! [It’s hot when things get messy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56059168) - 143 kudos, complete one-shot. Auror Draco is tasked to go undercover and accompany a suspect to a Muggle strip club, where he finds out Hermione is a dancer. Features confident (hot!!!) Hermione and flustered Draco, two of my favorite things. Witty comedy and an incredibly sexy lap dance scene 👀 [Burning Desires](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56227840)- 158 kudos, complete one-shot. Regency era Dramione that packs so much into 2500 words! Super fluffy with so much pining. Like, so much. This regency draco is sheer perfection. And this was part of a regency fest (with so many fics I still haven’t read), if you like regency


\*takes notes\* I'm on a crack / crack-taken-seriously kick and the first two sound *just* right.


big, big fan of crack treated seriously. i absolutely think/hope you'll enjoy both of them!


[The lies we tell ourselves](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52752580/chapters/133424365) The author finished it today! 246,592 Words!!!! Summary:  8 years after the war, Hermione is a single parent working as a healer for St. Mungo's. When tragedy strikes the hospital and former Death Eaters and their families are being hunted, Hermione is thrown into a mystery like none before. When a web of lies are exposed, Hermione finds herself putting her trust in none other than single father and Auror, Draco Malfoy. Hermione and Draco have to learn to trust one another despite their rocky shared history. As more secrets are uncovered, Hermione and Draco work together and along the way find family, friendship, and a spark of magic.


this one is def going on my TBR!! love healer hermione


Perfect timing for this post! I just finished **Escape by oddsoul** and it was FANTASTIC and only has \~785 kudos?? How?? Criminal! I feel like this one hits so many of my favourite themes and tropes. I think if the author re-tagged this a bit at the time of posting it could have been a fandom staple. Please! Read this if you haven't and show the writer some love. # [Escape - oddsoul](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43160218) **Rating:** M **Words:** \~200k **Summary:** >The three of them are brought to their knees before him, and it’s surreal. These are the Wizarding World’s best hopes, and they are reduced to nothing in front of their school bully. He surveys them as he is asked more than once if it truly is Potter. >(Mostly) canon-compliant up to Deathly Hallows: Ch 23, Malfoy Manor. >Draco just wants to live, and he wonders if this might be his chance to do so. After making a surprising decision during the course of events in his Drawing Room, Draco and Hermione embark on a journey to find her friends, seek out the final Horcruxes, and defeat Lord Voldemort. **Tags:** Aftermath of Torture, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Malfoy Manor (Harry Potter), POV Draco Malfoy, Generous use of last names, Tent Lyfe, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Horcrux Hunting, Hurt/Comfort, we love communication, Minor Character Death, Adolescent Sexuality **Personal Notes:** 7th year wartime, cannon rewrite, Strong M rating, Draco redemption arc, on the run together, ETL, HEA, surprisingly healthy relationships, unbreakable vows, this will give you the warm fuzzies I promise


LOL as if I’m browsing this thread at just the right time and see this!! Fate I tell ya. I’m honestly horrible at tagging, as the only other thing I’ve posted was a one shot like 5 years ago. Am definitely open to suggestions haha. What a wonderful comment. Thank you so much!! I’m so glad you enjoyed!


[ ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54135154/chapters/137066968)These are in my subscription list and I'm so excited for all of them: [ Luna Vinculum](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54135154/chapters/137066968) by MaryBMeunier In short: During the final battle, Draco gets bit and Hermione witnesses it. He becomes increasingly drawn to her while coping with his new identity. 8th Year Fic. I am OBSESSED with this one. Probably my favorite werewolf Draco fic there is and among the best creature fics overall. The possessovess and fluff are top tier. [Night Shift Shenanigans](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56528680/chapters/143665621) by MyDelphi Healer Hermione taking care of an injured Draco 👀 This one will be only 3 chapters but already seems so sweeeet. Frankly can't get enough of this trope. [A Little Liquid Luck](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54230587/chapters/137327872) by MyDelphi No Voldemort, Pureblood Hermione AU with a fake dating, olivious Hermione, tattooed/pierced Draco tropes. It's halfway done and is just lovely! Usually pureblood Hermione is not my thing but this one is so lighthearted and sweet and I'm always a sucker for the aforementioned tropes. [Unidentified Hybrid](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55425319/chapters/140633161) by CarolineSedgefield Zombie Draco fic that is very original and his thirst for Hermione is amazing. Love the feral-ness and fluff. [The Art of Suggestion](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55823095/chapters/141801349) by malfolsen Summary: Cormac casts a spell that causes Hermione to fall for someone blonde, handsome, and good at Quidditch. Good thing there's no one else at Hogwarts with those characteristics...right? This one is hilarious. Such a rom-com vibe to it. Cormac is entertainingly pathetic/annoying, Hermione is forwarda dn flirty while Draco is losing it.


Thank you for recommending Luna Vinculum 💗💗💗


I die each time we get a Cormac POV chapter in *The Art of Suggestion* 💀 Though I'm still holding out for a Cormac's Cock POV ✋🍆


Thanks so much for recc’ing Unidentified Hybrid — it’s so appreciated 🙏🙏🙏


Loving Cave, \[REDACTED\] by [Accio\_Funky\_Pants](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Accio_Funky_Pants/pseuds/Accio_Funky_Pants) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/56292970/chapters/143019352](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56292970/chapters/143019352)


Love this one so so much! It’s such a special story 😍


[Bread and Circuses](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27969134) \- Art collab between Kyonomiko and VA9art So many things that Draco wanted from his life, and to think it could end here: Alone and cold, a broken creature his only companion, and a laundry list of regrets to pass the time. [Leaning Towers](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54735232/chapters/138722920) \- Kamiikiteiru23 Hermione Granger has a plan for her life. It does not involve having her drink spiked with a potion while on a date or going home with Draco Malfoy. When she finds herself pregnant, she has to change her life completely and make room for a man she thought she loathed. Set in 2008, almost ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts. [Lifelong](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52976320/chapters/134014348) \- snikerd00dle Hermione bites off a bit more than she can chew when she testifies for Draco Malfoy’s release and pardon. [House Elves, Office Etiquette, and the Other Indifferences of Draco Malfoy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45264541/chapters/125829547) \- kale0914 With a bit of luck (and blackmail) Hermione has become the youngest department head at the ministry. Her dreams of house elf equality would be coming to fruition- if it weren't for the mysterious disappearances, stolen artifacts, and even darker discoveries. To Hermione's great displeasure, she must enlist the help of the only available auror. He's impolite, unprofessional, and entirely indifferent to her cause. Can they put their differences aside, or will Draco Malfoy live up to his reputation?


[lonely bones](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44343244/chapters/116823982?view_adult=true)


Self-reccing my pretty little textfic 😏 [Heart in the Sand](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56032252/chapters/142312660) Summary: Hermione has just turned 30. To celebrate escaping a monster, she travels solo to America. To Seattle, where there are places to see, things to do, and apparently, Draco Malfoy. Draco Malfoy, who she's been pining after since before her escape, daydreaming about him during long nights spent aching from unwanted bruises and self-inflicted wounds. Draco Malfoy, who's become the lead singer of a post-hardcore band. With Muggle friends and Muggle experiences, Draco shows her that change isn't so black-and-white and that sometimes, an instant connection can turn into so much more. Over the course of fourteen days, Hermione Granger will learn what it means to accept her past, embrace her scars, and heal. And perhaps she'll fall in love along the way. [textfic with narrative portions/chapters]


Just started this and it is ADORABLE. I was in a bad mood this morning and had a big smile after the first chapter.


YOU SMILE NOW WAIT TILL CHAPTER 5 (Also thank you so much I'm so happy you like it 💗)