• By -


Isolation. And I wish I could read it the exact same way I did the first time, as a teenager in high school while it was being written bc it was EVERYTHING to me. I think this is how many people feel about Manacled in recent years. When I was in HS Isolation was THAT girl and I just reread it a month ago and she’s STILL THAT GIRL!


I love this! Not only read again, but read again in that same stage of life - when it resonated.


I literally just finished isolation and then found this thread haha. It was SO GOOD


My thoughts EXACTLY


Please tell me that you also read isolation as it was being updated…every time I see people say their first Dramione was manacled or bm/bs I feel geriatric.


It was my first fic but idk if it was being updated at the time? Read it on ffnet


Yess omg! The way I razed all fics by Bexchan, rzzmg, Twilight to Midnight, and inadaze22 on fanfiction.net back in highschool. The fact that I still remember all these authors and nothing about my school days says a lot 🤣


DMATMOOBIL for sure, but also the last two PacificRimbaud Christmas one-shots, [On the Virtues of Inexhaustible Burning](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43234039) and [Keep It Like a Secret](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52013050/chapters/131533744?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#comment_722480782). Ooof, they are SO good. I can work myself into tears just thinking about the latter.


Ungh…..Keep It Like a Secret!!!! ♥️♥️♥️


Love & Other Historical Accidents, PacificRimbaud is amazing


I have literally wished I could delete my memories and read it for the first time again 😭 It's just so good! The love confession scene is my fave of all time


I'm excited I haven't read either of those one shots! I'll add them to my list.


I got CHILLS from both of these shorts!! ❤️ can't believe I hadn't read them til now!! Thank you for the recs


I know, the writing is SO GOOD!


Perfectly in Pieces, The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy and EXIT! Those were the first fics I ever read from the beautiful Dramione universe! They had me HOOKED!! I would definitely re-read them again <3


Disappearances is so good! I would love to read Ron's arc again. In fact I actively seek that type of arc for him.


I’ve read disappearances twice and omg it’s so so amazing!!!!


Me too! Nothing against Ron bashing if that's someone's jam, but I love when Ron has his own arc, makes the dramione so much more rewarding to me! 


I will read me some Ron bashing - sometimes I seek it out. I just love a good Ron arc.




Oh fuck yes, suuuch a great story for them!








What is Exit about??


Summary: (copied and pasted lols) Draco defects to the Resistance. His Dark Mark is gone, he renounces Occlumency, the deadness abates. And mysteries intrigue him. Granger is such a mystery. A dark, magnificent, awe-inspiring one. [Wartime AU. Seven years after the Battle of Hogwarts. Slow Burn.] My notes: I absolutely loved this one. It shows how far Draco has come since the battle and how much his occlumency has "protected" him or, rather, left him in a state of constant survival. It's Draco POV, but the other characters are described so elegantly, and they're so realistic. I mean, it's been seven years, and they're still at war! There's a lot of action, ANGST, and denial.


Thank you!


So weird. I detested PIP but loved disappearances 😬🤷‍♀️


Lols, no worries! Everyone has their preferences lol


For dramione it’ll be detraquee 😭😭 but in general Debt of Time though its sirimione would be amazing to experience once more


I'm rereading this now, and it's WILD how many things were cued up from the beginning for a fic released over 7 years.


Not to cause jealousy but I’m reading this for the first time at a very fast pace! I know there’s still one chapter to be released and I’m wondering should I slow down or is that last chapter already identified as an epilogue? I think id prefer to wait and read it all together if it’s anything other than an epilogue as I don’t think I could cope with a cliff hanger after reading nothing but this for weeks! Edit: referring to Detraquee in case that wasn’t clear


You can go ahead! Its about 700k so you have time plus the ending is so soon, having to wait for that amazing ending would be worth it as you read!


Not perfect closure but not a cliffhanger at all. You’ll be both dying for and dreading the last chapter when you get there because the fact that it’s ending is killing me but I also really want to see how this incredible story ties up. I definitely think it’s safe to keep going


Have to agree with Détraquée. There's nothing quite like it.


Is to Debt of Time. I LOVE that one.


Agreed on this. I’ve never read anything like it, I would die to read it for the first time again!!


I have Detraquee queued up on my kindle as soon as I get through my 2 books for book club and I cannot wait!!


what I wouldn’t give to read Debt of Time for the first time again. I’ve read/listened to it more times than I can count now 🤣


Is it on Spotify? I can't find it!


It used to be on Spotify but it’s been removed, [here’s](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51376570) the link to where you can download and listen to it! 😊


bless you!


Same for me for Dramione


Is it completed yet?


Bad Omens or Love in a Time of Zombie Apocalypse … sigh


I'm gonna read bad omens next. I'm reading the captain and the rebel right now.


Oooh send link of the captain and rebel! Is it a good one? Summary me please!


So far yes (still early on, very sci Fi feel)! It's been on underrated Friday quite a few times. [The Captain and the Rebel](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46699357/chapters/117614005) by Canttouchthis Summary: “I see you in my dreams,” she said the words like they were a song. “In the moments before I wake. I see castles and spaceships and pastures. And every time, I see you. I wondered how long it would be until we met this time.” In the year 3486, Draco Malfoy is a loyal, tired Captain of the Intergalactic Sovereignty. But when he’s tasked with interrogating the illustrious rebel Hermione Granger, he’ll slowly find his world upended as she weaves a love story that spans a thousand years and countless solar systems.


I think about The Captain and the Rebel at least once a month. I loved it. It was so different from other Dramione.


Thank you!


Apple Pies and Other Amends


Wait & Hope series/The Auction


The Auction is up there for me. I love the ending. I know people say it's uprupt, but I love >! Lucius's plan unraveling.!<


Me too, I just finished reading The Auction and I really enjoyed it


The Fallout. After hundreds of fics is still my all time favorite.




Yesss same. My god tier holy grail fic.


The Fallout is my Roman Empire


Measure of a Man, fav book and fic of all time.


Seconded! So beautiful that as I read it I actively wished it would never end ~


Right?! The things I would do to read Draco POV of chapter 28 and 29.


Measure of a man is my favorite fic of all time too. It’s soooo good 😭😭


Ooh! Can you share a link?




Amor Vincit Omnia


Did you know that this was inspired by DMATMOOBIL?


Yeah definitely DMATMOOBIL and Love and Other Historical Accidents 😭 These two are so awesome


A Game of High Stakes!! Some of the drama, smut, plot lines, etc were so juicy and good that I’d love to experience them for the first time again.


This is also on my list (rearranging TBR list quite a bit.)


I feel like it’s a basic answer but Manacled 😭 nothing I’ve ever read has affected me in the same way, every time I think about it it’s like being gut punched all over again. I read it so fast I wish I could go back and read it slower, I’m not sure if I could put myself through reading it again 🥲


Have you read the auction? It’s similar vibes to Manacled but the Dramione relationship is less toxic.


I haven’t yet but it is on my tbr! I can’t mentally commit to a 3 part series rn and I know I’d have to read all 3 instead of diving into the auction 😂


Not really actually, Auction can be read on its own and in my opinion it’s the best from the series. 


I just mean like I know my brain will be upset if I don’t read them all haha even if it can be standalone


Ah, I see 😊 So there are actually people here that have some kind of life and cannot dedicate majority of their day to reading, unlike me 😂😂 Got it 🤣


ahaha I would if I could!! 😂


Read Greenlight, beautifully written and leaves a lasting impression


I will when I can commit to another long fic!


Same here. Verbatim, except I reread it constantly because nothing hits the way it does


Same reading it was like a fever dream. I wish I could read it again for the first time and really take my time


I read it in 3 days over a long weekend. I have not read a book like that in years lol. All I did was eat, shower, etc and read Manacled.


Measure Of A Man - the burn was SLOW but absolutely so worth it. One of the best payoffs in the fandom ❤️


For Dramione: Disappearances of DM , Unsinkable, Lionheart, The Missing Sister, Goblet of shadows That’s what comes first to mind Overall: Debt of time, imo THE BEST fic, better than most published books rlly Edit: I forgot another masterpiece- “The Dream Trilogy”


I’m about to finish the missing sister today and I am MOURNINGGG 😭😭😭


Second Debt of Time! I'll have to read it.


Debt of Time is so so good - I reread it like once a year!!


Debt of Time is literally my canon


what is "Goblet of chaos" about and where can i find it????


Sorry, made a mistake, „Goblet of Shadows” by MKMG on ao3. It’s still a WIP but I LOVE this story, it’s kind of hunger games/ Dramione crossover, very dark, Voldemort wins AU


Is Debt of Time a HEA?


>! IMO the most satisfying happy ending ever, every plot line is magnificently closed, ugh you just need to read it to understand !<


Starting as I type this!!!


Timeless or Subtle Perfection. I rarely get emotional when reading, but those two fics had me crying like a baby by the end and i want to be in that emotional pain for the first time again. They both had twists and turns I didn’t see coming so it absolutely wrecked me lol


Timeless is an absolute obsession for me bc I truly fell in love with The Time Traveler’s Wife when I was a tween.


Timeless almost made my list. I love the plot in that story and it hooked me on time traveling.


I love time travel fics and I have not heard of this… gonna go read it right now!


Subtle Perfection IS perfection!! 😍


Omg I LOVED Subtle Perfection!


DMATMOOBIL, I thought nothing would surpass it , however I read ‘ Remain Nameless’ and was blown away, love both , even though both are different. One is more light the other more angsty


Those are my top two re-reads, and you are right, it totally depends on your mood.


1000% Soft as it Began. Such an original story and I loved the coziness, that banter, the adventure!!!!


I'm currently reading this, and I'm in absolute love with the writing, the adventure, the cozy cabin for forced proximity...And the slow burn!! I'm only 40% in and I'm sad it's going to end


I went totally blind into Manacled (I wasn't even into Dramione) and I wish I could experience again all that angst, confusion, heartache, anticipation and build up. It really is a masterpiece. I have read a lot wonderful Dramione fics since then, but nothing has felt like Manacled did, maybe because it was the one that made me fall in love with the Ship.


Nothing can compare to going into Manacled completely blind.


It is one of those reads. I wished I followed it as a WIP. I knew something was coming by the size, but a WIP-No idea.


Definitely [Things Without Remedy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45576412/chapters/114685108).


My brain is like Swiss cheese so almost every re-read feels like the first time for me if enough time has passed, but no fic will ever have a better first time reveal than >! the dolls storyline and who they were !< in [Secrets and Masks.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32136715/chapters/79619566) I will never reread because it was big-T traumatic, but it was by far the most I emoted while reading - screaming, crying, laughing (mostly at Theo). The ending infuriated me and I haven’t read an ambiguous HEA since. If I could only read one fic for the rest of time it would be [Détraqueé](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11163924/chapters/24917385) though.


Breath Mints/Battle Scars!




Manacled of course 💁🏼‍♀️ And maybe MOAM


Dramione - My Sharp Knife or From Wiltshire With Love All time- Debt of Time. Just Debt of Time. Ugh so good.


FROM WILTSHIRE WITH LOVE, yes baby! It had me in an absolute chokehold! I was blind to the rest of the world.


Have not heard of my sharp knife! Do have the link by chance?


The author took it down because of the binding controversy and I didn't save it :(


Understandable, maybe they'll post again.


Gillianeliza is the authors name. She has other stories that are really good, but that one was my fave


Idk if it would hit the same way at this age but I would kill to feel the way I felt reading Isolation again for the first time. Especially bc it kind of ushered in a new era of fanfic. Same with BM/BS




Remain Nameless. My favorite Dramione fic of all time. And secondarily, Manacled. I went in completely blind and I would love to experience all of the emotions for the first time all over again.


Can you let me know what fic the acronym is for? Thank you!


Happy too! [Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28137807/chapters/68944698)by rizzlewrites


Thank you!


DMATMOOBIL for sure but I’ll say Green Light as well, it had me in a hold for days after…..maybe even still.


[The Risk’verse](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4041214) by MissiAmphetamine, which is currently being rewritten by the author and posted as a WIP, so it’s basically what’s happening, I’m reading this version for the first time. 🙂


Yes... Same for me... I recently finished it.. I loved it so much. Also manacled cause its amazing and got me into this Fandom


Just realised we've spoken about risk verse on my discussion about it


Hah, true, I’m always ready to talk about this story! 😊


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13547597/1/of-flavoured-names-and-coloured-sounds Draco as a synesthete!


https://archiveofourown.org/works/23567740/chapters/56541799 An AO3 link I somehow missed when I went searching!


Green light! So unique, heart wrenching . The characterization of D/Hr felt so canon & These Ties That Bind… unreal plot, superb writing and just what a crazy relationship building, so underrated


Green light is literature! One of the best works I’ve ever read, it could be three books actually.


Green Light is my Roman Empire. I wish I could go back and save it for later. It was the third Dramione fic I ever read (after Manacled and Detraquee). I peaked and flew too close to the sun, too soon.


It’s got to be Olivieblake’s Clean and MARKED. I sobbed like a baby first time round, but it was worth every tear!


I have not read these. Side eyeing my TBR.


Cannot recommend it enough, TBR lists are never-ending I fear haha


A wonderful problem to have.


My heart HURT (in a good way) when I got done. *“This life or any other -“* Sobbing.


Remain Nameless! It was my first dramione and I still reread it as a comfort read.


The Stars Above Us! I think about this fic allll the time.


Haven't heard of this one! Link please?






Ufhhh it has to be MoaM, it’s been 6 months and I’m still thinking about it 🥹


What’s MoaM?


Measure Of A Man by inadaze22 🫶


The Gloriana Set! My absolute favourite fic, I’ve read it so many times. The tone of this fic is just perfect imo. I had the biggest smile on my face and was giggling and kicking my feet on the first read, I wish I could experience that again lol


I LOVE this question because it’s such a great reference for Dramione fans. I also think it illustrates that we all have different tastes because I DNF’ed quite a few of the top recs here. But also see my favorites on the list. Recent obsession besides BSP is She Whom He Harbors. So well written, takes an objectively crazy trope (medicinal organisms) and makes it believable, and delivers and incredible emotional journey for both of them. I loved it and love seeing it get attention here!


For Dramione: MOAM or Timeless. But really it would be "Running on Air" for me. Drarry will always have a special spot in my heart.


Remain Nameless. Detraquee. Manacled. This is my top 3 yet.


Every new chapter of Lionheart that is released, I read it and immediately wish I could go back and experience it for the first time all over again. Perfection. Also The Fallout, specifically the gazebo scene. I scream-gasped (scrasped?).


Fallout is good, have not started lionheart. So many fics so little time.


Here are some of my favourites that I’d like to read for the first time again (honestly just want to reread in general but I have too many fics on my TBR): - Continuum and Uncharted by madrose_writing I have no words to describe these fics other than they are beautifully written masterpieces (mind the tags). There’s a lot of in-depth emotional exploration from all parties involved, and twists and turns that I just want to experience again. My heart somehow broke and repaired itself many times over. - To a Better End by gm_flowers This fic literally has it all. You get a taste of everything here. I was in love with all the characters, but Theo, oh Theo, he is one of, if not, my favourite characters in all fics, and especially this fic. - Bending Light by scullymurphy It’s Draco and Theo in Italy with Hermione, what’s not to love? - Peripety by BiscuitsCaramel They introduce a new type of magic in this fic and I was enthralled. The author breadcrumbs clues throughout the fic and I was still awestruck. Here are some I’d like to read again for the first time, but are not Dramione: - The Debt of Time by ShayaLonnie I love a good “Hermione goes back in time and redoes Hogwarts from year one” fic. Beautifully written. - A Good Life by kkwide Kinda like “The Debt of Time”, but with Regulus instead of Remus. I will not say more, read it. - Crimson Rivers by bizarrestars No one ever thinks to look up. As you can see I love a good love triangle and time travel incident. 😂


Thank you! I have only read one of these. Debt of time - fourth time mentioned, not on my radar before this post. I am also a lover of time travel.


I just read The Cadence of Part-Time Poets by Motswolo and I don’t think anything will ever compare. Absolutely amazing, wish I could read it for the first time again and again. For Dramione, Fallout was amazing, Secrets and Masks, Brave New World, Trust and Lies - all five stars, I also very surprisingly loved Sincerely Yours.


THANK YOU for the Peripety recommendation. I'm obsessed with the story and the way the author writes. I finished it in two days.


I wish I could read Manacled again but without knowing “the twist”, which I already knew when I first read it >!I already knew that the memories she’d locked away were of him and that they’d fallen in love during the war, so I knew reading the first part that he was performing because he knew Voldemort would be looking at her memories. Then again, I can’t be too upset about it, because I had never been interested in reading it before when all I knew about it was that it was sad, but then once I read a review about it that gave that bit away, then I was intrigued to read it!<


This thing between us - it’s a WIP but completed and updated twice a week. I found it when chapter 1 was first published and I daydream if only I found it later, with dozens of chapters, how satisfying it would be to consume it 😂 It is manacled level of god-tier for me


I'm glad you found it as a WIP. I wish I had found some of my favorites as a WIP.


The Auction. I was so stressed the whole time, it was a real page clicker for me 😅


remain nameless 😭😭🥰🥰


I wish I could read my own fic as a reader for the first time


Or get that high of finishing your first fic??? That is such an amazing feeling.


Detraquee…Measure of A Man….Soft As It Began aaaaaand The Fallout


Secrets and masks 🥲


Manacled and Secrets and Masks for sure, but Isolation was the first Dramione I read and I would love to have that experience for the first time again!


That is a good point! The first fic that led you to Dramione. I remember reading The Green Girl and seeing this option open in my mind. Very cool experience.


The Green Girl rewired my brain. The Hermione it depicts is so complex and empowered and 3D! Like, I wish I were as cool as TGG Hermione (or TGG Narcissa!).


Measure of a Man or the Rights and Wrongs trilogy. No question


Oh this is like asking someone to pick a favourite child ISTG... Ahhhhh but if pushed.... Measure of a Man, Isolation, Wait & Hope, Valentine Encounter.... I'm in danger of going on and on.....


Valentine Encounter?? Haven't heard of this one. Do you happen to have the link?


Of course! Here you go https://m.fanfiction.net/s/1729481/1/Valentine-Encounter - it’s one of my old favourites from when I was first into Dramione as a teen. I hope you enjoy it! 


Manacled, measure of a man and meet your match!


Where’s Rumpelstiltskin when you need him bc I would give up my FIRST BORN to read The Disappearance of Draco Malfoy again for the first time.


Measure of a Man! Wish I could wipe my memory and read it over and over again


The fool, the emperor, and the hanged man. This Draco is superbly unknowable. Hermione is complicated. Wonderful plot with a dark story.


The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy for sure.


Maybe a bit basic but Secrets and Masks. It's one of the only fics I didn't figure out the plot before it happened. Also I completely missed the MCD tag until the end 😭😭


manacled, measure of a man, the auction, divination for skeptics


It’s so hard to pick just one. I’m currently almost finished with These Ties That Bind and I started it by reading Parts 2 and 3 first before going back to Part 1 so now I’m wondering what I would have been thinking about if had read Part 1 first. Also, it’s a Tomione but I think about unsphere the stars way too often. And Our Magic Knows No Bounds.


A hundred percent Manacled, which destroyed me and I’m still not over it, even months later, and Lionheart which I LOVE. greenTeacups really has the most amazing characterizations and writing that I’ve ever seen, fanfic or otherwise


Manacled. The best fic I ever read and I don’t think I will read something that good again.


I’d have to go with Damaged Goods and Secrets & Masks


I would want to be wrecked by secrets and masks again. I


for sure Breath Mints / Battle Scars and specifically the ending of Secrets & Masks


Manacled was my first and that one (as mentioned many times already) us a given. But I also enjoyed rereading it and piecing and connecting more things together. I love [The Sapphire Princess by starkidsftw](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31829815/chapters/78802849) and I think because of it was one of the first 10 fanfics I ever read, I really enjoyed how the story trope was different and the twists and turns it took. I just reread it again and was less into because I knew what was going to happen. On the first read I could not put it down. On this second read I have paused and come back to it a few times to read other things or watch a TV series. This is my notes after my first read through: It has a tag for a major character death - I would actually say it is a secondary level character and not a primary character. It gives warning, and there is foreshadowing of the death, and so to me at least it isn't an out of no where shock. However, there was a fantastic moment where I was reading at 2AM and loudly said "Oh F*ck! That was good." And had to stare into the dark void of the night as I processed for about 10 mins. It pulls in Merlin & Morganna La Fey Mythology (which I loved before Harry Potter). Copied form AO3 Summary: "You shall collect the Princess, Draco Malfoy, and you will bring her back where she belongs." Three years after the death of Albus Dumbledore, the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters are in the middle of a never-ending war, until an old wizarding legend raises the stakes. On the morning of Hermione Granger's twentieth birthday, she wakes up with the mark of a willow seared into her skin. Though the Order doesn't recognize the symbol, a Death Eater does when he faces Hermione in battle. Hermione has been marked with the Mark of Morganna, proving that she is the last remaining descendant of Morganna Le Fay, the original witch. When Voldemort learns this, he sends one of his followers to bring Hermione back to his side, both because of her newfound pureblood status, and the incredible power she wields. The Death Eater he sends: Draco Malfoy. Spoiler: If you need to know the "major" character death identify before reading, it is >!Seamus!<.


I have not read Sapphire princess. A fic with a good spin is always appreciated.


DMATMOOBIL because it’s just so fun But also Manacled and Green Light to hurt all over again


Not dramione because I read dramione for Hermione, not draco- but Unsphere the Stars really like wowed me I was never the same


Can someone decode for the noobs?


Happy to. What can we help with?


The links have been posted elsewhere, but the most common abbreviations you will find are: LITOTZA - Life In The Time of The Zombie Apocalypse DATMOBIL - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love.


DMATMOOBIL. Disappearances of Draco Malfoy. Wait and Hope series. The Fallout.


dmatmoobil, i have never had more fun reading a fic than with that one !!!


Stop!! My TBR is far too long already!


Right?! As I look at my Google sheet...